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Gotva Prime MR14 Requirement


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So we all know that Baro has the Gotva Prime for sale this weekend.

I missed out on Tennocon this year so I never got the reward. So here is my little MR10 self going to Baro, trading a bunch of prime parts for Ducats only to see the Gotva Prime is mastery locked at MR14...

C'mon DE, a weapon that was a free Tennocon reward specifically brought to Baro, for one weekend, for the people that missed out initially locked at MR14?

Love you guys, but I am sad.

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Guess it's time for you to do some MR grinding 🤷

8 minutes ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:

So we all know that Baro has the Gotva Prime for sale this weekend.

I missed out on Tennocon this year so I never got the reward. So here is my little MR10 self going to Baro, trading a bunch of prime parts for Ducats only to see the Gotva Prime is mastery locked at MR14...

C'mon DE, a weapon that was a free Tennocon reward specifically brought to Baro, for one weekend, for the people that missed out initially locked at MR14?

Love you guys, but I am sad.


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3 minutes ago, MutoManiac said:

Just curious as to whether it was MR locked at Tennocon also. Then again it’s worth going to MR 14 just to get the Phenmor which makes archon hunts so much easier.

I have no idea. Goal is to get there eventually of course, but doing that in less than 2 days feels like a stretch. Will keep the Phenmor in mind for when I get there though.

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5 minutes ago, MutoManiac said:

Just curious as to whether it was MR locked at Tennocon also. Then again it’s worth going to MR 14 just to get the Phenmor which makes archon hunts so much easier.

No not MR locked during Tennocon. Sister got it just fine and she’s been MR5 for ages. 


18 minutes ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:


So we all know that Baro has the Gotva Prime for sale this weekend.

I missed out on Tennocon this year so I never got the reward. So here is my little MR10 self going to Baro, trading a bunch of prime parts for Ducats only to see the Gotva Prime is mastery locked at MR14...


Didn’t even know it was for sale this weekend, thanks for the heads up

Guess you’re just going to have to get MR. On the plus side MR 10-14 isn’t hard, so long as you have the resources, 

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:

I have no idea. Goal is to get there eventually of course, but doing that in less than 2 days feels like a stretch. Will keep the Phenmor in mind for when I get there though.

I’m MR 12 on another account and tempted to do it, but I won’t. I started the other account so I only grind for things I really want and ranking MR fodder weapons is not part of that plan. I’m sure it will be back eventually.

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Yeah, this should really not be a thing at all in some capacity, for the simple reason that Baro weapons are on super long rotations sometimes - I really wonder how many players wanted something out of Baro but couldn't get it due to MR lock and then stopped playing before it came back...

For specials* like that, there should be some type of "MR vault" system, where you can buy weapons that you do not meet MR requirement, but they end up in that vault and you only can claim them from it once you meet the MR requirement.


(* - for me the perfect example is Basmu from Neberus nights - couldn't get it, next time it will be a year from now... Will I even be playing still then? Probably, but there's not a zero change I won't, and sh*t like this will be the reason why)

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5 minutes ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

The Limit is to deter people making Temp accounts for various scams....

8 days minimum to get to the point they can even trade Rivens.

I take it back, it’s not stupid. 
You’re right, in this case time gate is good

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13 minutes ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:

I have no idea. Goal is to get there eventually of course, but doing that in less than 2 days feels like a stretch. Will keep the Phenmor in mind for when I get there though.


If you can't get it and don't think you will get the MR in time, since we are both on PSN, I can grab it for you and trade it when you are ready. Just let me know. 

Assuming of course its going to be tradable, since Baro weapons usually are... Though sometimes it takes a few days/weeks, and usually we are talking Prisma variants etc but the Tennocon weapons usually are too. 

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29 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


If you can't get it and don't think you will get the MR in time, since we are both on PSN, I can grab it for you and trade it when you are ready. Just let me know. 

Assuming of course its going to be tradable, since Baro weapons usually are... Though sometimes it takes a few days/weeks, and usually we are talking Prisma variants etc but the Tennocon weapons usually are too. 

That would be incredibly generous of you, and I would appreciate it greatly. I will let you browse my prime parts as payment if you want lol

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vor einer Stunde schrieb (PSN)Hoffles779:

So we all know that Baro has the Gotva Prime for sale this weekend.

I missed out on Tennocon this year so I never got the reward. So here is my little MR10 self going to Baro, trading a bunch of prime parts for Ducats only to see the Gotva Prime is mastery locked at MR14...

C'mon DE, a weapon that was a free Tennocon reward specifically brought to Baro, for one weekend, for the people that missed out initially locked at MR14?

Love you guys, but I am sad.

where exactly is the problem? Does the weapon perform so well or do you absolutely have to have the skin?

Because after 31/32 rank I had more useless items than ever before... and I was still playing with ancient normal nekros or with normal wisp. almost all items in the game make NO sense...

I have now bought the stuff too. and it's tradeable right?

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:

That would be incredibly generous of you, and I would appreciate it greatly. I will let you browse my prime parts as payment if you want lol


Sure all good! I'll go grab it now.

No payment is necessary, all I ask is that you perhaps send me a PSN friend request or a Warframe friend request and remember to message me when you do get to MR14. Whenever it suits you. That part I am too lazy to do lol. Then yeah, just send me a message when you get to MR14 and we can arrange a trade. 


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29 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


Sure all good! I'll go grab it now.

No payment is necessary, all I ask is that you perhaps send me a PSN friend request or a Warframe friend request and remember to message me when you do get to MR14. Whenever it suits you. That part I am too lazy to do lol. Then yeah, just send me a message when you get to MR14 and we can arrange a trade. 


Thanks again, I will send you a request asap :)

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:

C'mon DE, a weapon that was a free Tennocon reward specifically brought to Baro, for one weekend, for the people that missed out initially locked at MR14?

I will agree that this is a bummer and seems needless.  Sorry to hear that's happened.

That said, considering it's now a weapon you need to pay resources for, you're not missing out; the Gotva Prime is a decent weapon, but it's not great.  At this point, for most people Gotva Prime is going to be Mastery Fodder, and it will most definitely continue to periodically appear in Baro's catalogue, so if you don't get it today you can get it down the road.

So unless you just really love the Gotva Prime for some reason, there's no need to despair.  There are plenty of better weapons at whatever your MR is; you aren't missing out.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:

So here is my little MR10 self going to Baro, trading a bunch of prime parts for Ducats only to see the Gotva Prime is mastery locked at MR14...

C'mon DE, a weapon that was a free Tennocon reward specifically brought to Baro, for one weekend, for the people that missed out initially locked at MR14?

Its a powerful weapon, has to be MR locked, TennoCon was an exception because it was a gift and they didnt have any real idea of how it would perform back then.

2 hours ago, MutoManiac said:

Just curious as to whether it was MR locked at Tennocon also.

No it wasnt, as it was gifted, it bypasses any MR requirements.

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Cram Duahcim said:

Guess it's time for you to do some MR grinding 🤷



3 hours ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:

I have no idea. Goal is to get there eventually of course, but doing that in less than 2 days feels like a stretch. Will keep the Phenmor in mind for when I get there though.

Do keep in mind that grinding 4 MR ranks in two days is also IMPOSSIBLE because you can only take MR tests every 24 hours

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:

That would be incredibly generous of you, and I would appreciate it greatly. I will let you browse my prime parts as payment if you want lol

I hope you let DE know of this mistake they made(non MR lock during tennocon vs now). Else there will be more such issues coming up in the future.

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