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The new Yareli augment looks to be really good...


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7 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

As someone who enjoys blowing bubbles non-stop with Yareli, this augment is a nice little helper for me. Although, since she is not riding on Merulina, I hope there is still a link/tether like Nekros and his Shield of Shadows to redirect damage from Yareli to Merulina.

as far as I'm aware merulina will still tank the damage yareli takes. not sure though but I doubt the DR/damage redirection will be different from augmentless yareli. 

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The augment will definently get me to play Yareli. My main grip with her has been the "feel" of riding merulina and that it locks us out from melee, primary and so on. So this augment is a win on so many levels for me and I already have a few ideas on potential builds for her. I mean, the augment will allow her to retain that extra tankyness, so melee will all of a sudden be on the table, this means that a build with aquablades together with melee will be possible. Meaning that if I replace a skill on her I will no longer be left with one that barely sees any use, which was the case when I replaced merulina, since I wouldnt use aquablades since removing merulina also removed her actual tanking potential to support melee.

Massive game changer mod!

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I'm fine with the augment giving new gameplay possibilities for Yareli, like enabling some silly shenanigans with Reave subsume (Reaveli :3) for example, but my main problem with the augment was the comment on the devstream about "Now you're finally able to use your helminth abilities with Yareli". (Not 100% if it was exactly as that, but that's what I heard) It sounded to me like this is the fix they're making to make Helminth useable for Yareli infuriated me. If Titania gets to use helminth while in her pixie form, why can't Yareli while riding on Merulina? My only hope is that when she gets primed that then they will give her some of the love that she deserves. 

And yes, I'm aware you can use say Nourish or Roar or such when hopping off Merulina and then hopping back on, but that is so clunky that I'd never want to play like that. Also aside from Reaveli jank, I won't be using the augment purely because I don't enjoy playing Yareli without surfing like a boss.

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I may be wrong about this but with the new augment for Merulina why is there not an option for example to tap/hold for players to switch between riding Merulina and using it as a companion why are players forced to either always use it as a k-drive or as a companion with this new augment? The idea of using Merulina as a companion is cool however, I don't like the idea of being forced to choose one or the other. Why not both. If that is how it stands on launch this is a huge missed opportunity for Yareli.

Edited by EdDiesel
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27 minutes ago, Vaml77 said:

I can't understand why there's so much hate on Yareli! She is excellent when using merulina and has great crowd control!

K Drives are deeply unpopular and pretty much always have been.  Making a frame centered on that gimmick was always ill advised, but DE went ahead and did it anyway.  My personal theory is that they put a ton of resources into creating K Drives, saw that basically no one was engaging with them, and decided to create Yareli to get at least something out of all their work.  A sunk cost frame, if you will.


Regardless, Yareli got a lot of hate at launch not only because of her glitchy, horrible K Drive mechanics, but also because she was really weak.  She unseated pre-rework (puddle) Hydroid as the weakest frame in the game, at least by my estimation.  She got some significant improvements when Lua's Prey (Voruna update) dropped, but even then she remained largely a CC frame with a K Drive gimmick.  And K Drives are still pretty awful in most tiles.  Even for those who take the time to master their clunky controls, K Drives are still prone to a bevy of bugs, while also locking you out of Helminth abilities, primary weapons, and melee.  The juice ain't worth the squeeze, at least not most of the time.


Personally, I like Yareli's aesthetics and 3/4 of her abilities.  With this augment, I'm likely to use her a lot more.  I don't love giving up a mod slot for something that should honestly be an option as part of her base kit.  K Drives are so unstable, unpleasant, and poorly suited to the tilesets in the game that I feel like DE owes it to us at this point.  I've long been a proponent of the tap/hold option to have Merulina as a minion or a "mount."  I guess this is as close to that as we'll ever get... until her eventual prime, maybe (but I'm not going to hold my breath).

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Instead of exalting merulina and rewarding the people who liked kdrives and invested in one, this augment:

Just like allowing archwings in open worlds was to hide archwing content problems.

Edited by RyllusPurple
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21 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

Skoomaseller L2P issue, you get through doors with K-drive yarelli the same way you revive people, go operator xD

jokes aside you shouldn't have to go operator todo either !

And the bug with going operator while she is on merulina still happens where you can't shoot or do anything.

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11小时前 , Skoomaseller 说:

I really don't care about how much effort it requires; if there is a system in game that we can interact with they should damn well make sure it works with EVERY frame, bar a few impossibilities like vial rush as mentioned, or using a melee weapon on kdrives (though glaives can theoretically work).

oh yeah it's suddenly too much when it comes to actually letting yareli be able to use helminth abilities while on Merulina. yeah sure. defend this mediocrity brother. keep being part of the problem. 👍🏽


You can pretend the world is perfect and point finger when it is not; or you can be realistic and approach a problem like a grown adult.

If resource is not a concern this world does not need economic anyway.

Listen. I get it people are frustrated. But it is what it is. Yareli is flawed, and this augment at least addressed some of the flaw. People were working on it instead of abandoning it like Caliban. If DE magically fixed everything tomorrow I will be glad to be wrong. If you cannot accept a frame is flawed, you may either pretend it does not exist and not play it, or propose deleting the frame so the game has one less flaw.

Edited by RichardKam
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12 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

i hope they don't assume everyone is on the augment then release a primary or melee for her prime access, effectively screwing over the non-augmented players

That lack of cohesion already exists with her.  She has a passive that increases crit chance for secondaries and a signature secondary weapon with crit chance that isn't worth modding for, even taking her passive into account.

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1 hour ago, MrDugan said:

That lack of cohesion already exists with her.  She has a passive that increases crit chance for secondaries and a signature secondary weapon with crit chance that isn't worth modding for, even taking her passive into account.

Kompressa Prime will likely have the crit chance that's actually worth modding into. It's how this goes. The Tenno versions of things are bad, the Primed versions are actually usable. Generally. There's plenty of exceptions to this (both Tenno and Prime are bad), but those exceptions are also usually older things.

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3 hours ago, RichardKam said:


You can pretend the world is perfect and point finger when it is not; or you can be realistic and approach a problem like a grown adult.

If resource is not a concern this world does not need economic anyway.

Listen. I get it people are frustrated. But it is what it is. Yareli is flawed, and this augment at least addressed some of the flaw. People were working on it instead of abandoning it like Caliban. If DE magically fixed everything tomorrow I will be glad to be wrong. If you cannot accept a frame is flawed, you may either pretend it does not exist and not play it, or propose deleting the frame so the game has one less flaw.

I'm not sure what this has to do with me not accepting Yareli's flaws (i literally main her so i already do) but go off king. I accept that she is flawed and still ask for her to be better. 

Maybe don't speak on matters you don't really care about. Some of us want the game to be the best it can be. 

Edited by Skoomaseller
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2 hours ago, MrDugan said:

That lack of cohesion already exists with her.  She has a passive that increases crit chance for secondaries and a signature secondary weapon with crit chance that isn't worth modding for, even taking her passive into account.

while you're right my hyper hopium take is that they'll do the same thing they did with the Akarius Prime and give Kompressa Prime usable crit stats

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On 2024-02-23 at 3:05 PM, Hexerin said:

It's not a matter of skill. K-Drive uses what is known as "float control", which is pretty much universally terrible (and why basically no games use it).

That was the old controls though. The new Merulina controls are much tighter, stops faster and can bullet jump.

I like this augment because it does what DE does best: provide really good options. On more narrow corridor missions, the Loyal Merulina augment can be a huge benefit to a stronger primary/melee setup, providing great CC and defense. Meanwhile, Guardian Merulina provides that near invulnerable setup that excels everywhere else. I'm curious to see how many enemies Merulina can trap as well as how fast the AI moves with Yareli.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

That was the old controls though. The new Merulina controls are much tighter, stops faster and can bullet jump.

she can't bullet jump on Merulina, only roll.

3 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I like this augment because it does what DE does best: provide *bandaids


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15 hours ago, Vaml77 said:

I can't understand why there's so much hate on Yareli! She is excellent when using merulina and has great crowd control!

I peeked at statistics, I don't even play Yareli and I have around the same percentage usage for her as you, so it kinda looks like you don't play her either ?

but "she is perfectly fine, trust me"

6 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

precisely that, Merulina. you either love it a lot or you vehemently hate it.

I think most people would agree Merulina perfectly usable in openworld content which is content that was specifically designed for K-drive but even then she still has to drop her defense to archwing between objectives


10 hours ago, RichardKam said:

You can pretend the world is perfect and point finger when it is not; or you can be realistic and approach a problem like a grown adult.

are you talking about people basically calling Yarelli perfect while also asking DE to address limitations and fix the plethora of bugs with kdrive ? funny that ^^

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3 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Point taken on the roll, but Merulina's animation is that of a bullet jump.

not really

3 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Regarding your second "fix", there's no point in attempting to fix what was not broken. 


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On 2024-02-24 at 4:01 PM, sunderthefirmament said:

K Drives are deeply unpopular and pretty much always have been.  Making a frame centered on that gimmick was always ill advised, but DE went ahead and did it anyway.  My personal theory is that they put a ton of resources into creating K Drives, saw that basically no one was engaging with them, and decided to create Yareli to get at least something out of all their work.  A sunk cost frame, if you will.


Regardless, Yareli got a lot of hate at launch not only because of her glitchy, horrible K Drive mechanics, but also because she was really weak.  She unseated pre-rework (puddle) Hydroid as the weakest frame in the game, at least by my estimation.  She got some significant improvements when Lua's Prey (Voruna update) dropped, but even then she remained largely a CC frame with a K Drive gimmick.  And K Drives are still pretty awful in most tiles.  Even for those who take the time to master their clunky controls, K Drives are still prone to a bevy of bugs, while also locking you out of Helminth abilities, primary weapons, and melee.  The juice ain't worth the squeeze, at least not most of the time.


Personally, I like Yareli's aesthetics and 3/4 of her abilities.  With this augment, I'm likely to use her a lot more.  I don't love giving up a mod slot for something that should honestly be an option as part of her base kit.  K Drives are so unstable, unpleasant, and poorly suited to the tilesets in the game that I feel like DE owes it to us at this point.  I've long been a proponent of the tap/hold option to have Merulina as a minion or a "mount."  I guess this is as close to that as we'll ever get... until her eventual prime, maybe (but I'm not going to hold my breath).


I will also add that I was a bit peeved when there was a 4-6 month span when Yareli received buff after buff after buff with with almost no payoff, while Caliban and Lavos were pretty much just decorations in the armory. 

I will never forgive DE for Lavos' cool down mechanic.  Ever.

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2024/2/25 AM5点01分 , sunderthefirmament 说:

K Drives are deeply unpopular and pretty much always have been.  Making a frame centered on that gimmick was always ill advised, but DE went ahead and did it anyway.  My personal theory is that they put a ton of resources into creating K Drives, saw that basically no one was engaging with them, and decided to create Yareli to get at least something out of all their work.  A sunk cost frame, if you will.

I think of her as an experiment of exalted vehicle. It "kind of" worked, but not worth the effort. But, she is something new. For that I give credit to DE for daring to go for this experiment.

If Yareli Merulina worked, Dagath would have summonable Kaith instead of the "summonable kaith" as her 4.

30分钟前 , (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz 说:


I will also add that I was a bit peeved when there was a 4-6 month span when Yareli received buff after buff after buff with with almost no payoff, while Caliban and Lavos were pretty much just decorations in the armory. 

I will never forgive DE for Lavos' cool down mechanic.  Ever.

That was not really buff, just fixes that made her not dysfunctional, going from negative to zero, but never positive.

Caliban......on the other hand was not really dysfunctional. His kit is working as intended, just weak.

Lavos is on the entire different power tier than Yareli and Caliban. He is extremely powerful even as of today.

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41 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

If Yareli Merulina worked, Dagath would have summonable Kaith instead of the "summonable kaith" as her 4.

you really think so ? if they wanted there isn't any reason why they couldn't have made that a "hold" ability on her #4 since her survivability is on 3

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42 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

That was not really buff, just fixes that made her not dysfunctional, going from negative to zero, but never positive.

there were definitely buffs though, merulina DR up 70 > 90%, sea snares granting damage vulnerability, riptide being able to be recast, merulina gaining the damage absorption mechanic of iron skin/warding halo...

45 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

Lavos is on the entire different power tier than Yareli and Caliban. He is extremely powerful even as of today.

yeah... as long as catalyze scales the way it does he'll always be hilariously strong

5 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

you really think so ? if they wanted there isn't any reason why they couldn't have made that a "hold" ability on her #4 since her survivability is on 3

because what is the point? making a ridable kaithe that doesn't do anything for majority of missions will create problems similar to those faced by Merulina. 

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