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What is “Soulsframe?”


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12 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

Not the newest at all, I've been saying this since I saw the gameplay reveal, which plays exactly like a soulslike.

Where has this possibly been reliably refuted? DE claming so? DE make a lot of claims.

The traits I listed are extremely promenant and are the core of soulslikes. While they may appear here or there in some hack/slash games, they are typically not the core mechanics.
The time you're wasting is trying to convice me and many many MANY others, who all can see the gameplay for ourselves, and see how closely related to a soulslike the gameplay actually is. Again, DE claiming it's not a soulslike does not make it any less of a soulslike.

Don't waste your time it's no use.

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31 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Don't waste your time it's no use.

I've seen the general attitude of many communities. In every forum you could find the old lurkers, the wankers, fanboys, rant white knight boys, fanatics, lots of alternate accounts and fangasmic 'yes man' boys. I know, with such individuals, it's no use. 

With this type of public IS IMPOSSIBLE to have a conversation like adjusted people have discussing certain subjects. By pointing no user in particular, I can safely say that the community has a portion of toxicity, hate and wickedness. This community is no different than the community of Call of Duty, Destiny or any other online community. In here, since there are forum rules, people find corners and ways to circumvent the rules. It's classical hypocrisy to the extreme

Joylesstuna, some people can't accept that Warframe IS NOT ALL THAT GREAT. They can't accept that they spent a lot of time in it without waking up from such loop. Right now that reality is changing because Sony is dropping the games. The focus of interest is shifting again towards developers that invest time polishing their product. Insomniac returned with Spider Man 2. There are many games on Sony International Entertainment that will put the bar higher while Warframe aims to IOS phones. 

This doesn't make Warframe a failure but makes people wake the hell up knowing where things actually are. There are good posters here too. We should limit ourselves to interact with people who is not biased, that are capable of accepting critique and understand where things are. 


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4 hours ago, Felsagger said:

By pointing no user in particular, I can safely say that the community has a portion of toxicity, hate and wickedness

Omg does it ever.

I thought I was pretty hard to shock, until I met this crowd.

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1 hour ago, FadeToNull said:

Omg does it ever.

I thought I was pretty hard to shock, until I met this crowd.

Sadly this has been very common with Warframe since near the start.

There are a lot of white knights for DE, and while in the past I've sung their praises, their decisions along the way forced me to question them as being one of the best devs out there. While they are good, they also fail in many places.

Problem is, there are so many who just can't see that and never have for the whole 10 years Warframe has been out, and it even creeps into gatekeeping as well, even against long term players.

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1 hour ago, FadeToNull said:

Omg does it ever.

I thought I was pretty hard to shock, until I met this crowd.

*insert 'first time?' meme*

IME of being on gaming forums since around '99, this 'community' is no different than any other one based around 'shooty' games and min-maxing.

There are people that like it, people that do not like but still play it, people that hate it and just post about it to get others to stop playing it, people that like it X months a year and hate it Y months a year at the same time, people that say they love the game but post nothing but negative diatribes about it, people like me that shoot rubber bands at the complainers because I think it's funny to make them angry over a video game, etc., because it's just another subset of humans, who come in many flavors.

None of this has changed since game forums have existed, IME.

The love, angst, and hate posted here is just people wailing in Times Square, it has no real meaning or bearing on ones life - it's just noise - just like any public forum on the Internet.

While there are those that think they are 'saving the game' or 'saving the players of the game' and other such nonsense all the time, in the end, it's just humans ranting about things they are (un)happy they are powerless to change, be it the game or the other posters outlooks and opinions...just noise.

Even though I frequent many game forums, this is why I solo in all games, unless I have a RL friend that plays the same game, because I would prefer to avoid so much noise when trying to actually play the game.

Happy Gaming.

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5 hours ago, Felsagger said:

I've seen the general attitude of many communities. In every forum you could find the old lurkers, the wankers, fanboys, rant white knight boys, fanatics, lots of alternate accounts and fangasmic 'yes man' boys. I know, with such individuals, it's no use. 

With this type of public IS IMPOSSIBLE to have a conversation like adjusted people have discussing certain subjects. By pointing no user in particular, I can safely say that the community has a portion of toxicity, hate and wickedness. This community is no different than the community of Call of Duty, Destiny or any other online community. In here, since there are forum rules, people find corners and ways to circumvent the rules. It's classical hypocrisy to the extreme

Joylesstuna, some people can't accept that Warframe IS NOT ALL THAT GREAT. They can't accept that they spent a lot of time in it without waking up from such loop. Right now that reality is changing because Sony is dropping the games. The focus of interest is shifting again towards developers that invest time polishing their product. Insomniac returned with Spider Man 2. There are many games on Sony International Entertainment that will put the bar higher while Warframe aims to IOS phones. 

This doesn't make Warframe a failure but makes people wake the hell up knowing where things actually are. There are good posters here too. We should limit ourselves to interact with people who is not biased, that are capable of accepting critique and understand where things are. 


>Calls everyone who disagrees with them irrational

>Says the discussion is toxic/hypocritical because people disagree

>Makes assumptions about the positions of others

>Projects bad-faith rationality onto the statements of others

>Encourages others to stop interacting with people who disagree with them, instead only communicate in an echo chamber


I'm not sure who you're trying to win over with this, but I guess you aren't. Completely disregarding the actual topic at hand, the mentality that you're showing here is incredibly toxic and I hope you eventually realize how disrespectful you've been to anyone who doesn't agree with you. I don't take any issue with you thinking Horizon to be a superior game to Warframe, I can very much understand thinking the graphics it has to offer look better, I just wish you would try to understand the rationality behind someone who disagrees with you rather than assuming they are being irrational.

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9 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

>Calls everyone who disagrees with them irrational

>Says the discussion is toxic/hypocritical because people disagree

>Makes assumptions about the positions of others

>Projects bad-faith rationality onto the statements of others

>Encourages others to stop interacting with people who disagree with them, instead only communicate in an echo chamber

I'm not sure who you're trying to win over with this, but I guess you aren't. Completely disregarding the actual topic at hand, the mentality that you're showing here is incredibly toxic and I hope you eventually realize how disrespectful you've been to anyone who doesn't agree with you. I don't take any issue with you thinking Horizon to be a superior game to Warframe, I can very much understand thinking the graphics it has to offer look better, I just wish you would try to understand the rationality behind someone who disagrees with you rather than assuming they are being irrational.

Nailed it!

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1 hour ago, Zimzala said:

IME of being on gaming forums since around '99, this 'community' is no different than any other one based around 'shooty' games and min-maxing

You may be right.

It's just that I've been on other forums too and Warframe always felt different to me.

But idk you could be right. Maybe it's just my perception.

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On 2023-05-25 at 6:48 PM, DrBorris said:

>Calls everyone who disagrees with them irrational

>Says the discussion is toxic/hypocritical because people disagree

>Makes assumptions about the positions of others

>Projects bad-faith rationality onto the statements of others

>Encourages others to stop interacting with people who disagree with them, instead only communicate in an echo chamber

Pretty much why I stopped listening to Felsagger. Even got to the point of ignoring. 

I really don't WANT to do that! I want to listen to everyone sides or takes on something, even if I fundamentally disagree with it or if I'm in the wrong about it,  I don't want to put myself in a echo chamber.

But with Fels... nearly every topic I see with them on, dies off, or just has the same 3 people just going at it and nothing really productive gets said. This topic actually started off great! Till Fels came along on another crusade and ruining it with these almost insane arguments that get more deranged each time. They very rarely add anything and I really don't like this "holier than thou" attitude they take with someone even slightly disagrees. 

I'm saddened that it's come to that, but just throwing them on the ignore list was the best choice. 

On 2023-05-19 at 4:47 PM, Felsagger said:

But I'm sure this alternate account has more to contribute. 

You can probably add "Slightly Delusional" on the list too... Thinking I'm a alt account, dear lord. 

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39 minutes ago, FadeToNull said:

You may be right.

It's just that I've been on other forums too and Warframe always felt different to me.

But idk you could be right. Maybe it's just my perception.

We are all human and therefor subject to confirmation bias...so the reality is somewhere between what I think and what you think most likely, from our divergent experiences and our personal lenses.

On a side note, it helps me to read almost all forum posts in the voice of the classic "leave Brittainy alone" video...

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5 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

On a side note, it helps me to read almost all forum posts in the voice of the classic "leave Brittainy alone" video...

Thank you, I finally feel seen, that's what I've been going for in all of my posts.

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This happens when YOU do not take the time to read the post you quote. I'm going to disarm your argument sentence by sentence. 

"By pointing no user in particular"


4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

>Calls everyone who disagrees with them irrational

In my post I do not call anyone irrational in particular. You are making that supposition. In a moderate conversation between adjusted people, disagreement is fundamental in a balanced unbiased conversation. People do not think alike. Presentation of the argument matters. Different ways of thinking is perfectly acceptable between rational people. 


4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

>Says the discussion is toxic/hypocritical because people disagree.

The problem is not the disagreement, the problem is how people disagree and present their arguments. Rational people accept the differences, the mishaps, the shortcoming of the developers. Rational people understand what developers knows how to do and what developers are not capable off. The way other people expresses their conduct makes them hypocrites and toxic. Presentation matters. 


4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

>Makes assumptions about the positions of others

In my post I describe the general conduct that happens in every community. This one, warframe community, IS NOT the exception. 


4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

>Projects bad-faith rationality onto the statements of others.

False, I correct the argument if there is a discontinuity of logic in the presentation of the argument or if there is false information written on the content of such post.


4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

>Encourages others to stop interacting with people who disagree with them, instead only communicate in an echo chamber

Encourage people to use the scientific method, comprehend other interpretations of reality, encourage unbiased thinking, encourage critical thinking. Encourage thinking by oneself. 

I discourage fanboyism, fangasm, wanking, fanboygasms, "yes man" arguments, one side stories, factual imprecisions, white knight tirades, irrationality. disingenuous arguments, dismissive attitudes and fanaticism. I discourage and critique the culture of cancelation, the woke behaviorism, the unilateral thinking. 


4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

I'm not sure who you're trying to win over with this

My words bothers you enough to write a tirade about my posts. My words has control over you. That puts a smile in my face. 


4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

, but I guess you aren't.

In a forum post no one wins anything. 

4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

Completely disregarding the actual topic at hand,

Soulframe is an attempt to pull off a meme out of Elden Ring and Chrono Odyssey

4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

the mentality that you're showing here is incredibly toxic


See the interactions between users here and Joylesstuna. 

Game over. 

4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

and I hope you eventually realize how disrespectful you've been to anyone who doesn't agree with you.


No one is mentioned in my post. Don't try to take offense out of my words. It doesn't work that way. 

4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

I don't take any issue with you thinking Horizon to be a superior game to Warframe,

But this is my subjectivity. It is not the truth for you. 

4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

I can very much understand thinking the graphics it has to offer look better,

Even you recognize that Horizon Zero Burning Shores looks better than Warframe. 

4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

I just wish you would try to understand the rationality behind someone who disagrees with you rather than assuming they are being irrational.

I reserve that consideration to people who I consider impartial, rational, adjusted and unbiased.  




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3 hours ago, Felsagger said:

This happens when YOU do not take the time to read the post you quote. I'm going to disarm your argument sentence by sentence. 

"By pointing no user in particular"


In my post I do not call anyone irrational in particular. You are making that supposition. In a moderate conversation between adjusted people, disagreement is fundamental in a balanced unbiased conversation. People do not think alike. Presentation of the argument matters. Different ways of thinking is perfectly acceptable between rational people. 


The problem is not the disagreement, the problem is how people disagree and present their arguments. Rational people accept the differences, the mishaps, the shortcoming of the developers. Rational people understand what developers knows how to do and what developers are not capable off. The way other people expresses their conduct makes them hypocrites and toxic. Presentation matters. 


In my post I describe the general conduct that happens in every community. This one, warframe community, IS NOT the exception. 


False, I correct the argument if there is a discontinuity of logic in the presentation of the argument or if there is false information written on the content of such post.


Encourage people to use the scientific method, comprehend other interpretations of reality, encourage unbiased thinking, encourage critical thinking. Encourage thinking by oneself. 

I discourage fanboyism, fangasm, wanking, fanboygasms, "yes man" arguments, one side stories, factual imprecisions, white knight tirades, irrationality. disingenuous arguments, dismissive attitudes and fanaticism. I discourage and critique the culture of cancelation, the woke behaviorism, the unilateral thinking. 


My words bothers you enough to write a tirade about my posts. My words has control over you. That puts a smile in my face. 


In a forum post no one wins anything. 

Soulframe is an attempt to pull off a meme out of Elden Ring and Chrono Odyssey


See the interactions between users here and Joylesstuna. 

Game over. 


No one is mentioned in my post. Don't try to take offense out of my words. It doesn't work that way. 

But this is my subjectivity. It is not the truth for you. 

Even you recognize that Horizon Zero Burning Shores looks better than Warframe. 

I reserve that consideration to people who I consider impartial, rational, adjusted and unbiased.  




This isn't a general gaming forum though, it's a forum specifically for a game. A rational person plays a game they enjoy. I feel sorry for people that feel the need to play something and trash it constantly. How crappy must your existence be that you voluntarily play something you aren't satisfied with? And then comment 10x times a day on that games official forum, trying to convince people that they're as miserable as you are. 

Why join a games official forum, keep up to date with it, then constantly bash it? That's so lame to me, but I guess people enjoy media in their own way. If you like hate playing games and trolling, so be it. Just know that most of us are here because we choose to play the game because we enjoy the work done by the devs. It's irrelevant what you think is "better". It's foolish actually. 

There's too many things to do in this world than force myself to play a videogame that I think is subpar. I tried Wayfinders recently. I don't like it much, I'll leave feed back, and then be done with it if it doesn't change. How dumb would it be of me to continue playing that game, calling the devs incompetent? 

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

This isn't a general gaming forum though, it's a forum specifically for a game.

In fundamental principles you get the idea wrong. 

We have two games. 

1. Warframe. 

2. Soulframe. 

That alone throws away any possible logic you are trying to make out of your post. 

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

A rational person plays a game they enjoy.

A rational person understands why he enjoys the game he/she plays. 


1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I feel sorry for people that feel the need to play something and trash it constantly.

A rational person analysis, critique, evaluate, assess and contribute ideas to the game he likes to play. 


1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

How crappy must your existence be that you voluntarily play something you aren't satisfied with?

This sentence alone proves how your reasoning is limited, narrow and shallow. 

This is why: 

a. The subject of this thread is Soulframe not Warframe. You missed that point. 

b. Warframe has good parts/events/instances that are memorable and parts/events/instances that simply are bad. Not everything in a GAAS F2P Peer to Peer works. Why then we have a player assisted model? 

c. People plays more than one game. This is fresh news for you but for the rest of the world is history. 


1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

And then comment 10x times a day on that games official forum, trying to convince people there as miserable as you are. 

Another false claim.

Let me title this "LES MISERABLES"


Let me sing the song of the ANGRY MAN. 


Hear my music. Singing the song of an ANGRY MAN? 


Am I miserable because I play more than one game? Are you going to report me to the mods because you took another savage L joining a discussion where you obviously are not ready to embark? You simply came empty handed and disarmed. Defeating your is not a challenge. I am not interested doing something that takes zero skill to achieve. 

This time I don't want you to take the L because you are always disarmed. I want you to ENJOY MORE THAN ONE GAME. Yes Warframe is a fair average game. It's not a bad one, but not the best one either. 


1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Why join a games official forum, keep up to date with it, then constantly bash it?


Saying that a game is average IS NOT bashing. Average games are enjoyable but they are average. IOS games will never have the depth of a next generation console game. 

Proof?: Spiderman 2. Look at the amount of views that such video has. IT HAS FIVE MILLION of views. THAT IS popularity. 

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

That's so lame to me

Yes it's lame for you when your vision is narrowed to just one developer. You think that DE is great when you ignore the fact that Insomniac Games, Guerrilla Games, Santa Monica Studio, Sucker Punch, Hello Games among many other developers exist. 

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

but I guess people enjoy media in their own way.

Correct. People enjoy Warframe and many other games. That's why comparisons happens. That's why analysis happens. That's why critiques happens. Products are not isolated. 

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

If you like hate playing games and trolling, so be it.

Not everybody has skewed priorities like you.  

An adjusted person knows how to balance priorities such as family, work and then entertainment. 

I speak about the games I have: Horizon Zero collection, God of War Ragnarok, Stray, Marvel's Spider Man 1, Miles Morales, Titanfall 2, Red out 2, Wipeout omega,......





1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Just know that most of us are here because we choose to play the game because we enjoy the work done by the devs.

Perfectly fair. You enjoy what you like. 

I enjoy what I like. 

Is this so hard for you to understand? Yes, seem so. 

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It's irrelevant what you think is "better".

It is not. You are posting because my words affects you. 

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It's foolish actually. 

Yes, for you. 

1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

There's that too many things to do in this world than force myself to play a videogame that I think is subpar.

But you are ranting about a user. 



1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I tried Wayfinders recently. I don't like it much, I'll leave feed back, and then be done with it if it doesn't change. How dumb would it be of me to continue playing that game, calling the devs incompetent? 

Who is calling developers incompetents? You are the one using that word, not me. 






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5 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

How crappy must your existence be that you voluntarily play something you aren't satisfied with?

I feel I should comment on this specifically. And don't get me wrong I'm not defending any other Felsagger's points here (mainly because I'm not bothered to read through walls of text of varying degree of coherency), but this one I will.

Why would I personally play something I am not satisfied with? Well because everything else is even worse. In a game industry where the prime motivator for a company to release and support a game is their profits, the chances of getting a game you truly enjoy with no conditions applied are practically non-existant.

Do I enjoy Warframe? Partly. I enjoy some parts of it, I hate other. Do I play it? Hell yeah, cause there isn't any game doing what Warframe's doing any better. In fact they're mostly much worse. Doesn't make Warframe a great game.

My gaming preferences aren't that much of preferences, as they are choosing the lesser evil. And I am sure thus applies to most people in one way or another.

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Well, anyways in regards to the topic of this thread...
When I first saw the label, I didn't assume soulslike, actually. I assumed "human soul" with "frame" from warframe, like the earlier periods of before Warframe's time or the afterlife (another dimension similar to Duviri Paradox) of Warframe. However, maybe I'm just a moron...nvm keep debate-lording y'all.

Tbh, I felt like the Soulframe gameplay trailers were copying/mimicing from Genshin Impact or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. "Soul" is just a word after all and Warframe is starting to dive deep into common philosophy, with its lore.

(DE) Steve may be evolving more as an individual than just a gamer and programmer, but also as an (amateur) philosopher.

So Felsagger's points of IOS and DE stating it's not Soulslike are very important points. The title of a game is just a title, don't judge a word's definition by its label just like don't judge a book by its cover.

A lot of games have combat similar to Duviri Paradox too and are from other genres, so yeah...

Also, if you play a game like Soulframe or Warframe on a phone, good luck with your battery life...

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