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Ammo nerf


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8 minutes ago, (PSN)Cali_poetist65 said:

I will never get used to this ...this had to be the most asinine change that could have been made. 

use something that isn't an AOE weapon. learn to aim. profit.


i haven't ran out of ammo yet since the update. you just gotta.... *git gud* i guess. 


over the top meme answers aside, if you are running out of ammo, you should tweak your build and playstyle so you don't run out of ammo anymore. some weapons are no longer meant to be spammed (ahum AOE weapons) but are now meant for specific use cases. you can supplement such weapons with your secondary. single heavy unit? use your secondary. lone target? use your secondary. big cluster of enemies? that's where the boomstick comes in. especially if that cluster contains enemies that are hard to hit with precision weaponry. 

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5 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

use something that isn't an AOE weapon. learn to aim. profit.


i haven't ran out of ammo yet since the update. you just gotta.... *git gud* i guess. 


over the top meme answers aside, if you are running out of ammo, you should tweak your build and playstyle so you don't run out of ammo anymore. some weapons are no longer meant to be spammed (ahum AOE weapons) but are now meant for specific use cases. you can supplement such weapons with your secondary. single heavy unit? use your secondary. lone target? use your secondary. big cluster of enemies? that's where the boomstick comes in. especially if that cluster contains enemies that are hard to hit with precision weaponry. 

First and foremost don't insult me with the statement just get gud, I'm not in a good mood to rationalize with you on my playing style dude I am on the other hand trying to get past this but I'm clearly angry about it.



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32 minutes ago, (PSN)Cali_poetist65 said:

First and foremost don't insult me with the statement just get gud, I'm not in a good mood to rationalize with you on my playing style dude I am on the other hand trying to get past this but I'm clearly angry about it.

If these nerfs hurt your gameplay that much, your gameplay wasn't that good to begin with. So... sorry, but you gotta get good

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1 hour ago, SDGDen said:

you just gotta.... *git gud* i guess. 

There is no "git gud" ammo drops are entirely RNG based .

Player now has 3 options : 1) do not use weapon that he or she likes 2) force your self into switching weapons tactic 3) be forced to use ammo scavenger aura mods which will only be useful in full squad with the rest of the players also using said aura mod .

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Cali_poetist65 said:

I will never get used to this ...this had to be the most asinine change that could have been made. 

You Can Do It GIF

1 hour ago, Vaml77 said:

this nerf killed many weapons like kuva seer, bramma, probocis cernos, kuva zaar and many others.....its unplayable for sure!



I've yet to encounter any serious issues. So No, they are still quite playable. Theres plenty of tools at your disposal to help mitigate and manage the ammo economy. Unless your using a Wukong, you wont notice a major difference and this is where these tools come in a lot more handy

1 hour ago, (PSN)Cali_poetist65 said:

First and foremost don't insult me with the statement just get gud, I'm not in a good mood to rationalize with you on my playing style dude I am on the other hand trying to get past this but I'm clearly angry about it.

Read last comment. This is getting completely blown out of proportion. The ammo economy is fine. Plus with how armor stripping works I'd argue these weapons are actually more effective. 

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Change your playstyle to include your secondary/melee, slot an ammo related mod into your build, put Energized Munitions onto your frames, or just get more efficient with ammo usage.

The ammo changes range from minor to nonexistent if you actually use the tools at your disposal.

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58 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

There is no "git gud" ammo drops are entirely RNG based .

Once upon a time Soma Prime was king... it absolutely required "git gud" for you to not run through it's 1k bullets in literally 30 seconds, it still does to be frank. It's called "trigger discipline" and I say this as someone who for quite a while hated basically all assault rifles because I always ran out of ammo. Learning to use the Soma P took a while, and I had no ammo mutation or Carrier to help, but I eventually did.


EDIT for clarification: Carrier was the only useable companion at the time because it was the only one with Vacuum, but it's current ammo max and mutation capacity wouldn't be around until much later.

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3 hours ago, SDGDen said:

use something that isn't an AOE weapon. learn to aim. profit.


i haven't ran out of ammo yet since the update. you just gotta.... *git gud* i guess. 


over the top meme answers aside, if you are running out of ammo, you should tweak your build and playstyle so you don't run out of ammo anymore. some weapons are no longer meant to be spammed (ahum AOE weapons) but are now meant for specific use cases. you can supplement such weapons with your secondary. single heavy unit? use your secondary. lone target? use your secondary. big cluster of enemies? that's where the boomstick comes in. especially if that cluster contains enemies that are hard to hit with precision weaponry.

My AIM is totally fine but I like more using AOE weapons, way more fun for me, what's your point now? And stop using this cringe "gid gud" this isn't a souls-like game.

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2 hours ago, Pakaku said:

If these nerfs hurt your gameplay that much, your gameplay wasn't that good to begin with. So... sorry, but you gotta get good

There's two words I can use to say about you but I choose to keep my mouth closed on that by the way I think I play damn good considering from where I was 3 years ago so far as I'm concerned I'm already good as for everything else it affects me at a point when you anytime when you mess with a certain thing or a certain aspect of the game that changes the router the way I play so yeah I should automatically feel something now if you don't that's your problem I could care less but for you to sit up there and tell me to get good that to me is nothing but an insult so why don't you use your imagination and imagine what my finger is doing towards you

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6 hours ago, (PSN)xFelipeRage said:

My AIM is totally fine but I like more using AOE weapons, way more fun for me, what's your point now? And stop using this cringe "gid gud" this isn't a souls-like game.

i was literally making a joke about all the people going "git gud". 

also, yall collectively need to stop with the "oh no, the game has a form of difficulty, im going to compare this game to dark souls now". this game will never be anywhere CLOSE to dark souls, even if you can die, even if it has difficulty to it. 


buuut ya know what, have another meme answer:
if you liked bypassing all the gameplay with AOE weapons, you may also enjoy just uninstalling the game and moving on with your life.

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11 hours ago, SDGDen said:

use something that isn't an AOE weapon. learn to aim. profit.


i haven't ran out of ammo yet since the update. you just gotta.... *git gud* i guess. 


over the top meme answers aside, if you are running out of ammo, you should tweak your build and playstyle so you don't run out of ammo anymore. some weapons are no longer meant to be spammed (ahum AOE weapons) but are now meant for specific use cases. you can supplement such weapons with your secondary. single heavy unit? use your secondary. lone target? use your secondary. big cluster of enemies? that's where the boomstick comes in. especially if that cluster contains enemies that are hard to hit with precision weaponry. 

I wa using Phantasma and Kuva Kohm and I run out of ammo 3 times in a steel path session. It is clear they nerfed the ammo system way to hard. If anything, I rather want them to nerf the AOE weapons harder and leave the ammo system alone.

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Play a few missions as you normally would, and think about what you don't like, and what you think is less fun? Try to generally remember what Warframe, weapons, and missions you play. Other details, like you say you were playing solo yes? 

Think about what bothered you, with specifics and details. 

Then go to the new Veilbreaker Subforum we have, where DE has set up feedback forums, and give them all that info. Submit it. 

DE is in the process of reviewing and evaluating their changes. If you are unhappy, make your voice heard, however.. There is more value with your issues if you give actual details and feedback. What weapon you used, whet levels, what Warframe, what difficulty. Was it a major set back? Did you die or fail mission? Or small, like you had to switch to another weapon? Just saying "not fun" doesn't really help, because as you can see from this thread, many people seem fine. DE isn't looking for blind approval though, whats valuable is genuine player feedback. 

Personally, I am mostly okay with the changes, but I wouldn't be unhappy if Arcane Merciless got like say + 60% Ammo Maximum on it (so somewhere inbetween 100% and nothing). I did run out of ammo for a few weaker weapons, but I also enjoyed the faster holster changes, and maybe I shouldn't be brining weaker weapons to Steel Path, even though I use to be able to. I left similar feedback in their feed back section with more details. 

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2 hours ago, Julian083 said:

I wa using Phantasma and Kuva Kohm and I run out of ammo 3 times in a steel path session.

...two guns notable for running low on ammo easily, the Phantasma is either a bullet hose or tossing it's entire mag for alt fire and always has been, the Kuva Kohm is, like all Kohm variants, the definition of "Bullet Hose". I run Ammo mutation and Carrier with Kuva Kohm, before this update I ran out of ammo regularly, these days I did a shotgun only sortie and only ran out once. Bullet Hoses gonna Hose Bullets.

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11 hours ago, Julian083 said:

I wa using Phantasma and Kuva Kohm and I run out of ammo 3 times in a steel path session. It is clear they nerfed the ammo system way to hard. If anything, I rather want them to nerf the AOE weapons harder and leave the ammo system alone.

How so? Ive tried them with subpar builds with no arcane or any buffs and yet I wouldn't run out in either SP survival or exterminates@~200 kills, except you barely tickle acolyte with Phantasma because he resists  procs so you better have another weapon for him. Ideally you want an ammo mutation on them but its not even mandatory.  I feel like ammo has even been improved for them.


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Psssssssst ypu can use Energize Munition from Helminth if you that bad or use Bullet Hoses weapons (I was lvling Imperator Vandal on SP and oh God that weapon sucks compared to my Mausolon, 4x bigger firerate with same ammo stock isn’t serious. Yet with EM I was able sustain that crap endlessly, untill I get sick from low damage lol).

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10 hours ago, Julian083 said:

I wa using Phantasma and Kuva Kohm and I run out of ammo 3 times in a steel path session. It is clear they nerfed the ammo system way to hard. If anything, I rather want them to nerf the AOE weapons harder and leave the ammo system alone.

steel path is not the average gameplay, if you want to use weapons like that in steel path you need to build around them. 


the game is also not balanced around steel path, steel path is quite literally a band-aid for the growing powercreep problem. 

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