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Coming Soon: Devstream #173


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1 hour ago, LittleLeoniePrime said:

Is plague star ever coming back? Or do we just have to live with nights of naberus being the dump event for all event rewards for events that won't return?

On the last Prime Time they said they were looking at getting Plague Star out this year, but working on some "QoL changes" and "restructuring".  


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Are there any plans for Warframe coming to Android too?
i have seen that there will be Warframe coming out for Apple iOS, which is understandable because there arent other brands with iOS.

Maybe we can test Warframe with specific SoC's first like the snapdragon 888, 8gen series etc?

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Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid Hydroid WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
PLEASE make him at least more fun to play for the love of Wally 
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vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PSN)Hikuro-93:

Hey, DE. Questions for this devstream:

  • With cross platform save finally in the near horizon, can we expect an account merge to happen? Specially for those who share the same e-mail for said accounts.
    • If an account merge is not in the cards what will happen to any other accounts sharing the same e-mail address? Poof, gone? (/s) Should I consider changing the e-mail address in my secondary account?
    • Also, what about founders who migrated into consoles years ago? Would they have to pick up from where their PC account was at just to keep their Founder items?


also very curious about this since I started over on PS4 so many years ago that I use an older e-mail for said playstation account which differs from the (current) e-mail I'm using for Forum and Switch account. although I think DE is very careful about this like they mentioned, it would be devastating if my 3200+ hours PS4 account gets somehow overwritten by my baby switch or PC account 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)ADDY19469 said:

Is it just me but what the hell has warframe 1999 and soulframe got to do with tennos and warframe there both rip off from skyrim and metal gear stroke crysis core its like call of duty advertising hello kitty fps

What are you on about? 

Like did you just take one glance at the upcoming content and just wrote it off as rip-offs? Cuz that what it seems like

Edited by (XBOX)ApexGear2340
Expanded the msg
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1 minute ago, kyori said:

Will this warframe have a story quest of its own? Or just simply put the components as reward on some game rotation and call it a day?

Kullervo has lore in his dedicated farm that isn't just "some game rotation" but rather custom-made for him (afaik, I got him with plat and haven't farmed him yet).

Citrine and Voruna got new slightly differentiated game-modes. Citrine has lore dialogue shared to us by Loid/Otak, Voruna has a Leverian.

Styanax has a 5 minute mini-move about him and was made the reward for a unique game-mode (Kahl)

Gyre is the last Warframe we had close to zero lore for, and Caliban before her.

Yareli had the Waverider Quest and comic.

Sevagoth had the entire Call of the Tempestarii Quest.


All that to say, while I agree with you that another full quest-frame would be nice for lore and just for a fun experience in general, acting like they "just simply put the components as reward on some game rotation and call it a day" is a bit insincere and uncalled for.


What is called for, is asking them for an update on the Heirloom Collections

DE, you have 90 pages of replies on your own forum, with 200+ unique forum respondents Liking responses that call out how your response was insufficient, criticism has topped the Warframe reddit page several times with thousands of upvotes, and content creators are criticizing this left and right on YouTube.

At what point do we have to get to, before you just make a 4th bundle like everyone is asking for, and ditch the FOMO and forced-premium-currency-bundling BS? Getting players to buy their way into looking like they've been a "10 year supporter" and ignoring all of the supporters who have actually supported you for 10 years, looks awful and ugly of you.


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Couple of items.

Could we have a class of weapons that do void damage? Want new ways to deal with Eximus? 

Could Caliban and Gyre get skins & can u buff Calibans sentinel gang-gang? 

Could we use captura pics as default dojo rooms? 

Can u give limbo a way to deal w eximus? 

Could we have a female ice/snow themed frame named: Frigid? 

Ty DE stay awesome.


Edited by (XBOX)MediocreSupreme
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4 hours ago, (PSN)ADDY19469 said:

Is it just me but what the hell has warframe 1999 and soulframe got to do with tennos and warframe there both rip off from skyrim and metal gear stroke crysis core its like call of duty advertising hello kitty fps

Soulframe has nothing to do with Warframe, but as Warframe is DE's "main" baby rn, they use Warframe's platforms as a bit of an advertising boost so that Soulframe'll have a good launch eventually, presumably. If you don't want to play another game just ignore it whenever it's on-screen or being discussed.

Warframe 1999 will likely either have, or pave the way towards, major revelations about the fundamental nature of the Void, Wally, Albrecht, and even the origins of Warframes and the Technocyte virus or whatnot, potentially.


3 hours ago, (XBOX)MediocreSupreme said:

Couple of items could we hv class of weapons that do void damage? 

Could Caliban and Gyre get skins n can u buff Calibans sentinel gang? 

Could we use captura pics as default dojo rooms? 

Can u give limbo a way to deal w exhimus? 

Ty DE stay awesome


I'd be unsurprised at them making Void damage weapons in the future, but that's what our Operator attacks and Xata's Whisper helminth ability are for.

Caliban could use some love, skins come in time, they're still newer Warframes.

+1 on Captura scenes being available to donate to Dojos for implementation!

Eximi would be less of an issue for Limbo if they actually made Eximi into minibosses that people need to focus on or avoid, rather than just being the new Heavy+ mob that spawns with ridiculous regularity. The problem is that 10+ eximi can be around at a time, all the time, despite constantly keeping up the pace with the kills, when you get to high enough levels. So you can't afford to ONLY focus on them or else all of the light, midweight, and heavy enemies would annihilate your objectives. They should have slowed down the gameplay pace, not made it more frantic.

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4 hours ago, xMarvin732 said:

Are there any plans for Warframe coming to Android too?
i have seen that there will be Warframe coming out for Apple iOS, which is understandable because there arent other brands with iOS.

Maybe we can test Warframe with specific SoC's first like the snapdragon 888, 8gen series etc?

They replied after tennocon once and said that once IOS is sorted and optimized then they will try android


5 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

I would like to hear an update regarding Heirloom packs, as would may others. There are over 2,200 responses on your last update with more than 180 thousand total views. Clearly players remain unsatisfied with your initial response, which addresses only one of many concerns.

  • People still don't like the FOMO, it's just yucky and there's no need for it.
  • People still don't like the exclusivity, nor the harassment or elitism that comes with it. The Founders program has shown you for a decade what this invites into our community. Have you forgotten?
  • People still don't like that it's cash-only. Why is the plat and Regal Aya I just bought no longer good enough?
  • People still don't like that they can't purchase bundle contents separately. You do this for other bundles, why not this one?
  • People still don't like that the only "10 Year Supporters" you choose to recognize are those that buy these packs. Does the hundreds of dollars of support I've given over these years not matter to you? Personally, I find this insulting. It's just ugly.
  • The only reason you've given why you won't make changes is that it would be """unfair""" to players who bought for the exclusivity, but why are they more important than all the players who cannot afford these packs with cash right now and all the players who join will our community during  Warframe's next 10 years? You're using "unfairness" to defend an inherently unfair system

Tbh, the absolute best move in the long run Id think is just to never do a skin pack like this again. 

Personally while I don't really like the absurdity of the pack, I have been longing for a way to show that I have been here for 10 years as I cannot properly show that. Forum account wasn't created until recently, my original pc account when I was still an unknowing child is just gone completely and have migrated to console cause it was just easier. So at least I now have something to show it (Though I feel like I may be harassed cause I have it), thought will probably never buy a pack besides prime access again cause it was barely worth it.

On a much lighter note this pack HAS brought a new cosmetic slot to be filled with platinum cosmetics so that is at least a nice thing.

To add onto your cosmetics about greenery by completely talking about a different cosmetic. I would LOVE to see weapon racks for dojo, orbiter and all that so I can display my favorite weapons I have used over the course of time. It would be awesome to me.

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Well, sweet, thanks for the early stream announcement! I really hope this is the place to post questions, because there are a few:

  •  are there plans to make anything that could bring relevance back to Cetus & the Plains of Eidolon, or the Orb Vallis & Fortuna?
  •  with the story focus shifting to the Duviri Paradox as of late, is there anything that might be done to address the aftermath and lasting effects of the New War on the origin system? aside from Kahl's garrison and the Narmer bounties, it's as if the whole system collectively forgot that something that massive did happen;
  •  expanding on the above, as great and exciting as the reveals of Whispers in the Walls and 1999 were, the question remains: are the Sentients and Tau truly off the table in terms of story developments? after all, cutting off their involvement cold-turkey style after the New War was significantly strange;
  •  any general idea on which half of October Dagath's Abyss will release on?
  •  is there anything planned involving being able to extract Orokin Catalysts/Reactors from equipment, or being able to benefit from past investment into "obsolete" equipment?
  •  the Sun/Moon alignment system; so far, all it really does is get a comment from Helminth; is there anything planned on it at all in the future, or is it just meant as an indicator of the player's general decisions and choices?
  •  this one'll be a little personal, but I've considered that Hydroid is/was not, in fact, the worst Warframe in the game; and with that in mind, what about Inaros, whose entire ability kit has aged very poorly since release, or Valkyr, who is extremely niche in a field that other Warframes can very well exceed at while still doing other things well enough? Wukong was seen as really bad before his rework due to having nothing to offer besides survivability, and yet Inaros occupies a similar position in that not only have his means of survivability not kept up with the game's development, but what he can do besides survive is relatively meager crown control that is very easily rendered obsolete; and as for Valkyr, with how many different survivability setups there already are in-game, her invincibility during Hysteria isn't as game-breaking as it might seem, leaving her to pay too high a price (in energy consumption and melee restriction) for something that others can already mimic, to say nothing of her other abilities being situational at best; anything on either of those frames?

Since there's still apparently quite much yet to happen before it, questions regarding 1999 will have to wait significantly. Although, a personal one regarding the current story direction is... why exactly is The Man In The Wall considered as an antagonist, and why is the prospect of him gaining more access to the world outside the Void so terrifying? As menacing and creepy as he seems, the story has yet to provide any concrete reason for why he'd be feared and opposed as much as he is.

Edited by theDaemon0
proper topic formatting
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26 minutes ago, theDaemon0 said:

 is there anything planned involving being able to extract Orokin Catalysts/Reactors from equipment, or being able to benefit from past investment into "obsolete" equipment?

Hah. No. That'd dig directly into their bottom line, as currently the primary means of obtaining these are Sorties (good luck with RNG) or Nightwave (good luck affording them amongst everything else, if you're a new player), or the Market. Being too impatient to wait to buy/build/earn Catalysts or Reactors is the same as with Forma, one of their presumably BIG platinum-burners and therefore money earners. The one grace, is that Forma can be grinded for via relics, at the expense of the fact that you need them several times for most individual items you'd apply them to, instead of once-each like with the potatoes. 


32 minutes ago, theDaemon0 said:

this one'll be a little personal, but I've considered that Hydroid is/was not, in fact, the worst Warframe in the game; and with that in mind, what about Inaros, whose entire ability kit has aged very poorly since release, or Valkyr, who is extremely niche in a field that other Warframes can very well exceed at while still doing other things well enough?

A lot of people agree that Inaros and Valkyr need work. However, they can not die *and* still be fun to play with, with extreme tankiness.

Hydroid's "undying tank" option does NOT allow him to be fun to play with, you just sit there as a puddle draining your energy doing nothing, unless you're draining EVEN MORE energy doing something.

I don't think any Hydroid enthusiasts will disagree with you that Inaros is the next most-needed rework, with Valkyr potentially up next.

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Why have you changed the day of the dev stream? It’s impossible to watch live in australia as it’s on very early Friday morning instead of Saturday now. This is crazy and frustrating as it’s already difficult to watch any of them except for prime time. I always looked forward to the dev stream

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13 minutes ago, (PSN)xNURSi3x said:

Why have you changed the day of the dev stream? It’s impossible to watch live in australia as it’s on very early Friday morning instead of Saturday now. This is crazy and frustrating as it’s already difficult to watch any of them except for prime time. I always looked forward to the dev stream

It is what it is. Thursday at 2PM EST isn't exactly the most universally convenient time for people in CA/USA timezones either. At least in Mountain Time Zone that'd be during a Lunch hour for the average 8-5 mon-fri worker, but other than that? It just is what it is. Set your phone on a charger open to Warframe's channel open, or watch it after the fact.

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Hi! Are modular archwings still being worked on or not anymore? Imagine with me... Using one of our dojo/utility rooms (tenno lab, bash lab or even helminth) to take a fully built archwing set and convert to one of 3 parts that can be combined into one new one. OR.... Use the fully built parts (which contain stats an abilities like an amp) and assemble like an amp. They'll be limited but unique enough for players to enjoy archwing and railjack again.

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