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PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.4


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38 minutes ago, Eggximus said:

Tragedy feels a lot better now, packs a good punch and is much more consistent. Thanks for the fast follow-up . 

It used to be more consistent.  

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46 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

We’ll use our learnings from this incident

This isn't the first time this has happened, & I'm sure it won't be the last

Frankly, after 11 years & with my longest break being 2 months, I'm kind of getting tired of this, this made me re-install another game I haven't played for maybe 6+ months, & have no intentions of playing Warframe for now

Call this an over-reaction if you want, but the accumulation of small & big mistakes, again & again over the years, with them getting more frequent, has left a bad taste in my mouth

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1 minute ago, asdf3011 said:

"Fixed the Loadout options resetting daily instead of weekly (at usual reset time) as intended."                                                                                                                                             Can this be unfixed please? I actually thought that is how it worked. You still can't be too picky as you have no clue if tomorrows roll would be any better then roll you got now. However if it rolled a something very terrible or stuff you did not own you could either decide to run today for less rewards sooner or wait in case you got a better roll the next day.

Yup, came here to post that. Being stuck with a terrible setup all week sucks, the potential daily reset was a nice opportunity to come again tomorrow and see if it's better or not.

But I guess that ship has sailed too, as Tragedy's tragedy.

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2 minutes ago, Zeow31 said:

Love the optimism, don't believe a single word of it. This isn't a new game getting its sealegs, it's a decade long affair repeating the same pattern of "Kill what's fun, pretend to listen, let it rot for years".

Lol.  Why are you still playing seeing as you hold this mindset?  Enlighten me with your sound logic as to why you continue to engage with something that provides such 'fun' to you.  Or plead the 5th.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Personally, this fix is sufficient.
There were originally several ways to make Dante stronger, so it could be used in Netracells even in the state it was in just before this modification was made.
I would like to see a discussion on how to address Frames that do not need to be overguarded rather than LoS.
And later, regarding the Nezha augmentation mod that is too narrow in scope (wink).

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4 minutes ago, Telluric said:

i feel like some (all) of you need to be reminded that "we are listening to feedback" DOES NOT MEAN "we will implement it". just because there's an overwhelming majority of people clamoring for a change does not mean that DE is required to implement it. at the end of the day, it's their game, they can put in any changes they feel is necessary for the betterment of it.

True, but they're not even addressing it.  They make a change, everyone says "revert".  That doesn't mean they should absolutely revert, but if they're going to not revert, explain why.

That's where DE is failing here - they're not addressing the feedback at all.  So that's why things like "we value your feedback" feel like lies.

Why was Dante's nuke nerfed but Saryn's (among others) stay the same?  Tons of feedback asking that - but not addressed.

Why was Dante's overguard nerfed but Styanax's stays the same?  Tons there, too, and another opportunity for addressment not taken.

The pre-nerf feedback was mostly "don't nerf" coupled with "Chroma got a new augment and Inaros got reworked and we don't want Overguard, but Dante" (this is the real issue exposed) and not once have they addressed the unwanted overguard.

DE are absolutely not demonstrating that they are even seeing most of the feedback, since they're simply not acknowledging most of it.

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il y a 4 minutes, Pretzellis a dit :

Lol.  Why are you still playing seeing as you hold this mindset?  Enlighten me with your sound logic as to why you continue to engage with something that provides such 'fun' to you.  Or plead the 5th.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No 5th, uninstalled the game the moment they confirmed their reaction to the feedback was to ignore it and keep going as if any of this nerf was a good idea.
I'm just here on hopium in case someone at DE realizes that nerfing something into the ground with barely a week of data is a stupid idea.

Edited by Zeow31
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If you really really have to keep this cursed LoS on Tragedy then PLEASE AT LEAST make LoS ignored for enemies affected by Dante's Dark Verse. The whole purpose of Dark Verse was to basically "mark enemies for death" and punish them later on, obstacle or not. Dark Verse in itself already has LoS. Tragedy does not need it for enemies affected by it. It's an unnecessary double check that makes the ability clunky to use.

Edited by Gandalf_White
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40 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Yes it's true, the whole issues with dante can be fixed with the simple change of reverting EVERYTHING done to him and removing his ability to give overguard to allies

Yup ^

37 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

People should learn that THIS IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Its NOT about Dante giving OG, but about OG itself!!! They need to find a way to make it work with those few frames that benefit from not having OG.

This would be another disgusting nerf and would remove the support from a "support" frame. Do you remember that he is support?

Ah, your right!

The only reason I mention Dante is that it started with him but now I think about it, they should just need to fix OG itself, sorry I not notice that sooner

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The change to make Archemdia only rotate once a week is not a good one. You can get an unusable loadout selection and have no alternative now. Previously you could wait a day and hope for something that was doable (kind of lke how you can wait 2 hours to force a bad Duviri rotation to go away); now you can look on Sunday night and be guaranteed you will simply be unable to do them at all for the entire week due to bad RNG. Heck, had the rotation not happened last night, I would have been unable to do Archemdia this week, as the initial rotation I got on launch was unusable in all 4 categories.

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45 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Dante Changes & Fixes 

Tragedy Line of Sight (LoS) Changes & Fixes: 
As a result of yesterday’s Hotfix and the understandable feedback we’re receiving, we wanted to address the clearly broken state of Dante’s Tragedy LoS checks. It was not implemented to our standards, and that is on us. We know that this has been an unpopular change, which was greatly aggravated by the fact that a) it launched in a defective state and b) that LoS checks in general suffer from broad inconsistencies. 

Our first step is improving how LoS checks work with Tragedy to fix the inconsistencies and ineffectiveness. We’ll use our learnings from this incident to review other cases of LoS check issues for a future update.  

  • Improved Tragedy’s Line of Sight checks per enemy to be much more forgiving and reliable to fix the many cases players reported of not being able to hit enemies at all. Now, it considers not only the enemies that Dante sees but also those visible on screen/via the camera—so any part of them, big or small, is considered visible/eligible to pass the LoS check.  
    • To break that down a bit deeper: 
      •  Enemies positioned directly behind or in front of Dante 
        • We have made it so that enemies within 5 meters of Dante are automatically considered visible; no LoS checks are required. 
      • Enemies barely in cover or who had just run to cover
      • Enemies positioned at a different height to Dante where they are still partially in view 
    • Enemies that are not caught by the "Is the enemy on screen?" check (behind or to the sides of you) use an improved target detection where we now check for line of sight to the target's head, torso, and feet. Previously we only checked for their torso. This will improve the reliability of hitting enemies even when they are not directly on the screen.
  • Fixed Tragedy not hitting/affecting ragdolled enemies that are in LoS.
    • This was a particularly brutal bug considering the number of abilities, weapons, and other effects that can cause enemies to be ragdolled. This issue also contributed to the many scenarios in which Tragedy did not apply at all. 

With the changes above, this is where Tragedy’s LoS should have been originally. As mentioned above, we are also taking what we’ve learned from Dante and will be making general improvements to LoS checks as a whole in a future update. We provided details on how we plan to do that in the post we made today, but in short we will be making LoS checks across the board far more reliable than they are currently. 

Light Verse and Triumph Overguard Increases: 
The second pillar of feedback we want to address is our changes to Dante’s Overguard capabilities. We went too deep with the initial decrease and are, therefore, bumping up the Overguard gain from Light Verse and Triumph to a middle ground between their pre- and post-balance states.   

  • Increased the Overguard gained from Light Verse from 250 to 350 at Max Rank.
  • Increased the Overguard gained from Triumph from 2000 to 3000 at Max Rank.

We knew we could tackle LoS improvements and Overguard bumps today without hesitation. However, this is just the tip of the feedback iceberg, and we know there’s more that’s been shared beyond what we can accomplish today regarding both LoS, Overguard, and more. So we’ll continue to digest and evaluate feedback, and we encourage you to keep sharing in the dedicated Dante Feedback subforum.

We value your input and how it helps us iterate and improve together. Thank you, Tenno.

Deep Archimedea Fixes: 

  • Fixed Clients being unable to interact with Void Angels to revive fallen Host for the second time in a mission due to the context action missing. 
  • Fixed the Loadout options resetting daily instead of weekly (at usual reset time) as intended. 
    • All conditions for Deep Archimedia are on a weekly reset, so the Loadout Modifiers follow this standard. 
  • Fixed the message to defeat the Void Angels to revive downed players lingering on screen for Clients. 
  • Fixed [PH] tag appearing in the additional Search Pulses tooltip in the Netracell screen. 
  • Fixed a script error that could occur between missions. 
  • Fixed a crash caused by recovering from being knocked down in Deep Archimedea. 
    • This was also causing an issue where your Warframe would seemingly “trip” all over the place before crashing. 


  • Fixed a crash caused by the “Complete an Exterminate mission in 6 minutes” Cavia Bounty challenge. 
  • Fixed the Void Angel in the Angels of the Zariman Quest, as well as those in Void Armageddon missions, not having an objective marker.
  • Fixed the lighting in the interior of the Orbiter (not on Drifter Camp) changing from bright to dark as you move around when the Dynamic Lighting or Sun Shadows settings are  disabled. 
  • Fixes towards some surface artifacting occurring in the Drifter Camp.
  • Fixed Secondary ammo pickups in the Simulacrum not charging the Grimoire’s alt-fire. 
  • Fixed the splash sound FX from throwing Amphors at Crucibles being heard throughout the level. 
  • Fixed given Grimoire to friendly NPC (i.e. Rescue Target, etc.) causing Secondary ammo pickups to stick to the player. 
  • Fixed Blueprints that have crafting costs that exceed a player’s owned Credits appearing at the top of the Foundry list when sorted by “State”. 
  • Fixed glowing blue orbs appearing on the Conduits in the Armatus Disruption mission. 
  • Fixed broken lighting throughout the Grineer Sealabs Assasination (Titania) tileset. 
  • Fixed [PH] tag appearing in the TennoGuide when instructed to visit Onkko after completing The War Within Quest. 
  • Fixed some hitching when loading into Venus missions. 
  • Fixed a crash caused by weapon hit direction. 
  • Fixed crashes caused by Keyglyphs being reassigned to players after Host migration. 
  • Fixed a script error in Isolation Vault Bounties. 

For list of known issues for Dante Unbound, visit our dedicated thread: 


Thank you for being so responsive. I do appreciate and I know many other Tenno appreciate the accountability and effort you all put into making Warframe an excellent experience. 

I hope that some of the recommendations on how Combat Discipline, Hunter Adrenaline, Rage work will be considered to be modified/triggered on health or damage to overguard, as the case may be. 

I'd hope it would be a if damage to health; if damage to overguard "true/false"  modifier on the mods themselves that would hopefully alleviate the effects acquired overguard has on frames like Inaros, Chroma and so forth. 

Likewise, LOS rays possibly bypass allies, defense targets, or friendly players. I don't know how that might be accomplished but as if the ray would vector through them as opposed to be stopped by them. 

Regarding Nezha, the Divine Spears augment is awesome but the 50% reduction on base range turns out to be more like a 75% reduction in range adjusted with mods. Maybe the range could be reduced by 20-25% at base. 

Finally, I know there has been a lot of emotion tied to these changes and roll backs etc. I have felt at times some kind of way both excited and disappointed. Yet, you all DE Rebecca, Megan, Pablo, and all behind the scenes should be commended on your integrity, accountability, and genuine desire to fix things. 

No one ever gets it right all of the time. And sometimes we focus on the symptoms and not the root cause. I think you all do well in considering the root cause and try to adjust accordingly. 

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Reversing all the nerfs on Dante and removing OG from allies is all we want, isn't it enough to have 100 pages on the forum and not read any feedback?

They improved Los but he shouldn't have Los, it's very simple

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1 minute ago, NeDesitVirtus said:

Thank you for being so responsive. I do appreciate and I know many other Tenno appreciate the accountability and effort you all put into making Warframe an excellent experience. 

I hope that some of the recommendations on how Combat Discipline, Hunter Adrenaline, Rage work will be considered to be modified/triggered on health or damage to overguard, as the case may be. 

I'd hope it would be a if damage to health; if damage to overguard "true/false"  modifier on the mods themselves that would hopefully alleviate the effects acquired overguard has on frames like Inaros, Chroma and so forth. 

Likewise, LOS rays possibly bypass allies, defense targets, or friendly players. I don't know how that might be accomplished but as if the ray would vector through them as opposed to be stopped by them. 

Regarding Nezha, the Divine Spears augment is awesome but the 50% reduction on base range turns out to be more like a 75% reduction in range adjusted with mods. Maybe the range could be reduced by 20-25% at base. 

Finally, I know there has been a lot of emotion tied to these changes and roll backs etc. I have felt at times some kind of way both excited and disappointed. Yet, you all DE Rebecca, Megan, Pablo, and all behind the scenes should be commended on your integrity, accountability, and genuine desire to fix things. 

No one ever gets it right all of the time. And sometimes we focus on the symptoms and not the root cause. I think you all do well in considering the root cause and try to adjust accordingly. 

They literally did not tackle the root cause of the issue and birthed an entirely new one due to them insisting that an LoS check was necessary for tragedy despite dark verse already being the tragedy check

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16 minutes ago, HezDergator said:

Tragedy already had checks with needing status for it to nuke rooms

Exactly. Tragedy was only a map wide nuke at low level non steel path content where enemies don't have enough EHP to survive the initial damage. In steel path you have to prime enemies with strong status effects from either Dark Verse or weapons for Tragedy to deal significant damage, so the ability having no LOS was not even an issue. No one had any problems with Tragedy nuking except maybe a very small portion of pp that are just outright against nuke frames in general. The main complaints were that overguard is preventing them from using certain mods and arcane effectively, so there was no reason to nerf Tragedy anyways. The nerf to pageflights "unintended" extra damage was also a huge nerf to Tragedy since that damage was greatly increasing his nuking power. And even pre nerf, Dante wasn't even close to being the strongest dps/nuke frame. And I'm really tired of people saying his nuking is low effort for massive rewards because its not, you literally have to cast 3 abilities to get one Tragedy off, not very low effort but instead very energy hungry and cast heavy to maintain the same level of dps that other frames can achieve by doing far less.

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