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Ivara Invisibility



So I'm trying to give Ivara Prime a fair shot and built her up to accept what I think are the best and highest ranked mods to get permanent invisibility (I've read others talk about this being possible).

I just ran steel path spy Venus fissure mission and barely made it out. I did kill the acolyte without dying somehow (so that was good). Had one life left at the end because either invisibility abruptly ended and I got instantly tagged, or I got caught in a room with three yellow glowies once and they killed me before I could get them all. I also had to switch to operator void mode a couple times.

So, is permanent invisibility real? If so, what mods am I missing? I have a duration and energy arcane and can't find any more duration mods in my repertoire. I realize arcane energize needs to be ranked 5 but that's all I got right now. 


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Ok I switched back to enemy radar aura.  I had to toss Vigilante Persuit for Preparation.   Havent tried doing a mission with Prep yet.

Well I was gonna say i should swap zenurik for madurai but the original reason I was Zenurik was just incase I ever got completely drained of energy in a mission i could refill it.  That was with old eximus that could insta drain you just from proximity... Dont know if that is a thing anymore.. I think elec eximus only partially drain you if your dumb enough to sit in their attack aoe???


Did you watch my vid??  It is earth spy steel path...  I can demo anywhere else...


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On 3/4/2023 at 9:41 PM, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:
  • Use a dagger as your melee.  Daggers have a special mod to buff finisher damage + the normal finisher damage mod.   Can let you stealth kill pretty much everything except eximus.  Should be stealth killing stuff anyways for orbs and stuff.


  • Strength - meh.  Good for artemis,  probably helps some of her other abilities.  But Im really not using this stat to kill so who cares. 

for what it's worth, after Covert Lethality got nerfed, Daggers don't actually have much going for them as far as Finishers go. their Finisher Multiplier is one of the lowest in the game, inherently they actually aren't very good for Finishers.
the best choices in the game for Finishers is arguably either Rapiers/Hammers, or Katanas. the former for Stealth/behind Finishers, the latter for frontal.
Rumblejack might even be desirable for frontals, weirdly enough, since it has a unique Multiplier from other Daggers, and better Rivens than most Katanas.


and to be fair, if you're using Guns with Ivara, you kinda always are using Strength to Kill? via Prowls' Headshot Bonus.
(or ofcourse, if someone was using Infiltrate to go really fast)

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I just did the syndicate spy with Ivara and was running only through the laser walls and boom, invisibility ended. I need to pay attention to my energy. Is that the yellow countdown? 


Did you have Infiltrate on at the time? If not, the lasers will sense you. Also when you say running... ? Oh, do you have the Parazon that makes you invisible after you hack? Since that will let you run while invisible, but it will break your Ivara stealth. Which can be hard to realise, if you are invisible from another source. So... do you think you might be using the Parazon tool? Going invisible, breaking your Ivara stealth without realising, and then the cool down on the Parazon hack runs out, making you visible again?

The only yellow countdown I know is from the Focus Orbs. On my screen, energy is a little white number on the bottom right hand side of the screen, under abilities. 

This might help? Next time you play as Ivara in a mission, randomly check your energy level through out and see if there is an average amount you seem to be around? For example, whenever I last played Ivara, (Archon Spy) and was checking, I never dipped below 600 energy. I was usually around 720 - 740 range (I start with 799 energy).



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10 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

That was with old eximus that could insta drain you just from proximity... Dont know if that is a thing anymore..

Energy Leech pools and other eximus active abilities won't be triggered by eximus unless they see an enemy.  (Even if they do, the pools won't drain a full energy pool instantly, although enemies who hit you while in a  Disruptor aura can still do this.) 

For me playing Ivara solo, eximus specials are only a concern when an Acolyte spawns, when radiation damage is involved, or in crossfire spy.

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On 3/4/2023 at 5:14 PM, CephalonCarnage said:

Shade is the worst for invisibility, it only works when they are close and quite often doesn;t work unless you practically go up to them and wave in their faces. unless DE has fixed or buffed it, the checking timer is as rubbish as Carrier's crate busting. I found the Huras kubrow to be better for stealth TBH.

32.3 Citrine's Last Wish patch notes:


* Improved Shade’s “Ghost” precept to more closely match how the Huras Kubrow’s “Stalk” works:  The activation range is now 24 meters (up from 10 meters), and the precept doesn’t check Line Of Sight anymore.

So, after 32.3.0, Shade and Huras Kubrow should behave mostly the same, although I have not personally tested this extensively.

I assume this change was done to make Shade Prime (which releases later this week along with Hildryn Prime) more useful.

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12 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Did you have Infiltrate on at the time? If not, the lasers will sense you. Also when you say running... ? Oh, do you have the Parazon that makes you invisible after you hack? Since that will let you run while invisible, but it will break your Ivara stealth. Which can be hard to realise, if you are invisible from another source. So... do you think you might be using the Parazon tool? Going invisible, breaking your Ivara stealth without realising, and then the cool down on the Parazon hack runs out, making you visible again?

I hack the entry console then hit my 3. This was the second console. I was "running" but invisible due to the prowl. Then prowl abruptly ended a nanosecond before I hit the laser wall and alarm triggered just as I realized it. I still got the reward but just trying to figure this out.

9 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

forgot about preperation... I dont have it.. I added x5 duration

I do have preparation and no shards. Haha. Yeah it seems to be a balance of duration and strength. I'm starting to think since I'm not that good with Ivara I should build for pure duration as I originally did. I only use her for spy and I'm terrible at spy missions and always avoided them. Now I'm running them solo to figure then out. Not sure if she's good for anything else but as I get better with this frame maybe I can reduce duration and increase strength. I still don't understand how strength affects her damage. I read the wiki and nothing popped out. Gotta read it again.

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My basic advice for a basic perma-invis Ivara build:

  • silence all weapons (=stay invisible)
  • avoid enemy procs (so don't run into Grineer zap traps)
  • don't bullet jump (if you need to move fast or "long", use the operator while keeping Ivara invisible)
  • use Preparation & Primed Flow (7-15 minutes of invis right there, without any energy added)
  • use Infiltrate (always, for the speed)
  • use Sharpshooter (15 Energy per headshot kill, headshotting unalerted enemies is child's play)
  • use Carrier with Looter (breaks containers for you)
  • mod for Duration (tip: low Range is a plus)
  • if playing in a squad, stay a bit away from the other players (so you won't get hit when enemies attack them)

The "next level":

  • use Primed Sure Footed
  • use Arcane Energize to free the mod slot you have Primed Flow in or if you want to use Artemis Bow and/or Quiver actively
  • taking down Acolytes solo: go into an enemy-free zone and go visible, activate Prowl again AFTER the Acolyte has spawned in, kill Acolyte at leisure
  • mod Karyst Prime for Gas
  • use Silence ("Helminthable" from Banshee)
  • use Magus Repair

The rest is down to playstyle and personal preference.

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I forgot about preperation... I dont have it.. I added x5 duration shards...   If I get Prep I will prob take off Pursuit and move motus down there and prep into the exilus or just put prep down in the normal slots.

I really loved Boreal's anguish because not only does it help you float but it had a massive 60% glide duration....im gonna miss that.   This build has more shields, - damage and knockdown while in the air which I am alot...  I also got more effieciency which is great for navigator.  I didnt need Molt Eff anymore so I took an arcane that massively buffs secondary damage after headshots.  Holster Amp aura sounded nice.  I switch between bow and thrown alot anyways,   maybe it buffs damage when I am holding a gun and then perform a stealth kill with melee??  

After sharding I did take off narrow but then it took all my duration mods to get back up to 280+% duration..  I had 145% range and 140-150% strength.  The range was great for pickpocket lol.  Strength was meaningless  25% movement to 36% was not noticable.  I seriously dont need range or strength with how i play.  

Sorry, forgot to edit the beginning lol.   This was an SP run of earth spy with the shards and 145% range/140?% strength build.   

Wooops didnt have shards that run.  

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

this is actually inaccurate, they will not attack you in prowl but they will move to your general area

Yes, they come to the area but I could have sworn they shot at me specifically as they spawned in and attacked me (Infested), I guess they could have been shooting at other enemies behind me then, I was doing Steel Path Missions.

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10 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

IIRC these see where you are if you're invisible right as they spawn in, and will lose you if you turn Prowl off and back on.

One of the Acolytes also does this consistently, and the others sometimes do.


Didn't know that with the Eximus, thanks good to know, though they've never really been there long enough for me to try it out, I must try it next time.

Acolytes don't last long enough to be a problem, though Violence is the only one I treat differently than the others seeing she can knock out any skills running unless I shoot her in the head first with my Kuva Chakkurr rifle or Tenet Plinx secondary fire mode. I normally only die to them via my own stupidity. :facepalm: :laugh:

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51 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

Also be aware some enemies can see you even when in Prowl, Syndicate Eximus is one that will attack you.

IIRC these see where you are if you're invisible right as they spawn in, and will lose you if you turn Prowl off and back on.

One of the Acolytes also does this consistently, and the others sometimes do.


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7 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

So I've added some forma to my Ivara Prime and an update to everyone. I've been getting more used to this frame and starting to like it for scanning and spy missions (which in terrible at). I'm cruising through content but would still like the invis to last longer. So to get this right:

Invisibility will be sustained with energy orbs pilfered from enemies by standing near them?

Also, on syndicate missions I think enemies are alerted by the two helpers that follow me. Just curious if anyone can confirm. I will have them hold position but this seems to be the case. Prior missions was my oculus shooting stuff I think so i disarmed it totally. 

Also, tried this week's archon spy mission solo. Was working fine but the consoles on console using a controller are super difficult to do for me. I got the first but the second was the angled console and failed, then on second attempt a razorback spider appeared inside the room and killed me. On last gasp I could not kill anything and mission failed. Any tips? (besides don't die...) I tried using a cipher but I don't know how. What are ciphers for if not for these consoles?

I don't know why you're having trouble with Energy not lasting in Prowl, I moved from my super efficiency build I was running to this below one and still find it works in any part of the Star Chart Normal/Steel Path/Archon Missions.

Forgot to mention you don't need to use the Archon mods in the below build, I'm using them for different configs, just use the normal ones if you want to.

On 2023-03-05 at 3:12 PM, Slayer-. said:

I use this build for what I'm doing in Steel Path either with guns or melee this works for me and can keep energy full with no problems, few Forma I have been changing things over the years with new mods coming out, if I'm doing specific stuff I'll use the other configs.



The first two configs are the same except for the Helminth skill I have on her, I once was able to have configs that I could drag over the Helminth config but DE locked us in the Helminth skill so if we drag configs it goes with it, all these configs are before the Helminth change. 

The Archon Mods do different things depending on what Artemis Bow config I'm going with on the day and Faction.

Please show us the current build you're playing with.

7 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Also, tried this week's archon spy mission solo. Was working fine but the consoles on console using a controller are super difficult to do for me. I got the first but the second was the angled console and failed, then on second attempt a razorback spider appeared inside the room and killed me. On last gasp I could not kill anything and mission failed. Any tips? (besides don't die...) I tried using a cipher but I don't know how. What are ciphers for if not for these consoles?

It must suck on a Controller training your brain and hands to move in opposite directions to each other to click on the new Hack Console layouts.

Also be aware some enemies can see you even when in Prowl, Syndicate Eximus is one that will attack you.

The other I've found is the Scyto Raknoid in Orb Vallis, it can see you and will attack.

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9 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Oops, sorry.   It did seem an odd thing for you not to know. 


All good, without context, I can see why my post would have prompted clarification and further insight, which I appreciate thank you.

Plus I agree with you, and definitely think some Duration is good (especially for more all rounder builds, Conversation, putting enemies to sleep, steal time, etc) but OP also had Molt Efficiency slotted, and almost 300% Duration. Energy management shouldn't be an issue with much much lower Duration, so may still have to diagnose the issue (though I personally slot Preparation, so I could be overlooking what 500 Energy at the start of each mission can do for ones energy economy) but in that case I would just recommend using Preparation, even if its a lower ranked version. 

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18 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


I know, I am more referring to some of the builds that have 250+ percent duration at the expense of strength and range. At that point you might as well just go with Fleeting Expertise. Or Preparation. Or doing the non Steel Path version. Though if OP is wanting to do the Steel Path versions of Spy, you'd also want to kill enemies, to trigger the Acolyte, get resources etc 

Oops, sorry.   It did seem an odd thing for you not to know. 

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Just now, Tiltskillet said:

For channeled abilities like Prowl, although it accomplishes this differently, duration amounts to another form of efficiency,   Although this isn't how I would optimize Prowl, it's really useful if all one cares about is maximum Prowl time with minimal dependence on external sources of energy. 


I know, I am more referring to some of the builds that have 250+ percent duration at the expense of strength and range. At that point you might as well just go with Fleeting Expertise. Or Preparation. Or doing the non Steel Path version. Though if OP is wanting to do the Steel Path versions of Spy, you'd also want to kill enemies, to trigger the Acolyte, get resources etc 

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32 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Also, again, I am not sure why you are prioritising Duration. It does technically assist in some ways (like steal time, and a few other things, but its not like it has a direct link to your Invisibility or anything, its a drain ability.

For channeled abilities like Prowl, although it accomplishes this differently, duration amounts to another form of efficiency,   Although this isn't how I would optimize Prowl, it's really useful if all one cares about is maximum Prowl time with minimal dependence on external sources of energy. 

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32 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

So I've added some forma to my Ivara Prime and an update to everyone. I've been getting more used to this frame and starting to like it for scanning and spy missions (which in terrible at). I'm cruising through content but would still like the invis to last longer. So to get this right:

Invisibility will be sustained with energy orbs pilfered from enemies by standing near them?

Also, on syndicate missions I think enemies are alerted by the two helpers that follow me. Just curious if anyone can confirm. I will have them hold position but this seems to be the case. Prior missions was my oculus shooting stuff I think so i disarmed it totally. 

Also, tried this week's archon spy mission solo. Was working fine but the consoles on console using a controller are super difficult to do for me. I got the first but the second was the angled console and failed, then on second attempt a razorback spider appeared inside the room and killed me. On last gasp I could not kill anything and mission failed. Any tips? (besides don't die...) I tried using a cipher but I don't know how. What are ciphers for if not for these consoles?


To go in reverse order. Sorties, including Archon Hunts prohibit the use of Ciphers for hacking.

There is however a few ways to bypass this. If there is an Ivara ability you don't use much, you can Subsume via the Helminth ability Perspicacity. Using this ability will let you auto complete any hacking. It does cost energy, but not much. There is a type of Moa that can hack for you, but its effectiveness can depend on the player, as far as mileage and results. I personally find it decent, but many report finding issues (people move in different ways, as far as pathing and so some maybe intuitively know how to move in a way that the companion AI works with better). That being said, I still rate Perspicacity. higher. There is also a Parazon Mod, but its not hundred percent guaranteed, so its nice as a back up, but not necessarily the best in my opinion, if you are really annoyed with hacking. In Sortie or Archon Hunts, Perspicacity is probably best. 

Everywhere else, Ciphers. There is a Air Support Item that I think helps, but I am not familiar with it first hand. 

How you sustain energy can be really different. Like a lot of people have given different answers to this thread, and likewise have different priorities and goals. When I use Ivara in Steel Path, I will bring a silenced weapon (often a bow) and often a good melee (either the Stropha or Glaive Prime, usually). Also, most of the time its solo, either Spy, Survival, Exterminate etc the weapons I bring, the build, kill Steel Path enemies pretty fast and easy. Dead enemies drop blue orbs/Energy. I don't need to steal that much, to sustain, I rarely dip below half my Energy levels. If you aren't killing enemies fast or at all though? Then you may have to rely on stealing Energy from enemies and or getting from lockers or crates. 

Also, again, I am not sure why you are prioritising Duration. It does technically assist in some ways (like steal time, and a few other things, but its not like it has a direct link to your Invisibility or anything, its a drain ability. Again though, depends on the player and play style. Some people use Ivara to kill enemies on masse on Steel Path Endurance, some don't take her out of Star Chart, different issues to face. Basically though, just Primed Continuity should be fine. Having a more balanced build with good efficiency should help you better. Better stats to steal from further away, plus bonus stealth damage. Plus faster speed with Infiltrate. 

Finally I usually hide the Syndicate dudes in corners near the start of the level. I feel bad if they die, so rather them be safe in some hiding spot somewhere ahah. I do think they can trigger aggro and trip alarms, but not hundred percent certain. 

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20 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Invisibility will be sustained with energy orbs pilfered from enemies by standing near them?

In vacuum range.  Definitely equip a vacuum mod on your pet if you're not already.  If you're using the prime, Orokin Death Orbs in void missions also work. 

And Arcane Energize will help a lot too once you get that.

21 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Also, on syndicate missions I think enemies are alerted by the two helpers that follow me. Just curious if anyone can confirm. I will have them hold position but this seems to be the case.

They do alert enemies.  You can make them hold position like you're doing, but in a few missions it's a little tricky.  Either because the entry point is too close to enemies or because one or both syndicate agents spawn somewhere else.

26 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Also, tried this week's archon spy mission solo. Was working fine but the consoles on console using a controller are super difficult to do for me. I got the first but the second was the angled console and failed, then on second attempt a razorback spider appeared inside the room and killed me. On last gasp I could not kill anything and mission failed. Any tips? (besides don't die...)

I'm really inept at the Narmer consoles.  I wish there was a convenient way to practice them.  So I use Perspicacity, the helminth ability.  But that means I'm not getting better at doing them manually. :-/

If you don't have access to Perspicacity yet, there's the parazon mods.  Intruder adds time to the hacks.  I haven't used Auto Breach or Failsafe, but they might work. 

If nothing else,  I don't think it will take too long to get the hang of them, based on my experiences with them in New War.   I just fell out of practice since then.

34 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

What are ciphers for if not for these consoles

Ciphers don't work in Sorties or Archon Hunts as part of the added difficulty.   I think not in Nightmare missions either, but I'm not certain about that.

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So I've added some forma to my Ivara Prime and an update to everyone. I've been getting more used to this frame and starting to like it for scanning and spy missions (which in terrible at). I'm cruising through content but would still like the invis to last longer. So to get this right:

Invisibility will be sustained with energy orbs pilfered from enemies by standing near them?

Also, on syndicate missions I think enemies are alerted by the two helpers that follow me. Just curious if anyone can confirm. I will have them hold position but this seems to be the case. Prior missions was my oculus shooting stuff I think so i disarmed it totally. 

Also, tried this week's archon spy mission solo. Was working fine but the consoles on console using a controller are super difficult to do for me. I got the first but the second was the angled console and failed, then on second attempt a razorback spider appeared inside the room and killed me. On last gasp I could not kill anything and mission failed. Any tips? (besides don't die...) I tried using a cipher but I don't know how. What are ciphers for if not for these consoles?

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Lots of info here! One thing I use is Sahasa Kubrow with dig. It prioritses your needs on what it digs up so the first few are energy rich meaning my primed flow is full quite quickly. Also as I'm never in a hurry when I play Ivara I don't mind waiting for the kubrow - it keeps digging as long as you're not in combat so there's usually a nice present or two when (for example) you come out from finishing a vault.


As for finishers; have a look at https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Finisher?so=search#All_Finishers_Multiplier_Comparison this shows the stealth multipliers - hammer, heavy blade or scythe very good (12x made up of two blows). Crit damage applies to stealth damage as well I believe. The zaws I made for Ivara handle SP eximus fine as long as I rember to take the right build with Finishing Touch!

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So I currently have a "blend" of all the suggestions here haha. I'm still messing around with Ivara but I'll say I ran either a SP or syndicate spy with the moving laser walls, maybe Neptune? Anyway, it was ridiculously easy. I had infiltrate and walked right through the lasers and no alarms. My invisibility lasted long enough. At first I used operator in void to save some time but used prowl at the point I needed and got all the way to the final ABC objectives still cloaked. I slinged a lot moving to the next objective to save energy as well.

I always hated spy missions but maybe now with Ivara I'll give that archon hunt a try (first level is spy this week).

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Whelp, here's mine. 

Been using this build since the Hemmy , placing dispensary over her 2 as I'm a dip**** LR2 who still can't figure out how navigator works - and it's great for quick restocking without breaking stealth. ( Edit shards included )

My sly fox build rakes in the orbs and gives me a dodge when it "dies".




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