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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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I hope i wake up tomorrow with a smile, log onto Warframe knowing that Tennocon was sick and nothing controversial happened, Go into the store, See some sick looking skins, See that they cost £25 and buy them and then enjoy the skins and know my money was spent in a fair exchange.







(And then the transference cuts and i go back to this reality and cry about how good that other reality was.)

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11 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

I guess you could wait, there's still plenty of time for them to do some changes like maybe selling the 2 skins separately or just not make them time limited.

Im going to wait in case they do adjust the price. I'll probably buy anyway even if they dont though. 

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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

Mandatory extras, to add value.

"value". Do you know what's actually valuable? Fairly priced bundles so that if you actually need Frost and Mag Prime, buying everything is actually still reasonable, and if you don't, it's still reasonable.

Edited by Voltage
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20 minutes ago, _Eclips3_ said:

It's no more luxury than all the other delux skins I got for free from farming plat or paid 7.00 for a 170 plat pack.

Quite the contrary. Luxury goods are defined by their limited accessibility. Rolex is no better then any other well-made watch, yet it's price is disproportionately higher, thus you don't buy a Rolex unless you're a passionate that save for one over time or suited well enough to afford it.

25 minutes ago, Renathy said:

I concur and what grinds my gears further is that the accolade for being a supporter for 10 years is also included, meaning that you have to pay up for an otherwise complimentary achievement for the players who've actually stuck around for that amount of time.

This is another thing that people don't get. To quote, it "celebrates 10 years of Tenno valor". Not your 10 years in game. It can be compared to collectible coins made to commemorate a specific occasion.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)neuronus20 said:

Dear DE, your team made an amazing job creating these Heirloom skins and yet you wanted to make sure only small amount of players will be willing to buy them. I don't think I would be wrong to say than A LOT of us would love to simply buy the skins + their signas and nothing else. No regal aya and/or platinum that artificially increases the price. We don't need it nor want it.

With that said I kindly ask you, Please give us an option to buy a bundle containing only Heirloom skins and signas, no other bonuses attached.

I've been playing warframe and silently enjoying it for good part of those 10 years and while I have almost never agreed with many of the complains this community had towards the game or you as a company, I can't help but feel like the way you introduced this bundle feels really predatory. The fact that it is meant to celebrate 10 years anniversary of the game also doesn't help.

If someone from DE sees this, please consider giving us more purchase options.❤️

I'd pay $30 since that's what they've priced the skins at.   The $70 bundle is stuffed with 6 regal aya which comes to $40 based on DE's prices for regal aya. Literally most of the bundle cost is from regal aya and not the skins.

The higher tier bundle is also stuffed with 600 plat which comes to about $35 based on DE's prices.

They could shed off so much of this cost just by removing the padding and letting people buy the heirloom items as a heirloom bundle instead of it just being a regal aya + plat bundle with some items.

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1 minute ago, Voltage said:

Nah, it's more like the realization that I know I don't make a difference. The whole "voting with your wallet" statement is cliche and not really how things are affected because those who actually do are in a small minority of vocal people who think they're stance will shift the tides of reality. 

I'm fully aware I am supporting something that goes against the grain of what I say, but not being a collector in Warframe kinda just ruins what has me enjoying the game so much. FOMO drives a game of this age, and if Soulframe gets a solid foundation, I'll just move to that instead of this game, since it seems more focused from the people that earned Warframe its reputation.

Fair, and it's all good. I just want anyone who feels it goes against them but still want to buy to properly think about it before they make the choice.

Because if collecting matters to you be prepared to have to dish out this money on a regular basis starting now.
So if you're not willing to start doing that, better start cutting the cord now than later when it starts feeling sour and you have a financial investment alongside a time investment. Done that before with other games and it didn't bode well for my actual enjoyment of the game. Which made both my time and money essentially go to waste. I'm sure most people have done that at some point somewhere :P

Just make sure you're okay with knowing what you'll start spending money on to keep your own motivation to play going. I'm way past seriously judging what people spend their money on in games(even if I personally disagree), but I do feel its important people know what they sign up for when these kind of changes start happening.

I also think the sad fact is that people are so conditioned to these monetization models it might not matter at all. However, because Warframe IS different, I do think there's a chance that they'll get a lot of backlash personally! But time will tell.

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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

I guess you could wait, there's still plenty of time for them to do some changes like maybe selling the 2 skins separately or just not make them time limited.

Wait for them to fix something they should already know was an issue? Is this Wayfinder?

Like yeah, I get what you're saying, but this isn't the first time, and it's slowly getting more slimy with what they try to get away with adding.

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Does DE need money?

No really, are they that short on working capital that they'd reintroduce the founders pack concept, of exclusivity, accolades, and all that, to a wildly successful game on it's 10th anniversary?

Was it worth ruining the entire hype of the most important tennocon in the game's history? Every board is filled with furious backlash to this ridiculous wallet-bilking scheme sold as a "celebration".

The only thing DE will be celebrating is plummeting player counts and no sales. You could buy baldur's gate and still have money left over for that price.

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FOMO paid only cosmetics aren't a new thing here as the supporter packs have had them since they became a thing. Plus even if loaded with filler the price is fair for what's in it.

But if players are upset over it then go make the proper feedback. Just know that this really isn't anything new with the game.

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$99 Aussie dollars. For that price I could buy BG3 or AC6 and have change left over. Not only will I buy games instead of this FOMO cash-grab, I also not be following my tradition of buying 2-3 Prime Access a year. Hell of a way to celebrate a 10 year anniversary. "Hey, lets celebrate by gouging the player base".

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4 minutes ago, Voltage said:

"value". Do you know what's actually valuable? Fairly priced bundles so that if you actually need Frost and Mag Prime, buying everything is actually still reasonable, and if you don't, it's still reasonable.

That's the point - it never meant to be fairly priced - it's collector's item, luxury. You're either dedicated enough to buy it or not - nobody forces you.

Is this ok? No, I don't think it is. Those skins are beautiful and I wish they would be more accessible for all but it's what makes them even more special.

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4 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Okay, so let's get down to business.

DE. While I can believe you've come to this, I still don't want to.
You are asking players for:

  • 92.99 Canadian Dollars, not including related taxes of course.
  • 68.32 United States Dollars, converted using Google.
  • 63.32 European Euros, converted using Google.
  • 106.41 Australian Dollars, converted using Google.
  • Etc, etc.
  • This is all assuming these conversions are direct and are not locked behind taxes or regional policies, of course.

Yaknow what's funny though. These converted prices aren't even correct depending on where you're buying from XD

$90 USD
£60 GBP
$100 AUS

But get this, in Argentina, the pack is equivelant to $13.31 USD. THIRTEEN BUCKS! Yet in America, anyone buying it has to shell out $90.

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Yep. These skins being released the way they have, and the whole Warframe 1999 entirely killed Tennocon for me.

Hell, I missed the whole Sound panel cause I was fuming chatting about the Heirloom packs for the whole hour, it's disgraceful.

Edited by Stormandreas
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I bought them cause I am dumb.  Not worth the price what so ever. If they had come with alot more plat and you could Voidshell the non glowy "skin" parts then maybe..  Only purchase in Warframe that I instantly regretted.

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9 minutes ago, xGryphus said:

Quite the contrary. Luxury goods are defined by their limited accessibility. Rolex is no better then any other well-made watch, yet it's price is disproportionately higher, thus you don't buy a Rolex unless you're a passionate that save for one over time or suited well enough to afford it.

This is another thing that people don't get. To quote, it "celebrates 10 years of Tenno valor". Not your 10 years in game. It can be compared to collectible coins made to commemorate a specific occasion.

No...they made it luxury artificially, my point is, in reality its worth is no more than other delux skins. Meaning it's not luxury. Would you pay $50 for a chicken nugget because it's "luxury?" How is this chicken nugget more luxury than the $1 nugget?

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Just now, Tyfyter2002 said:

Before this FOMO real-money-only purchase I was planning to make some purchases once my financial situation permits it more, but now I might start looking into ways to pay more for Baldur's Gate 3 instead.

i dont think anyone at DE expect people to buy cosmetic skins over a great game like BG3. That shouldve already been your plan if you didnt have it already. 

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