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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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7 minutes ago, Stafelund said:

Also, he's basically telling everyone to be quiet, when he does not speak for everyone else nor DE. Even if I see stupid takes here I'm all for discourse and think everyone can speak up their mind even if they'll provide an opinion I'll never like or find laughable. 

I see him trying to be "the voice of reason" but most of the times he more of looks like a contrarian to me that's severely out of touch. 

It's a last gasp. """Logic""" has failed, excuses have failed, talking down to people has failed, browbeating has failed. Now it's on to begging for silence.

  • denial - "it's not that big of a deal"
  • anger - "you're just being entitled"
  • bargaining - "they said it'll be better next time"
  • depression - "please stop talking about it" ← We are here
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The silence from DE on this would seem to indicate that they’re content to ignore the highly vocal feedback from players and sweep the issue under the rug.

I totally get that this is a company that needs to earn a living, but this is arguably not the way to do it. 

Whelp, as long as they continue to give players the silent treatment on this issue, I’m not going to spend ANY money on Warframe.

Tennocon made me think “wow - these guys are really knocking it out of the park and listening to the player base. They’ve earned more of my monetary support.” I had actually planned to get those skins and buy the upcoming new Frame and those other deluxe skins…

Sadly, This heirloom controversy has made me think twice about that.

Silence -at times- speaks volumes.

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3 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

Please don't get me wrong, I don't get your answer, isn't the first post of this very thread not this? They literally said they adjusted platinum to adjust the packs value to not change the current deals in favor of people who purchased first. What's ambigous here? What's the silence? They literally told us?

They haven't responded AFTER the community collectively (yes including repeat posters like myself and some others, but LOTS of unique posters) told them this was still an AWFUL response from them. FOMO is awful. Forcing people to opt-in to buying plat and regal aya in order to buy 2 skins and 2 cosmetics people want is awful. Forcing people to buy it ALL when they might *only* want ONE Signa, or one Warframe skin, is awful. Their response was tone deaf, just "throw more plat at them to shut them up and ignore all of their more major concerns".

Aka this, which I'm reposting again.


1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

The "silence" is the response to the following 86 pages of people saying "we still really don't like this".


1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

So don't like it in silence.

The entire argument is completely dependant on a "what if" scenario, and this 86 page thread is only still going because 4-5 people have obsessively repeated the same nonsense for the last 20-30 pages.

There may be 4 or 5 of us who are repeatedly posting, but if you REMOVED the top 5 recurrent posters of posts in this thread, you'd still have like 50+ pages of comments.

1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

If its still a mystery why this thread would no longer be taken seriously and why support for it has all but died, at least that also explains why you's would think the number of pages a thread reaches automatically makes the argument within valid too.

High post count doesn't mean everyone's suggestions within are correct. But as DE has repeated as a game developer sentiment themselves before, "players are good at expressing what feels wrong, but not necessarily good at designing correct solutions". This is us expressing our outrage at how TERRIBLE DE's optics as a "free to play" game developer has turned with this decision, at least among us, but also across a number of online news articles, with headlines like the following.

Warframe fans enraged as new Tennocon skins cost more than Starfield
"The worst, most predatory thing DE has done so far" - Warframe community expresses concerns over the expensive Heirloom Collection

1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

You're not getting what you want. You've lost. And it'll do you a world of good to come to terms with that. These 86 pages only go to show that nobody was truly looking to "stop this from happening again", nor to "protect folks from FOMO (lol)", or any of the other excuses used. At this stage it's nothing but a bunch of angry people finally finding somewhere to vent. And luckily that has been met with the appropriate response, Silence.

It shouldn't have happened this time. And you know who might actually lose? DE, if enough of their previously loyal mini-whales who consistently bought their Prime Accessory Packs realize that DE doesn't actually give a S#&$ that they already have everything they could spend Regal Aya on, and don't need the Platinum either, and realize that DE won't actually reward them for their loyalty in any way, instead blatantly trying to milk them for more.

It's a scummy move of DE. And like WotC, Unity, Twitter/X, Adobe, and lots of other companies, they might find that they have burnt the goodwill, and their reputation, and have initiated a spiral down from their heights of success.

We'll see, with time, who truly lost. Or who truly wins, if DE actually bothers to do the right thing and stop trying to FORCE people into paying for so much platinum or regal aya that they don't want.

Some Celebration of 10 Years of Warframe, this was, when a thread can go on for so many page's worth of comments.

31 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

It's a last gasp. """Logic""" has failed, excuses have failed, talking down to people has failed, browbeating has failed. Now it's on to begging for silence.

  • denial - "it's not that big of a deal"
  • anger - "you're just being entitled"
  • bargaining - "they said it'll be better next time"
  • depression - "please stop talking about it" ← We are here

Lol you're right though, how out of touch are these white knights simping and sucking on DE's monetization team's boots, to ignore 86 pages of feedback, when there are over 200 individual player's likes for several of the first-page comments that stated the same thing we're saying again later, that we wanted a RegalAya/Platinum-free bundle that was not inflated in price by those premium currencies.

They KNOW DE's wrong, DE knows they're wrong, and they're both hoping for silence in the hopes that they can ignore the issue and pretend it doesn't exist, and pretend that DE's still the super fair, super nice listens-to-their-community (when the community is JUSTIFIED of course) developer. It's just to defend their own enjoyment of the game, despite the fact that support of this move will only deteriorate people's opinion and support (including financially) for the game.

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14 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

The silence from DE on this would seem to indicate that they’re content to ignore the highly vocal feedback from players and sweep the issue under the rug.

I totally get that this is a company that needs to earn a living, but this is arguably not the way to do it. 

Whelp, as long as they continue to give players the silent treatment on this issue, I’m not going to spend ANY money on Warframe.

Tennocon made me think “wow - these guys are really knocking it out of the park and listening to the player base. They’ve earned more of my monetary support.” I had actually planned to get those skins and buy the upcoming new Frame and those other deluxe skins…

Sadly, This heirloom controversy has made me think twice about that.

Silence -at times- speaks volumes.

Same. I'd cough up $30 for the skins and signa even though I'm borderline broke rn. I WON'T buy any plat or prime accessory packs like I usually do. Before the Heirloom bundle announcement, I was super antsy about saving money up for their art book if it became available again, and maybe even their Warframe Soundtrack records. Now? Not so much. I don't want to support the devs that pull this bullcrap.

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2 hours ago, Stafelund said:

I have to ask though, for someone who loves to say goodbye everytime you get bombed back with replies, you do seem to care about the replies here too much?

Incorrect recollection of events followed by nothing substantial. Cool. Great way to prove the thread isn't being padded with nonsense alright.

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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Nah. You're welcome to follow you're own advice, though. You don't have to like us not liking DE's response, go not like us in silence if you think that's what people should do. 🤷‍♀️

Which is the same goofy out of touch nonsense that's been said all the other issues the community has eventually won out on. People said that about plat in Prime Resurgence, people said that about Univac, people said that about Tau Shard RNG. It's a defeatist take completely detached from the game's history. The same few apologists repeating the same debunked excuses and browbeating don't mean squat in the face of the thousands of voices raising  legitimate concerns.

"Nah", the call sign of the ignorant and the arrogant. And still you wonder why your posts mean nothing...


That's..... not goofy. Nor out of touch. Nor nonsense. "You've lost" is a declaration/clarification of an outcome. You either win something, or you lose something. Are you OK? There's no rational reason an adult would need all of this explained to them. Granted you've spent the last two weeks acting like a child who heard "No" for the first time, but children don't typically hold grudges this long so you must at least be around long enough to legally be referred to as an adult.


Weird how the whole "this worked before" wasn't immediately followed up with links and examples though. Not even a play-by-play of how any previous versions went down, other than the ones you completely made up of course, gambling on the idea I wasnt around for all of those. I guess proof still isn't a priority in here.


I do have to thank you though, you helped me find my "Delusion of the Week". I was getting worried for a second and then you said something stupid like:

"thousands of voices raising  legitimate concerns"


Thousands, wow. Even putting the Forums and Reddit together you'd struggle to gather 100, never mind 1000 or multiple "thousands" lol. So far deluded you can't even see the numbers. Even if the "thousands" were too shy to post, they'd certainly agree with posts echoing their views right? Which one of the posts has thousands of likes or thumbs up again? Can't seem to find it....


This is over, not only have you's lost but you've left behind 80+ pages of insults directed at folks just because they didn't agree with you. You's made yourselves completely unlikeable, which means whether you had a point or not your support dropped off day after day until your imaginary "Thousands" lies in ruins at around 5 people. When the Thread started it gained around 15 pages within 2 hours. It's taken a week to get from page 80 to 86. I know we discussed your difficulty with numbers because of the delusion so to explain, there's a very obvious, nobody-is-fooled, reason for that.

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2 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

No thanks. Silence is usually read as a sign of acceptance, a green light to keep pushing the limits of people (in this case of us, registered losers).

Changes are more likely to happen when people are loud about what we don't like.

I remember when my nephew was 5 and had the exact same belief.

It didn't help him, but keep it up though. It's not like anyone ever said "The true sign of insanity is repeating the same act but expecting different results" so you should be good to go. Master strategy if I've ever seen one.

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1 hour ago, Grav_Starstrider said:

They haven't responded AFTER the community collectively (yes including repeat posters like myself and some others, but LOTS of unique posters) told them this was still an AWFUL response from them. FOMO is awful. Forcing people to opt-in to buying plat and regal aya in order to buy 2 skins and 2 cosmetics people want is awful. Forcing people to buy it ALL when they might *only* want ONE Signa, or one Warframe skin, is awful. Their response was tone deaf, just "throw more plat at them to shut them up and ignore all of their more major concerns".

Aka this, which I'm reposting again.



There may be 4 or 5 of us who are repeatedly posting, but if you REMOVED the top 5 recurrent posters of posts in this thread, you'd still have like 50+ pages of comments.

High post count doesn't mean everyone's suggestions within are correct. But as DE has repeated as a game developer sentiment themselves before, "players are good at expressing what feels wrong, but not necessarily good at designing correct solutions". This is us expressing our outrage at how TERRIBLE DE's optics as a "free to play" game developer has turned with this decision, at least among us, but also across a number of online news articles, with headlines like the following.

Warframe fans enraged as new Tennocon skins cost more than Starfield
"The worst, most predatory thing DE has done so far" - Warframe community expresses concerns over the expensive Heirloom Collection

It shouldn't have happened this time. And you know who might actually lose? DE, if enough of their previously loyal mini-whales who consistently bought their Prime Accessory Packs realize that DE doesn't actually give a S#&$ that they already have everything they could spend Regal Aya on, and don't need the Platinum either, and realize that DE won't actually reward them for their loyalty in any way, instead blatantly trying to milk them for more.

It's a scummy move of DE. And like WotC, Unity, Twitter/X, Adobe, and lots of other companies, they might find that they have burnt the goodwill, and their reputation, and have initiated a spiral down from their heights of success.

We'll see, with time, who truly lost. Or who truly wins, if DE actually bothers to do the right thing and stop trying to FORCE people into paying for so much platinum or regal aya that they don't want.

Some Celebration of 10 Years of Warframe, this was, when a thread can go on for so many page's worth of comments.

Lol you're right though, how out of touch are these white knights simping and sucking on DE's monetization team's boots, to ignore 86 pages of feedback, when there are over 200 individual player's likes for several of the first-page comments that stated the same thing we're saying again later, that we wanted a RegalAya/Platinum-free bundle that was not inflated in price by those premium currencies.

They KNOW DE's wrong, DE knows they're wrong, and they're both hoping for silence in the hopes that they can ignore the issue and pretend it doesn't exist, and pretend that DE's still the super fair, super nice listens-to-their-community (when the community is JUSTIFIED of course) developer. It's just to defend their own enjoyment of the game, despite the fact that support of this move will only deteriorate people's opinion and support (including financially) for the game.

"players are good at expressing what feels wrong, but not necessarily good at designing correct solutions"

I'm going to leave that there and see if you can spot why this one single quote not only destroyed your own post of defences, but also is the single greatest example, out of the entire 87 pages, of why this farce of a "movement" to continue this thread is completely pointless.

If you can't see it that's fine, let me know and I'll explain.

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24 minutes ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

Brady Bunch Jan GIF by MOODMAN

Oh the irony of your words being more garbage than most, is profoundly humorous! Thanks for the chuckle!

Cheers Mate!

You're welcome :) 

Your post means absolutely nothing of course. Usually when people talk about "Irony" you're meant to point out what actually makes it ironic, but I guess you got lost in thought or spotted a fly and got distracted or something.

Also thanks for being the second person foolish enough to post off-topic nothingness and proving the theory right. So helpful in here, it's great. Nice chat anyway.

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7 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Weird how the whole "this worked before" wasn't immediately followed up with links and examples though. Not even a play-by-play of how any previous versions went down, other than the ones you completely made up of course, gambling on the idea I wasnt around for all of those. I guess proof still isn't a priority in here.

Bro's gonna ask for receipts, ok lol. If you haven't paid attention and need a history lesson then we're happy to educate you.

Liches received many changes to how they worked despite the usual "it's fine" and "I don't see the problem". Whether it was goofy dismissals like "just don't stab your larvling if you don't want to spawn it" and "I think the blind weapon RNG is fine" and "it's just one revive" and "but what about the Lich market" and "who needs a 60% roll anyways", we got improvements anyways.

Plat was added to Prime Resurgence packs to match Prime Unvaulting offerings despite the usual "it's just plat" and "well I think it's a good deal" and "you're just whining".

Tau Shard RNG protection added despite "you're just being entitled" and "they're just stats".

DE introduced their version of nerfed Sentinel vacuum to "address" calls for univac and other ideas like splitting Vacuum into 3 mods.

Walked back within a day.

There are plenty of examples if your head isn't plowed into the sand.

24 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

This is over

Nah. Not by a long shot.

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10 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Weird how the whole "this worked before" wasn't immediately followed up with links and examples though.

Maybe @PublikDomain should have posted in Braille, since you clearly either didn't or can't read, because all of the cited instances of previous DE blunders are well documented with lengthy discussions, prior to being "fixed". You seem to have ample time on your hands to post subpar straw-man tactics, so I'll leave the research about DE's past digressions as your task, as none of us here speaking our dislike about DE's current shame spiral, has to prove anything to you, the Truth is Out There for those willing to look for it!

Good Chats!


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7 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

You're welcome :) 

Your post means absolutely nothing of course. Usually when people talk about "Irony" you're meant to point out what actually makes it ironic, but I guess you got lost in thought or spotted a fly and got distracted or something.

Also thanks for being the second person foolish enough to post off-topic nothingness and proving the theory right. So helpful in here, it's great. Nice chat anyway.

Wow, poor thing, here let me help you...

Jump In Death GIF

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15 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Bro's gonna ask for receipts, ok lol. If you haven't paid attention and need a history lesson then we're happy to educate you.

Liches received many changes to how they worked despite the usual "it's fine" and "I don't see the problem". Whether it was goofy dismissals like "just don't stab your larvling if you don't want to spawn it" and "I think the blind weapon RNG is fine" and "it's just one revive" and "but what about the Lich market" and "who needs a 60% roll anyways", we got improvements anyways.

Plat was added to Prime Resurgence packs to match Prime Unvaulting offerings despite the usual "it's just plat" and "well I think it's a good deal" and "you're just whining".

Tau Shard RNG protection added despite "you're just being entitled" and "they're just stats".

DE introduced their version of nerfed Sentinel vacuum to "address" calls for univac and other ideas like splitting Vacuum into 3 mods.

Walked back within a day.

There are plenty of examples if your head isn't plowed into the sand.

Nah. Not by a long shot.

Oh it's over alright. No head in the sand for me though, entertained myself by looking at your links. And the proof that the changes were made because of player feedback is.......

16 minutes ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

Maybe @PublikDomain should have posted in Braille, since you clearly either didn't or can't read, because all of the cited instances of previous DE blunders are well documented with lengthy discussions, prior to being "fixed". You seem to have ample time on your hands to post subpar straw-man tactics, so I'll leave the research about DE's past digressions as your task, as none of us here speaking our dislike about DE's current shame spiral, has to prove anything to you, the Truth is Out There for those willing to look for it!

Good Chats!


Skipped this one, hope you don't mind. You had trouble with your own posts so I can't imagine how bad you likely got this one wrong too. And I never will.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

And the proof that the changes were made because of player feedback is.......

That those changes happened? Read bro:


Many players voiced that the Kuva Lich system got progressively less fun the more time and energy was devoted to it. While finding the line between repetition and progress is one Warframe has struggled with since its first day, Liches highlighted some issues we aim to address while walking that line.


We did not want the Premium currencies to overlap, but players do because of the value in our prior Prime Vault offerings. We are opting to adjust our stance for the benefit of the community at large who weighed in with perspectives and feedback that considered all factors.


If you caught the news in Devstream 167, we are introducing a “pity” system to increase the chance of players receiving Tauforged Shards from their weekly Archon Hunts. 

Coming after months of heated discussion on the forums about Shards. Here's just one thread that made it to 50 pages:


It’s been a long time coming and a highly request change! If you hadn’t guessed it already, Carrier usage represents almost 80% of the total used Sentinels, and considering we have more than 5 unique choices this needed balancing. Today we're eager to introduce a community driven experiment within the Sentinel class. This is not the final book in this conversation, just the beginning.


Our previous idea to have universal Vacuum be a 3 Mod makeup was proposed on Devstream #80, to which we then scrapped after acknowledging the copious amounts of “please don’t do that” feedback.

From that, our new idea was to have Vacuum built into every Sentinel with a reduced range. Upon reading the constructive feedback from our Community about The Vacuum Within, it was clear we needed to make some tweaks- and here we have experimental Mutation X!

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Oh it's over alright. No head in the sand for me though, entertained myself by looking at your links. And the proof that the changes were made because of player feedback is.......

DE said it was based on player feedback.

SilverBones's Dev Workshop post on Kuva Liches, linked in Rebecca's post linked above.


After the release of the Kuva Lich System in Update 26: The Old Blood, you have been providing us a lot of feedback on what you do and don’t like about hunting your personal Lich. While we have made many improvements over the past week, we have more to come. We are adding the following very soon, based on your feedback:

(Emphasis my own)

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9 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

That those changes happened? Read bro:

Coming after months of heated discussion on the forums about Shards. Here's just one thread that made it to 50 pages:

Actually I'll absolutely concede one of them. Unlike the majority of folks in here I'm not horrifically petrified of being wrong about something. The Regal Aya/Plat change was very likely because of player feedback, almost guaranteed.

The rest is nothing but wishful thinking. See, here's where your problem really kicks into high gear. You're basically trying to portray these events as if players all collectively decided on a fix and the Devs just did it. A noble attempt at another gamble, but another that failed. Players complained, and the Devs decided to implement whatever fix they felt walked the line and allowed for a compromise on both sides to meet in the middle.

Well, players complained about the Heirlooms and DE did the exact same thing in the very first post in this thread. The difference is the folks still here either haven't noticed the fix already happened, or are delusional enough to think that an extremely small minority of players get to tell DE what to do. I mean from a psychological point of view this thing has been incredible, the egos and the control issues and all, but that's a whole different conversation.


Let me make something crystal clear. Nobody gives a damn if you want to wait until Platinum goes on sale before buying it in bulks, and that also means nobody gives a damn if you still think the Heirloom pack is overpriced because of it. Math disagrees. If you're comparing the value of the pack to when you buy Plat discounted, I don't actually blame you, I blame your School for keeping that Math teacher on, they have utterly failed you which isn't your fault.

Ignorance of facts however, is entirely on you. Just like DE changed things how they decided they wanted to change things with Liches and Shards and the rest (excluding Aya ofc), they did the same here. Pretty sure if you go back about 40 pages of the other pathetic thread around the subject, I did the Math for everyone, and I'm 99% certain that was before the increased Plat. It saved money and I didn't include the Sigmas so that the price could be objectively fair. And again, it saved money, before the Plat increase. Kinda feels like I should probably just copy/paste that line so it's absolutely abundantly clear.


So here we are. Everyone else in acceptance of the fix that was made, 5 or so folks who aren't. Lying through their teeth about "thousands" of people being unhappy and then hoping I'll have forgotten about that being said in a post mere hours ago. A fool posting memes unaware he's accidentally proving the point I made correct with each post. A hilarious reply stating I was "run out of a thread by replies", completely unaware of how my previous post made it clear to any 4 year old that can read that I wouldn't be reading the replies and just popped in to update the thread.

Yeah, that sure is a collection of people you'd want to support alright. (Sarcasm in case it wasn't obvious). And that's why it's truly over. You don't get to decide that they release a 4th version of the pack with your list of demands. And as much as I'd love to dive into the Ego that leads someone to think they can do that, as I said that's an entirely different kind of conversation and not appropriate for a forum discussion.

Try not to take all of this personally by the way, its an observation based on all 5 of you collectively, not just 1. If you're unhappy you get to vote with your wallet, they owe you nothing more than that.

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36 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I remember when my nephew was 5 and had the exact same belief.

It didn't help him, but keep it up though.

Well, good thing we -players- can decide to support a different game, unlike your nephew who probably can't go and pick a different family (seriously, what's the deal with the constant false equivalence being thrown around in this thread)

38 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

It's not like anyone ever said "The true sign of insanity is repeating the same act but expecting different results" so you should be good to go.

Fun enough, DE may not always point it all the time (sometimes on forums, some other times on stream), but plenty of changes, especially in early warframe were made due to player feedback. 

- Ember Prime Access didn't have an accessories pack, it was added for Rhino's Prime Access due to player feedback
- Same thing happened to the first unvault pack where there were no cosmetics only bundles (which got them a big callout) and was changed due to feedback.
- We used to have 4 daily revives per frame (could buy more with platinum), that went to 4 revives/mission due to player feedback.
- Event weapons (Closed Beta weapons included) were initially exclusive to the events where these were first offered, these were brought back due to player feedback.
- There used to be a platinum cost to roll kubrow appearances (gacha mechanics!) which was removed due to player feedback.
- Player to player trading was added due to player feedback.

I'm for sure missing some more times where DE made changes based on player feedback, but anyone who has been around long enough and active not only in game but also in forums is bound to have memories or even backups of similar events or perhaps even taken part in the discussion. So yes, it may sound insane for people like you, but it doesn't make the effort any less worth it. I tried to avoid the events already mentioned before 

Since you love videogame character quotes, someone else said "So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up." It may be too late for these heriloom skins (lucky me, these aren't even for frames i like and i still might them last day for cheap through Argentina's steam market) but i see no reason to stop offering feedback in case DE goes ahead and makes more heirloom skins for other frames in the future (which i really hope they do but without the "never coming back" and "bundle only" aspects which are the biggest issue this time)

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The worst thing about the radio silence is all the defenders coming in trying to say things for them, proceed to disregard all evidence provided to explain why the thread is still ongoing, then say it's all fluff made by the same people when it's the same people constantly defending too.

2 hours ago, Grav_Starstrider said:

There may be 4 or 5 of us who are repeatedly posting, but if you REMOVED the top 5 recurrent posters of posts in this thread, you'd still have like 50+ pages of comments.

Exactly. Even if you removed both sides and only kept the initial posts, this thread would still be huge. I think this will be my fifth reply here after a long time simply lurking on the forums, but I keep checking back hoping something will be done. Besides which, another interesting way to tell who's looking beyond just the boilerplate denials can be the GLARING like ratio on these posts. When people come armed with loads of ammunition of similar circumstances and get told 'nuh uh everything's fine stop trying,' there's going to be a response, and honestly there's so many here I have nothing but respect for. The fact that so many of those still fighting for more have been calm, rational, and loaded with linked historical facts in their rebuttals (not everyone, of course, but many), shows far more towards the subject of their character than the heated strawmans they often get thrown back at them. There are those like me that just 'like' those posts that already have so much thought put into them that I know I couldn't do better, but I'm going to continue coming back to check this thread because I - like many of the others here - believe it's important.

A free forum means replies of all kinds are going to happen, so trying to silence anyone, especially on the basis of 'ugh this is still going on just accept it already' is going to be replied to with all the history it deserves. I'm glad there are still people like @PublikDomainand @Voltage, among a host of others, laying out the facts as they've been in the past and why this is still ongoing.

To the people still defending this choice: you are being fought for too. This should, will, and does affect everyone, including you. We all love this game, and we want it to better not just for the people in the future, but everyone right now too. Removing arbitrary time limits and adding more options is not an attack against those who already bought the pack, and it shouldn't be seen as one. We don't want anyone to miss out on these cool cosmetics, especially those that start playing next year.

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1 hour ago, Dragoon said:

To the people still defending this choice: you are being fought for too. This should, will, and does affect everyone, including you. We all love this game, and we want it to better not just for the people in the future, but everyone right now too. Removing arbitrary time limits and adding more options is not an attack against those who already bought the pack, and it shouldn't be seen as one. We don't want anyone to miss out on these cool cosmetics, especially those that start playing next year.

This is the key takeaway point that needs to be heard. This isn't "us vs them". We're all on the same team here. The people who have offered feedback to change things aren't doing so in spite of purchasers, but for purchasers. Keeping things the same is still feedback, but it's not improvement.

I'd like to see the Ten Year Accolade just be something anyone gets from financially supporting the game from 2013 up until next March (Year 11). I'd like to the see the bundle reduced in bloat and comparable to a Prime Vault (for those who used to know the fair pricing of Vaulted cosmetics). I'd like to see any player, no matter their contribution, being valued as a supporter for a game that has now become a legacy.

Warframe has stood the test of time for being respectful to consumers and gathering money not through greed, but by compassion. There's plenty of games out there where your transaction with the game is out of greed, not care. Warframe has broken this mold for years, and the slow burn of that good will is what is causing such a discussion on something that may seem minor from the outside.

This Accolade and the associated bundles speaks volumes about how the player is treated lately, and that is the root of this topic, and why it's still going. I urge people who are happy with the current bundle to understand that nobody is asking for anything that worsens the transaction whatsoever. More Platinum may "increase value" or "justify" the price mathematically, but it doesn't improve the transaction ethically for many. It's about the message, not the math, as @PublikDomain explained very early in this thread with their art book order cancellation.

Edited by Voltage
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This debacle made me stop playing warframe I will not be playing warframe untill the new updates come out and will definitely not be spending money on the game untill things are settled between us and digital exteams (meaning  we get a 4th pack without the filler and just the skins and cosmetics for around 25 to 30 dollars) and iv spent hundreds maby even thousands on the game and supported the game for years 

And there are many like me who have been disrespected with this over priced pack and handling of this situation and are doing the same thing by withdrawing our time and money twords a company that dosent respect there loyal fans who have been supporting the game since day one when de didn't even know if warframe was going to make it of the ground but we stuck with them

disrespected there supporters by not thinking of the ones who can't afford 90 dollars but want to support them they could have easily made a 4th pack for only 25 to 30 dollars with only the cosmetics and skins for them but only thought about the money

Edited by (XBOX)toughdragon17
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