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Why did we stop getting tileset remasters?


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A while ago (several years now, I think), we got replacements for two of the game's oldest tilesets: Jupiter and Corpush Ship. Not only were those brought up-to-date in terms of visual fidelity, they were built with Movement 2.0 in mind. Granted, Jupiter went a bit overboard with its giant bottomless rooms, but both tilesets simply work much better - at least in my opinion. I thought for sure that Ice Planet (Europa) would be next, since Corpus Railjack missions had some ice tiles.

But that was years ago. Since then, we've seen nothing. No new remasters, no tweaks to old tilesets. Granted, we've gotten Crysalith and Sanctum tilesets since then, which are genuinely pretty good. But what about Grineer Galleon? Or Grineer Asteroid? Those are both really old and honestly kind of janky, but they're still in the game. And hell - I mentioned Ice Planet. What about that one? That seems like easily the worst tileset in the game just because the lighting is perpetually broken and most of the terrain consists of props clipped together. It's hard to navigate since there's so much junk to get randomly caught on and it looks super-dated.

Did DE give up on remastering tilesets? Or are we due for another remaster at some point? I know this is technically "redoing old content instead of making new content", but there's tremendous return on investment there. Those old Star Chart tilesets crop up across almost the entire game. Nightmares, Liches, Sorties, Archon Hunts, Steel Path, Nightwave and that's just off the top of my head. Meanwhile, the Crysalith tileset only shows up in 5 missions which don't show up in any other content but their own. There's return on investment here.

Or am I alone in wanting this?

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They did not give up. It's just mostly due to the fact you can either have a tileset remaster or a new extension with new levels not both at the same time. And also tileset remasters just like warframe reworks need to give enough value to the game to be justified. Something completely new can easily attract players into playing again for the new content. Simple reworks or remasters are a way weaker argument on the other end. So this stuff is lower priority for DE, not forgotten but they can't give too much of their energy to it.

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57 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

A while ago (several years now, I think), we got replacements for two of the game's oldest tilesets: Jupiter and Corpush Ship. Not only were those brought up-to-date in terms of visual fidelity, they were built with Movement 2.0 in mind. Granted, Jupiter went a bit overboard with its giant bottomless rooms, but both tilesets simply work much better - at least in my opinion. I thought for sure that Ice Planet (Europa) would be next, since Corpus Railjack missions had some ice tiles.

To be honest Corpus ship tileset is now bad. It's great for museum but not so much for gameplay.

Not every tileset needs reworks. People mention Void but it's good. Such tilesets needs just some visual uplift (change textures, add some new (hidden) rooms etc.

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1 hour ago, Steel_Rook said:

A while ago (several years now, I think), we got replacements for two of the game's oldest tilesets: Jupiter and Corpush Ship. Not only were those brought up-to-date in terms of visual fidelity, they were built with Movement 2.0 in mind. Granted, Jupiter went a bit overboard with its giant bottomless rooms, but both tilesets simply work much better - at least in my opinion. I thought for sure that Ice Planet (Europa) would be next, since Corpus Railjack missions had some ice tiles.

But that was years ago. Since then, we've seen nothing. No new remasters, no tweaks to old tilesets. Granted, we've gotten Crysalith and Sanctum tilesets since then, which are genuinely pretty good. But what about Grineer Galleon? Or Grineer Asteroid? Those are both really old and honestly kind of janky, but they're still in the game. And hell - I mentioned Ice Planet. What about that one? That seems like easily the worst tileset in the game just because the lighting is perpetually broken and most of the terrain consists of props clipped together. It's hard to navigate since there's so much junk to get randomly caught on and it looks super-dated.

Did DE give up on remastering tilesets? Or are we due for another remaster at some point? I know this is technically "redoing old content instead of making new content", but there's tremendous return on investment there. Those old Star Chart tilesets crop up across almost the entire game. Nightmares, Liches, Sorties, Archon Hunts, Steel Path, Nightwave and that's just off the top of my head. Meanwhile, the Crysalith tileset only shows up in 5 missions which don't show up in any other content but their own. There's return on investment here.

Or am I alone in wanting this?

They didn't. We even have a hint that Corpus Infested Ship might be the next one to be reworked.

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14 minutes ago, --F--NerevarCM said:

They didn't. We even have a hint that Corpus Infested Ship might be the next one to be reworked.

Oh? When did that happen? I'd love to see it. Still think Ice Planet should be next, but Infested Ship is also definitely overdue for an update :)


1 hour ago, Rathalio said:

They did not give up. It's just mostly due to the fact you can either have a tileset remaster or a new extension with new levels not both at the same time. And also tileset remasters just like warframe reworks need to give enough value to the game to be justified. Something completely new can easily attract players into playing again for the new content. Simple reworks or remasters are a way weaker argument on the other end. So this stuff is lower priority for DE, not forgotten but they can't give too much of their energy to it.

Yes, but as I said - older tilesets are used EVERYWHERE. A new tileset is neat, but players have to go looking for it, especially if it's locked behind multiple quest requirements. Star Chart tilesets may be less "exciting", but they affect virtually every part of the game. Take this, for example: The Abyssal Zone needed to earn Dagath showed up on Ceres as a Grineer Galleon. That's one of the game's oldest tilesets, yet we ended up farming it for hours. Now imagine if the Galleon had been remastered and we actually got to experience a new, more modern and less honestly ugly tileset while doing that?

In my opinion, Warframe has an issue of "abandoned content". We have so much to go back to, but DE just keep investing into new assets and not using the existing ones. Investing into old assets and actually exposing them to more people seems to me a smart use of resources.

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We are just in a lull of them redoing older tilesets likely due to them giving us things like Duviri and the new Lab tileset.  DE hasn't given any indication they are done with tileset reworks but also haven't given any plans for future updates. 

Like others mentioned DE seems to like to have a good in game reason to also update the tileset, and we just haven't had an update recently that felt the need to fully update a tileset. 

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From a visual perspective, we dont' need a rework. Having the old ones mixed in with the new ones would actually be better. Kuva Fortress comes to mind. Unless the tileset is limiting DE creative design, there's no need for a remaster. Gamepaly wise is a different story. Yareli still get stuck in lots of stuff. Not to mention those knee high rails can block a warframe completely. Don't forget we can vault over hack consoles as well.

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1 hour ago, Steel_Rook said:

Oh? When did that happen? I'd love to see it. Still think Ice Planet should be next, but Infested Ship is also definitely overdue for an update :)


3 minutes ago, (PSN)Lowspot- said:

Where is this hint?

It took an HOUR but I found it. Check background.

CDN media

CDN media


Edited by --F--NerevarCM
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3 hours ago, yarl5000 said:

We are just in a lull of them redoing older tilesets likely due to them giving us things like Duviri and the new Lab tileset.  DE hasn't given any indication they are done with tileset reworks but also haven't given any plans for future updates. 

It just seemed like they were on a roll. First Jupiter, then Corpus Ship, then glimpses from Ice Planet... then nothing. This was also around the time when DE's schedule was falling apart, Railjack languished unfinished (and still does), etc. It feels like either the game got significantly downsized/restructured, or else the people pushing for some of these higher-cost things just left. We were going to get Pets 2.0 for 3 years, then the guy in charge of it left. We were going to get a complete overhaul of damage types, as field-tested in Railjack. DE just quietly patched out the new damage types and stopped talking about it. Scott McGregor talked about rebalancing combat to retain the power fantasy but stop breaking the game. Then he left and none of it happened.

For a while, I'd honestly given up on Warframe because it felt like it was sitting in Maintenance Mode. New content turned up occasionally, but old systems were never touched. The major health/armour/shields/shield gate redesign was VERY welcome. I'm really hoping we go back to having occasional "Warframe: Revisited" updates like we used to for a while.


3 hours ago, ominumi said:

From a visual perspective, we dont' need a rework. Having the old ones mixed in with the new ones would actually be better. Kuva Fortress comes to mind. Unless the tileset is limiting DE creative design, there's no need for a remaster. Gamepaly wise is a different story. Yareli still get stuck in lots of stuff. Not to mention those knee high rails can block a warframe completely. Don't forget we can vault over hack consoles as well.

That depends on the tileset. The Kuva Fortress has a really creative art style and still holds up quite well in terms of fidelity. It can be a bit "janky" with parkour in places, but overall works pretty well. Can't say the same about Grineer Galleon, though. That's obviously and very tangibly dated - low-res textures, low-poly meshes. Grineer Asteroid is ever worse. On top of being low-fidelity, it also looks like ass. It doesn't have the "thrown-together" charm of the Grineer Points of Interest in Railjack Skirmish, it doesn't have high-concept Brazil/Kindzadza charm of the Kuva Fortress or even the cool vistas of Grineer Shipyard. It barely even "feels" like a Grineer place. That definitely needs an update, in my opinion.

I don't expect ALL of the tilesets to be remastered perpetually. Would be nice to get at least the oldest, least memorable, least impressive tilesets remastered, at least.


2 hours ago, --F--NerevarCM said:

It took an HOUR but I found it. Check background.

I see, thank you :) Yeah, that definitely looks like remastered Infested graphics. I hope it's a full tileset, and just a few rooms from some new game mode. Infested Corpus Ship is a very cool idea, but the execution definitely needs an update. On top of bringing it in-line with modern Corpus ship designs, it needs to be made less confusing to navigate, as well. Less crawling through narrow gaps between indistinct masses of flesh. I get that it's thematic for the Infestation, but usability does still need to be considered.

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3 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

I see, thank you :) Yeah, that definitely looks like remastered Infested graphics. I hope it's a full tileset, and just a few rooms from some new game mode. Infested Corpus Ship is a very cool idea, but the execution definitely needs an update. On top of bringing it in-line with modern Corpus ship designs, it needs to be made less confusing to navigate, as well. Less crawling through narrow gaps between indistinct masses of flesh. I get that it's thematic for the Infestation, but usability does still need to be considered.

Yeah I remember a few people noticing the Granum insignia covered by infestation on Reddit. Had to check there to find the post.

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10 hours ago, --F--NerevarCM said:

They didn't. We even have a hint that Corpus Infested Ship might be the next one to be reworked.

Highly doubt there's been any hints. And even if there was, all it would amount to is the ships just being replaced with the current ships with some Infested mass placed around. Wouldn't even make to do a replacement anyway cause then you've gotta ask: how would the old ships get moved if they're supposed to be abandoned derelicts? At that point, it would just make more sense to remove Eris entirely.

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I actually wish they would bring back or at least remaster the huge amount of deleted content from old gas and old ship.  They actually did a terrible job with those tilesets.  There were plenty of amazing rooms that would still be good and most of the large open rooms are bad.  They also won't fix the stairs that you always have to jump because of random invisible barriers.

I don't think the ice tile is even the worst tile.  Plenty of the grineer tiles are worse like ophelia? or the recent ceres exterm.  Also, Mars is definitely the worst in the game.  Every area of Mars just sucks and is dated and has ridiculous low ceilings.

They ruined the good index tile, ruined corpus spy, but yet for some reason both old and new corpus ship spy has remained in the game.  Why not keep old gas and ship then?  We don't need two spys.  I guess the textures are better, but the lasers are slower for no reason.

When you remove so much of the tile like they did with corpus ship, you remove a ton of the variance the game had.  It was never replaced.  The missile room is awful.  The room with moving boxes and a pit below ruins the flow.

I agree that some tiles feel very dated, but we lost a ton of the tile that never got transferred and overall have simpler or more annoying rooms that aren't good for play.

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We had the Earth jungle set remastered a while back before all of that and the plains were also updated. Remember there weren't downed trees all over, which were added so that there was stuff to grind K-drives on like the guardrails in Fortuna.

But the pandemic happened.

All of the Deimos work, both the Drift and the labs/stone and also Duviri has probably kept the team pretty busy during and since.

Edited by Hobie-wan
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Your assumption relies on there being any announcements, and since there haven't been any, we can't really say anything one way or another on getting new reworks

Though I doubt DE will announce anything without having a whole update pack to bundle it with, like the Deadlock Protocol (which added the remaster, Jackal rework, Protea, weapons, cosmetics...)

Edited by Pakaku
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10 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

but yet for some reason both old and new corpus ship spy has remained in the game.

Are you by chance confusing ground vaults with space vaults? Because not sure where in the game you would see the old ship vaults, since the only place with old ships is Eris.

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I am not a fan of tile reworks of the past, especially Corpus ship tile rework.

For once, new tiles seems to consist of less individual rooms, so that I will run past the same room multiple times in one mission. I also miss rooms with destiguished identtity, like the one X shaped room with pits on the side or the one giont open room in Corpus ship tiles.
I also don't see how new tile play along evolved movement tools, as often there are random tile elements right along the optimal path just to block it.
However, the biggest downgrade with the new tiles would be their color pallete. New tiles are visually busy and gaudy. Many moving parts, colorful hologramms and projection interfere with the gameplay. Enemies often blend with backgrounds and are unnecessary hard to see.
All in all, I get more tired from new tiles than from the old ones.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

Are you by chance confusing ground vaults with space vaults? Because not sure where in the game you would see the old ship vaults, since the only place with old ships is Eris.

No.  They're still in the game.  Isn't eris infested, so they would be different?  Old ship spy is still in the game.

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1 minute ago, Lord_Drod said:

No.  They're still in the game.  Isn't eris infested, so they would be different?  Old ship spy is still in the game.

Eris is old Corpus ships but with Infested mass all around. Though most of it uses areas that we didn't see in regular Corpus ship without Infested spread around. You're still confusing me a bit though, with you saying "old ship spy". Both Corpus ground spy vaults and the old ship spy vaults were the same layouts. Nothing changed with the ground vaults with the ship update, they still look just like the old ship vaults.

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14 hours ago, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

Highly doubt there's been any hints. And even if there was, all it would amount to is the ships just being replaced with the current ships with some Infested mass placed around. Wouldn't even make to do a replacement anyway cause then you've gotta ask: how would the old ships get moved if they're supposed to be abandoned derelicts? At that point, it would just make more sense to remove Eris entirely.

Did u not see the comment with the images with the infested tileset, images that came from the warframe trailer

Not saying it will come, could be something they planned then scrapped.

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6 minutes ago, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

Eris is old Corpus ships but with Infested mass all around. Though most of it uses areas that we didn't see in regular Corpus ship without Infested spread around. You're still confusing me a bit though, with you saying "old ship spy". Both Corpus ground spy vaults and the old ship spy vaults were the same layouts. Nothing changed with the ground vaults with the ship update, they still look just like the old ship vaults.

Right...they are both in the game. Not eris.  Both versions of corpus ship spy are still in the game.  The lasers move faster on old ship. The hallways are wider on new ship.  The ability to turn off the lasers on that one vault is not there in the first room on the remake.  It's in the vault room.  There's no open vent ever in the elevator vault that you can go into on the way down in the remake.  Yes the layouts are the same, but there's plenty of subtle changes and both still exist in the game.

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13 minutes ago, Lord_Drod said:

Right...they are both in the game. Not eris.  Both versions of corpus ship spy are still in the game.  The lasers move faster on old ship. The hallways are wider on new ship.  The ability to turn off the lasers on that one vault is not there in the first room on the remake.  It's in the vault room.  There's no open vent ever in the elevator vault that you can go into on the way down in the remake.  Yes the layouts are the same, but there's plenty of subtle changes and both still exist in the game.

Ok, see the whole way you worded it draws confusion. Just say the Corpus spy vaults entirely, no reason to say old/new anywhere in there.

Are you absolutely sure there is no open vent in the elevator shaft of that vault in the ships? I swear I've still seen it there.

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