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35.5.3 changes to Dante

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Just now, Prof-Dante said:

The nerf isn't drastic as Trinity but Rebecca straight up lied, and she keeps lying and lying.

We weren't supposed to get this LoS nerf, overguard still blocks players that benefit from health damage


And Dante's nuke is now terrible after further testing

I hope everyone who was asking for a nerf is now happy, this isn't a game anymore it's a clown show.

She always dose anything she seas is a lie at this point she sead were tweaking him slightly proceeds to nerf him into the ground 

All the nerfs they did are horrible he was fine before and fun but apparently you cant have fun in this game 

Its always been a clown show because DE dosent listen to there comunity

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3 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

The nerf isn't drastic as Trinity but Rebecca straight up lied, and she keeps lying and lying.

We weren't supposed to get this LoS nerf, overguard still blocks players that benefit from health damage


And Dante's nuke is now terrible after further testing

I hope everyone who was asking for a nerf is now happy, this isn't a game anymore it's a clown show.

trust me, no one was asking for tragedy to be nerfed, coming from me, overguard issue with chroma/hunter/rage is still here, tragedy is just less consistent now, overguard nerf while i think at the start was too strong, i think could have been taken more lightly or just nerfed how much he shares instead of for himself too. No one asked for this LoS treatment 

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Clip showing the LoS changes

Thanks DE very cool and epic balancing effort. I think you should try putting this LoS check on every ability in the game because there's nothing I love more than watching my casts get wasted due to tiny breakable clutter objects or slight corners in the level geometry completely soaking them up. Really fills me with a positive vibe and gets me raring to boot up any other game and have fun somewhere I'm not commonly subjected to such deranged knee-jerk "fixes." 😬



Edited by Nobodys-Perfect
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Just want to add my own voice to the chorus here.  Before the nerfs, Dante was my new favorite warframe.  He was so comfortable to play, so much fun, his abilities (at least with casting speed archon shards) were buttery smooth, and the flow between them was glorious.

I tried him out after the nerfs, and found him nigh unplayable.  He generates so little overguard from Light Verse and Triumph now, I was getting shredded on the first round of Armatus.  Tragedy is virtually unusable on the Entrati Labs tileset because of how borked the LOS is.  The buff to Wordwarden does nothing meaningful.

DE, I am begging you, revert all of the changes made to Dante in this hotfix.  This was not a slight tweak, this was a baseball bat to the kneecaps.

Edited by Pariah_Vulgar
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Honestly, I don't mind the changes in any way and loving the buffs.

Tragedy is literally the only ability I don't use in the rotation, as its too much setup when everything is already dropping like flies to Noctua, a wordwarden Noctua none the less.

The loss of the double status damage bug hurts a bit, but with the buff to Wordwarden it just barely misses the mark to break even.

The Overguard nerf is understandable, as Kullervo generated significantly less in comparison with more severe restrictions. A base 2000 is going to be a pain to refresh to the cap, but the regen buff is more than welcome...it's just the regen rate is still a bit low at 300, and could maybe use a stack mechanic to increase its regen rate and play into Dante's core with Tragedy and/or Noctua.

Edited by PhiZero
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13 minutes ago, Xenevier said:

trust me, no one was asking for tragedy to be nerfed, coming from me, overguard issue with chroma/hunter/rage is still here, tragedy is just less consistent now, overguard nerf while i think at the start was too strong, i think could have been taken more lightly or just nerfed how much he shares instead of for himself too. No one asked for this LoS treatment 

I thought we were going to see further improvements with stuff like this moving forward, not more bait-and-switch tactics.

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Not exactly annoying to play, not even quite the same as before except tragedy. He's nothing more than a not that good weapon platform now. (because of wordwarden)

Edited by Museigen
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The post started with nerf nezhas new augment. They cut divine spears range in HALF!!!! THE FK YOU TALKIN ABOUT?!

Nerf mesas peacemaker?! Really, I kill faster with an ocucor than every mesa in a mission that doesn't involve around staying in one room.

I agree with many that someone like saryn is way too strong for a dps frame.

What you all crybabies seem not to understand that unlike a octavia or saryn or revenant is that they are not focused on BOTH protecting a entire squad and having nuking properties and high single target dps. 

Gara nukes needs a high investment and setup and ao much energy. Equinox nuke needs terrify. Have fun trying that on higher lvl corpus.

Octavia needs a weapon to still kill high lvl overguarded targets. Nobody has a proper use of her buffs were it matters. What is actually fked up is that her cc works on eximus while others are useless now.

Saryn is a dps frame. Straight up. She cannot give immunity to status with a button press to squad members across the room.

Revenant has single target and protects allows across the room but he would need to cast mesmer skin every 10 seconds for that. I dunno if his cc still works with enthrall after the overguard fix. Regardless, he has no nuking capabilities on his own

Whoever wrote mesa here, never went past base steel path ig. Aim other dps dealer, have fun surving in upper sp levels without shieldgating which you can't properly cuz either need high energy income and/or high efficiency.

You all are here crying over a frame that was so broken, everybody and his mom ran him. The biggest noobs were reaching lvl cap with him which they didn't before. No I didn't pull these words out of my a**, someone actually really said that.

if we get Dante back, we can have saryns old miasma back. Make it syneegize with another saryn again. THAT will make Dante look like an npc.


So many frame deserves more love and got hit by the overguard 'fix' yet everybody complaining the one button, 6 forma and nothing else investment ain't overpowering setups and high investments. Nezha didn't deserve to be nerfed that hard. Wisp is considered S tier, her breach surge doesn't work on eximus anymore. Dante was overthroning every mission and almost every frame. He was the male saryn. We don't need another saryn.

vor 9 Stunden schrieb Sir-Lorkhan:


Now that you nerfed Dante.

Nerf all the nuking frames.

Nerf Nezha's new augment. 

Nerf Octavia.

Nerf Saryn with dual ichors.

Nerf Mesa's peacemaker.

Nerf literally every nuke 

They cut divine spears range in HALF!!!! THE FK YOU TALKIN ABOUT?! They nerfed his ability enough which on its own ain't that good. That's the augment was for. 

Nerf mesas peacemaker?! Really?! YOU COMPARE A LVL CAP OVERGUARDED THRAX ONE SHOTTING DANTE WITH MESA?! Do you have any idea what you saying??

I kill faster with an ocucor than every mesa in a mission that doesn't involve around staying in one room. She can't defend herself with shieldgating in upper sp lvls without high energy flow since you need to leave peacemaker, cast an ability and go in again. Easy to press? Yes. Issue? Either you decide to go for brief respite, nerfing her dmg and forcing her to run negative efficiency which, even with nourish, is risky. You will never see a mesa in upper lvls to lvl cap outside circuit.


I agree with everybody that someone like saryn is way too strong even for a dps frame. You already said it, dual ichors. Her nuking ability alone is barely used. Gets heminth over. 


What you all seem not to understand that unlike a octavia or saryn or revenant is that they are not focused on BOTH protecting an entire squad and having nuking properties and high single target dps. 

Gara nukes needs a high investment and setup and so much energy. Equinox nuke needs terrify. Have fun trying that on higher lvl corpus.

Octavia needs a weapon to still kill high lvl overguarded targets. Nobody has a proper use of her buffs were it matters. What is actually fked up is that her cc works on eximus while many others are useless now. But if you nerf that, you might aswell delete the frame. Her kit is too broken. Distracting enemies and staying invisible is her thing. You cannot shieldgate with her cuz her abilities cost so much and needs high duration. Any nerf is her death except on her 4 but nobody would miss that. I barely see ocravia outside cascade and if I do she never dominates a mission unlike Dante. 


Saryn is a dps frame. Straight up. She cannot give immunity to status with a button press to squad members across the room. The pro led is she can kill entire continents with a toothpick. 


Revenant has single target and protects across the room but he would need to cast mesmer skin every 10 seconds for that. I dunno if his cc still works with enthrall after the overguard fix. Regardless, he has no nuking capabilities on his own.

You all are here crying over a frame that was so broken everybody and his mom played him. The biggest noobs were reaching lvl cap with him which they didn't before. No I didn't pull these words out of my a**, someone actually really said that.


if we get Dante back, we can have saryns old miasma back. Make it synergize with another saryn again. THAT will make Dante look like an npc. That will kill your mission. Cuz the last days every void cascade run was boring af because I had atleast 1 Dante in it. Oftentimes I had 2 in almost every endgame related content. Hr was too braindead. We have revenant and octavia for that. We don't need a third one. 


So many frames deserves more love and got hit by the overguard 'fix' yet everybody complaining all in one frame, 7 forma and nothing else investment ain't overpowering setups and high investments. Nezha didn't deserve to be nerfed that hard. Wisp is considered S tier, her breach surge doesn't work on eximus anymore. dante makes wisp looking like an npc. Dante was overthroning every mission and almost every frame. He was the male saryn. We don't need another saryn.

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56 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

Can mods please stop fusing threads? @Letter13 this is so annoying.

There is literally nothing in common here!

It’s all talking about the Dante changes. They always do this.

Sometimes I feel like 1 or 2 threads should stay separate as they do address other issues, but it’s mostly done to declutter the forum. And to make sweeping criticism under the rug easier.

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He's just bad dante now. His overguard is still good, but his only other main use(Tragedy) is now totally unusable because they decided give him the harshest LoS check on it, making it blockable by debris.

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I don’t understand these changes at all.

his overgaurd was changed in a way that his max wasn’t changed but the change makes it harder to get to the max, rather than use 3 abilities 9 times at a cost of 300 energy we now have to use 3 abilities 21 times to get to the max at a cost of 700 energy.

his line of site change is horrible because a simple desk in the way obscures that which is ridiculous.

the issue I kept seeing people complaining about before his nerf was his overgaurd on allie’s and that’s the only thing that hasn’t changed.

how about the removal of unwanted ally protection and a reversion to what he originally was.

I was truly gutted by this update

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1 hour ago, Prof-Dante said:

Can mods please stop fusing threads? @Letter13 this is so annoying.

There is literally nothing in common here!

Ain't me. I don't usually merge threads unless they're very blatantly about the same thing. I reckon that any threads pertaining to Dante are getting swept up into this one... so... yeah, the commonality is Dante feedback.

Not saying I wouldn't have merged these threads, just that I've been a bit inactive all day here due to work obligations and watching a film with friends.


Edit: the fact that I'm the first one called out any time any moderator does something makes me chuckle. 'Forum Boogeyman' is a fun title.

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So from playing Dante today, and loving how he originally launched, these are my feelings post-nerf:

  • The overguard nerf was a bit overturned. I'd rather it be a nerfed value for teammates. I am running 338 strength at base without stacking molt augmented. I went from over 21ish thousand generated from 224 to barely over 7 thousand. That's a pretty big difference. 


  • Just like many others, the tragedy LoS check feels absolutely awful. I went to level Noctua again and the tile set made it to where the most enemies I ever hit were 6-8. I stopped using Tragedy altogether and started spamming dark verse instead because it was way more consistent and a better dps


  • The Page flight nerf also doesn't feel great and helped a lot with the damage potential of tragedy. It wasn't game-breaking or competing with a lot of other frames, but if you want it to stay nerfed fine. The wording about the Page flight is extremely confusing upfront and I had to discuss with others to get better clarity. Can this part of the post be edited or a better example be given?
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I don't even know where to start. These nerfs, as others have said were reactionary, unnecessary and frankly stupid.

Dante was absolutely fine in his launch state.
He is not a starter frame, he is a late game frame and was appropriately balanced as such.
He was able to comfortably do content up to Steel Path level 200 with a decent build and could do higher that 200 with a very well tuned build, but he was hardly at the god tier of Stynax or Saryn.
At levels higher than level 225 or so, even 80,000 overguard got melted so fast that you really ended up spending most of your time refreshing it and it took multiple casts of Tragedy to kill stuff. Playing at these levels became essentially an energy management struggle and it would have certainly been easier on other frames.

All of these nerfs need to be reverted, every single damn one!
The token "buffs" he was given are meaningless. He is no longer able to comfortable perform in level 200+ steel path and taking him into those levels is now just a lesson in frustration (2,2,4,2,2,4,2,2,4 *oom* *dead*).

The change to Archon Intensify is particularly egregious and absurd, given that no healing can even take place underneath overguard. Casting Overguard should count as healing for all procs that trigger off of health modification.
Adaptation should also apply to overguard as well, but that is a separate issue.

Finally, I will say that I was having so much fun with Dante that I was logging in every day to play him. I have not done that in years.
That is over now. Unless these changes are immediately reverted I for one will not be logging in more than I have been for the past few years, namely once a week for a shard.
Thanks, DE, for like one week of actual fun.

Im out

Edited by Rovaeden
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Just here to echo what others like Friendlymushroom44 have said, and to add that LoS just doesn't make sense thematically for Dante's 4. It's verse, it's spoken word. You don't have to see someone to hear what they say. I could understand a "loose" LoS akin to Ember, so that people in other rooms can't "hear" the verse but all enemies in vocal range can, but not the hard LoS that can be blocked by a pillar or desk

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10 hours ago, LaFuanDuh said:

Line of sight now makes the ability way too restrictive, if other frames can have massive nuke abilities with 0 restrictions, why can’t Dante have that even already has restriction. You should not have listened to the people who complained and left him unchanged.

Saryn mains were afraid of competition and now they are safe, since Dante is a frustrating trash now

Edited by Heligaider
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Does no one at DE actually play test these "slight changes"? It really just feels like Pablo went "im going to make it LOS so let me tick this LOS box" and then sent it. Because its pretty obvious right from the jump that these changes kind of ruin Dante. like enemies can practically hide behind a broom stick and not be hit by tragedy now, which feels AWFUL to play.

I get not wanting it to hit enemies behind walls and around corners, its still annoying that its nerfed that bad, but at least I can understand that. But this is beyond stupid in terms of how bad this LOS check is.

I also dont get how literally cutting the over guard in half is a "slight nerf". Like there are frames like Styanax who can generate the entire team infinite amounts of energy and over guard by spamming an ability that makes him immortal, but for some reason Dante's over guard is too much?

Its just really frustrating to see DE take such drastic actions against a brand new frame that people are enjoying, while not touching the frames that have been way more OP for YEARS. like if you're going to ruin the fun in the name of balance, at least be consistent about it.

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Dear DE.. Dante sucks now after nerf.. Please take him back to what he was with his final verse's 'tragedy'.. why are so many other frames able to use range attacks without having to worry about line of sight? and dante is a new frame why nerf him so quickly and so drastically with the one ability that actually does good damage and crowd controls well.. Again.. this is just my opinion and feedback but if a player who doesnt really go to forums at all much and if DE made that person (me) actually make time to type here that I dislike the Dante changes made and is really disappointing to play with now.. what a bummer too cos I just finished making a build for him and even just subsumed by 2nd dante frame and then this nerf.. I might be venting here for the changes which affect my gameplay and fun but still.. Dante does feel 'Not so Fun' if I cant even do crowd control when all other frames which are already OP never got a nerf that messed up their crowd control with a condition of 'in line of sight' only.. 

Lol DE made a non forum user actually end up using forum to post a feedback so Im guessing they did nerf dante pretty good or bad and make it non fun for me lol.. 

Again just my feedback.. 

I wonder why the other frames get to do crowd control through walls and out of line of sight.. They aint new frames anymore like dante.. Lol privileged I guess hahaha. 

DE please get Dante's ability back to what it was.. so that I can use my 4th to do some good crowd control and have fun .. regardless of my line of sight.. 

P.S. Don't really care for the change made for overguard.. (meaning Im fine with that change made). But tragedy feels tragic now with just having to do slashes over n over.. 

Just get Dante back to what it was DE.. Nerf him like after a year or something..  *(Now wheres the disappointed face emoji huh?)* lol..

Thanks for the updates I guess.. and also the quick disappointing nerf of a hotfix.. My fun with the new frame is ruined lol.. back to finding somethin else now..

Again.. this just my feedback.. 

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16 hours ago, Sir-Lorkhan said:


Now that you nerfed Dante.

Nerf all the nuking frames.

Nerf Nezha's new augment. 

Nerf Octavia.

Nerf Saryn with dual ichors.

Nerf Mesa's peacemaker.

Nerf literally every nuke frame.

All this!!

We were all forced to endure Saryn players literally melting all fun for anyone but themselves for ever and we were shushed when we complained, but now Dante is too much?

WHAT THE ACTUAL EFF!??? How can you, DE, make that claim with a straight face?!

Dante, even with 500 strength still cannot reach the absurd KPM that a typical brain dead Saryn main can.

I really, really want to see every map nuke capable frame get this same treatment and I want to see it happen now!


6 hours ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

sweeping criticism under the rug easier.



Dante is now literally garbage.

I have other frames that I can take into 200+ Steel Path.
So why dont I?
Because they aren't fun to play.

Dante was fun to play, so I was logging in every day to do content I had been ignoring.
Now, thanks to heavy handed, reactionary and unnecessary nerfs Dante can no longer perform in the content I was enjoying with him.

Since this reeks of bait and switch I am demanding that I be refunded for the full market plat price I paid for Dante as well as for the forma I wasted setting him up.

I invite everyone else who feels cheated to join this thread and demand that our accounts be credited for this disgusting breach of trust.

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The thing is, the game is moving in the direction of higher levels and some players think it should be hard to get past level 50, the frames should be strong, saryn is able to melt planets but dante was apparently problematic.

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  • Dex-Lemon changed the title to Revert the LoS nerf make him not to share OG squad. Problem solved everyone happy.

Like the title, after years you finally make a fun frame that make me actually want to play the game, i even bought the bundle, spend last few days (DAY not even a week) enjoying it, and then you mf ruined it with your stupid idea of “balance”, i dont think i will ever be excited for any new frame in the future because it gonna be trash soon after release. Tbh when i heard Rebb is the new director i had good faith in her to keep the game fun for everyone, well not anymore.

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