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Who is playing railjack and why?


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1 hour ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:




1 hour ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:



That's not a counterpoint but it does lead to a good example. 

The original Orphix Venom was a very popular way to gain arcanes and Scarlet Spear had an even greater run, despite both of them being new tech tests that DE needed a large and varied pool of players to engage in. Arcanes were the extra incentive and it worked VERY well. The new Orphix was intentionally weakened in appeal because the original interfered with the long running Eidolon hunts for arcanes.

Personally, I preferred both and would've loved an arcane hunt rotation system.

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22 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

The only thing you need for volatile is a well modded mech. That means voidrig with necramech rage, necramech repair + all the HP/shield/armor mods for the high level volatiles.

Are we thinking of the same node - volatile, where you destroy the pipes?

That cxan easily be done just with warframes (and i'd say is easier as the mobility is more important). The biggest problem players make for themselves in volatile is shooting everything without thought. You have to keep the heat level within the bars, and too many players just have a "see waypoint, shoot waypoint" attitude not realising they're making it harder for themselves doing that.

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22 minutes ago, CephalonCarnage said:

Are we thinking of the same node - volatile, where you destroy the pipes?

That cxan easily be done just with warframes (and i'd say is easier as the mobility is more important). The biggest problem players make for themselves in volatile is shooting everything without thought. You have to keep the heat level within the bars, and too many players just have a "see waypoint, shoot waypoint" attitude not realising they're making it harder for themselves doing that.

Im talking about the sentient things that keep appearing. Dont even know what you mean by pipes.

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Being a 40 year old man, I love it because of "nostalgia". 

I used to play a game called "Descent" when I was a teenager, and the whole idea of floating 360º originally came from there. I'd spend hours playing that title just because of pure freedom of movement while destroying mobs. Railjack is no different. I may be one of the rare cases who plays solo and enjoy the missions not only because they are fun to deal with, but ALSO spending extra time just flying around in my Archwing mining stuff, breaking crates and overall exploring  the asteroids. Yes, I am also a fan of games like Stardew Valley, Minecraft and stuff, so, you can see where my passion stems from.

Just hope DE continues to expand the Railjack system, maybe adding more maps and/or different ambients to explore. :)

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My thoughts for a hot topic:

  • What do I have to say about the Railjack ship? the Railjack should be like an entry and extraction gate similar to Cetus, Orb Vallis and Necralisk and should work like this for any type of mission; the Railjack must be a gate that can be destroyed, hunted and also repaired within the mission itself as all repair resources are on the map; the Railjack is supposed to be a gate with weapons and fundamental tactical mechanics for some mission modes and not a suicide taxi; the Railjack must be a gate that travels through space and time;
  • Does Railjack need more upgrades? yes, more upgrades like defense turrets similar to what we have in Void Armagedoon and external health nodes similar to what we have in Teralyst, I love the crew members but having fixed defense turrets and internal traps can make things more interesting and less aggressive to the server;

    Railjack can have two defense modes, internal defense and external defense:

    The external defense mode must be done by defensive nodes around the Railjack, so the enemy will take a long time to damage the ship's health, the disadvantage is the fragility to Ramsled invasions ie the exterior is resistant to shots but the interior is fragile, the turrets and crewchip members are also fragile, the tenno team needs to be aware of the Railjack's internal health;

    The internal defense mode is inverse, the defensive nodes around the Railjack are fragile to shots but the interior is resistant, turrets and crewchip members are also very resistant to Ramsled invasions, this will make the tenno team more active in external roles or even the fastest piloting of the ship.

    Similar to warframes the Railjack's resistance should be related to its speed and weight and locomotion, so a Railjack with a lot of armor should be slower while having less armor will make it faster and more agile. The same can be applied to other mechanics like Fire rate vs Damage and Precision vs AoE.
  • So how do you fail a mission with repairable Railjacks? The mission should only fail when all players have no lives left to respawn, without active players the Railjack cannot be repaired and without a repaired Railjack it is not possible to complete some objectives or simply return home.
  • What is go home? The action of go home is the classic extraction and needs to work as in Cetus, Orb Vallis and Necralisk, so any player can go to the Railjack browser at any time during the mission and force the extraction but this extraction will only start if all players are down or near the navigator inside Railjack; this mechanic of extracting active missions is functional to save resources in dead squadrons, identical to what we have in arbitration missions; The player can also abandon the team to start a solo extraction.
  • But what will kill the tenno? the answer is simple, the constant and persistent spawn of ships and local enemies will hunt any player in any location on the map similar to a survival mission but the numbers and spawn factors must be properly adjusted as there is no logic to have constant spawn of enemies inside of a Crewship Corpus Grineer; Enemy ships and Ramsled must be used to hunt Crewships Corpus Grineer stolen by a tenno and all this enemy level increase needs to be properly calculated with cooldown timers so that the mission is not unpleasant, the appreciation time must be present and the level of defeat too but nothing like a fireworks show.
  • About new Railjack missions? I would love for them to have endless missions.

    Maybe resistance missions with lots of ships and crewships coming from all directions and specific places on the map to hide the Railjack and restore life support, that would be great for us to test the resistance and self-healing agility of our builds;

    Perhaps stealing and escorting enemy ships, the theme of extracting resources or destroying and sabotaging these ships and giant asteroids, all coordinated by up to 4 Railjacks in the same mission.

    Perhaps space race missions, it is possible to create missions with endless circuits for Railjack or Archwing as there are huge structures similar to interdimensional portals on Grineer maps, these structures are perfect for interconnecting dimensions.

    Enemy crewships need to be faster, maybe some upgrades panels using map resources, not too complex just quick modifications, enemy crewships with more utilities to the tenno like transporting cargo or crew.

there are many ideas the space is huge, thanks for reading.👍

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On 2023-08-23 at 3:13 PM, (PSN)Unstar said:

I like Railjack, and the only reason I'm not playing it is because there's no loot there I want to get in my loot-driven game.  But if they tossed some more loot into that space then I'd happily return to Railjack. :)

It's not so bad, 15 minutes of mission you can get 5 relics, 10x more void traces already added in one relics, more than 1k of endo and the bonus of the abandoned chests. I just feel like we should have these missions with endless progression.

I don't know any place in the game where it's possible to get so many relics so fast, logically you can think of stell path but you need boost and multiple missions.




Edited by Famecans
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10 minutes ago, Famecans said:

It's not so bad, 15 minutes of mission you can get 5 relics, 10x more void traces already added in one relics, more than 1k of endo and the bonus of the abandoned chests. I just feel like we should have these missions with endless progression.

I don't know any place in the game where it's possible to get so many relics so fast, logically you can think of stell path but you need boost and multiple missions.

That's fair, relics are just never something I need more of; I get more than I need from the Syndicate points that are generated from any content I do.

Out of curiosity, do you get those results from the newer "taxi" style missions or the old-school Raijack type missions?  Maybe if I'm ever short on void traces it'll be a nice treat.

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I would if there's actually a reason to play RJ. Not counting the Corpus missions because they are essentially starchart missions but with RJ taxi. After you get your RJ fully modded there isn't a real reason to play anymore RJ as of now.

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vor 6 Stunden schrieb CephalonSerket:

 Most'a the people I know (clanmates, friends in game, & Epic/Steam friends who play) farm relics in public void relic capture missions (, or even solo), you can crack a relic, and get 1-2 more in 2 minutes flat, even faster if you luck out on the map set pieces.

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public is bad for cap speedruns. you waste to much time on exit.

and not everybody take speedrun warframe with max mods

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People keep coming back to ESO, relic maps, Sortie, Archon hunt and so on, but not to railjack.

It's a looter shooter game, where railjack missed the mark on both the shooting and the looting; it is not fun to play and the rewards aren't worth it either.

Ironically v. 1 Railjack actually had 'pure space' maps with decent enough exp and credits people would play it.


What people always forget when we talk railjack, is the 2018 trailer, which is still on youtube "Warframe - 2018: Codename: Railjack".

That's where you will see the declared purpose of railjack, when a tenno is standing around on fortuna and a railjack flies onto the map, with all the neckbeard lemmings clapping.

'Fly down to an open-world and give your friends a ride', lol, THAT was the vision.


So, a few problems.

Number one, what you see in the trailer is straight up fake, fabricated, phony content. To the point it took all the way to 2021 before they came out and said, what you see in that video, is not even humanly possible for them to pull off, that's how fake it is. Not only did that gameplay never exist, it never can exist.

Number two, how can you put 5 years into a game mode, without checking the requirements, now I am really worried.

Number three, has there been a high demand for getting a ride off open-world planets? People quickload in and out of maps as a core function, why would anyone want to stand around and wait, to exit a map? Lots of the grinding is specifically speed-runnning? This feature is going to cost people time and give them:______________

I'd even add people don't play open-worlds unless they have to, do they? Total disconnect with reality.

Which is to say there was no demand for it and it made no sense, which will be important here in a minute.


Because then railack v1 came out, which was the budget, barebone version without "give your friends a ride on openworlds", just pure space, which had a lot problems but still had at least some support, there were people willing to want, to want to play it. It came out unfinished hoping to buy themslelves some time. It was kind of the expectation that 'pure space' would get a bunch of upgrades and improves... based on player feedback. Arty gun and what not be awful gameplay. Foundry and so on. Nerfed archwing. More or less the same top 10 any player will give you.

Then for railjack v2 they ignore everything they players asked for and instead continue to try to force "give your friends a ride" but the fail version, since they by own admission could not pull it off, baptized "railjack taxi" by the players.


... but no one ever asked for that, not even in 2016-17, 2018. And especially not a budget version of it.

Who is looking for a ride down to Cetus? No one, not one single player in the whole game that's who.


Rather the players had almost accepted 'pure space' in the meantime, if only the developers would make some adjustments to it, but they stubbornly kept trying to force 'give your friends a ride' to the very bitter end. Even after it didn't work, was not even possible and even now, lol, still trying to force it.

Because the players are always wrong, no matter what the last thing you ever want to do is listen to the proletarians because imagine how embarrassing it would be if they were right. It's better to have your game fail if it came to that.

That's the story of real-jack, what actually went down, and probably also the story of every video game ever made, lol.

I'd say even now, if the developers would just sit their ego aside for 2 minutes 'pure space' still has a chance, even now. But no, more than anything you need to know your place and you are always wrong.


The window betwee v1 and v2 is where they really got busted on absolutely and utterly ignoring the players, that's where they had all the oppertunity in the world to just supply what their customers were asking for, but oh noes here comes game developer ego so goodbye.

Edited by Surbusken
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Yeah I miss Gian Point too, but I still really enjoy current Railjack, especially since they added in AI Crews. Its not like I log in every day to play it exclusively, but its a nice "mid/latter game difficulty" area. As in the enemies there are pretty beefy in the latter levels/areas, and the Endo, Credits, Relics and Affinity are pretty good. So can be fun to Ccrack open Relics there too. See some different enemies. Some of the rewards there can be good source for Plat or freebies (I like to give Epitaph sets away, its a really good weapon). 

I would look forward to them adding Infested Railjack. I also understand why its a polarising game mode though and why many avoid it. I still think there could be better integration and mission variety, and structure and just some general small improvements, but yeah I find it fun. Though also helps I have all the Intrinsics, practice and experience with it, everything Fused, and have for a while. Could be a completely different experience with a paper thin or suboptimal Railjack. 

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16 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

public is bad for cap speedruns. you waste to much time on exit.

and not everybody take speedrun warframe with max mods

 I wouldn't "speed run" on a video game, if they were giving out free Porsches... That's not being a gamer, that's being a narcissist, REAL gamers do not egotrip on games about what they got, & how fast they did it... Real gamers play games to enjoy actually playing the game, not running a timeclock on their Twitch to prove to whomever may view it how _______ they wish they were, because it only took them _:__.__ to skip all the enemies, jiggle away, do an objective, & do the same to the extraction, or do the LEAST amount of fragging the game requires to end the mission. That is literally the LEAST fun way to play ANY game. It just so happens that capture relic missions are way, Way, WAY faster then any other way I've seen to get relics, I don't condone the players who race straight to the extraction point once their own relic is cracked (, or even before using the closest to the end enemies to crack theirs). You misconstrued my reply in the worst way possible, please move along to your next victim. 🙀

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When I play Railjack it's because I enjoy the spaceflight aesthetic, and a different approach to the game. There are still things I need to collect from that game mode, but usually I play the game because I'm invested in the aesthetics and the mechanics, not the loot. It feels 'cool' to be a space ninja with your own assault craft, and choosing not to use it ever again because you have all of the stuff from that game mode seems like a weird decision to me.

I would actually enjoy Railjack more if there was more opportunities to use the Railjack in other parts of the game


For stuff inside Railjack missions:

- There isn't much of a reason to interact with crewships. Once you unlock artillery, load it up to destroy them and clear it off the objectives list. There is nothing special to be gained by going on board and taking control of the pilot seat (e.g can't discover special intel like a weakness in enemy positions, or gain resistance to damage types by hacking enemy weapon config), and they don't contain any unique resources that can't be found anywhere else in the mission. They are an enemy type that become less interesting to fight as you become stronger.

- On that note, it would be cool if we could remotely gain control of enemy crewships - it would be good while flying solo. Use the artillery to launch your own boarding pod, and the game just assumes the boarding attempt was successful after some time has passed. Now the crewship is an ally and they fly along with you. It should count as 'destroyed' on the objectives list.

- Haven't used an AI pilot to fly the Railjack in missions very much, but based on what I've read they can deal with objectives like external radiators, but they focus on the closest enemy crewship and might keep switching between them if there's more than one. Assuming it can't be done already, it would be good if you could give priority orders to AI crew members.

- The Empyrean preview missions showed a bit more mission depth, like "let's go hide inside this asteroid formation to avoid detection", but there is no gameplay like that in Railjack. I would even be interested in seeing if you could do a Railjack mission as Archwing only, and having to take a different approach since it's already possible to steal and sabotage enemy craft.

- Have access to different types of ships. We only have one Railjack layout, but I guess part of the Railjack narrative experience is tied to the unique Reliquary Drive.


For stuff outside Railjack missions:

- Have an 'open world' experience between Railjack missions. Just fly around for a while between different objects and interstellar phenomena, maybe the crewmates you choose have things to say, as well as the Lich or Sisters.

- Be able to use the Railjack for low energy, open world interactions like scanning, mining, collecting bio samples or picking up alien lifeforms from space for quarantine. This is the sort of thing I enjoyed the most in games like EVE Online, but with Warframe you can still land your craft and be part of a much larger, high energy/action world.

- Visit planets and locations in the regular solar system, instead of just looking at the location from the Oribiter craft. Would love to fly around a planet or enemy ship in the Railjack to engage with enemies who might be in orbit. Could potentially find a few friendly locations and other neutral hubs where players can gather - maybe a random chance of coming across different Clan Dojos in space (if they decide to make themselves publicly visible). Making the entire universe feel bigger was one of the exciting things about Empyrean, but the Railjack missions take place in their own zones on a separate map away from the rest of the solar system.

- Instead of just clicking a button on the nav screen, make it so each location can be approached from 3 dimensions - e.g if you are looking at Earth on the nav screen, choose to pilot your Orbiter or RJ and actually fly around Earth. The mission nodes are still visible, and flying towards a mission lets the landing craft detach, which has a normal 'mission start' transition screen.

- We can already board enemy galleons and space craft in RJ missions, so let us take our Archwing out from the Orbiter, and fly through space to approach the enemy from an angle that we prefer. If we would rather just click on the nav screen that is still an option, but with RJ and AW we have the tools in game to make the experience much more engaging.

- Let us bombard enemy locations with the Railjack pre-mission. There are already a lot of tilesets for damaged or destroyed space craft, bases and cities. Bombardment could create some opportunity modifiers; like a bombarded infested mission gets invaded by Grineer or Corpus because we cleared the way for them to come in, or the Infested took cover and only their stronger Eximus species survived (Eximus Stronghold). Different types of bombardment might leave environmental hazards around (e.g poison gas clouds, big fires, electrical pulses) as well as alter enemy resistances to damage (they get firebombed, so they've activated special equipment to deal with that, ignoring other types of resistance).

This would be a way to turn the Railjack into a tool that could be add some variety to all missions.

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On 2023-08-25 at 9:22 AM, MauVasconcellos said:

Being a 40 year old man, I love it because of "nostalgia". 

I used to play a game called "Descent" when I was a teenager, and the whole idea of floating 360º originally came from there. I'd spend hours playing that title just because of pure freedom of movement while destroying mobs. Railjack is no different. I may be one of the rare cases who plays solo and enjoy the missions not only because they are fun to deal with, but ALSO spending extra time just flying around in my Archwing mining stuff, breaking crates and overall exploring  the asteroids. Yes, I am also a fan of games like Stardew Valley, Minecraft and stuff, so, you can see where my passion stems from.

Just hope DE continues to expand the Railjack system, maybe adding more maps and/or different ambients to explore. :)

Based fellow Descent enjoyer. In addition to those reasons, I personally also loved crafting my own maps to share with my friend. Man, I miss the good ol' days when game devs included their development tools with their games, so that the players could craft their own content after consuming the vanilla...

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So I got past Volatile, and now Orphix.

Why did DE make solo RJ garbage? 

I just wanted to play some space pew pew, I am not grinding vaults for a 0.000000003% chance at getting a necramech mod.  I have an armour mod from the very 1st vault I did and that's it.

I'm just going to do New War and move on and never glance at RJ again, I need endo.  Hopefully rank 3 sigma parts are sufficient.

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