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So I heard zephyr is good for steel path, how?


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  • Crit buffs while mid-air
  • hold 1 to stay in air for as long as you have energy
  • Air-blast to yank and group enemies together
  • Bubble protects her from bullets (staying mid-air protects her from melee)
    • augment increases Zephyr’s bullet projectile speeds
  • Tornados pull enemies in, shooting tornado damages everything in and touching the tornado
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Literally just look at her abilities?

Airburst groups enemies, Turbulence makes you immune to everything but melee, and Tornados multiplies crit damage and deals your full weapon damage to all enemies caught in one.

Her only "issue" is being entirely a weapon platform in SP so if your weapons aren't up to snuff then you might have problems. But in that sense her grouping and crit buff help when your weapons are underperforming and just accelerate room clearing when they're properly built.

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36 minutes ago, Pakaku said:
  • Crit buffs while mid-air
  • hold 1 to stay in air for as long as you have energy
  • Air-blast to yank and group enemies together
  • Bubble protects her from bullets (staying mid-air protects her from melee)
    • augment increases Zephyr’s bullet projectile speeds
  • Tornados pull enemies in, shooting tornado damages everything in and touching the tornado

What do you mean bubble? Ive never seen any ability that makes bubbles on zephyr. And is all that you mentioned good enough for SP grineer?

BTW thanks to all that told me directly (including Pakaku). Straight answer is the best answer. Silly, arrogant comments are a waste of everyones time.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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I don't want to sound rude, but has OP actually played with a Zephyr ?

Cause if they had , they would know that zephyrs every ability is effective. Whether that be for mobility , survival ,crowd control or damage distribution.

I will give them the benefit of the doubt and explain a few things ,

She has a passive where she can float for longer and she has extra crit chance while floating /flying ,

Her 1 allows her to stay afloat even longer letting you take advantage of her passive , and being afloat gives you immunity from melee attacks if you are high enough.

Her 2 can group enemies or throw them around , excellent for just bunching up enemies for AoE attacks or melee.

Her 3 shields her from all ranged attacks (but you can still be caught in aoe attacks if you are in its radius) and since most enemies in the game use standard guns you will be effectively unkillable for that duration 

Her 4 has a lot baked in that isn't obvious , firstly it keeps enemies suspended, they can't shoot while they are suspended  , the tornadoes convert all incoming damage into aoe damage in a radius. It has the damage type of the most damage recieved  which it keeps doing over time, it also increases the crit damage of attacks received by the suspended enemies. And on top of that you can choose to have them stationary or move around. So you can kill entire rooms with a single bullet .

Edited by 0_The_F00l
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12 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I don't want to sound rude, but has OP actually played with a Zephyr ?

Cause if they had , they would now that sephyrs every ability is effective. Whether that be for mobility , survival ,croud controll or damage distribution.

I will give them the benefit of the doubt and explain a few things ,

She has a passive where she can float for longer and she has extra crit chance while floating /flying ,

Her 1 allows her to stay afloat even longer letting you take advantage of her pasive , and being afloat gives you immunity from melee attacks if you are high enough.

Her 2 can group enemies or throw them around , excellent for just bunching up enemies for AoE attacks or melee.

Her 3 shields her from all ranged attacks (but you can still be caught in aoe attacks if you are in its radius) and since most enemies in the game use standard guns you will be effectively unkillable for that duration 

Her 4 has a lot baked in that isn't obvious , firstly it keeps enemies suspended, they can't shoot while they are suspended  , the tornadoes convert all incoming damage into aoe damage in a radius. It has the damage type of the most damage recieved  which it keeps doing over time, it also increases the crit damage of attacks received by the suspended enemies. And on top of that you can choose to have them stationary or move around. So you can kill entire rooms with a single bullet .

Yes I played zephyr a couple times. Always found her interesting and I wanted to play her but I always found her very impractical and always just put her back in the drawer almost immediately. Decreased gravity slowed me down in normal (not open world) maps and when I disabled it there was no point using zephyr. As for other abilities, they never worked for me in SP, sometimes not even in normal nodes. When I decided to float, I got spammed with bullets and died instantly. Actually zephyr is one of the frames I died the most times with. I dont know if I knew about the crit chance buff or not, but its irrelevant since I always got shot out of the air anyway. And I still dont know what the hell the "bubble" that protects her from bullets is supposed to be and how to create it.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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6 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Yes I played zephyr a couple times. Always found her interesting and I wanted to play her but I always found her very impractical and always just put her back in the drawer almost immediately. Decreased gravity slowed me down in normal (not open world) maps and when I disabled it there was no point using zephyr. As for other abilities, they never worked for me in SP, sometimes not even in normal nodes. When I decided to float, I got spammed with bullets and died instantly. I had no idea she even has a crit chance buff when in the air and I still dont know what the hell the "bubble" that protects her from bullets is supposed to be and how to create it.

Her 3 is like a sphere of a air around her, but visually it's not super clear.


I don't often recommend the site, but you may wish to check out Overframe for some builds if you're still struggling.

I also suggest you browse the wiki every so often if you have specific frame questions.

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1 hour ago, MaxTunnerX said:

What do you mean bubble? Ive never seen any ability that makes bubbles on zephyr. And is all that you mentioned good enough for SP grineer?

Her 3 casts a wind bubble around her, with the effects I mentioned. As for SP, her kit would focus more on survivability and CC, and crits while mid-air, so you'll still want to bring something that can strip or ignore armour (maybe even subsume something like Ember's fireblast? Obviously helminth goes beyond a warframe's innate capabilities, though)

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You might want to expand a bit more on what sort of info you are looking for. Since Warframe players typically have quite different play styles, preferences, strengths, weaknesses and barriers and challenges. For example, I personally find all Warframes viable in Steel Path, but some general load outs and builds make it more casual, relaxing, efficient, so on, whether it be because I think the Warframe has better overall effectiveness or it might just be synergy with weapons. Like, there are many, who like me, can complete a lot of Steel Path with just our Operator/Drifter, at a minimum, so even if our Warframe may struggle, with that as a back up... 

Zephyr specifically? Well, her Tornadoes offer CC and can boost weapons overall DPS/KPM, some more effectively than others. Even if enemies are CC immune or resistant, you can damage them if they are caught near her Tornados, so say unlike certain other types of CC, that have less damage, you can still have ways to deal with Eximus or Acolytes with such abilities. Turbulence can be a great defensive and survival ability, she also has overall decent mobility, and her kit synergies well with each other. Like Airburst works well to suck in additional enemies into Tornadoes, but its also a good box breaker as well, has some minor CC of its own, has "punch through", may be better if you are running through missions with easier to kill enemies. Her first ability can also be good for movement/getting around faster, but also engaging in her passive to do more DPS with Tornados. Range is a pretty solid stat to invest in, (not to tell people how to build, but sometimes its nice having a Warframe kit being a bit more obvious, which abilities synergise better by increasing certain stats). 

Some decent Augment mods for her abilities too which can add some utility. 

Generally for many people, Steel Path can be challenging, because greater enemy count and density, even if solo, they are much tougher, and survival issues. Also, sometimes DPS/KPM, like say Survival. Zephyr has the tools to survive, which can extend to defence objects too with enough range, she has the ability to kill large groups of enemies en masse, fairly efficiently, including Acolytes and Eximus (though this is a bit luck and position dependent) but also great CC too. So you shouldn't struggle too hard if you are say, doing a solo (SP) Survival. However she does benefit from good synergy with good weapon choice. 

Also, naturally comparisons. For many, whats good, isn't necessarily whats viable, but whats meta and most effective, as in comparing DPS/KPM. Or other aspects. Like Zephyr has good mobility, but its not Titania level speed and movement or Wukong Cloud level mobility. I personally don't know how she stacks up KPM wise with the meta builds for other "DPS" Warframes, but I do know with a bit of practice, learning and familiarity with her kit, she can do Steel Path quite well, Endurance included (well Endurance for me is like 2 hours, I get bored past that). 

Reading some of your other replies, I would recommend not sleeping on Turbulence. You may even like its Augment. I personally slept on Turbulence, because I kept forgetting to reactivate it. Its a pretty significant survival tool, it doesn't negate all damage. The other thing about Zephyr? Is having a really strong energy economy is important too. Like, by the time I was using Zephyr a lot, I was using a max Arcane Energise. I also personally am fine with throwing out Energy Pizzas like everyone I meet is Dante. Your DPS/KPM should be good enough to get Energy from kills, and then you should be using your powers a lot as well. Since I was forgetful about using Turbulence, I actually got really good at positioning and using her Tornados as CC and DPS at good places (like hallways and choke points), that a lot of my survival was just positioning and movement. Thats a bit silly though, because Turbulence is right there and basically exists to help keep you alive. But I can be a bit tryhard. 

The other thing is, her movement can take a bit to get used to. Like her 1 can feel wonky, the whole anti gravity thing can be annoying to some. Plus not every Warframe will appeal to everyone. It took me ages and until I was like... MR30 to really start enjoying Zephyr, when I got bored one day, and decided to just practice her a bunch. It also helps I sort of play her a bit like Mag. 

Good to try new things, good luck if you try to spend some time with Zephyr! 

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4 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Decreased gravity slowed me down in normal (not open world) maps and when I disabled it there was no point using zephyr.

This synergizes well with her Passive gaining 150% Crit Chance on all of her weapons while airborne. You can use Anchored Glide, but Strength on Zephyr isn't too important.

4 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

When I decided to float, I got spammed with bullets and died instantly.

First, Turbulence should be active at all times. If you need the downtime to recast it, use some cover, Rolling Guard, or even a good Airburst onto enemies to give yourself that time to recast it.

Be wary that Turbulence does not protect you from AoE or even certain beam attacks.

Second, by "floating" are you using the hover function of Tailwind (1)? Without Turbulence, you're a sitting duck.

As for her Augments, one of them stands as the most powerful mod in the game. Jetstream provides an interesting boost to weapons with increased projectile speed and in general, faster speed. Airburst Rounds is easy to accumulate, and Funnel Clouds can be tile dependent.

Zephyr's very versatile, but you need to be aware of your surroundings of certain enemies that will bypass Turbulence. In tandem to that, make liberal use of Airburst's vacuum implosion while airborne for both drawing enemies in and easy Status procs. It's easy for people to neglect her over more popular frames like Mesa.

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7 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Yes I played zephyr a couple times. Always found her interesting and I wanted to play her but I always found her very impractical and always just put her back in the drawer almost immediately. Decreased gravity slowed me down in normal (not open world) maps and when I disabled it there was no point using zephyr. As for other abilities, they never worked for me in SP, sometimes not even in normal nodes. When I decided to float, I got spammed with bullets and died instantly. Actually zephyr is one of the frames I died the most times with. I dont know if I knew about the crit chance buff or not, but its irrelevant since I always got shot out of the air anyway. And I still dont know what the hell the "bubble" that protects her from bullets is supposed to be and how to create it.

If your issue is survival then I will need to understand your loadout first , by which I mean what mods are in Zephyr and what weapons/companions you are using with her.

Zephyr is very tough to kill if you can keep her 3rd ability active , it literally bends bullets away from you but does not affect melee attacks , thats why you combine her ability to stay high with it to achieve near invincibility.

However it depends on range mods , so if you have negative range you may leave yourself a little open, 

There are very specific attacks that can bypass it , like a bombard explosion or eximus ability attacks of things like the blitz and leeches.

It really sounds like a modding and playstyle issue so far , I suggest you check some video for a better visual perspective.

Also happy to guide here but there already exist multiple guides with more in depth explanations.

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Ah alright, now I get it, so the 3rd skill should give me immunity except for eximus and stuff. Gotta go test it. Also thanks for the explanatory posts, I dont want to quote you all so take my likes and thanks. I think I get it now. Now Ill just see how well it actually works in game.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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Goddamn, the turbulence thing is very powerful, and Im just using the overall build, not specializing in anything. Also, Im having a hard time hovering with 1. The game often doesnt wait for the hold and straight launches me forward as if I just rpessed the button. any fix for that?

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11 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

BTW thanks to all that told me directly (including Pakaku). Straight answer is the best answer. Silly, arrogant comments are a waste of everyones time.

>Asks for help on something from the community
>Receives help for that something from the community
>"yOu DiDn'T gIvE mE hElP iN tHe SpEcIfIc WaY i WaNtEd, YoU'rE mEaNiEs!1!!1"


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13 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Goddamn, the turbulence thing is very powerful, and Im just using the overall build, not specializing in anything. Also, Im having a hard time hovering with 1. The game often doesnt wait for the hold and straight launches me forward as if I just rpessed the button. any fix for that?

You can invert the controls , tap for hover and hold for dash , that's what I do and is more intuitive if you want to hover In my opinion. But it can still have the issue you highlighted of accidentally pressing it for too long.

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5 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

You can invert the controls , tap for hover and hold for dash , that's what I do and is more intuitive if you want to hover In my opinion. But it can still have the issue you highlighted of accidentally pressing it for too long.

IIRC, that also swaps her [2] and [4] tap/hold controls as well, though. Which might not be desirable, depending on the individual player.

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Just now, Hexerin said:

IIRC, that also swaps her [2] and [4] tap/hold controls as well, though. Which might not be desirable, depending on the individual player.

True , one will have to decide what is more troublesome and what is more beneficial for themselves. It works well for me , it may not for you.

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1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

True , one will have to decide what is more troublesome and what is more beneficial for themselves. It works well for me , it may not for you.

Double checked her abilities. Yea, it would be undesirable to invert her [2], since you want to group enemies up in 99% of cases. Inverting both her [1] and [4] would be nice though...

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