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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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25 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Was this during the time of things like Viver, or DE stubbornly going 'LALALALA' about Vacuum, or criticism of Helmith?

Because I feel like at that time being harsh at them was like the only thing that they would actually respond to.

It was about 3 years ago roughly, so whatever was happening around then, which was I think about 6 months into the pandemics lockdowns as well, which may or may not have had some impact at the time. 

Edited by NecroPed
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1 hour ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Comparing scummy business practices does not mean I want them to give everything for "free" use some basic reasoning.

But it is what it would end up like in a game like PoE. Since at the core the business model isnt scummy in that game, it is quite fair considering that it costs time and resources for a company to produce cosmetics to sell. They dont just fart them out on a strawberry smelling rainbow when they need one. And it is the closest game to compare things to in this case. So it is very odd that people suddenly see scummy business in WF when it is one of few games that allow the players to trade currency so less fortunate players can in fact play the game 100% free.

And as mentioned, these items are also considered to be both supporter and more of collector items. So paying more shouldnt really be an issue if someone wants to actually do what the packs are intended to do, support the company and future of the game, or in order to grab a collectible item. It's like other collector's editions where you might end up getting completely pointless items just because you are after something else specific in them. It's like when I bought a very expensive Lawless Darkness collector's edition from Watain years back. I wanted it specifically for an amulet and a wall banner, but it also included some custom candles and a pack of uhm Tarot-like cards, I already had plenty of candles and no specific interest in the cards, but I didnt make a fuss over the price even though I didnt get personal full value from it. Plus I already also owned the Lawless Darkness album itself since earlier with the bonus song included.

I wonder what would happen if DE adds another 2x frame 2x halo pack but doesnt reduce the price with what some consider should be the value of the aya, or even half of that value. More panties in a twist I assure you.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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31 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Brozime very specifically avoids the reasons people are upset with the package. Their reasons for buying it are 'I'm having a good time in Warframe and want to support the developers.'

Which is, like, not... the issue. People that are upset want to support the developers, too, they just don't want to get screwed through their pants. 

And yeah, his 'well it's really $50 for the skins with $40 of regal aya, so it's really not that bad!' ... The idea of 'but what if you don't need/want regal aya' isn't even touched on. Because it's ridiculous. 

Speaking personally, the price is kind of egregious, but it's the 'get it now or forever hold your peace' FOMO bs is the worst part. Like even Brozime admits 'this is Mag's best skin and it's not close.' The idea that it then disappears to never be acquirable after December is psychotic to me.

Mag's best skin remains Ferro (and it's not close!) but otherwise I agree with you. ;)

Edited by Ruddertail
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35 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Was this during the time of things like Viver, or DE stubbornly going 'LALALALA' about Vacuum, or criticism of Helmith?

Because I feel like at that time being harsh at them was like the only thing that they would actually respond to.

I don't recall the exact content of the interview, but given it took place in April 2020 we can define a window of recent events leading to it (Including Scarlet Spear and before Railjack Revisited).

It should be noted that Brozime seemed to had taken Scott's observations to heart though. By the time the second dev interview happened months later the tone of his videos had changed drastically. More so because Scott told Brozime that implying the devs actually hated the game and wanted it to fail helped no one.

Edited by Jarriaga
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25 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

considering that it costs time and resources for a company to produce cosmetics to sell. They dont just fart them out on a strawberry smelling rainbow

It's interesting to me that thought process is typically applied to sellers and never buyers.

...considering that it costs time and resources for consumers to produce money [in order] to purchase. They don't just fart it out on a strawberry smelling rainbow...

Like, I get that someone had to work to make the thing, whatever the thing is, but somebody else also had to work to buy the thing, whatever the thing is.

(Not quoting you as a slight, just as an observation.)

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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

Like, I get that someone had to work to make the thing, whatever the thing is, but somebody else also had to work to buy the thing, whatever the thing is.

That doesn't really make sense because the person that made it worked so they can buy a thing, whatever the thing is.  

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il y a 23 minutes, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn a dit :

It's interesting to me that thought process is typically applied to sellers and never buyers.

...considering that it costs time and resources for consumers to produce money [in order] to purchase. They don't just fart it out on a strawberry smelling rainbow...

Like, I get that someone had to work to make the thing, whatever the thing is, but somebody else also had to work to buy the thing, whatever the thing is.

(Not quoting you as a slight, just as an observation.)

That's funny because, it indeed costs money and time to develop digital content but this strawberry smelling rainbow have no manufacturing costs, as opposed to a real goods, it means that they produce an infinite amount of goods for free once this part is done. So you could say that they fart it out.

Edited by FireOox314
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3 minutes ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

It's interesting to me that thought process is typically applied to sellers and never buyers.

...considering that it costs time and resources for consumers to produce money [in order] to purchase. They don't just fart it out on a strawberry smelling rainbow...

Like, I get that someone had to work to make the thing, whatever the thing is, but somebody else also had to work to buy the thing, whatever the thing is.

(Not quoting you as a slight, just as an observation.)

Of course. But this is an optional thing added to the game, so no one is forcing anyone to buy it for their maybe hard earned money. If they dont find the value is appropriate, then the solution is to not pick it up. Plus it is intended as a supporter pack, so if a person feels like they wanna support they get something out of it aswell. Like a donation but with a return. At which point I dont really see the reasoning about people being hung up over already having or not needing something in the pack.

Also these days with all wellfare and people being able to profit on the products of others it is hard to advocate for the buyer to the same point as the seller. Heck even with DE and WF people are allowed to use certain assets up to a point when it comes to income without DE wanting a cut, which is in addition to Tennogen. Cant remember if it was regarding homemade fluffs or what it was. Aslong is it doesnt go commercial DE doesnt want anything in return.

A thought that often crosses my mind in these types of discussions is "wonder how many sit with/do X thing while complaining over Y". Like here, wonder how many complainers here sit with brand PCs, where they've willingly overpaid for the components within simply by having a brand sticker and some brand software hiking up the price of the full product. Same as back with anti-vax when you saw smokers or people with junk food in their hands or a body covered in tattoos go "I wont introduce my body to anything unknown!".

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3 minutes ago, FireOox314 said:

That's funny because, it indeed costs money and time to develop digital content but this strawberry smelling rainbow have no manufacturing costs, as opposed to a real goods, it means that they produce an infinite amount of goods for free once this part is done.

By that logic software development costs nothing.

- No cost in man hour salaries to concept artists.

- No cost in man hour salaries to renderers/modelers.

- No cost in man hour salaries to programmers.

Just because a product is digital doesn't negate the salaries paid during the creation of said digital goods. Yes; it's "free" once the product is released, but it still needs to recoup all the above first before it can become profitable.

Edited by Jarriaga
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il y a 1 minute, Jarriaga a dit :

By that logic software development costs nothing.

- No cost in man hour salaries to concept artists.

- No cost in man hour salaries to renderers/modelers.

- No cost in man hour salaries to programmers.

Just because a product is digital doesn't negate the salaries paid during the creation of said digital goods. Yes; it's "free" once the product is released, but it still needs to recoup all the above first before it can become profitable.

I think you missed my first sentence

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20 hours ago, MaleniaBladeofMiquella said:

As much as I want to stand by my fellow tenno and agree that the price is pretty ridiculous I personally don't feel this will fix anything. So long as these packs are locked to one time availability in an attempt to create a feeling of prestige and exclusivity it's going to do nothing but breed toxicity in the community. Founders already get a tone of toxicity even though they literally kept the company afloat when it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Imagine how much worse it's going to be when there is NO VALID EXCUSE. That's not something I want to be a part of. I don't care how much cheaper they make it or how much value they add. I'm done with DE if this is the direction they're headed. EDIT: I should mention I've read this post 3 times. If there is  something I've missed that addresses this then ignore me I'm stupid.

It is all good. I'm sure that this can be resolved multiple ways. Make Regal Aya and Platinum tradeable into each other! Don't EVER release skins or cosmetics for cash only. Make everything PLATINUM based. People can sell prime parts or whales can just buy platinum.


Solves the Problem for everyone!

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1 hour ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Because I feel like at that time being harsh at them was like the only thing that they would actually respond to.

It's the only thing Rexis.

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

More panties in a twist I assure you.

Okay, what are you even trying to accomplish here, it honestly sounds like you are just defending what DE are doing here, feel free to correct me here.

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55 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Of course. But this is an optional thing added to the game, so no one is forcing anyone to buy it for their maybe hard earned money. If they dont find the value is appropriate, then the solution is to not pick it up. Plus it is intended as a supporter pack, so if a person feels like they wanna support they get something out of it aswell. Like a donation but with a return. At which point I dont really see the reasoning about people being hung up over already having or not needing something in the pack.

Oh, I'd not argue about its optionality... nothing in the pack is needed to play the game.

If it's a matter of support though, and you compared it to a donation, then why would DE limit that? Why not offer another bundle or hundreds of them? Granted, hundreds would be excessive but wouldn't any purchase be supportive? Why refuse a, say, $5 or $20 support?

Haves, needs, and hangups: I feel people have limits, varying person to person, on how much they're willing to throw away. I might, for example, be willing to spend $50 on 2 skins rather than the $40 I'd prefer and, hey, I'll let that extra $10 slide. But I probably wouldnt let $10 slide if it came to a $5 cup of coffee costing me $15 instead.

Edited by (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn
Its it is not. It's is not it.
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2 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Brozime very specifically avoids the reasons people are upset with the package. Their reasons for buying it are 'I'm having a good time in Warframe and want to support the developers.'

Yeah, and he has the gull to say "Oh no, people don't seem to understand me"

Like, what?

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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18 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

The guy literally plays good cop.

Pfft, yeah "Good cop"

12 minutes ago, prodi1600 said:

AT least more content creators are starting to get their takes from this whole thing

LOL no, get that outta here, We don't want someone not understanding the point.

2 minutes ago, THeMooN85 said:

Can we have a special icon on the forums? You know, like founders do.


That would be nice 

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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2 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:


Brozime very specifically avoids the reasons people are upset with the package. Their reasons for buying it are 'I'm having a good time in Warframe and want to support the developers.'


That’s disappointing.

He’s entitled to his opinion and all, but that kinda comes off as a “don’t want to bite the hand that feeds me” move.

Tater on the other hand outright called the pricing “disgusting”.

That being said, I’d like to make it clear that my issue with the Heirloom release is the fact that there’s no way to get the cosmetics by themselves and to a lesser extent the fact that the offer will arbitrarily vanish at the end of the year to never return (which is heavily implied).

If it were up to me, I’d add the following to the heirloom offer:

1. Mag + Frost comestics only pack

2. Mag cosmetics only pack

3. Frost cosmetics only pack

The last two because I’m sure not everyone’s going to want both skins.

I think that’s fair.

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8 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

Nah, in this video he's just responding to the criticism for his tennocon video and still has the same opinion "the package it's fine".

the package its fine, but still overpriced, but if you play a lot you should think about buying them, but its expensive, but they are branching out and you support them, but its overpriced XD
Brozime be like please DE I need to be in the content creator program lol

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16 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

He’s not entitled to his opinion if it comes off as a “don’t want to bite the hand that feeds me” move.

(Yes I know it's not entirely what you quoted but, see the point here)

Look, not to sound harsh but Is that why he's defending it? like, come on. Sure if we sat on our butts all day getting paid for it and not working we all should act the same way too right?.

This act is self-preservation and nothing more, he is just making sure he doesn't lose or upset DE.

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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3 minutes ago, prodi1600 said:

the package its fine, but still overpriced, but if you play a lot you should think about buying them, but its expensive, but they are branching out and you support them, but its overpriced XD
Brozime be like please DE I need to be in the content creator program lol

Well Done Clapping GIF by MOODMAN

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hace 8 minutos, MirageKnight dijo:


1. Mag + Frost comestics only pack

2. Mag cosmetics only pack

3. Frost cosmetics only pack


That's what we're fighting for in the first place. MORE OPTIONS seriously i dont think it's that hard.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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5 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

(Yes I know it's not entirely what you quoted but, see the point here)

Yes I do - thanks for clarifying that.

3 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

That's what we're fighting for in the first place. MORE OPTIONS seriously i dont think it's that hard.

Indeed. Well, at least it’s not that hard for us.

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