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1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


I appreciate the intent of sincere advice, so thank you if its indeed sincere. 

Here is my advice in return. People won't always be so receptive to your advice if you frame it in a disparaging way or don't seem sincere. You also have to consider whether your advice is well intentioned and for the benefit of the other person you are giving the advice to, or whether its actually not advice at all... and just your own self attempting to pass your will and preference on to others.

Fine, let's get technical, if you insist. :3

Words don't push people to do things. You still have your intellect and your discerning capability for such choices. Honesty and sincerity can't be measured on text only. There are actions that should be followed. However if we count behavior in, then you are right. Advices are given because what you write makes sense but people probably will not see it if they are in a hurry. We may think that being "influencers" is a thing but we could be more wrong. Influence doesn't happen anyway. On the long run the individual decides taking the weighted decisions that benefits him or her the most. 

In here there are no attempts because every text is stored and preserved for an amount of time until DE deletes the hard discs that contain such files. Second, you have your freedom all the time. You either yield or not. Can you conceit too? Of course. You have that choice. No one forces you on pulling someone else's style of writing. This is how you choose to present yourself and this is your own canvas. 

You want to put your message to a greater majority of people when you plug in effort on your thoughts. Novelists wants to hook up their readers with foreshadowings or wittyful thoughts. That style is tougher but of course it is achievable. It takes a lot of years building it up tho.  If people rejects it or not, it doesn't matter. You placed the bricks on the bridge. People may throw them away or walk over them building up better ideas. 


1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

For example, I really like Dark Souls and Horizon Zero, but I noticed in another thread, your zeal for these games and comparing them to Warframe, actually made another person discouraged to play those games.

People decides to get discouraged or not. I can't plug pressure or influence on the individual. I present the stakes and talk about them. Warframe is a medium that is different than Elden Ring, Horizon Zero Burning Shores and Ragnarok. I can bring these games for discussion. They DO NOT substitute the work that warframe does. You can't exchange one game for the other. 

I use these games to talk about traits, attributes, game circumstances, game play mechanics, examples done by other developers on similar items and make statements. If the player is discouraged or not that runs on him. But if you question my INTENTIONS then I must answer. The intentions are very simple. We want a better game out of warframe. We want developers compromised with their work and their delivery, we want a developer that have fun creating their own game without casting trends on their new update. 

I do not get paid for free advertisement. I have many of these games INCLUDING warframe. This is how I talk about games. Is it wrong? Well, people have different standards doing things. I am a realist and work with what I have in front of me in such industry. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I thought that was unfortunate. Its not that criticism of Warframe shouldn't happen, it should, but your criticism seems far more based around your personal tastes, and a lot of your arguments, in my opinion, they aren't that good.

And who will be the person to tell me that? And who are you? 

Wait, but aren't we on a forum board doing exactly what you are describing here? Talking about personal tastes? Why all of the sudden my personal approach matters to you this much? And under what rubric you consider that my comments are good or not? 

See the problem with this line of thinking? It ends up in relativism. We get nothing new out of it. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

So I was thinking, maybe since we both like Souls games, Elden Ring and Horizon games, maybe I could give you some advice, to try not proselytise those games too much, because even if sincere, even if some people agree with you and like those games, putting games into competition with each other constantly can get bored quick.

I should proselytize them MORE. Why? Quality. I want quality out of my games. These are excellent archetypes that display good quality in game design.  Of course if we want quality we must compare quality there even if it is unfair or not. And now it doesn't get bored quick. It irks people who think that Warframe IS ALL THAT. Should I irk them more? No. But I think that people should be more demanding than being conformists with bread crumbs for example incomplete or abandoned ideas such as content islands or any other item. 


1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

You discouraged some people to play them. You know who knows this well? People who have been with FromSoftware from the beginning, back when their games weren't super popular, and we had to import them sometimes, and people compared them to Triple A Western games or shooters. Console Wars used to be a thing (and probably still are). Some of us don't care for all that intense hostility though. 

I don't have that power over them. That's the individual choice. I am not into console wars because they are pointless. I have a PC and consoles. I don't play much lately but I know all these mediums. 

Competition motivates. Competition makes other people improve their products because your customer is informed. Your customer knows that there are other experiences with quality out there. Play Station is Play Station because they made their career with the SINGLE PLAYER game. Is this the same for Warframe? No. It isn't. But if we plug in these games in the mind of players then then the player will be more informed when any developer launches. 

We try to motivate towards quality and delivery. Isn't that the goal we all want? 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Almost all of us here, enjoy video games? Many of us, especially some of us that are other, may even remember times when the whole medium was ostracised and mocked, let alone fans of individual games. Again, nothing wrong with criticism or finding negatives in games, but some people just take it to another level, because they include their egos and pride and have no chill. So you know what I realised? I probably couldn't give you advice about these games we both enjoy, because you probably wouldn't think my advice was advice, you would probably say something you have already said to other users again, and again. Which you know, fair. 

Time changes. The people who play games are not limited to particular individuals. Games became a well known enterprise like football, basketball, baseball, chess, tennis or soccer. That frame is not our current reality. If people gets this engaged arguing because their egos are involved then that's their level of attachment they developed. I can't do anything about that. In life it's all about attachment and detachment. It's all about engagement and disengagement. 

If I want my ego and my pride to get fat like a cat then I should not even bother myself playing video game. I should be doing any other things like making money, being a ridiculous lawyer making figures or investing excessive time on academic titles for a better position in a job. But again that would not do my ego any justice. Egoes are temporary. You already know that. Even the representative of the outer world to the id has bad days. That representative changes and could get squashed at any given time. 

We are temporary beings. I think that it would be fair for me if I let you enjoy Warframe for what it is right? Well you can do that. You turn on warframe and play it. No one stops you of doing so. My words should NOT have any power over your decisions and they better not. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Makes sense? 

I can't answer that. That's pure subjectivism. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

No one is forcing you to read anything. Again, where has your former attitude of telling other users if they are not interested in something, don't post or participate?


That's correct. My attitude should not hold you on what you are doing. I simply made an observation. If this bothers you this much then imagine how many times you will find yourself in this situation. 

What makes you think that I didn't read your post? Don't suppose. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Also I am talking about a game, just by extension, that also includes how other people talk about games. Also, your original post directed at me had nothing to do with games. At all, it was pure commentary about another users writing. If you are here to talk about games, you shouldn't have made that post no? 


In that post, yes you did. That's a fact. You talked about games. But all of the sudden I had an impression that such post was chatGPT generated. I probably am wrong but that was my impression of it. I worded it as an advice. If you took offense even if I did it as an advice then I can't do much for you. I worded it as such. 

I wrote "That post wall of text above looks like it was algorithmically generated."

This was my initial impression. It was a reaction to what I saw. Human beings have reactions. Sorry. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Myself pointing out that you will claim to only want to talk about games and yet made an entire post that wasn't about games at all and purely an off topic remark about another user, or how you habitually criticise and mock people who don't share your personal views, but defend the rights of those that do.. That isn't the realm of psychology.

Humans have impressions about things for better or worse. That was my impression. If it is equivocated or not then that's another discussion. I simply reacted to what I saw. 

I react to games, I react to what I see and I react to resemblances. They could be wrong so I don't see any harm into this. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Its just basic comparison. Just like if my original post had more negativity towards DE and positivity towards Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment,

We have games that exists out of the realm of Warframe. I am not assuming that people play one game. I am not assuming, sorry, supposing that people have just one console either. This is a comparison on current standards and what is happening here and now with the industry. Why I bring these cases? 

Horizon Burning shores draws a lot of traits found in warframe such as elemental damage. Burning shoes borrows lots of warframe gameplay elements too with multi tasking such as jumping while aiming. Why I mention other SIE games, well because our friend here, Kratos, has a lot of influence from the melee combat we see in Warframe. 

I do know why I post these games here because there are similarities in them. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

your reply would have been more like "This is so true and 100% correct. You have common sense, but these other people in the Forum, wow, where is there common sense. You could not be more right if you tried. DE really needs to step up.!"

Probably yes, probably no. It depends on the case. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Also to be clear, thats not myself mocking you, I actually think you are just passionate and feel strongly about your views. Which I think is great. I think it would be nice if you extended your defensiveness towards user etiquette with the people you agree with, to those who you disagree with as well, but hey, thats just some more unsolicited advice from myself. 

I know that you are not mocking. But those are traits observable on conduct. I am not discarding what you are saying. That belongs to another discussion. You can PM me that and I would gladly take my time and post. I have my etiquette talking to people. I could take a bit of more time but I always answer whenever I have the time. 

Your advices are not unsolicited. I think they belong on another court such as PMs. You are reacting to. You have that right. I can't cut you off for doing so. You already did. :P

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:



You are welcome. 

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On topic: 

If graphics does not matter because the game went multi platform, why not focus on the A.I. Wait, that would be a problem because not every medium has the same capability right? A.I requires a significant portion of Ram. I think that DE will be forced to program A.I. with the minimum common denominator of available memory on the set of devices they intend to consider. 

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5 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Heading towards the 45 milestone myself, a few more login years to go. Just hope I wont get downed before then. :clem:

Warframe players' age are way diverse. That's young. I've seen players with 70 years old having fun with the game. 

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5 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Fine, let's get technical, if you insist. :3

Words don't push people to do things. You still have your intellect and your discerning capability for such choices. Honesty and sincerity can't be measured on text only. There are actions that should be followed. However if we count behavior in, then you are right. Advices are given because what you write makes sense but people probably will not see it if they are in a hurry. We may think that being "influencers" is a thing but we could be more wrong. Influence doesn't happen anyway. On the long run the individual decides taking the weighted decisions that benefits him or her the most. 


I am not insisting on anything. Merely addressing words directed at myself. 

I partially agree, with your first point, but I think its more complicated than that. Intellect and discerning ability play a role, as does experience, knowledge and understanding. These can all influence peoples choices, but they are also qualities that vary in individuals as well. For example, younger individuals can be more susceptible to the influence of words, as can tired or emotional people. 

Honesty and sincerity can be interpreted by text only, rather I think its more accurate to say, they can't always be accurately conveyed or interpreted by text only. Thats not exclusive to text either, people can misunderstand each others intent in face to face meetings as well. 

Now I will mostly try to address parts of your reply I think are most relevant, not because I am ignoring what you write, but I am not interested in trying to address every angle or aspect of what you wrote, even if I disagree or agree. This is I believe you make points I think are interesting, but usually require more elaboration, which usually falls to myself, which means creating a longer conversation. However if you feel I overlooked an important issue you raised, that was important for context or a different point you made, please feel free to note it and reemphasis it. Like above point... its not like I disagree strongly, its just I wouldn't necessarily frame it the way you do, but I also don't really think its that important we agree with that level of minutiae. 


23 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

If the player is discouraged or not that runs on him


I agree. That being said, people are people. You had a great conversation with Ampathetiic the other day. I think they made some really solid and strong points. I think you did as well, but I thought their advice and reasoning was overall better. At one point they pointed out how two similar bits of their point were to each other, but how vastly different your reaction and reply was. You conceded, and pointed out you were tired and lacked coffee. Which is totally relatable. Also I think just generally good to do, concede when you err. 

So on that day you were tired and didn't have coffee so didn't act optimal? Well sometimes, some people have just finished working 8 hours, or finished school, and they are also a bit tired, and they have no coffee, and maybe they have a bad day, and they just want to play a game they enjoy and post on the forums about the game they enjoy. It might not make the best sense, but then someone else comes along and keeps talking about how the game actually sucks and should be better, better like Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, sold over 10 million copies!! Hey did you know Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores has way better graphics than real life? Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores isn't just factually better, but common sense tells us it makes you more attractive and financially rich as well. Like woah... people will get tired of that when they are already tired.

Not me mind you, because as a person I trained myself not to dislike or spite media based on others values, or behaviour, including zeal or spite, but I do recognise that its a common phenomena and people are very often influenced by others and this influence can also be subtle and subconscious. You can also make evaluations from there as well. Like whats more important to myself as a person? That more people get to experience media that I think is good and they might enjoy? Or to prove that the game I love is definitely the best and that everyone needs to know how I feel and how my favourite games are the best? Which is more important to you? To share and be inclusive of great games and experiences or deter people from such games? Do your actions align with your intent? 

Thats why I thought that situation was unfortunate. That other user shouldn't... be discouraged by you, to myself, that wasn't your intent either. Yet it happened anyway. They were probably tired and lacking in coffee too maybe. 


51 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

But if you question my INTENTIONS then I must answer.


For clarity, I am not questioning your intentions. Just noting different consequences of different intentions. Like do I think your original intention was to give sincere advice? I am a bit (only a bit) skeptical in some ways, because sometimes I think you just react by the moment and say what you think at the time, even if its inconsistent with what you thought or said earlier. Like in your conversation with Ampathetiic. So I will mention why advice may not seem sincere, and why some people may attempt to pass off their own preferences and beliefs as "just advice". For example: "I think you should just shut up and talk less" turns into "woah, calm down bro, I was just giving some friendly advice" but that isn't advice, thats an attempt to conversation police and tone police other users.

The advice line is just a new attempt to make the earlier comment more friendly and neutral when it wasn't at all. However I did also say that I appreciate kind intent and sincere advice, because I don't know your intent, and I think the way that you express yourself and the way that I express myself, may not mean mutual understandings are quick to come by. There will probably be misunderstandings and we may have semantic disagreements. So I generally think your intent is overall positive, and I extend good faith to you as a person. 


1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

And who will be the person to tell me that? And who are you? 

Wait, but aren't we on a forum board doing exactly what you are describing here? Talking about personal tastes? Why all of the sudden my personal approach matters to you this much? And under what rubric you consider that my comments are good or not? 

See the problem with this line of thinking? It ends up in relativism. We get nothing new out of it. 


Anyone, yourself included, but the strength of their claim will be relative to what they can reason or demonstrate. Also its not so focused on yourself, but everyone. People can even use themselves as examples. For example? I can use myself. In a vacuum? I think Prime Accessories is too expensive. I think real world money thats equivalent to the price of a full priced game, just for a digital piece of exclusive fancy armour is a bit silly. Like its not actually worth that much when you think about how much time went into creating that piece of armour. Its not actual content, its just cosmetics. Why does looking cool in Warframe have to cost so much real life money? Since you can't get Prime Access armours any other way? 

Well... Warframe uses a FTP model. Its used this for a while now, some stuff will arguably be over priced, but by making it cosmetics? You can argue that its actually better this way, because you aren't locking out people out of actual content. All the actual gameplay stuff is free. You can also get plenty of armour sets for free or by grinding. Now some people will occasionally actually pay that much money, for what some others may argue isn't much at all, but the thing is, because some people do spend that money? Warframe can remain a FTP game, and for those that don't care about those specific Prime armour pieces or think they are worth it, well they can just not buy them. Like if people want to spend money to get a cool Armour Set, Syandada and some 3 Month Boosters instead of Hi Fi Rush? Who am I to disagree? 

Then finally on this topic... can my arguments, change DE's policy, will my reasoning get them to make Prime Accessories half or a quarter of what the current pricing is? Probably not. They have their system, they have access to sales, its their literal job to know what pricing os most effective for their long term stability and maintenance. Unless I can get a couple tens of thousands of people to agree with me, and support our sentiments with actual money? I am just one person with strong opinions, and maybe a few other people may agree with me, on this one topic. 

Hence... I won't create a dozen threads each week insisting that DE should change its Prime Accessories pricing. Its an unrealistic expectation, and would only clutter the forum. Now who is the person that will tell me that what I said is an unrealistic expectation? Myself, so my actions follow my understanding and my understanding is explained above. 

Now sometimes person who has an expectation, doesn't have an unrealistic expectation, and sometimes the person pointing out whether its realistic or unrealistic isn't the same individual using self analysis. Those variables can depend. Not all expectations are equal, not all explanations or reasoning are equal. Its not all subjective. You can establish criteria to allow for more objective and informative points or discussion. 

Heres another explanation. My personal tastes? Well, I actually really like games, that have a lot of important supporting characters, that accompany your main character or playable character through out the game. Like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Final Fantasy. In these games, you can have teams of companions, that can have complicated interpersonal storylines and interactions with each other. Friendships, enemies, rivals, lovers, siblings, mentors, all sorts. Does Warframe have this? Well no, not really, it has decent side characters though... does Demon Souls have this? Well not a party system, again though, like Warframe, they have a great cast of side characters. 

Do I wish Warframe had more in-depth and voice acted characters in it? In some ways yes, especially if I was being selfish and wanted the game to appeal more to my personal tastes. Do I need to constantly remind people that Final Fantasy and Mass Effect have way better companions and romances and supporting character personal dynamics and interactions and how DE need to step up their game, and be more like the games I personally enjoy? No. I think that would be a bad argument, because Warframe is very different from those games. So is Dark Souls. Actually, back in the day, I use to see people mocking and judging Demon Souls and Dark Souls for "lacking plot" and "not having more characters" and for seeming too dark, depressing and lifeless, and comparing it to games like Mass Effect and Elder Scrolls. 

Such an argument would be myself trying to say Warframe needs to cater to my own personal preference and then not having realistic expectations of what it has done and what its trying to do. I think you should be able to recognise this as well... because some Horizon players probably don't like Elden Ring, and there are probably Elden Ring players, who don't care for Horizon and they will have criticisms that those games should be more like the game they prefer... Yet, you like both of them separately no? 

So are you on the Horizon forums saying that game has too many fans who lack common sense, and that its failing, and it should look at Elden Rings success and step up their game? Or are you on the Elden Ring forums saying that it needs to be more like Horizon? 

Again, do I have games I like more than Warframe? Sure, but I try to keep my expectations realistic and my comparisons fair and I also understand and acknowledge that a lot of people that enjoy and support Warframe are here for things I may not care about. So I should even be careful about how I would want to games direction to evolve, in regards to my own personal preferences. Like a lot of voice acting costs money. If DE made the sort of Warframe content that I really wanted? It probably couldn't afford to be a FTP game anymore. So I need to have the self reflection and self understanding to realise my own personal tastes shouldn't dictate what Warframe should be. I think sometimes some players lack that awareness and understanding and don't really consider beyond themselves to how the broader player base thinks or cares. 

So some peoples expressions about personal tastes can differ as well. I can even prove this. If you could only have played one game, between Elden Ring and Horizon Forbidden West which and why? The other is deleted from reality. 


1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

Quality. I want quality out of my games.


Thats your intent right? Is it possible that your approach isn't going to achieve what you intend though. Is that possible? 


1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

We try to motivate towards quality and delivery. Isn't that the goal we all want? 


Its a goal sure, just one of many. There are other factors like sustainability, profit, artistic merit, funding, popularity, time factors, not to mention how quality can be reached through different types of consensus, but can also be of a more subjective quality, depending on the context. Like I don't consider Fortnite personally fun, I would much rather play Elden Ring, Horizon or Warframe, but I can't deny that many many people probably do find Fortnite fun. Should I insist that Fortnite improve its quality in such a way as to appeal to myself personally? Like adding more depth to its single player modes? I mean maybe... but they also know what they are about and who they appeal to, and it would be an unnecessary risk to try and appeal to people like me, in such a specific way, especially since even if they did, I might not actually have the time or energy to play Fortnite anyway... because I do already have Elden Ring, Warframe and Horizon, with Armoured Core, Mass Effect and Dragon Age in the future. 

So I can also recognise and acknowledge varying degrees of quality in both an objective (Fortnite is very very successful) way and a subjective way (nothing in Fortnite seems appealing to myself what so ever). 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

My words should NOT have any power over your decisions and they better not. 


They don't. However... 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

I can't do anything about that


This is not true. You can choose to be competitive and hostile and aggressive with people over your preferences. Or you can be open, inclusive, and friendly. For example, I already mentioned I don't like Fortnite. However if there are any Warframe players who play Fortnite, you won't see me trying to talk down Fortnite or insisting that Warframe is so so much better. Do I have criticisms of Fortnite? Sure, I have criticisms of Warframe, and Elden Ring, and Dragon Age and Tekken, and Final Fantasy, and Resident Evil, but I also have fondness and respect for aspects of all those games as well. Theres nuance. 

I am not here trying to turn this into a competition, where my personal favourites win and the things  am personally negative about need to be persistently repeated and echoed in every single thread in the Forum of that game. I am not defending the rights of some forum users just because they agree with me, and implicitly mocking or trying to censor those who disagree with me. I also don't view this as a sports game, where I defend my side no matter what, just because they are my team/side. If games were like sports, then a lot of creativity and small games would get crushed by the biggest titles that earn the most money, diversity would be destroyed. Games like Horizon and Elden Ring and God of War wouldn't exist, it'd be all lootboxes, micro transanctions in multiplayer games like PUBG, GTA online, Fortnite, etc (not that those games are bad either, they are great, just very successful and profitable and so "winners". 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Competition motivates. Competition makes other people improve their products because your customer is informed.


This is not strictly accurate, its quite a bit more complex. Like you have to consider diverging goals, account for budgets and experience, resources, workers rights, how information is spread and made available, misinformation, journalism, fact checking, customer rights. Like there is a lot to parse through and take into account. 

Also do you think you might be giving yourself too much credit by implying your specific posts in a Forum contribute that much to the sort of positive competition you praise? Are you so sure that it might not actually be a detrimental factor. Wouldn't that be funny no? If your intent is healthy competition that improves a product, but your actions could actually be deemed to be ineffective or counter productive to improving quality. Is that something you have considered? 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

being conformists


Not all conformity is positive or uncritical. Individuals can also conform to negativity. 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

That's correct. My attitude should not hold you on what you are doing. I simply made an observation. If this bothers you this much then imagine how many times you will find yourself in this situation. 

What makes you think that I didn't read your post? Don't suppose. 


It is correct yes. I thought you were giving advice, not making an observation? 

Also it does not bother me at all. Why do you think it bothers me? 

I hold no assumptions about what you read or don't read. What in my response, gave you the indication I supposed anything? 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

I probably am wrong but that was my impression of it.


You are wrong in this instance yes, but thats okay. Acknowledging you might be wrong is a good thing. 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

If you took offense even if I did it as an advice then I can't do much for you.


I did not, its okay. In fact I can say with full sincerity, you do not have to worry about offending me at all. I do not get offended in general, even in situations I probably should. I enjoy conversation a lot. 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

This was my initial impression. It was a reaction to what I saw. Human beings have reactions. Sorry. 


No worries. I don't think you have to apologise, but I appreciate the gesture. I still think your first impression is ironic, but not in a negative or judgmental way. For example, look how long your reply was. There is probably a user on this Forum who wishes we both were more concise and posted less. 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Humans have impressions about things for better or worse. That was my impression. If it is equivocated or not then that's another discussion. I simply reacted to what I saw. 

I react to games, I react to what I see and I react to resemblances. They could be wrong so I don't see any harm into this. 


I agree. I do think humans can also consider and apply thought though too. Like we can value consistency. 

Like I remember a few months ago, a user who I usually agree about Warframe with, said something to a user I usually disagree with about Warframe (generally). Their comment carried a negative judgement of mental health. It doesn't matter to me that I might agree or disagree with either, I thought it was more important to gently reply that I felt such a comment was a bit unfair as I interpreted it. The person who said the comment, was gracious and probably didn't mean a negative intent, but they apologised to the other user and changed their comment. 

My first impression may be to just blindly agree or disagree or like some sentiment more than others, based on how I feel or think, but... I also think its important to actually step back and apply such reflection and consistency to what I actually value. Its not that there is harm in going off our first impressions, but that their can be value in self awareness, self reflectiveness and critical thinking when it comes to our own behaviour and expressions. Even if we may be lacking coffee or sleep. 

I'm actually tired a lot, so I am quite hard on myself as far as questioning my self and trying to be kind and thoughtful towards other people. Thats actually one reason my posts can be a bit long too. Sure, some people do prefer short and concise, but eh... some people prefer transparency and additional context and reasoning, even if it comes with the price of longer sentences and paragraphs. Anyway, its also why I tend to be quite consistent with my views as well, I am not merely reacting to stuff in the moment, not that there is anything wrong with that, but can create inconsistencies. Which also isn't inherently bad/negative. Can cause degrees of conflict though, and of course, often the reason disagreements can happen in forums, as all our styles and attitudes can be a little different (or a lot different). 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Your advices are not unsolicited.


I just mean in the sense that it was voluntarily given. Though I also understand why you would want to clarify, and this sort of touches on what I mentioned before. We both likely used a different definition or interpretation of the word. In this case, its not about right or wrong, just misunderstanding, neutral and friendly. 


2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

You are welcome. 


**Thumbs up**

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16 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Warframe players' age are way diverse. That's young. I've seen players with 70 years old having fun with the game. 

It's the nature of online gaas games. I dont think I've played a single MMO or online game where I havent ran into multi-generational families using the games to spend time with loved ones over great distances. I've met quite a few people from my dads' oldie friend circle since he passed away that either play or have close old relatives/friends that play WoW, FFXIV and so on aswell. And it ranges from all walks of life in that case, from the roughest of bikers or truckers, the grandest grandparents to the momliest of moms.


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6 hours ago, Felsagger said:
On 2023-04-24 at 12:50 AM, quxier said:

I've seen similar things years ago. When it comes to game creation I have very small knowledge. However I still can see game is still low standard. Like, sure, those photos looks realistic (duh... because they are photos) but that's it. We can just see hands and gun. Environment is not destructible. I can even see player turning on and off darkness when you can clearly see windows & light through it.

This technique is called Photogammetry. I've seen youtube article in 2014. There are some problems with it. First it's size. Next is for sci-fi there is nothing to photograph.

Yes, photogrammetry. 

And you think that I DON'T know this. This proves further my point. THIS IS AN OLD TECHNIQUE that is now a standard. Even with the use of nanite now there are way of using destructibility. We can't even think on such term here in Warframe when every prop is FIXED. Rarely you see physical destructibility in Warframe.

Yes, file sizes is the many halting flag. But the technology IS viable and in few more years this will become a standard. The rest depends on the SSD technology and semiconductors of the TSMC. 

We are talking about data in hundreds of GB (whole game) seeing current games with highest size.

With current situations and other factors I don't see it available for average Joe.

6 hours ago, Felsagger said:
23 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

and runs very well on my old 3gb 1060. I applaud them for that, and just wish they could find a game designer with half the talent their art team has.

Of course their artistry is good. But 10 years old graphics sucks ass hard. That's a fact, sorry. Doing a compromise of running on low end and last gen consoles compromises graphical progress and open world installments. Those requires RAM MEMORY, memory that old consoles don't have. 

So...ehum....excuse me...

Just having ultra super realistic HD graphics is not enough. I would rather get bad graphic (of course with some standard) with amazing gameplay, destructibility etc than beautiful interactive movie.

And to be honest the video you have sent with that Photogametry (fps) is not great. All those textures looks nice but you can see errors like player turn on/off lights where there are clearly windows & sun, their shooting doesn't look great, there is no other effects (e.g. people being on fire), things in the map are just "3d images" - you cannot even scratch them.


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21 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Like I don't consider Fortnite personally fun, I would much rather play Elden Ring, Horizon or Warframe, but I can't deny that many many people probably do find Fortnite fun. Should I insist that Fortnite improve its quality in such a way as to appeal to myself personally? Like adding more depth to its single player modes? I mean maybe... but they also know what they are about and who they appeal to, and it would be an unnecessary risk to try and appeal to people like me, in such a specific way, especially since even if they did, I might not actually have the time or energy to play Fortnite anyway... because I do already have Elden Ring, Warframe and Horizon, with Armoured Core, Mass Effect and Dragon Age in the future. 

So I can also recognise and acknowledge varying degrees of quality in both an objective (Fortnite is very very successful) way and a subjective way (nothing in Fortnite seems appealing to myself what so ever).

Those are words to live by imo.

I'm fine with people aiming criticism towards WF, negative or positive, what I'm not fine with is when people go "but this game does this and that game does that, make it so in WF". If you like what those games have, go play those game then! Not every game needs to be the same and have the same things available. 

It is like the whole A.I discussion in WF, regarding both trash mobs and bosses. People going "X game has much better mob/boss encounters" while ignoring all underlying facts and factors as to why that is possible, and at the same time they are also advocating the "power fantasy" to stay as is in WF and get upset over things like Duviri Drifter (or any other "non-WF") gameplay getting added. Then they often end up with the same old "DE never listens to feedback!".

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55 minutes ago, quxier said:

We are talking about data in hundreds of GB (whole game) seeing current games with highest size.

I know. It's ludicrous to plug this in our current generation. The many red flags here is the size of the memory. However it's achievable with our current technology? Practical for commercial use? Well, that's another topic. 

55 minutes ago, quxier said:

With current situations and other factors I don't see it available for average Joe.

But technology goes forward not backward. 

55 minutes ago, quxier said:

Just having ultra super realistic HD graphics is not enough. I would rather get bad graphic (of course with some standard) with amazing gameplay, destructibility etc than beautiful interactive movie.


Graphics never will be enough. Things like Avatar 1 and Avatar 2 are prime examples of good special effects with the dumbest story ever told. 

55 minutes ago, quxier said:

And to be honest the video you have sent with that Photogametry (fps) is not great. All those textures looks nice but you can see errors like player turn on/off lights where there are clearly windows & sun, their shooting doesn't look great, there is no other effects (e.g. people being on fire), things in the map are just "3d images" - you cannot even scratch them.

That's a proof of concept. Nanite can move millions of polygons but interacting with surfaces and deformations is another can of worms. You are right with what you are saying here. 

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10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Those are words to live by imo.

I'm fine with people aiming criticism towards WF, negative or positive, what I'm not fine with is when people go "but this game does this and that game does that, make it so in WF". If you like what those games have, go play those game then! Not every game needs to be the same and have the same things available. 

It is like the whole A.I discussion in WF, regarding both trash mobs and bosses. People going "X game has much better mob/boss encounters" while ignoring all underlying facts and factors as to why that is possible, and at the same time they are also advocating the "power fantasy" to stay as is in WF and get upset over things like Duviri Drifter (or any other "non-WF") gameplay getting added. Then they often end up with the same old "DE never listens to feedback!".


Yep. I personally consider myself pretty balanced as far as critical and negative stances towards the game, and positive or defensive stances, for better or worse. Just how my opinions/preferences tend to land. Actually my wording here can be misleading, as critical mindedness can apply in both positive or negative scenarios or with positive or negative connotations. Like criticism can be criticised, and that latter criticism can also be critiqued. Defensiveness can also apply in both a positive endorsement or in efforts towards justifying a criticism or negative value judgement. 

My point though, to echo your own, is that sometimes its actually more about the context and nuance. I was actually surprised recently when there was a thread about the game reimbursing you for Forma used, as there seemed to be more consensus and agreement than usual, with a lot more people acknowledging that it just makes sense or is in DE's best financial interests to maintain the current system/method. Like many were sympathetic and liked the idea of getting Forma refunds etc, but not that much disagreement that this is something that DE obviously needs to change straight away. Plus then people just telling OP not to waste Forma on stuff, if they are just going to sell it etc.

Like I am actually a bit critical of how DE uses Forma, because whilst I am happy to buy Forma (or wait for it to build), I find it can be somewhat restrictive and thus encourage between the meta over fun builds. Or alternatively dis-incentivise fun builds. Except I also know, that I can't really argue DE into changing how Forma works too much... because its financial stability and consistency in their eyes. They have talked about how Forma is one of the best ways they make money. Objectively, I temper my expectations, because I could be the most intelligent person in the world, without actual solid financial data to favour in my suggestion, its likely not going to change too significantly, just based on abstract reasoning alone. At best I can only hope they modify things a bit, but even then.. arguably, the people who are concerned over power creep may take issues. 

Look, I just want an Exergis that is meta and good for Steel Path, but also have a five round magazine and silly, without having to own two Exergis. lol

Plus a lot of our feedback is all over the place and disagrees with itself. Plus DE has internal disagreements as well, or probably does (few times on a Devstream). Just you know, they have to act in a professional capacity, so its often more professional to present a more united front, for various reasons. In the Forums we are allowed to undermine, each other through misunderstandings or passive aggression, but DE can't really do that with each other, would be bad for their work environment. As fans, our livelihoods don't require us to cooperate or treat each other with utmost respect or consideration. Creates a flawed perception of the "Players VS Developers" mentality though, and sometimes people rely on that to support their own personal agendas, when its not the case. Arguably not enough players actually listen to players. Or we apply selective hearing, or forget to include all the people who don't necessarily voice their views in Forums, who mat lurk, who may not have accounts, or who may just play the game and don't talk about it other places. 

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35 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Plus a lot of our feedback is all over the place and disagrees with itself. 

Wise words all of it, just wanted to point out a thing specifically with the thing I quote here.

As we see on the forums, as you point out, the commuinity doesnt have a unified opinion. And with the size of the community, is it justified, right or even honest that someone claims that "DE doesnt listen"? I mean, if DE implements community opinion B instead of A or C they still bloody well listen, because what they change is at that point still based on community feedback. Maybe not the specific opinion/feedback of the "DE doesnt listen" person, but still opinions/feedback of the community as a whole.

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hace 11 horas, (PSN)slightconfuzzled dijo:



You know for a poster that tells other users that if they are not interested in a thread or users input they should just stop, and should simply not post or reply. For a user who likes to claim that others get really riled up, and get toxic, and mocking (whilst also using disparaging and mocking comments against those you disagree with), and for a user will defend another user (whose points you happen to agree with) from being able to share that opinion, that they should be respected, and feel free to have whatever opinion they have, and advocate for tolerance. For a user that often makes very long written posts in their replies... 

You sure have an odd habit of not behaving the way you insist others should. You sure do a lot of tone policing and seeming discouraging of people who say things you disagree with. Isn't that odd? 

So to paraphrase your own words, "if you don't like what I say, or you are not interested" the don't simply don't reply. I have read a lot of your longer written replies, and thought they could be written better, except you know what I say to myself? This is someone just expressing their views, and sharing their opinion. Its their right to express that however they wish. Who am I to try and say otherwise? Even though I don't always agree with you, I think you often make valid and decent points. Then sometimes I also agree. Regardless I respect your right to share your views within Community Guidelines. 

Plus the best thing? If I don't want to read your claims about common sense and how its the "others" that lack it. I can just skip your reply and not read it and not reply to it. Magical. 

I don't mind if people post Tl;DR or skip what I write. I do generally try to be concise, out of consideration, but that was actually an example of myself being concise. Video games have existed for a few decades now, there is a lot for a fan to talk about it. Like Cute Moth NPC brought up Valkyria Chronicles, you bring up Horizon Zero a lot, both are really interesting to consider when thinking about stylisations, enjoyment and ways better technology could potentially improve a persons enjoyment, bot not necessarily as well. I could talk about this subject a lot... maybe not as much as you talk about Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. From the looks of it, a lot of people like talking about these comparisons and already have, and I enjoyed reading their thoughts too. 

So yes, to your third line, I will post the way I want. I encourage everyone to post the way they want. Thats the beauty of the forums. Cheers.

That's how this user is, he's the spitting image of a contradiction, he trolls manipulating everything you say, responding "if you interpret it that way, it's your problem, I can't do anything" apparently we're all toxic except him.

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58 minutes ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

That's how this user is, he's the spitting image of a contradiction, he trolls manipulating everything you say, responding "if you interpret it that way, it's your problem, I can't do anything" apparently we're all toxic except him.

Honestly, blocking them years ago was probably the best decision I ever made on this forum.

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6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


I am not insisting on anything. Merely addressing words directed at myself. 

Let us understand what is happening here. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I partially agree, with your first point, but I think its more complicated than that. Intellect and discerning ability play a role, as does experience, knowledge and understanding. These can all influence peoples choices, but they are also qualities that vary in individuals as well. For example, younger individuals can be more susceptible to the influence of words, as can tired or emotional people. 

Given, you are not the norm. Your level of sophistication discussing topics is noted. Looks like I have to be strictly formal. I never expected this. 

Military mind happens at a certain age of human development and such military mind takes years for a full formation. The discussion that we seek is the inclusivity of points of view without underpinning the integrity of the products. We humans love comparisons, seek the superlative and become motivated by the witty speculation. Susceptibility varies from individual to individual. For example, the audience that Warframe seek is not the same audience we see on world building games that requires a high intellectual coefficient in the decision making process. 

While I have a flaw of being convinced by graphics, design and sheer capability of vectorial graphics I must admit that architecture in games makes me biased. Design in general is one of my hobbies. I do search for eclecticism and a narrative of the future/past approach. Somehow I should not be seduced by the level of detail or the depth of field but again I can't help it. 

Reading comprehension and critical thinking are the goals of a civilized society. Of course they come as a couple. The more you read the more you understand artistic licences and the very nature of speech. The narrative of the construction frees the mind of the preconception because people understand how things are constructed. And you guessed that right, the building. When people have the aesthetic escape, they realize that freedom is inherited in the process of the construction. 

How warframe entwine in all of this? The LEVEL OF EXPOSITION of the game is more than extraordinary. People sees the same places a greater number of time than Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West or Ragnarok. Even Batman Arkham Knight should be included in this conversation. These games are nowhere near the duration of Warframe. Even Elden Ring players do not engage their own game for that level of hours. 

The LEVEL of exposition in Warframe opens a pandora box because people sees props, tilesets, 3D modeling, animation sets for more time than any of the games I mentioned here. The level of exposition makes the player be more critical than the player you see in Shadows of the Colossus or ICO. In other words, the world matters a lot, the details mattes a lot and the level of upgrade and renewal matters a lot. 

Games that are played for less, have bloated budgets on graphical fidelity. The irony of this is that the player do not appreciate the amount of effort that such 3D modelers, animators, designers, architects and engineers put in their product. It's strange because Horizon, Ragnarok and Elden Ring are ephemeral games in comparison to a game that endured ten years of existence. 


6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Honesty and sincerity can be interpreted by text only, rather I think its more accurate to say, they can't always be accurately conveyed or interpreted by text only. Thats not exclusive to text either, people can misunderstand each others intent in face to face meetings as well. 

Yes, the phenomenon of lost in translation is not limited to written literature. All other forms of misinterpretations are there such as pantomima, acting and even music. You are right with what you are trying to communicate here. 

Text doesn't have influence on the individual. It's the individual will that dictates this. And that's correct too, we have intellectual coefficient and emotional coefficient. In my life I still think that such rubrics are quite incomplete too. But again that IS my personal opinion. It should not be counted as a fact. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

This is I believe you make points I think are interesting, but usually require more elaboration, which usually falls to myself, which means creating a longer conversation. However if you feel I overlooked an important issue you raised, that was important for context or a different point you made, please feel free to note it and reemphasis it. Like above point... its not like I disagree strongly, its just I wouldn't necessarily frame it the way you do, but I also don't really think its that important we agree with that level of minutiae. 

I respect a formal discussion. 

This should become the norm and this should become the standard. But I can't impose that point of view either. Construction of a text is architecture. Construction of a drawing is architecture, construction of a script is architecture. Construction of a game can be considered architecture too.

I do respect architecture because there is dedication and commitment on such construction. If an individual makes this presentation I am morally obliged to have the etiquette, morals and dedication writing a coherent answer the best way I can. Maybe my rebuke is not the best, maybe my refutation is not the best but at least there is some sort of stack exchange. I can't reject that or give deaf ears when a person makes an effort. I do believe in the concept of civilization. I should act civilized if I get a civilized treatment. It's reciprocity. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I agree. That being said, people are people. You had a great conversation with Ampathetiic the other day. I think they made some really solid and strong points. I think you did as well, but I thought their advice and reasoning was overall better. At one point they pointed out how two similar bits of their point were to each other, but how vastly different your reaction and reply was. You conceded, and pointed out you were tired and lacked coffee. Which is totally relatable. Also I think just generally good to do, concede when you err. 

I have lapsus mentis like any other human who roams this world. I am not the exception.

I have faults and I am far from being 100 percent coherent. I should strive for such behavior but clarity of mind takes a lot of years in the making. The formulation of a concise and precise mind requires intense education and laborious training. I have my burn outs. I have my shortcomings too. My human nature is carried everywhere. I can't fake it. I can't hide it. Even putting effort on having zero faults is without any doubt an oxymoron on my part. 

I do believe that precise, concise and brief is a motto in mathematics and physics. But do believe too that being exhaustive is fundamental for mind focusing and endurance. Yes, endurance matters the most for writers and novelists. My education are the hard science but again I should master critical thinking achieving clarity of mind. The key word that I miss is consistency. 

Consistency is by far one of the hardests habit for any type of discipline. I do not question what account is responding. I do not question if I am being probed. I do not question if the level of intellectual engagement increases exponentially. This is immaterial to me. However I focus on the IDEA. I know that many known people talk about the work of this linguist that was a well known teacher at MIT. Noam Chomsky. This dude, is not an easy pill to swallow. This guy is very complex, demands a lot mental focusing and requires surgical hand to understand what he's talking about. 

Language could be seen as a program. But decoding this program is even harder. The idea of the universal grammar exists. This dude dedicated his life explaining this hard concept. You understand it quite well. The way you express yourself, tells me a lot about your skills and level of education. That's nice. We should have this level of fun somehow. :P

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

So on that day you were tired and didn't have coffee so didn't act optimal? Well sometimes, some people have just finished working 8 hours, or finished school, and they are also a bit tired, and they have no coffee, and maybe they have a bad day, and they just want to play a game they enjoy and post on the forums about the game they enjoy. It might not make the best sense, but then someone else comes along and keeps talking about how the game actually sucks and should be better, better like Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, sold over 10 million copies!! Hey did you know Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores has way better graphics than real life? Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores isn't just factually better, but common sense tells us it makes you more attractive and financially rich as well. Like woah... people will get tired of that when they are already tired.

Hold it. 

The DLC IS ephemeral and even a product as such if we are very strict, has limited fun in comparison to Warframe. But here is the thing, there is some dedication into the world building that Guerrilla display in these games. This is something that DE can plug in in Warframe. The memory of the place and the respective genius loci helps build up a beautiful world for the open world setpieces. These games borrows places that already exist with ruins. This is a powerful approach to game design. Warframes can't be divorced from the place. Parkour exerts a great force in the design of this game. The player engages the place more than the other three games I mentioned before, hence the observation and scrutiny is greater due to the LEVEL OF EXPOSITION. 


6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Not me mind you, because as a person I trained myself not to dislike or spite media based on others values, or behaviour, including zeal or spite, but I do recognise that its a common phenomena and people are very often influenced by others and this influence can also be subtle and subconscious. You can also make evaluations from there as well. Like whats more important to myself as a person? That more people get to experience media that I think is good and they might enjoy? Or to prove that the game I love is definitely the best and that everyone needs to know how I feel and how my favourite games are the best? Which is more important to you? To share and be inclusive of great games and experiences or deter people from such games? Do your actions align with your intent? 

Shall I decide and pull myself into being completely narcissistic. Shall I exercise my level of narcissism? Well, I get nothing in return. Why should I take that path in the first place? But I do believe on a realistic vision of having a fair perspective of things. Sorry if this burst the bubble of holding warframe as a great game. Such bubble bursts with time even if I do not intervene because such magic wears out. Again the problem that we face is level of exposition. The player of warframe experience the burn out effect because what motivates the player stays is the new toy on the block. It's the classical stick and carrot system that makes people grow tired of it. 

Can you think of a player that simply plays warframe and doesn't care of getting items or warframes? Are player rewarded with the extrinsics instead of the intrinsics? Is there a balance between the extrinsics and the intrinsics? The other games provides ready to have fun while Warframe uses the postposition of gratification method through farming and grinding. 

If such is the case why not improve farming and grinding? Other games like the one I mentioned keeps a moderate approach with item acquisition. At least these items are not shrouded on time gates that requires long waits. Of course this is a market and DE must make money. I get that. But some fun using immersible enemy engagement, more complex levels and unexpected boss encounters helps me stay in Warframe instead of looking for other games that provides this off the bat. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Thats why I thought that situation was unfortunate. That other user shouldn't... be discouraged by you, to myself, that wasn't your intent either. Yet it happened anyway. They were probably tired and lacking in coffee too maybe. 

I don't stop people from playing warframe. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

For clarity, I am not questioning your intentions. Just noting different consequences of different intentions. Like do I think your original intention was to give sincere advice? I am a bit (only a bit) skeptical in some ways, because sometimes I think you just react by the moment and say what you think at the time, even if its inconsistent with what you thought or said earlier. Like in your conversation with Ampathetiic. So I will mention why advice may not seem sincere, and why some people may attempt to pass off their own preferences and beliefs as "just advice". For example: "I think you should just shut up and talk less" turns into "woah, calm down bro, I was just giving some friendly advice" but that isn't advice, thats an attempt to conversation police and tone police other users.

The mass of text, a WELL THOUGHT OUT IDEA came out of nowhere. It reminded me like these smurfs account in Overwatch that has an extraordinary talent playing the game. 

Of course, employees, players or any other user can use any account and approach they want. I simply found the whole thing like, "wait a minute" "there is a sudden change of pace here, buddy". 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

The advice line is just a new attempt to make the earlier comment more friendly and neutral when it wasn't at all. However I did also say that I appreciate kind intent and sincere advice, because I don't know your intent, and I think the way that you express yourself and the way that I express myself, may not mean mutual understandings are quick to come by. There will probably be misunderstandings and we may have semantic disagreements. So I generally think your intent is overall positive, and I extend good faith to you as a person. 

True, you did. You made your comment friendly. 

I appreciate YOUR sincerity in this engagement.

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Anyone, yourself included, but the strength of their claim will be relative to what they can reason or demonstrate. Also its not so focused on yourself, but everyone. People can even use themselves as examples. For example? I can use myself. In a vacuum? I think Prime Accessories is too expensive. I think real world money thats equivalent to the price of a full priced game, just for a digital piece of exclusive fancy armour is a bit silly. Like its not actually worth that much when you think about how much time went into creating that piece of armour. Its not actual content, its just cosmetics. Why does looking cool in Warframe have to cost so much real life money? Since you can't get Prime Access armours any other way? 

This is a complex topic. I don't want to dispatch with an irresponsible tone. 

DE constructed a model that they saw in other franchises. Call of Duty is a prime example of short small updates using refurbished assets. Infinity Ward was spotted on such move. Other companies makes updates of their ideas and sell them as whole games. In the end game progress is slow but should have an apparel that is moving fast. Old code is refurbished and used. If we apply that logic then Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Zero Forbidden west are almost the same product with a reuse of assets in a clever way. Of course some maps are different but the assets are repeated and improved. Respawn is an example of this too but they know how to pull their own weight with the newer Jedi game release. These are updates, not fully drastically new games in concept. DE understood this to perfection and went on the GAAS F2p road. They simply said "Why do Warfrane 1, 2, 3" when we can stick with the model of selling primes and platinum. Of course it was a novel idea when it started but then such approach created other issues and crutches. Having a good formula could make developers rest in their laurels. 

DE had and have a good market model. The question is this: How this market model controls their creative process and hold back the potential of the game or if it is the other way around? 


6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Well... Warframe uses a FTP model. Its used this for a while now, some stuff will arguably be over priced, but by making it cosmetics? You can argue that its actually better this way, because you aren't locking out people out of actual content. All the actual gameplay stuff is free. You can also get plenty of armour sets for free or by grinding. Now some people will occasionally actually pay that much money, for what some others may argue isn't much at all, but the thing is, because some people do spend that money? Warframe can remain a FTP game, and for those that don't care about those specific Prime armour pieces or think they are worth it, well they can just not buy them. Like if people want to spend money to get a cool Armour Set, Syandada and some 3 Month Boosters instead of Hi Fi Rush? Who am I to disagree? 

You are completely right here. 

Hands down. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Then finally on this topic... can my arguments, change DE's policy, will my reasoning get them to make Prime Accessories half or a quarter of what the current pricing is? Probably not. They have their system, they have access to sales, its their literal job to know what pricing os most effective for their long term stability and maintenance. Unless I can get a couple tens of thousands of people to agree with me, and support our sentiments with actual money? I am just one person with strong opinions, and maybe a few other people may agree with me, on this one topic. 

The guy you are conversing with agrees with you. Strange isn't it? 

The word we type on these forums has ZERO effect on DE even if I am naive enough to not believe that.. What makes DE change their decisions is the STATISTICS of USE. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Hence... I won't create a dozen threads each week insisting that DE should change its Prime Accessories pricing. Its an unrealistic expectation, and would only clutter the forum. Now who is the person that will tell me that what I said is an unrealistic expectation? Myself, so my actions follow my understanding and my understanding is explained above. 

I don't know better than DE because I am not a project manager. I am not a business manager or someone who has full education in business. Gaming is business. It's a world ruled by capitals. Capitalism is exchange of goods for better or worse.  It's the same on everything we reason. Our world works with commerce and exchanges. Somehow we don't like what we see but the exchange must take place. This world exists because there are trades. 

 I don't want to be an armchair developer either. ChatGTP can do that better than any of us giving us some portion of coding if we are doing programming. The current times gives us the false notion that we could know better. The entitlement gives us the notion that we can outperform other ideas when we have ZERO experience doing such tasks. I do agree with what you say somehow because I got myself caught on such turbulence. 

I can't tell DE what to do or proceed. I am simply the customer. However I do have choices. I can play the game or not. I can substitute this game for few others or not. But I can't discourage other people from playing Warframe. I don't have a say on that and I do not intend on such thing because in the end is pointless. People will always play what they like and what they want at any given time. 

I can't tell other people do their business either but I can talk about cases that I think that are beneficial for a discussion. We must always ask for a bit more of quality. DE can ask us "Who ARE YOU to deserve this quality you ask for?". I can simply respond "your client". "you keep us happy, we get the show going for you and your owner company" hence the stack exchange. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Now sometimes person who has an expectation, doesn't have an unrealistic expectation, and sometimes the person pointing out whether its realistic or unrealistic isn't the same individual using self analysis. Those variables can depend. Not all expectations are equal, not all explanations or reasoning are equal. Its not all subjective. You can establish criteria to allow for more objective and informative points or discussion. 

There is a degree of accuracy if we talk about animations, procedural tessellation, 3D modeling, illumination and texturing. These things are scientific in nature. These things are hard science. It's just academic writing on knowing or not knowing how they work. Expectations are another matter of subjectivity. They may vary from person to person and their level of education. Guess analysis is not strict analysis. However classical expectations of finding an item included in the update or not is more accurate than expecting a revolutionary system that will change how we play with the Warframes, tenno and drifter. 


6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Heres another explanation. My personal tastes? Well, I actually really like games, that have a lot of important supporting characters, that accompany your main character or playable character through out the game. Like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Final Fantasy. In these games, you can have teams of companions, that can have complicated interpersonal storylines and interactions with each other. Friendships, enemies, rivals, lovers, siblings, mentors, all sorts. Does Warframe have this? Well no, not really, it has decent side characters though... does Demon Souls have this? Well not a party system, again though, like Warframe, they have a great cast of side characters. 

That's not in debate because Horizon Zero Burning Shores is character and story oriented. Warframe tells the story in a different way throughout clues, enigmas, puzzles, unlockable content among other things. Warframe focuses on social activities. 

Both mediums works for the respective type of game. One is single player the other is a GAAS F2P Peer to Peer game. If I compare that I should talk how such comparison is taking place. The story of Horizon is way different than Warframe. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Do I wish Warframe had more in-depth and voice acted characters in it? In some ways yes, especially if I was being selfish and wanted the game to appeal more to my personal tastes. Do I need to constantly remind people that Final Fantasy and Mass Effect have way better companions and romances and supporting character personal dynamics and interactions and how DE need to step up their game, and be more like the games I personally enjoy? No. I think that would be a bad argument, because Warframe is very different from those games. So is Dark Souls. Actually, back in the day, I use to see people mocking and judging Demon Souls and Dark Souls for "lacking plot" and "not having more characters" and for seeming too dark, depressing and lifeless, and comparing it to games like Mass Effect and Elder Scrolls. 

I don't want Warframe be Mass Effect. I want more interactivity or voice lines of the characters. They feel like background. Should Lotus laugh hysterically for no good reason or just a random reason? Yes. Do I want comical and colloquial lines on the characters? Of course. Do I want my tenno mumbling gibberish? Of course. 

I want to see DE have more fun with these characters. Bring in those snutty lines. Why some characters can't be douchy on purpose or at least goof balls being witty in creative ways. This is an aspect that may improve depth in the game. Horizon has this. Ragnarok has this and of course Elden Ring has this. 


6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Such an argument would be myself trying to say Warframe needs to cater to my own personal preference and then not having realistic expectations of what it has done and what its trying to do. I think you should be able to recognise this as well... because some Horizon players probably don't like Elden Ring, and there are probably Elden Ring players, who don't care for Horizon and they will have criticisms that those games should be more like the game they prefer... Yet, you like both of them separately no? 

I have these games. They have different approaches to storytelling and they are very diverse in gaming mechanics. Everybody at least should try them even if the player end up putting them aside. I do understand that these games are not for everybody. I enjoy diversity in my set of games. I pick the best ones and enjoy the ride on the genre they belong. None of them can substitute Warframe. The warframe player is a different creature who enjoys a mix of everything including RNG, modding, trading and meta.  

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

So are you on the Horizon forums saying that game has too many fans who lack common sense, and that its failing, and it should look at Elden Rings success and step up their game? Or are you on the Elden Ring forums saying that it needs to be more like Horizon? 

I don't have much to say there since I feel comfortable with what the devs makes with these IPs. The rest are just adjustments, bug fixes and detail. Besides Warframe is a free to play game that depends on the component of the customers. This is why we have these forums. 

You don't see me there because Guerrilla step up their game, And you do not see me in Elden Ring forums because Elden Ring gives me a lot of options to choose my build. I don't want similarities between these two because these are entirely different mediums. I want these to stay different as games themselves. 

Why I bring them here? Because DE made reference of them. People mentioned them on these conversations a lot and there are traits of these games in Warframe. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Again, do I have games I like more than Warframe? Sure, but I try to keep my expectations realistic and my comparisons fair and I also understand and acknowledge that a lot of people that enjoy and support Warframe are here for things I may not care about. So I should even be careful about how I would want to games direction to evolve, in regards to my own personal preferences. Like a lot of voice acting costs money. If DE made the sort of Warframe content that I really wanted? It probably couldn't afford to be a FTP game anymore. So I need to have the self reflection and self understanding to realise my own personal tastes shouldn't dictate what Warframe should be. I think sometimes some players lack that awareness and understanding and don't really consider beyond themselves to how the broader player base thinks or cares. 

What I say here doesn't affect the game evolution at all. Those are decisions taken by DE in their studio. DE collects statistical data, arrange things in ways that matches their goals and do anything they like with the game. I don't have a say on how the game evolves. These forums are for conversations between peers on many subjects the game provide. Some subforums are dedicated to suggestions, bug fixes and ideas for particular items, warframes or events. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

So some peoples expressions about personal tastes can differ as well. I can even prove this. If you could only have played one game, between Elden Ring and Horizon Forbidden West which and why? The other is deleted from reality. 

I played both three games I can't answer that question. I think each one is valuable on itself. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Thats your intent right? Is it possible that your approach isn't going to achieve what you intend though. Is that possible? 

I simply provide other games that shows an illustrate what DE can improve. Is it possible? Well, all developers study other games and learn from them. I am dead sure that DE employees played these games and many others.

I bring them here for the benefit of people who doesn't know them. Playing a variety of game makes player appreciate the difference and similarities of what Warframe offers. I think that a good library of diverse games doesn't hurt either. 


6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Its a goal sure, just one of many. There are other factors like sustainability, profit, artistic merit, funding, popularity, time factors, not to mention how quality can be reached through different types of consensus, but can also be of a more subjective quality, depending on the context. Like I don't consider Fortnite personally fun, I would much rather play Elden Ring, Horizon or Warframe, but I can't deny that many many people probably do find Fortnite fun. Should I insist that Fortnite improve its quality in such a way as to appeal to myself personally? Like adding more depth to its single player modes? I mean maybe... but they also know what they are about and who they appeal to, and it would be an unnecessary risk to try and appeal to people like me, in such a specific way, especially since even if they did, I might not actually have the time or energy to play Fortnite anyway... because I do already have Elden Ring, Warframe and Horizon, with Armoured Core, Mass Effect and Dragon Age in the future. 

But those other factors are not of our interest. We focus on quality of the game and the delivery of the promise. 

We are the customer who wants a better product out of what we have now. We can't do much with those other factors. That is DE's job. We can't do their job. That's why they are developers. Those are their variables. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

They don't. However... 

Then you don't have to worry of what I think. My words doesn't influence anyone. That is up to the individual. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

This is not true. You can choose to be competitive and hostile and aggressive with people over your preferences.

It is true. I can't do anything about it. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Or you can be open, inclusive, and friendly. For example, I already mentioned I don't like Fortnite. However if there are any Warframe players who play Fortnite, you won't see me trying to talk down Fortnite or insisting that Warframe is so so much better. Do I have criticisms of Fortnite? Sure, I have criticisms of Warframe, and Elden Ring, and Dragon Age and Tekken, and Final Fantasy, and Resident Evil, but I also have fondness and respect for aspects of all those games as well. Theres nuance. 

That's a matter of presentation. This is my style of how I cut the wood. I state things how I see them. I can't sugarcoat things. You have the choice to ignore what I say or discuss it if you agree or disagree.


6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I am not here trying to turn this into a competition, where my personal favourites win and the things  am personally negative about need to be persistently repeated and echoed in every single thread in the Forum of that game. I am not defending the rights of some forum users just because they agree with me, and implicitly mocking or trying to censor those who disagree with me. I also don't view this as a sports game, where I defend my side no matter what, just because they are my team/side. If games were like sports, then a lot of creativity and small games would get crushed by the biggest titles that earn the most money, diversity would be destroyed. Games like Horizon and Elden Ring and God of War wouldn't exist, it'd be all lootboxes, micro transanctions in multiplayer games like PUBG, GTA online, Fortnite, etc (not that those games are bad either, they are great, just very successful and profitable and so "winners". 

When I talk about competition, I am talking about game quality, level of polish and robustness of the experience. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

This is not strictly accurate, its quite a bit more complex. Like you have to consider diverging goals, account for budgets and experience, resources, workers rights, how information is spread and made available, misinformation, journalism, fact checking, customer rights. Like there is a lot to parse through and take into account. 

But is accurate enough for the intent that I am communicating

Yes, budget, experience, resources, availability of information, use of technology of information and communication among many other things are relevant factors for game design. We are talking about results that already exists in the market. We compare them to things that are properly working. If we go down this road we will converge on strict game design. That's another subject. 

If Warframe wants to stay competitive at least must show improvement on the graphic department, A.I., boss fights, quality of life in general. At least one of these categories suffice. Consistency is preferable if DE focuses on quality of life in general. There are many things that requires QoL. All the games that I mentioned in this thread addresses quality of life in general. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Also do you think you might be giving yourself too much credit by implying your specific posts in a Forum contribute that much to the sort of positive competition you praise? Are you so sure that it might not actually be a detrimental factor. Wouldn't that be funny no? If your intent is healthy competition that improves a product, but your actions could actually be deemed to be ineffective or counter productive to improving quality. Is that something you have considered? 

I can't measure my contributions because I don't have feedback. I don't have a statistics and I don't have data to work with. That's the field of analysis. My approach is the critique on certain aspects of the game that can improve. Those are the A.I. graphics, quality of life and boss fights as I mentioned above. 

In a forum, I don't have a say or an area of effect on the things I write. I simply converse with other members what I think about a game. I do not expect any result such as game changes, change orders, optimizations, implementations and proof of concept. I have zero control of these factors. 

I provide the evidence to the public. The public decides if what I say makes sense or not. I don't hold the truth. I simply provide my take on the industry. Could be right, could be wrong. That is something the reader decides. I have no control over that either. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Not all conformity is positive or uncritical. Individuals can also conform to negativity. 

Why be conformist with less when you can have more?

Why be conformist with bread crumbs when you can have a lobster for your meal? 

There is nothing wrong with bread crumbs if they are many. I simply place the plates. People may throw them or eat from them. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

 You are wrong in this instance yes, but thats okay. Acknowledging you might be wrong is a good thing. 

That's the process of learning. I can't get it right the first every time. I will get them wrong too. The probability is 50/50. 

The process of learning edificates. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I did not, its okay. In fact I can say with full sincerity, you do not have to worry about offending me at all. I do not get offended in general, even in situations I probably should. I enjoy conversation a lot. 

That's exactly the purpose of the forums. We share here the same idea. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

No worries. I don't think you have to apologise, but I appreciate the gesture. I still think your first impression is ironic, but not in a negative or judgmental way. For example, look how long your reply was. There is probably a user on this Forum who wishes we both were more concise and posted less. 


The road to the truth NEVER is easy and I am being optimistic that someday we may find the truth. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Like I remember a few months ago, a user who I usually agree about Warframe with, said something to a user I usually disagree with about Warframe (generally). Their comment carried a negative judgement of mental health. It doesn't matter to me that I might agree or disagree with either, I thought it was more important to gently reply that I felt such a comment was a bit unfair as I interpreted it. The person who said the comment, was gracious and probably didn't mean a negative intent, but they apologised to the other user and changed their comment. 

Oh. Making fun of people who is mentally discapacitated or have any form of impairment is simply cruelty. Ableism is a serious offense. I can't agree with such practice. 

You did the right thing there. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

My first impression may be to just blindly agree or disagree or like some sentiment more than others, based on how I feel or think, but... I also think its important to actually step back and apply such reflection and consistency to what I actually value. Its not that there is harm in going off our first impressions, but that their can be value in self awareness, self reflectiveness and critical thinking when it comes to our own behaviour and expressions. Even if we may be lacking coffee or sleep. 

Value is subjective. There are no equivalents. We only do exchanges. This is an advice that DE needs to hear a lot. They need reflection, consistency more than anything else and be more empathic with the customers. It's hard to please everyone and is hard to list recommendations of people with different backgrounds. However good responses on the quality of life in the game reinforces trust and mutual agreement. The player is heard and the issues solved. Should I do the same with everything I do, indeed. There are no exception to this rule. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I'm actually tired a lot, so I am quite hard on myself as far as questioning my self and trying to be kind and thoughtful towards other people. Thats actually one reason my posts can be a bit long too. Sure, some people do prefer short and concise, but eh... some people prefer transparency and additional context and reasoning, even if it comes with the price of longer sentences and paragraphs. Anyway, its also why I tend to be quite consistent with my views as well, I am not merely reacting to stuff in the moment, not that there is anything wrong with that, but can create inconsistencies. Which also isn't inherently bad/negative. Can cause degrees of conflict though, and of course, often the reason disagreements can happen in forums, as all our styles and attitudes can be a little different (or a lot different). 

If you feel comfortable on this style, go ahead. When I read the message becomes clear. Your writing communicates clearly the message. 

6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I just mean in the sense that it was voluntarily given. Though I also understand why you would want to clarify, and this sort of touches on what I mentioned before. We both likely used a different definition or interpretation of the word. In this case, its not about right or wrong, just misunderstanding, neutral and friendly. 

This is I think the most important part of your post. The conception of neutrality is extremely hard to explain and carry out. Here we have a big challenge for all of us. The neutral poster is the perfect poster in my opinion. It's a mindset I would like to have but takes a lot of effort for a clean execution. 

Neutrality is the key for good communication, delivery of ideas and removal of all the ingredients that causes confusion and misunderstanding. I am aggressive plugging good games to produce a discussion but that may fall in deaf ears. However a good simple comment could do more impact than lots of videos and well written paragraphs. The neutral response requires a lot of witts, intelligence, creativity and honesty. That is hard to achieve on formal arguments. 

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1 hour ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

That's how this user is, he's the spitting image of a contradiction, he trolls manipulating everything you say, responding "if you interpret it that way, it's your problem, I can't do anything" apparently we're all toxic except him.

Imagine If I start blocking users here, I simply would be responding to just 2 percent of the Warframe population. Calling me a troll is pointless. I can think the same about you but I chose to not take that road. Either way, you have the choice to put me on your ignore list. No one stops you. 


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11 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


You have a gift and thank you for sharing it with us.  You make me, and hopefully others, rethink our words and thoughts to be better with our discussions, and be better people.  I will admit to being a wee bit abrasive and curt at times in an effort to quickly get my point across. It would be easy for me to blame it on the lack of coffee I crave, but I would be just fooling myself.  It is hard to remain objective and accepting of other peoples notions when one is passionate about their beliefs.  It's probably something we all have wiggle room to make us better people if we TRY to understand or at a bare minimum, listen/read what others are saying with an open-mind so we can at least allow ourselves the opportunity to learn and grow.  So thank you sincerely, for being the voice of reason in what sometimes is a cesspool of vitriol and negativity.  We all should feel comfortable to express ourselves in the Forums, since without it, we are voiceless and powerless to affect changes we might so desperately need to ensure the continued success of a game, we all appreciate and enjoy!  If you didn't want Warframe to flourish and thrive, why would anyone bother to be here at all. 

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

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Opinions are divided. I admit that the negativity is high too and people are skeptic more than usual. I contributed to that because I felt disheartened with some decisions taken in Duviri. I don't like spreading negativity and raining on the party of others. I realized that my sentiments on the matters are the sentiments of many that feels the same way. This discussion is about a game. I am not judging the life of anyone, their likes and their decisions. 

Gaming forums are provided for some fun and exchanges between members. No one likes coming to a forum where people tells you all the time how much your favorite game sucks ass. That is plain trolling. There are good things and there are not so good things in everything. I am always the 50/50 individual attempting a fair balance between critique and approval. I will try and be more careful approaching the conversations without raining over someone else party. For some being the realist is just salt over food. 

The true voice of reason starts when people freely detach themselves from their respective preferences and takes a critical stance. 

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9 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

That's how this user is, he's the spitting image of a contradiction, he trolls manipulating everything you say, responding "if you interpret it that way, it's your problem, I can't do anything" apparently we're all toxic except him.


Hello. I (think) I get what you are saying and coming from. For transparency I always feel a little bit uncomfortable going off topic unnecessarily, especially to talk about another user in what could be interpreted as a negative way. I also as a person, have a tendency to want to try defuse and deescalate arguments, odd habit, but it also means I often take note of conflict, so I remember that the other day you had a bit of an argument with said user. For what its worth, I personally don't think they are trolling or intending to be manipulative, at all. I realise not everything can just be.a misunderstanding, but I do think thats the case here.

Warframe community is diverse lot, people from a lot of different countries, age groups, backgrounds, ethnicity, occupations, wealth, first languages, sociopolitical persuasions, life styles, and ideologies, and so on. Communication and understanding won't always be smooth. This isn't to disagree with what you said to be clear, since based on the conversation I saw you have with them, I totally get what you mean. A part of me wants to talk about the subject broadly, but I don't want to be inconsiderate towards the other user. I think they are a good sort, and I think you are too, but I also don't want to go off topic to delve into communication and interpersonal conflict and resolution. 



4 hours ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

You have a gift and thank you for sharing it with us.  You make me, and hopefully others, rethink our words and thoughts to be better with our discussions, and be better people.  I will admit to being a wee bit abrasive and curt at times in an effort to quickly get my point across. It would be easy for me to blame it on the lack of coffee I crave, but I would be just fooling myself.  It is hard to remain objective and accepting of other peoples notions when one is passionate about their beliefs.  It's probably something we all have wiggle room to make us better people if we TRY to understand or at a bare minimum, listen/read what others are saying with an open-mind so we can at least allow ourselves the opportunity to learn and grow.  So thank you sincerely, for being the voice of reason in what sometimes is a cesspool of vitriol and negativity.  We all should feel comfortable to express ourselves in the Forums, since without it, we are voiceless and powerless to affect changes we might so desperately need to ensure the continued success of a game, we all appreciate and enjoy!  If you didn't want Warframe to flourish and thrive, why would anyone bother to be here at all. 

Have a pleasant tomorrow!


Thank you, that is a kind and generous compliment. Especially coming from yourself. 

I always enjoy your particular writing style and commitment to discretion and emphasis when selecting words. It gives me the impression of an individual that admires and appreciates language, communication and the importance of personal expression and self expression. I actually think you write in such a strong way, that even when you may be curt and abrasive, it should be hard for anyone to be too far taken aback. If anything they should be gently amused of the novelty in which you sassed them. The only time I think its unfortunate is when I sense a style and personality clash with the person you are conversing with. There are a few users in particular, that you sometimes clash with, I think you are all wonderful and great, but you'll clash over Warframe related topics. It doesn't get too heated, but yeah.

Such clashes and conflicts are natural though, and also important, little conflicts and clashes help give us perspective for larger conflicts and clashes, and help refine our personalities, including the tools to deal with those larger conflicts and clashes. If we didn't have little conflicts and clashes, we may lack preparation for life's larger and harder conflicts. Some of those tools developed also help us resolve future conflicts too. I used to get into a lot of pointless arguments and still occasionally do, but I just don't really like the idea of people feeling negative . Life for most of us, is too harsh, too tough, too expensive, too much struggle just to exist, and a lot of us have to adopt stoic personalities and mindsets. 

I hope you have a pleasant (and Tau Blessed) tomorrow as well. Cheers. 

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On 3/29/2023 at 2:22 AM, Tiltskillet said:

if there aren't melee weapons that are a lot faster than that hammer

To DE's credit: try swinging an unmodded fragor. Maybe we'll get mods, maybe not, but strictly speaking the vanilla weapons are about as slow before modding attack speed.

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1 hour ago, TheArmchairThinker said:


You took a long time to respond to that message, I almost forgot what was said, but thanks for the reminder

But yes, fair enough, I understand you are unconvinced and we can leave it as just that, but I am always open to DMs if people want to discuss it, But overall, all up to you, although as of late, I'm getting a little bit off-put by the other user with what I have caught up with reading the other responses and it's kinda getting a bit much..


Edit: I feel stupid, but I JUST realized what you meant by Chicken Little, you clever little hek

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4 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Hello. I (think) I get what you are saying and coming from. For transparency I always feel a little bit uncomfortable going off topic unnecessarily, especially to talk about another user in what could be interpreted as a negative way. I also as a person, have a tendency to want to try defuse and deescalate arguments, odd habit, but it also means I often take note of conflict, so I remember that the other day you had a bit of an argument with said user. For what its worth, I personally don't think they are trolling or intending to be manipulative, at all. I realise not everything can just be a misunderstanding, but I do think thats the case here.

That is a rather nice and good way of looking at things Fuzzled


But I guess it does boil down to how the person foresees what a user is saying, some folks can interpret all kinds of ways and that's perfectly fine as we're all human at the end of the day and hell even I am getting a bit puzzled (No pun intended lol) about said, user and while I do agree with some of his statements, it feels like the user is trying to balance both sides, but it's hard to see it that way. (Tho going so far as to be off-topic to talk about another game? kinda weird..)

Me, I have the tendency to have very harsh critiques and rather brutal opinions and other users have pointed out that it is like Doom and Gloom and yes, I will admit that it does look like that, I do agree with you, I don't think that User is trying to be said that way, but it's very hard to tell and I kinda hope that it's not the same for me, but if it is, I really can't do anything about it, as it's up to the person to interpret it. Hell in the past I've had a lot of satire posts that have also come across that way as well.


Outside of this btw, I love your Profile name  

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1 hour ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

Your track record doesn't convince me and with some of your comments sounded like chicken little's "the sky is falling" doom and gloom, you don't sound like you're sounding your opinion

Is this policing unsolicited?  Yes, people here have their track record about the comments made but seriously do you waste your time stalking the comments made by members here like this? 

 What's wrong with you? 

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