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Why so many toxic players recently


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Real low-bar S#&$ters. The type of 'toxicity' that is too obscene to be amusing.

Needs to be refined. Boiled down into a fine paste. Used as a base, but not the whole dish.

I try to be toxic in a controlled manner. Pre-meditated toxicity. Pre-conceived assumptions of character based purely upon surface-level observations. Like not trading with someone because of the chosen player-glyph, like holding a prejudice against Wisp's. The kind of choices that leave the public lobby users more confused than irritated. Until the Host-Migration.

Edited by RPColten
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4 hours ago, RPColten said:

Real low-bar S#&$ters. The type of 'toxicity' that is too obscene to be amusing.

Needs to be refined. Boiled down into a fine paste. Used as a base, but not the whole dish.

I try to be toxic in a controlled manner. Pre-meditated toxicity. Pre-conceived assumptions of character based purely upon surface-level observations. Like not trading with someone because of the chosen player-glyph, like holding a prejudice against Wisp's. The kind of choices that leave the public lobby users more confused than irritated. Until the Host-Migration.

Back on the day that was just called having a bias.  Ultimately it's your choice and as long as you don't go crusading against arbitrary targets most don't see an issue because they also have a bias.  It's just that some biases are in vouge while others are not.  At the end of the day, all you can do is be civil, even when civility is at an all time premium. 

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The hard-to-swallow pill IMO is that the Warframe community has been overrated for quite some time.



  • Leeching
    • In railjack, it's common practice to head to the gunnery so it looks like you're trying and then walk away. 
    • In regular missions, it was common practice to pick wukong because he was immortal so you didn't have to do anything to survive and fast so you could make up ground when the mission is over and make it to extraction before the afk penalty.  Thank heavens for the nerf.
  • Griefing
    • Hi limbo
    • Hi intentional radiation-proc mobile defense terminal destroyers
    • Hi people who forced DE to finally patch it to make you drop your keys if you refuse to insert them into their objectives to stall mission progress
    • Stab your gd liches


  • Hi moderators so heavy-handed that people need to disable region chat from the start so that even the most innocuous message being sent accidentally to the wrong channel doesn't result in a chat ban


  • Scammers
    • Poaching:  After every weapon upgrade announcement (kuva/tenet/prime) you have poachers trying to fleece cheap rivens from sellers before they hear about the announcement and adjust their prices
    • Baiting Persistent honeytraps in trade chat of people trying to fleece rivens and rare mods from other players to resell them in a proper marketplace and make bank
  • Trade request spammers
    • Default trading behavior is to spam trade requests to the top 5 or so sellers and back out of all but the fastest trade
    • Often forces listers to abort their missions early or entirely to address a non-trade
    • Buyer usually passively ignores or actively mutes the listers they don't buy from, resulting in even more lost time and diminished market reach for nothing.
  • AFK Listers
    • Can't entirely blame the trade request spammers because...
    • A lot of players turn on market then go on a spiritual journey to Tibet to find inner peace and when they return they'll field whatever trade requests people submitted and still need after being AFK for ages (this is against the warframe.market terms of service btw).


List goes on and on really.  The reality is: community just isn't all it's cracked up to be sorry.

Edited by sly_squash
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Honestly the last "toxic" interaction I had in Warframe was...honestly I can't remember, I think it was about a year or so ago with somebody having a meltdown when I told them I already sold something that I posted on the trade chat (several minutes after the post).

Unless we're counting things like Wisp/Limbo/Nova players purposely slowing down Defense missions, but that's more often just ineptitude rather than malice.

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On 2024-04-05 at 9:28 PM, Waethan said:

And in all my years of playing the game, I never noticed that sort of behavior, so I wanted to know if something changed in the community without me noticing recently or in the last few months (or even years)?

I've noticed it for years.  It's why I've always tried to steer clear of less casual content like Arbi's and Eidolon hunts.

The most toxic I've seen the playerbase though is right here on these forums.  When I was struggling on TNW, all I got were a load of "git gud"s and "it's not that hard" to the point where it made me actively question if something was wrong with me--don't worry though, I did eventually complete it, and karma rewarded me with those same people whining and moaning about AotZ while I found it to be the most fun I've ever had in a patch when the dust settled on the bug fixes.

Yes, there are friendly players out there for sure, but I know that when it comes to pugs, it's always better to expect the worst, hope for the best and know your own limits in case you find yourself having to deal with the former.

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On 2024-04-05 at 6:28 PM, Waethan said:

Hello everyone! First time posting here... I don't know if I'm in the good place for what I want to talk about.


A little bit of context first : I've been playing Warframe for a long time now, but I'm just unlocking stuff to get mastery points, playing for fun, discovering new updates, etc. Not really into making the strongest builds. I just get what's necessary for me to complete the things I want and that's it. Now that I've been working a full-time job where I got a lot of responsibilities, I end my day being exhausted and playing Warframe is the easy way for me to think about something else for a couple of hours...


Recently, I've been encountering some really toxic players on public lobbies. During the event Gargoyle's cry, for exemple, I wasn't fast enough for some players who started insulting me and telling me they would report me for ''grief'' or something like that. And today, while I was leveling up Dante, a frame I don't even really know because I tend to just get the new ones to lvl 30 then forget about them, other players started harassing me because I wasn't doing a good job? I mean, I finished working and I'm tired. I'm not gaming to get insulted by others on a coop game, even though I might not always be that good, but I didn't die and wasn't a burden for the others during the mission... I reported the player for harassment this time, because even after the mission was over I told them to chill out and I'm just there to have fun and I got an answer in private like ''cry me a river'' or something... But I don't know if that report will do anything.


And in all my years of playing the game, I never noticed that sort of behavior, so I wanted to know if something changed in the community without me noticing recently or in the last few months (or even years)? What are your experiences with public matchmaking?

I'm finding a lot of those type of players tend to be what some call "Rushframe" players. They just want to get the rewards and leave. No exploration, no teamwork, no mechanics learning. It's all about selfishness in a public setting. Unfortunately, that's just people being people. Nothing we can do about it, regardless of the game we play.

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well this happen to me too as i was in survival mission with some random chinese player not from China, while they are camping to kill the enemies, none of them is paying attention to the life support was left 20%, so on i proceed to go activate the life support, and in the end they just keep calling me idiot for dont know how to play warframe, while im MR27 and they are MR15 and MR16 >.< well, this is life.. even they can say they are just leaving the life support to 0% and they just continue to farm... i was speechless... as in result, i activate the life support and i lure the enemy away.. they got no choice but to extract in the end.. after the mission done, i went in the same mission again and met those 2 idiot again... *facepalm* and then i do the same thing directly and ignored them XD

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I would say this is DE’s fault because they follows presents days mediocracy…

Honeslty, I could be one of those player who lightly troll/ push players « like you ». Allow me to explain myself…

I could write lines and lines to explain but I’m gonna resume like this : DE failed to propose efficient  balanced late game because they follow the nowadays gaming mentality : mediocracy. Players can not handle difficulties now. As DE want money, they provide a lot of early and middle game easy content to keep players as long as possible. They don’t give a #*!% about ancient players.

« New players » want everything, very fast otherwise, they quit. Players now don’t tend to be better. They just want to get stuff.

That’s the reason why (ancient) high rank players such me trash talk others: we want to promote meritocracy, not mediocracy.

For example, why are you lvling up you Dante on a mission where you need to perf a little bit ?

Why don’t you go to Elite Sanctuary ? Or solo lvling with silence helminth ? Or asking for a nuker to carry you ?

Because, like you said, you are tired, you don’t give a #*!% about others… Not in a bad way, it’s just what it is now. You probably even did not think about any of the propositions I made. You just play. You were probably in « why should I think about any stuff… I can play however I want » mode.

You can… but « you get out what you put in it »…

Like many other say, this attitude is rare because, sadly, now, most of players is just « like you ».

But on the other way, beoing trash talk back is also kind of fair…


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My suggestion for new players is join a thriving clan ASAP so that you learn the ropes from friends rather than having to learn the hard way through pub matching. And to be fair from the other perspective, its not the job of the veterans in public to teach you the ropes. People generally expect you to be competent at whatever game mode your joining. For example, bringing a Nova with positive power strength to a Defense mission is a HUGE no-no as it slows down the progress of the spawns ergo the mission drags on for much longer than it should. There are some things that are meant to be implicity understood once you understand the game's basic mechanics of each mission type, so disrupting that flow will draw the ire form your peers, toxic or not them's just the brakes.

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The mobile port is what happened.

On 2024-04-06 at 1:13 PM, Joezone619 said:

Lots of players have been leaving Destiny and coming warframe lately, and its not hard to see why. Directors got laid off or left, half their devs got laid off or left, its been downhill for them for a while now.

Yeah that would also do it. Destiny 2 is an absolute cesspool of a game

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On 2024-04-06 at 12:24 PM, PrinzeEugen said:

Can't really help you with that but I also don't want to watch world burn without a word. If you somehow met me in match you're always welcome but I play on ASIA tho.  

I also play in Asia and recently failed a zariman mobile defence mission where nobody bothered to stay by objectives or waypoint importan loots far away from objective,

serves them right

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On 2024-04-06 at 3:28 AM, Waethan said:

Recently, I've been encountering some really toxic players on public lobbies. During the event Gargoyle's cry, for exemple, I wasn't fast enough for some players who started insulting me and telling me they would report me for ''grief'' or something like that. And today, while I was leveling up Dante, a frame I don't even really know because I tend to just get the new ones to lvl 30 then forget about them, other players started harassing me because I wasn't doing a good job?

I find hard to believe those conversations were entirely one sided and you were just silently playing doing nothing wrong. Also, out of experience many people nowdays (not just players or warframe players) consider that insulting, when someone says anything they disagree with. And harassment when someone gives them unsolicited advice. Does it happen to be the case here? 

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2024/4/11 AM4点57分 , -Virtue- 说:

I would say this is DE’s fault because they follows presents days mediocracy…

Honeslty, I could be one of those player who lightly troll/ push players « like you ». Allow me to explain myself…

I could write lines and lines to explain but I’m gonna resume like this : DE failed to propose efficient  balanced late game because they follow the nowadays gaming mentality : mediocracy. Players can not handle difficulties now. As DE want money, they provide a lot of early and middle game easy content to keep players as long as possible. They don’t give a #*!% about ancient players.

« New players » want everything, very fast otherwise, they quit. Players now don’t tend to be better. They just want to get stuff.

That’s the reason why (ancient) high rank players such me trash talk others: we want to promote meritocracy, not mediocracy.

For example, why are you lvling up you Dante on a mission where you need to perf a little bit ?

Why don’t you go to Elite Sanctuary ? Or solo lvling with silence helminth ? Or asking for a nuker to carry you ?

Because, like you said, you are tired, you don’t give a #*!% about others… Not in a bad way, it’s just what it is now. You probably even did not think about any of the propositions I made. You just play. You were probably in « why should I think about any stuff… I can play however I want » mode.

You can… but « you get out what you put in it »…

Like many other say, this attitude is rare because, sadly, now, most of players is just « like you ».

But on the other way, beoing trash talk back is also kind of fair…


Speak for yourself only. Don't try to represent other veterans because none of us share your view.

Trash talk all your want. Stand up, be a man and admit it. Don't do it under the refuge of "high ranking players".

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Il y a 8 heures, RichardKam a dit :

Speak for yourself only. Don't try to represent other veterans because none of us share your view.

Trash talk all your want. Stand up, be a man and admit it. Don't do it under the refuge of "high ranking players".

Haha... Well, you are quiet dillusional. ^^

First, thinking that "none of us share my view" is unrealistic. I'm part of clan (and was part of few others) where many share that same observation. So I'm really not "speaking fo myself only" (I almost never do, who cares the opinion of a single player). I also know that from old casters testimonies. That's a well known fact... Mediocracy filling gaming is often hard to accept because of the ego.

Your "stand up, be a man, admit it" goes in that ego way. If you did not care or thought this was non sens, you wouldn't even answer. You just have been "touché"... ;-) 


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These toxic players are people who only play Warframe and are very bored and that's why they stay that way. Playing different things is much healthier. If someone offends you, report them.

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I always tread carefully around timelimited events for this reason. Anything like Gargoyle's cry or plague star are potential mine fields. This is because if you play public lobbies, you always end up with absolute try hards that have been running the same mission for the last 16 hours straight to farm the special lucrative resource, be it arcane energize or forma. They don't take kindly to anybody slowing them down due to the sheer stress of their situation. 

I have an anecdote from plague star where I rushed ahead of a nova to the cave because I knew you could k-drive there. He got extremely upset when I took the thingy from the machine because he was the nova. His role was to glitch through the cave ceiling for a super fast escape. Meanwhile, I was trying to have some fun. Instead of realising that if he had taken a k-drive down the cave he would have actually optimised his run better, he threw an insane tantrum at the entire squad, claiming we were all casuals and posers and he himself was the only serious gamer with 200 collected forma (thus far). I think he was going for 300 though. 

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Il y a 16 heures, Vaml77 a dit :

These toxic players are people who only play Warframe and are very bored and that's why they stay that way. Playing different things is much healthier. If someone offends you, report them.

It's a fairly caricatured vision that isn't based on much... I play 4 games ATM. I also think that playing more than a single game is  healthier than staying on just one game. But, surely, you could find the opposite way.

In the same way, I authorized myself for, for example, some "ZZZzzz" when some players are not fast enough.

It's also kind of symptomatic of new players "woke" mentality nowadays.

Warframe is the most healthy commuynity I've ever played. On 7 years playing I did not see even 10 hard speeches.

So at some point, let's just not be a Karen/ Kevin and whining about an exceptionnal situation. Because if it's not exceptionnal...the problem is probably you. :-)

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Last time I encountered such toxicity was when I was doing some random bounties on Cetus, while leveling Loki, which is actually not bad for the bounties there. An Ignorant Volt Prime noob joined me, insulted me for playing Loki while doing a much worse job than me, left and ignored me. I was amused when I tried to type a response to him and saw I couldn't. All in all just ignore people that suck at being a good person. There are far less of them than good sociable players here. And don't care what people saw in WF in general. It's a game where you can play whatever you like, wherever you like. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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14 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

It's a game where you can play whatever you like, wherever you like. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Not exactly. You can play whatever you like wherever you like. But you can also be told not to by other players. Chat is part of the game. They may not like your frame choice, weapon choice or fashionframe choice and they have a freedom of expression. They can totally tell you whatever they please. And you cannot simply forbid them.


you can /ignore them, but that doesnt forbid them from telling you things, It just makes you not hear/read it


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If you don't hear/see it, how will you know if they're telling you stuff? Ignoring them solves the problem for both parties. It allows the mean person to vent, regardless if he's right or not and doesn't cause negative emotion in the person who ignored him. Sounds like a win/win. If the mean person wants to harass with whispers, then he'll be prevented, which is better than being banned for harasment imo.

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9 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

If you don't hear/see it, how will you know if they're telling you stuff?

30 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Not letting someone tell you something and preventing yourself from hearing it are two completely different behaviours.

I disagree with first approach (not letting people say stuff) as it is an attack on freedom of speech. Also it has this "you go girl, do not let anyone tell you, you are wrong, even when you are clearly on the wrong" vibe.

9 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

Ignoring them solves the problem for both parties

Which problem it solves? I see couple: 1. Player/Person not being able to handle criticsm - not solved. 2. Players offering unsolicited advice/critique too often - unsolved. 

9 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

It allows the mean person to vent, regardless if he's right or not and doesn't cause negative emotion in the person who ignored him. Sounds like a win/win. If the mean person wants to harass with whispers, then he'll be prevented, which is better than being banned for harasment imo.

Needing to vent is not a problem that needs solving in this case.

Edited by Zakkhar
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You might not realize it, but freedom of speech is not a universal right in all countries. Private spaces like the game Warframe in this case, freedom of speech is not law, while it does say that it's against the rules to harass players. Harassment is in itself subjective. The harasser might not think what he's saying constitutes as such, while the receiver might think it is. After that it all can lead to a lot of wasted time for all parties involved, including those that have nothing to do with it (as what we're doing right now xD).

Correcting inadequate knowledge, depends on the willingness of the participants. If one side doesn't want to hear it, then there's little to argue about.

I personally always try to have a reasonable discussion with people who disagree with something or could know more on a given subject. However I'm not blind enough to assume that when I want to tell players how to play the game, they HAVE TO read what I tell them..

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vor 51 Minuten schrieb VENDOMINUS:

You might not realize it, but freedom of speech is not a universal right in all countries. Private spaces like the game Warframe in this case, freedom of speech is not law, while it does say that it's against the rules to harass players. Harassment is in itself subjective. The harasser might not think what he's saying constitutes as such, while the receiver might think it is. After that it all can lead to a lot of wasted time for all parties involved, including those that have nothing to do with it (as what we're doing right now xD).

Correcting inadequate knowledge, depends on the willingness of the participants. If one side doesn't want to hear it, then there's little to argue about.

I personally always try to have a reasonable discussion with people who disagree with something or could know more on a given subject. However I'm not blind enough to assume that when I want to tell players how to play the game, they HAVE TO read what I tell them..

I would like to know where “freedom of speech” is possible.
I don't know any country or platform that allows something like that. Almost all chats require a telephone number. and telephone number almost always requires personal identification?

And here in the forum or in other forums like Steam, “freedom of speech” is even more prohibited. If you don't lie and praise the company to the skies and make legitimate criticism, then you will be banned very quickly.
This sort of thing happens very quickly on Steam forums and there isn't even a reason for a perma ban.

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6 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

I would like to know where “freedom of speech” is possible.
I don't know any country or platform that allows something like that. Almost all chats require a telephone number. and telephone number almost always requires personal identification?

And here in the forum or in other forums like Steam, “freedom of speech” is even more prohibited. If you don't lie and praise the company to the skies and make legitimate criticism, then you will be banned very quickly.
This sort of thing happens very quickly on Steam forums and there isn't even a reason for a perma ban.

I fail to understand what you're trying to say. I mean, what is your point? Just stating the facts has me puzzled.

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