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This gameplay shown by Pablo doesn’t get me excited.


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1 hour ago, quxier said:

I've seen similar things years ago. When it comes to game creation I have very small knowledge. However I still can see game is still low standard. Like, sure, those photos looks realistic (duh... because they are photos) but that's it. We can just see hands and gun. Environment is not destructible. I can even see player turning on and off darkness when you can clearly see windows & light through it.

This technique is called Photogammetry. I've seen youtube article in 2014. There are some problems with it. First it's size. Next is for sci-fi there is nothing to photograph.

Or, we should appreciate NVIDIA Engineers and researchers making this effort!

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16 minutes ago, Sporthand said:

Or, we should appreciate NVIDIA Engineers and researchers making this effort!

The tech is amazing, but that's a tech demo, not a game. Actually putting a game into that tech is years away. Putting an MMO lite running four different sources of particles, multiple players, dozens of enemies and a complicated environment into that engine is even further.

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30 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

The tech is amazing, but that's a tech demo, not a game. Actually putting a game into that tech is years away. Putting an MMO lite running four different sources of particles, multiple players, dozens of enemies and a complicated environment into that engine is even further.

Here is another example.

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1 hour ago, Sporthand said:

Here is another example.

Still a tech demo. It's amazing tech, really, but we're not seeing that in games until the tech itself is good and stable enough to run alongside all the other aspects of a game (enemies, ludicrous particle effects, etc) AND computers and consoles that can run it are affordable. And we're not seeing it in Warframe, probably ever, since switching the decade-and-a-half old engine over would pose many challenges and would definitely lose many things in the translation, including development speed since DE have had a long time to get familiar with how their current tools work.

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4小时前 , quxier 说:

I've seen similar things years ago. When it comes to game creation I have very small knowledge. However I still can see game is still low standard. Like, sure, those photos looks realistic (duh... because they are photos) but that's it. We can just see hands and gun. Environment is not destructible. I can even see player turning on and off darkness when you can clearly see windows & light through it.

This technique is called Photogammetry. I've seen youtube article in 2014. There are some problems with it. First it's size. Next is for sci-fi there is nothing to photograph.

I don't know about other people but for me when it comes to "game", entertainment comes first, visual second. 

With today's PC hardware and computing power, we are definitely going to have a photo-realistic light tracing real time rendering piece of garbage for $19.99 on steam.

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6 hours ago, Sporthand said:

Here is another example.

Never believe what you see, since most often it isnt actual gameplay shown in such tech demos. Just look at that super hoax of a zombie game that ended up as the most anticipated on Steam, where none of what was shown was actual gameplay even though it looked like it. Which shows that "pretty" sells, no matter if it actually ends up being a working product in the end or not. Heck, the purdyness of that zombie game even made the sheep forget what company was behind it, a company infamous for starting projects they never actually complete.

There is also a point where graphics overdo "realism", like with shadows etc. in certain lighting situations, making them turn up smoother than they would look IRL under the same conditions. There is a place here in town that I constantly walk along, and whenever the light comes down through the trees and fences, the shadows that fall on the sidewalk end up extremely "pixelated". Whenever I see it I think "if this was a game, those "pixels" would have not been seen".

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17 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Never believe what you see, since most often it isnt actual gameplay shown in such tech demos. Just look at that super hoax of a zombie game that ended up as the most anticipated on Steam, where none of what was shown was actual gameplay even though it looked like it. Which shows that "pretty" sells, no matter if it actually ends up being a working product in the end or not. Heck, the purdyness of that zombie game even made the sheep forget what company was behind it, a company infamous for starting projects they never actually complete.

There is also a point where graphics overdo "realism", like with shadows etc. in certain lighting situations, making them turn up smoother than they would look IRL under the same conditions. There is a place here in town that I constantly walk along, and whenever the light comes down through the trees and fences, the shadows that fall on the sidewalk end up extremely "pixelated". Whenever I see it I think "if this was a game, those "pixels" would have not been seen".

More photorealistic games will eventually appear in our lifetime because we are tirelessly working!


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5 minutes ago, Sporthand said:

More photorealistic games will eventually appear in our lifetime because we are tirelessly working!


Oh indeed they will, no doubt about that. People are just overexaggerating the moment, blinded by pretty graphics and forgetting everything else that needs to work alongside those pretty graphics to make a full game. And there are many games that will never make use of it in our lifetime since it would be too demanding for the type of game they set out to do. For instance I seriously doubt it will be something seen in MMOs, or atleast in MMOs that care about performance and want to succeed.

I wouldnt be surprised if we see a bunch of bad indie titles with questionable performance popping up with photorealistic graphics though, all in "early access" to attract the screen vain.

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3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Oh indeed they will, no doubt about that. People are just overexaggerating the moment, blinded by pretty graphics and forgetting everything else that needs to work alongside those pretty graphics to make a full game. And there are many games that will never make use of it in our lifetime since it would be too demanding for the type of game they set out to do. For instance I seriously doubt it will be something seen in MMOs, or atleast in MMOs that care about performance and want to succeed.

I wouldnt be surprised if we see a bunch of bad indie titles with questionable performance popping up with photorealistic graphics though, all in "early access" to attract the screen vain.

Showing the pretty graphic scene has been a popular business strategy for decades, and more tools for graphics and performance are now vastly available for many indie games. We even think one person will make a cinnamic game in our lifetime. 

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8 hours ago, RichardKam said:
12 hours ago, quxier said:

I've seen similar things years ago. When it comes to game creation I have very small knowledge. However I still can see game is still low standard. Like, sure, those photos looks realistic (duh... because they are photos) but that's it. We can just see hands and gun. Environment is not destructible. I can even see player turning on and off darkness when you can clearly see windows & light through it.

This technique is called Photogammetry. I've seen youtube article in 2014. There are some problems with it. First it's size. Next is for sci-fi there is nothing to photograph.

I don't know about other people but for me when it comes to "game", entertainment comes first, visual second. 

*DE sweats* DE has beautiful things but gameplay wise it's not great (not always!). Rolls are just cosmetics (e.g. Protea cannot jump over obstacles with her "rolls"). Visual noice is sometimes huge (Void storm was horrible even on 1/2 effect intensify). On other hand we get not enough visuals (e.g it was/is to distinquish enemies affected by Xaku's 4th). Sarpa looks great/amazing but Bullet stance is 1/2 bad.

8 hours ago, RichardKam said:

With today's PC hardware and computing power, we are definitely going to have a photo-realistic light tracing real time rendering piece of garbage for $19.99 on steam.

The problem, imho, isn't ray tracing. The problem is it huge usage. In games like Point and click where you have very small light changes ray tracing would be fine. Put ray tracing in game with destructible environment, dirt, fluids etc. You get much more computation power requirement.

3 hours ago, Sporthand said:
4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

More photorealistic games will eventually appear in our lifetime because we are tirelessly working!

Well, if you are young then sure. Some of us are in 30+ or even older ;)

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On 2023-04-21 at 9:14 AM, Felsagger said:

Let me leave this here. 

Cough.....Just a reminder where we are at the current standards in the year April of 2023.....Cough....sorry......Imagine, If this goes multiplayer...cough.....

This is why I insist in Unreal engine 5...

These graphics makes Horizon Zero Burning Shores, A GREAT LUCKING GAME, looks like an 8 bit Nintendo game, lmao. Just imagine how fast graphics are evolving.....

12 gig graphics card or gtfo.


Unreal engine 5 is amazing, and it will allow lesser studios to make great looking games that require 12+ gig to play acceptably, or will drop textures like the Harry Potter game does. Then it'll require 200 gig of download too.

Warframe, for all its gameplay faults, looks better than 99% of games anyway, and runs very well on my old 3gb 1060. I applaud them for that, and just wish they could find a game designer with half the talent their art team has.

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I feel like this immense hyperfocus on "realistic" graphics is causing problems in the gaming industry. Consumers and executives expect photorealism (or the closest possible thing to it) because it's...impressive, granted, but it's also unnecessary for most games.

Warframe has hit a good middle ground between detail and style, while most modern AAA games are so focused on the detail that they forget to have an art style at all, leading them to look rather boring and same-y. That's not even mentioning the amount of development time that has to be taken to produce the most realistic graphics, siphoning valuable resources that could have been used for enhancing the actual gameplay.

Ever wonder why so many games have to launch with massive patches on day 1? It's because they're only allowed so much time to "finish" the game, and they have to give it as much photorealistic polish as possible so that modern gamers can complain about how the female character has tiny hairs on her face, lol.

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Ngl if a game has "photorealism" it looses a few desirability/interest points from me. "Graphics" are literally the very bottom of the list of what I'm looking for in a game. If some dev is really stroking their "muh photorealism" I know they probably skimped on something else if the Number One Thing they're flaunting is "muh photorealism". Like, the gameplay is probably gonna suck or it be like, One/Two Playable PVP Maps or something and that's the Entire Game. Photorealism is a pretty wrapping or giftbox to sell a turd imo.

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How did this go from gameplay to graphics? I agree with the above poster mostly though, 

Some old games like Valkyria Chronicles actually still look good even with how old they are because of the stylization. Having a look that's right for the feel of the game is better than just having crazy graphics. Warframe's textures are a bit crunchy and low res in spots but I think it looks really nice for its age because the style works?

Until we get to truly photorealistic, "realistic" graphics tend to just look old very quickly. Good stylization can last forever!

Even once we hit photorealism without huge constraints, I would not want to see it in every game..

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On 2023-04-23 at 6:50 PM, quxier said:

I've seen similar things years ago. When it comes to game creation I have very small knowledge. However I still can see game is still low standard. Like, sure, those photos looks realistic (duh... because they are photos) but that's it. We can just see hands and gun. Environment is not destructible. I can even see player turning on and off darkness when you can clearly see windows & light through it.

This technique is called Photogammetry. I've seen youtube article in 2014. There are some problems with it. First it's size. Next is for sci-fi there is nothing to photograph.

Yes, photogrammetry. 

And you think that I DON'T know this. This proves further my point. THIS IS AN OLD TECHNIQUE that is now a standard. Even with the use of nanite now there are way of using destructibility. We can't even think on such term here in Warframe when every prop is FIXED. Rarely you see physical destructibility in Warframe. 

Faster ways of scene reconstruction is used with drones and laser lecturing the topography and topology for BIM or building information management. This is a cheaper way too of constructing mega textures among many other things. Unreal libraries grows this ways. Prop sets are constructed and then sold out for developers or the same developers can produce their assets use them and sell them with certain modifications if needed. 

Yes, file sizes is the many halting flag. But the technology IS viable and in few more years this will become a standard. The rest depends on the SSD technology and semiconductors of the TSMC. 

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16 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

12 gig graphics card or gtfo.

I am talking about progress, yes. 

16 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:


Unreal engine 5 is amazing, and it will allow lesser studios to make great looking games that require 12+ gig to play acceptably, or will drop textures like the Harry Potter game does. Then it'll require 200 gig of download too.

You can't expect much from a studio that wants his game available even on cell phones, right? 

16 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

Warframe, for all its gameplay faults, looks better than 99% of games anyway,



Wait, say again? Excuse me? 

Hint: PS5 games. (CONSOLE)

16 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

and runs very well on my old 3gb 1060. I applaud them for that, and just wish they could find a game designer with half the talent their art team has.

Of course their artistry is good. But 10 years old graphics sucks ass hard. That's a fact, sorry. Doing a compromise of running on low end and last gen consoles compromises graphical progress and open world installments. Those requires RAM MEMORY, memory that old consoles don't have. 

So...ehum....excuse me...

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I feel like photorealism is a bit overrated by some. Like sure, I still value graphical fidelity and it can improve games in different ways, like immersion, assisting your imagination, creating awe and spectacle, but stylisation is also a potent tool, and many of the greatest games, understand this, and use the limitations of the era they were produced in, not as ways to detract but enhance. A game like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Okami won't necessarily be improved by making it photorealistic, Street Fighter III is the better game, and better looking than Street Fighter The Movie, the game. Whilst a game like Resident Evil 4 Remake can turn out excellent, and games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8 can be enhanced by adding more details and "realism" of course, those games also have their own styles/stylisation to them. 

Basically games can have more to aspire to, than just trying to create the most photorealistic looking game possible, because that can be heavily limiting. Like there is a reason a lot of tech demos don't just get made into games the next day. Even games that aim to be realistic, need to have a bit of stylisation, to help preserve the game for the future. To think about it another way, its why a lot of old CGI looks so jarring, and why animation and practical effects can often "age" better. Plus people often use their imaginations to fill in the gaps anyway. Its why a lot of books are superior to adaptations. Or why a lot of older people can play a new remake of a video game, and not be that impressed... until they look back at the older game, and see the difference... Since a lot of the time, our memories remember the games, as looking great. Our minds and imaginations just filled in the extra details. I am old enough to have played Resident Evil 4 a few months after its release (no Gamecube lol), I remember it being "photorealistic" and incredible compared to Resident Evil original, but somehow, the Remake looks even better, and sort of how I remember the original, unless I actually look at comparisons, well besides some obvious changes they made. 

Like there are other visual aspects to consider, colour, lighting, animation flourishes or idiosyncrasies, contrast, composition. There are some scenes in Mass Effect Legendary, I think look "worse" than the original, because some of the changes affect scene composition, lighting is different/off. Like its obvious that they made some broad general changes to models, without going over every scene and seeing how that might change the lighting or mood or angles. So aesthetically, the "improved" game can look "inferior". Sometimes its not so cut and dry either, like the Shadow of Colossus remake. That was a bit contentious, in some ways the graphics were improved a lot, in some ways, the game looked... less. Less mood, less atmosphere, less stylised. I personally liked both graphical interpretations, even if I can see a difference (and then many people didn't really see that much of a difference at all, or the nuance of the points of people that did). Its also funny because a lot of famous iconic games, had elements in them, that were because of graphical limitations... think of the fog in Silent Hill 2. Think loading areas. I remember a while ago, there was a big game that was "accused" of having loading corridors or segues, but then a Developer clarified those were actually for pacing and intentional, and the game could have loaded areas fine otherwise. That idea may have just been a result of time and people now creating games, who are young enough to have played games where those loading corridors were featured and just think they had some other values beyond necessity or the limitations older tech had. 

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That post wall of text above looks like it was algorithmically generated. 


Come on be brief. Doesn't take much. People are going to post TL:DR. 

Meh, anyway post the way you want if you want to use paragraph generators. It's your style anyway. 

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1 hour ago, Felsagger said:


Well for what it's worth, I appreciate your sharing of other video games that are worthy of playing, especially if it requires me to open my wallet, as I would rather spend $70 on an actual game, then on shiny a new meme-Frame and accessories pack that is relevant for 2 weeks until the farming frenzy slows down.  Then you realize you need to farm for more Holokeys and all the fun that awaits you in RJ, as a lone tear streaks across your newly purchased glistening Void-Shell Naramon engraved cheek.
samantha bee comedy GIF

Have a pleasant tomorrow!


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18 minutes ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

Well for what it's worth, I appreciate your sharing of other video games that are worthy of playing, especially if it requires me to open my wallet, as I would rather spend $70 on an actual game, then on shiny a new meme-Frame and accessories pack that is relevant for 2 weeks until the farming frenzy slows down.  Then you realize you need to farm for more Holokeys and all the fun that awaits you in RJ, as a lone tear streaks across your newly purchased glistening Void-Shell Naramon engraved cheek.
samantha bee comedy GIF

Have a pleasant tomorrow!


That actually defeats my argument out of the bat because what you are saying is true. 


A frame is cheaper and provides the same fun that you can get with Alloy or even Kratos. Yes, Warframe does better a lot of things that such game characters try to do. But is scary how these games even Elden Ring makes some odd reference to Warframe. Even the game Burning Shores adopts the elemental damage that Warframe has for ages. Can we say Lavos? Yes, Lavos changes the game. 


Yes, Duviri may have some faults but if Duviri add another layer of fun to the warframe then I must simply shut my mouth trap up because DE is DOING MORE with less. That throw away all of my arguments. 

Kratos has one of the best melee system ever but can I have a scoop of that in Warframe? Yes. So with Alloy and any character that I choose in Elden Ring. I think that DE had something and still has on how Warframe are designed. 

DE THREW away loadouts. They are not classified and married to one role. Frames may pull off more than one role and have different combo of abilities or 'ultimates' if we think about Overwatch. 

Here is the thing, if DE wants to market their product teasing other brand trends, fine. I get worried when DE do this walk but arrives at the half of the road. 

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24 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

That post wall of text above looks like it was algorithmically generated. 

Come on be brief. Doesn't take much. People are going to post TL:DR. 

Meh, anyway post the way you want if you want to use paragraph generators. It's your style anyway. 



You know for a poster that tells other users that if they are not interested in a thread or users input they should just stop, and should simply not post or reply. For a user who likes to claim that others get really riled up, and get toxic, and mocking (whilst also using disparaging and mocking comments against those you disagree with), and for a user will defend another user (whose points you happen to agree with) from being able to share that opinion, that they should be respected, and feel free to have whatever opinion they have, and advocate for tolerance. For a user that often makes very long written posts in their replies... 

You sure have an odd habit of not behaving the way you insist others should. You sure do a lot of tone policing and seeming discouraging of people who say things you disagree with. Isn't that odd? 

So to paraphrase your own words, "if you don't like what I say, or you are not interested" the don't simply don't reply. I have read a lot of your longer written replies, and thought they could be written better, except you know what I say to myself? This is someone just expressing their views, and sharing their opinion. Its their right to express that however they wish. Who am I to try and say otherwise? Even though I don't always agree with you, I think you often make valid and decent points. Then sometimes I also agree. Regardless I respect your right to share your views within Community Guidelines. 

Plus the best thing? If I don't want to read your claims about common sense and how its the "others" that lack it. I can just skip your reply and not read it and not reply to it. Magical. 

I don't mind if people post Tl;DR or skip what I write. I do generally try to be concise, out of consideration, but that was actually an example of myself being concise. Video games have existed for a few decades now, there is a lot for a fan to talk about it. Like Cute Moth NPC brought up Valkyria Chronicles, you bring up Horizon Zero a lot, both are really interesting to consider when thinking about stylisations, enjoyment and ways better technology could potentially improve a persons enjoyment, bot not necessarily as well. I could talk about this subject a lot... maybe not as much as you talk about Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. From the looks of it, a lot of people like talking about these comparisons and already have, and I enjoyed reading their thoughts too. 

So yes, to your third line, I will post the way I want. I encourage everyone to post the way they want. Thats the beauty of the forums. Cheers.

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14 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

You know for a poster that tells other users that if they are not interested in a thread or users input they should just stop, and should simply not post or reply. For a user who likes to claim that others get really riled up, and get toxic, and mocking (whilst also using disparaging and mocking comments against those you disagree with), and for a user will defend another user (whose points you happen to agree with) from being able to share that opinion, that they should be respected, and feel free to have whatever opinion they have, and advocate for tolerance. For a user that often makes very long written posts in their replies... 

You sure have an odd habit of not behaving the way you insist others should. You sure do a lot of tone policing and seeming discouraging of people who say things you disagree with. Isn't that odd? 

So to paraphrase your own words, "if you don't like what I say, or you are not interested" the don't simply don't reply. I have read a lot of your longer written replies, and thought they could be written better, except you know what I say to myself? This is someone just expressing their views, and sharing their opinion. Its their right to express that however they wish. Who am I to try and say otherwise? Even though I don't always agree with you, I think you often make valid and decent points. Then sometimes I also agree. Regardless I respect your right to share your views within Community Guidelines. 

Plus the best thing? If I don't want to read your claims about common sense and how its the "others" that lack it. I can just skip your reply and not read it and not reply to it. Magical. 

I don't mind if people post Tl;DR or skip what I write. I do generally try to be concise, out of consideration, but that was actually an example of myself being concise. Video games have existed for a few decades now, there is a lot for a fan to talk about it. Like Cute Moth NPC brought up Valkyria Chronicles, you bring up Horizon Zero a lot, both are really interesting to consider when thinking about stylisations, enjoyment and ways better technology could potentially improve a persons enjoyment, bot not necessarily as well. I could talk about this subject a lot... maybe not as much as you talk about Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. From the looks of it, a lot of people like talking about these comparisons and already have, and I enjoyed reading their thoughts too. 

So yes, to your third line, I will post the way I want. I encourage everyone to post the way they want. Thats the beauty of the forums. Cheers.



In few words you can say the same message. But I'll tell what I wrote. " It's your style anyway. " I wrote it as an ADVICE. You post the way you like. 


Reading through all of that takes time and I'm not into the dissection of users here throughout text walls, dude. I am here to talk about a GAME. 

If I want a psychologist for an analysis I'll let you know. See? 

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52 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

In few words you can say the same message. But I'll tell what I wrote. " It's your style anyway. " I wrote it as an ADVICE. You post the way you like. 

Reading through all of that takes time and I'm not into the dissection of users here throughout text walls, dude. I am here to talk about a GAME. 

If I want a psychologist for an analysis I'll let you know. See? 


I appreciate the intent of sincere advice, so thank you if its indeed sincere. 

Here is my advice in return. People won't always be so receptive to your advice if you frame it in a disparaging way or don't seem sincere. You also have to consider whether your advice is well intentioned and for the benefit of the other person you are giving the advice to, or whether its actually not advice at all... and just your own self attempting to pass your will and preference on to others.

For example, I really like Dark Souls and Horizon Zero, but I noticed in another thread, your zeal for for these games and comparing them to Warframe, actually made another person discouraged to play those games. I thought that was unfortunate. Its not that criticism of Warframe shouldn't happen, it should, but your criticism seems far more based around your personal tastes, and a lot of your arguments, in my opinion, they aren't that good. So I was thinking, maybe since we both like Souls games, Elden Ring and Horizon games, maybe I could give you some advice, to try not proselytise those games too much, because even if sincere, even if some people agree with you and like those games, putting games into competition with each other constantly can get bored quick. You discouraged some people to play them. You know who knows this well? People who have been with FromSoftware from the beginning, back when their games weren't super popular, and we had to import them sometimes, and people compared them to Triple A Western games or shooters. Console Wars used to be a thing (and probably still are). Some of us don't care for all that intense hostility though. 

Almost all of us here, enjoy video games? Many of us, especially some of us that are older*, may even remember times when the whole medium was ostracised and mocked, let alone fans of individual games. Again, nothing wrong with criticism or finding negatives in games, but some people just take it to another level, because they include their egos and pride and have no chill. So you know what I realised? I probably couldn't give you advice about these games we both enjoy, because you probably wouldn't think my advice was advice, you would probably say something you have already said to other users again, and again. Which you know, fair. 

Makes sense? 

No one is forcing you to read anything. Again, where has your former attitude of telling other users if they are not interested in something, don't post or participate? Also I am talking about a game, just by extension, that also includes how other people talk about games. Also, your original post directed at me had nothing to do with games. At all, it was pure commentary about another users writing. If you are here to talk about games, you shouldn't have made that post no? 

Myself pointing out that you will claim to only want to talk about games and yet made an entire post that wasn't about games at all and purely an off topic remark about another user, or how you habitually criticise and mock people who don't share your personal views, but defend the rights of those that do.. That isn't the realm of psychology. Its just basic comparison. Just like if my original post had more negativity towards DE and positivity towards Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, your reply would have been more like "This is so true and 100% correct. You have common sense, but these other people in the Forum, wow, where is there common sense. You could not be more right if you tried. DE really needs to step up.!"

Also to be clear, thats not myself mocking you, I actually think you are just passionate and feel strongly about your views. Which I think is great. I think it would be nice if you extended your defensiveness towards user etiquette with the people you agree with, to those who you disagree with as well, but hey, thats just some more unsolicited advice from myself. 



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