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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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3 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Huh, iirc, DE mentioned that there's a dedicated thread for it in the design council, so only names posted in that will be taken into consideration.

If you, just like me, don't have access to design council and can't see said thread...

I'm the same way I can't access design council

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8 hours ago, JarlZondai said:

It’d be nice if it was a male to make a kinda balance with Valkyr or Khora. Like female cat and male dog

we have 50 Warframes, currently there are 27 male, 23 female and one non-binary/ genderless. With Shewolf the numbers will be a bit more balanced. Also to note all the animal frames bar Rhino are female:- Khora was a spider and still has an arachnid theme, Valkyr is felid, Ivara was themed as a frog but her Prime is jellyfish, Zephyr is a bird hence her cute nickname of birb heh. Mirage has a Kitsune suit but that's a Tennogen. So another female animal-themed frame kinda makes more sense heh though all those whining about her appealing to a 'certain demographic' and the constant furry-bashing is getting on my nerves as I'd hoped our community were more mature but yup- Shewolf balances the books

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5 hours ago, (PSN)LanceMBesozzi01 said:

I feel like the name Amaris would suit the wolf Warframe because it has to do with the Moon

Oh please no, as a fan of Battletech, Amaris leaves a very sour taste in the mouth.


Werewolf mommy? I just want my dad back from the corner store... or replaced by a werewolf daddy. UwU

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