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Jade Shadows - Dev Workshop: Enemy Resistances and Status Rework (LIVE!)


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For status effects i didn't see Tau up there even though we have 2 sentient frames and several sentient weapons. Also, I see you're still trying to figure out blast so I've went ahead and did them. I hope this helps to bring them more inline with other statuses and make them viable options.


 **Tau Damage:**

   - *Description:* Exclusive to Sentient enemies, Tau damage bypasses conventional defenses.

   - *Properties:* No damage modifiers against any health or armor type.

   - *Status Effects:* Adapt autonomously based on the attributes of the enemy hit.

     - *Corrosive:* Against armored enemies.

     - *Magnetic:* Against shielded enemies.

     - *Gas:* Against enemies with Infested Flesh. 

  - *Bonus:* these changes apply to Caliban's abilities and sentient summons. It also applies to weapons like the Basmu/Shedu reload AOE, Venato, and other sentient/Tau based weapons.


**Blast Damage:**

   - *Description:* A secondary elemental damage type, combining Heat and Cold elements.

   - *Composition:* Heat and Cold.

  - *Effectiveness:* Highly destructive against Grineer Machinery and brittle Fossilized Infested creatures; performs poorly against Ferrite Armor worn by many Grineer units.

 - *Status Effect:* Inaccuracy - Reduces gun accuracy by 30% for 6 seconds. Subsequent procs add 5% reduced accuracy, stacking up to 75% after 10 stacks, each with its own duration.

 - *Special Mechanism:* Blast procs store blast damage in a total damage pool similar to heat's stacking tick damage mechanics. Total blast damage pool is released at 10 stacks, dealing 52.1% of the total stored damage in a 5 m radius. Only one explosion per 10 stacks, and it can proc on multiple targets simultaneously. Only Blast damage can contribute to the 10-stack total damage pool explosion. 

 - *Visual Indicator:* Affected enemies have heads covered in sparks and a smoke-like cloud. The smoke starts to sound a sizzle when nearing the 10th stack, serving as an indicator like a fuse-lit bomb.



Also while reworking the resistance maye free up scripting and provide smoother gameplay,  I'd hope there will be a challenge made for combat. The deep archimedea has some great buffs and challenges for players. The choice to apply debuffs to your frames or not is also greatly appreciated. If this was something like relics done on the sentient murex derelicts with both elite sentients and Namer elites( i.e.: amalgams, bursas, executioners, diemos elite Infested) this would bring a nice challenge for veterans players on steel path while also including more variations of bosses to spawn such as Arn Etina, Zanuka Hunter, The Grustrag Three, Lynx, Sprag, Ven'kra Tel, Hyena Pack just to name a few.


These elite endurance missions could take place on the sentient derelicts around each planet as well as in the Labs where the factions would be more Murmur based with the necromech and  agressive whispers thrown into the mini boss RNG. This allows for more versatile rewards for a higher risk and more mini bosses/ enemy types the longer the run. This will keep a scaling difficulty while changing the resistance and improving the status effects.

Edited by (PSN)Grand_Sheba
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Many powerful AoE weapons have blast damage. Historically, this damage type  has been used as a drawback to balance powerful weapons. However, reworking it in a way that increases firepower may adversely affect the game balance that DE aims for.

So, what approaches could be considered for reworking the blast damage? One suggestion is to provide support functions that do not directly affect combat ability. For example, enemies affected by blast status effects could become visible through walls.

Another suggestion is to enhance firepower only under conditions that are unfavorable for AoE weapons. Typically, AoE weapons are not used for headshots. Therefore, increasing the damage of headshots on enemies disoriented by blast status effect  could be effective. This would keep the benefits for AoE weapons minimal, while enhancing tactics for other weapons that aim at the heads of enemies disturbed by blast. This effect would be more convincing with a visual effect that emphasizes the head. Additionally, it might be worth considering extra bonuses that make it easier to acquire the Incarnon gauge.

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I suggest a green health type for robots (turn corpus meat into cyborgs with green health too). Green health is immune to slash, toxin and viral. This would give magnetic, puncture, maybe even blast more use.

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On 2024-04-26 at 8:13 PM, French said:

You go in a Corpus map you use Toxin, you go in a grineer map you use slash, you go in an infested map you use viral. Thats it. it's a problem with the status  in general.

Get what your saying, but when I go in a corpus map, i use viral/fire, when I go in a grineer map, i use viral/fire and when I go in an infested map, i use viral/fire. Because the potential damage bonus from using favourable damage types is all over the place, and so its not worth swapping out. Yes the status is a big part of it, as viral/fire give damage buff and some armour strip. But if armour was less of a necessity, i might but something else in there instead.


As for damage vulnerabilities and resistances,

Corpus: toxin only does 50% more to crewmen, but does normal or less to robots.

Grineer: Slash does 25% more to flesh, but -15% less to armour and -50% to heavys.

Infested: Viral either has no change, or to basic health types, does -50%.


So unless your running a status build, its next to impossible to properly manage damage types to gain an advantage in combat.

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Here are some things I think should be done to the status effects:

On 2024-04-26 at 5:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:


It should be able to pull enemies in the centre or make then attract to the closest enemy.


On 2024-04-26 at 5:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:


I think it should be able to bypass shields and armour like it use to be, not only it makes sense but it`s practical, maybe not as strong but a descent amount of damage.


On 2024-04-26 at 5:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:


I think it should have some fire effects to it, maybe strip a percentage of enemies' defences and when they die they should ragdoll and explode.

Enemy bodies leave behind a napalm behind for 10 seconds, duration depending on the stacks.




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I'm seeing a lot of suggestions for how to make magnetic useful, but I think the simplest solution is to just give magnetic against enemies the same function it already has against allies:

Have magnetic status shut down, or at least slow down, Eximus abilities.

It's still not effective against every single enemy, but at least that would make it useful against every faction.

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I have a lot to say on this topic. It's gonna be a long read for the willing. There might be a lot of typos, sorry about that.


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

Streamlining Enemy Health

So, let’s simplify the system: Health, Armor, and Shields. All Flesh types become Health, Alloy or Ferrite becomes just Armor, and the difference between Protoshields fold into Shields.

Instead of 13 Enemy Health types to juggle, we can work with 3 to better develop Faction Resistances and Weaknesses and create a more approachable system.

Alright... It's great and all, but it creates weird cases ? I'll get more into it below.


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

The Star Chart

So, Resistances then become more about the Faction. We can then recommend appropriate per-Faction Resistances which will then universally affect that specific Enemy group.

As such, The Star Chart will show recommended Faction Resistances per planet. Aligned with the present Faction, there will be listed Weaknesses and Resistances to communicate the recommended options for Damage against any specific Faction or location.

If multiple Factions exist on a planet, such as the Murmur or Infested on Deimos, then those separate Factions will have their own Resistances and Weaknesses, which will be communicated.

And regardless of specialized Resistances, Status Effects will continue to work the same, even if the Enemy is resistant to that Damage Type. If enemies are present with Shields, but the node dictates resistance to Magnetic damage, the Status Effect will still hinder the effectiveness of Shields themselves.

As well, Damage Resistances won’t change just because an Enemy’s Armor or Shields are removed; since they’re set per Faction, those Weaknesses (or Resistances) will continue to affect whatever Health Type they have equally.

Besides the nice visual QoL to showcase weaknesses and resistances, this "streamlining" feels like it doesn't really change anything ?

It's like renaming what already exists more than anything. Like, for Health types, Grineers have "Cloned Flesh", Corpus have "Flesh", Infested have, well, "Infested," etc. and basically, all will be renamed (streamlined) to "Health", but still will be per-Faction, so it actually will be "Grineer Health", "Corpus Health" and "Infested Health".

One problem rises, Grineer also have "Machinery", Corpus have "Robotic", etc. They are used by machine-type enemies of their respective faction, but if they are streamlined to "Health", wouldn't it be weird ? With the current system, akin to a RPG, a Grineer Soldier is greatly affected by Viral (+75%), but a Roller is resistant to it (-25%), which is logic. So what about the new "Grineer Health" ? I don't get it, maybe it's a little more deep than that, but if it's gonna be a combination of both, wouldn't Viral be nerfed against Grineers altogether ? It'll become +75% + -25% = +50%.


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

Resistance Variance

Within a Faction, the Status Type Resistances and Weaknesses can vary based on Location. For example, regular Grineer may have different Resistances and Weaknesses than Kuva Grineer.

This may not always be needed, but we believe it can add some flavour and variety!

That's nice, BUT, isn't this just gonna worsen what already is on live ? Right now, we have builds for "Grineers & Corrupted" (A), "Corpus" (B) and the minority (like "Murmur", "Deimos", etc.) (C) which I feel like is already enough (and the max number of build slot per weapon/frame).

Honestly, I don't want another "Deimos build", which is what you're diving into, eg: "Kuva Grineer", "Amalgam Corpus", "Venus Corpus", "Earth Grineer", "Outter Deimos Infested", "Derelict Infested", and so on. I like the idea, really, I like when things are (too) complex, but since you're supposedly making these changes for new players, it's weird ?

Then again, I might be looking way too far, maybe a basic Grineer will have +75% viral and a Kuva Grineer will have +50% and that's about it, nothing more/less.


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

New Armor Adjustments
Armor is king, most applicably on Grineer.

So, it’s no secret that Grineer Armor scales their EHP to often crazy numbers—making Armor Strip that much more important. 

And without Armor Strip, players rely on Viral/Slash and Heat to work around this, as Corrosive struggles to reduce Damage Reduction to a level that feels useful to players (at 10 Corrosive stacks, the Heavy Gunner retains 87% of their Damage Reduction).

At certain levels, it's not that "Armor Strip is that much more important", it's MANDATORY. You said it yourselves, Corrosive becomes useless so you have to bring a percentage-based max armor strip ability (Pillage, Tharros Strike, etc.) or a weapon (Latron Incarnon, Shattering Impact melee mod, etc.) to do its job. To make Corrosive effective, you have to bring 2 emerald shards which do not fit well on all builds/frames, like I'm not gonna have 2 emerald on Ember.

Viral/Slash is king 'cause they ignore armor, simple. Why should I bother with a grineer at 97% DR (88% with Corrosive) when I can simply bleed it through its armor ? This also applies to Corpus, why bring Magnetic when Toxin exists, but whatever.

On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

To address this issue, we aim to do the following:

  1. Enemy Armor will cap out at a certain percentage to give Corrosive Armor-reducing stacks more of an active impact.


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

The Armor scaling curve will aim to be a bit more spread out, as opposed to being bottom-heavy. Partial strip from the top end will allow for more consistent damage gains, as opposed to needing to have a total Armor Strip.

The problem is that the current curve is non-linear, that's why Corrosive just dies at some point. At 100 armor we have 25%, at 200 = 40%, 300 = 50% and so on until it reaches the "threshold". At 1000 we have ~77%, 2000 = ~87%, 3000 = ~91% and at 10000 = ~97%. An Exo Gokstad Officier (only RJ) has +1M armor at level cap which is 99.97% DR, that's a ×3339 damage loss. Yikes.

The current curve makes it so that too much armor isn't necessary on frames. Why bother going above 300 (50% DR) ? It's too hard to reach the next "good threshold".

Enemies on the other hand can stack up armor to +10k and it'll never be bad. Here rises the Corrosive problem, it does wonders on non-SP missions, but at some point, like on SP Zariman, a Kuva Elite Lancer (from normal path) goes from 836 armor (~74% DR) to 8640 armor (~97% DR) (maths may be a little off) and with 10 stacks of Cor, it goes down to 167 (~36%) and 1728 (~85%)... Yeah, not that great for SP. The gap between ~97% DR and ~85% DR is still huge, but it's a ~×10 damage loss after Cor. Yeah, Viral/Slash is god.

Then, what about a linear curve ? Like every 10 points of armor is 1% DR ? At 100 = 10%, 300 = 30%, etc. until reaching the newly added cap of 90% (?) at 900. Could be even 100 points = 1% DR for more precision ; 1 point would be 0.01% which is good enough. This curve should also apply to Warframes.

Obviously, a linear curve would require to change every single armor value of every single mob in the game to mimic the past DR value. If a mob had 300 armor (50% DR), it would go up to 500 (50% DR), if one had 10k armor (too much% DR), it would be capped to 900 (90% DR), etc. Scaling will also be affected, but with a max cap, it doesn't matter much anyway.

Now, Corrosive will always be good ! A Grineer had 500 armor ? goes down to 100 (from 50% to 10%), it had 900 armor ? goes down to 180 (from 90% to 18%). Viral/Slash will obviously still be king, but not as much a now, you won't have to build for viral/slash.

Note : a simplier way would be to make Corrosive affect the base armor instead of total armor, much like Shattering Impact.


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

Have a minimum threshold of any Enemy Armor. No armor-accessing Enemy will have below a certain minimum, Armor shouldn’t feel unimpactful

Alright. Following what I already wrote, with a linear curve, you could implement a per-Faction/Planet minimum armor. I'll be ignoring Corpus and normal Infested of course.

On earth, a Grineer might have a min. cap of 200 armor (20% DR), but on the Kuva Forteress, it could go up to 300 or 400 (30% and 40%).


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

Health scaling of Grineer enemies will be re-aligned, to an extent, to help compensate for the loss in Damage Reduction and to try and maintain a similar time-to-kill feel.



On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

New Shield Adjustments
The Grineer are tankier by design, but the Corpus try to make the difference through their Shields. However, Corpus Effective Hit Points is significantly lower, making them often trivial to deal with.

Are you seriously comparing Grineer EHP which scales off of a multiplier and Corpus EHP which is basically 2 health bars ?

Also, high level Corpus have the exact same problem as high level Grineer, at some point, you won't do s to shields unless you play a specific build or, you guessed it, use a shield stripping ability !


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

Our goal is to reduce the discrepancy between Grineer and Corpus time-to-kill (TTK) through their Shields by making Corpus Shields a bit more challenging and interesting to fight. 

Here, our goal is to provide some scaling factors to Shield Regeneration and Delay, designed to create a more perceivable benefit of affecting Status Effects, particularly at a higher level. 

Such scaling factors may look like:

  • Enemy Shields having a shorter Regeneration Delay when depleted.
  • Enemy Shields having a shorter Regeneration Delay when hit.
  • Enemy Shields Regenerating faster.

Players early in the game and at lower levels in general will still be able to power through Shields, as the factoring, like other stats, will be less noticeable. However, the impact of Status Effects like Magnetic will be much more perceivable at higher levels.

Cool, but pointless. None likes to fight against Corpus, y'know, 'cause of their shield and nullifier, all that (I'd say I am a caster more than a shooter, so it bothers me the most). Also Toxin exists, it ignores shields, so who gives a f about Magnetic ? But more on that later.


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

The blast is blasting! More to come! Our concepts and ideas with Blast are rapidly changing; no specifics will be made as of right now while we continue to work on the Status!

As a damage type, it's really bad, so give it some love.

As for the status effect, stop running away from the inevitable, just make Blast go Boom, do AOE damage, that's all we want, anything else will be utter s, and you know it. Look at its state right now, it does literally nothing, even Impact has a greater impact (heh) ; opening to finisher was a great idea.

I have some suggestions. I am by no mean a game designer, but I did play the game for thousands of hours and my personal knowledge of RPG mechanics should back me up (I'm not saying I know it all or know the game better than the devs, I am but a mere mortal).

1) Fuse / Ticking bomb : Blast does AOE damage at max stacks or when duration ends.

  • The max number of stack would be either 5 or 10.
  • Stacks are removed upon explosion and apply a hidden secondary status which applies the same effect as before : accuracy reduction. Counts for CO.
    • This status is applied to the main target and all enemies around.
  • Base damage would be based off the weapon/ability damage (like any other damage dealing status). Each stack adds damage to the AOE damage. Could be either:
    • A raw gain, like +100 per stack (objectively bad),
    • A % of damage dealt (the instance which added the stack),
    • Another % of the total weapon/ability damage.
  • Has a base radius of 3m. Each stack adds either .6m (if 5 max stacks) or .3m (if 10) up to a cap of 6m. Pretty much like Gas.
    • Since it's a one-time boom, base radius could be increased to 5m and increases up to 10m at max stacks. 10m is the same radius as the Concealed Explosives mod.
  • Explosion should knock down light enemies and stun heavier ones.
    • Or knockdown everyone, no matter the "weight".
      • Ragdoll is one the bane of the game, it's fun but it's also kinda bad. Look at poor Atlas, unable to punch ragdolled enemies for who knows why.

2) *Click* : Blast starts as inactive, then get primed on hit and does AOE damage. Has no stack.

  • When an enemy gets a new Blast status, it starts as inactive and does nothing (counts for CO).
    • The next time the enemy is hit (by anything), the status gets primed and explodes.
    • On explosion, enemies around (not the main one) get a new inactive Blast status.
      • There should be an internal cooldown (0.2s) to avoid recursive explosion. A primes B, B primes C but not A, C primes A but not B, etc.
    • The cycle repeats itself.
  • Like 1) it should add the accuracy reduction status to self and enemies hit by the explosion.
  • Damage would be either based on the source which added the status or the one that primed it.
  • Radius would be either always at 5m or scale with damage. From 100 to 1000. ≤100 = 3m, from 101 to 999 scales up to ~6m and ≥1000 = 6m.

3) Qorvex : Blast does AOE damage everytime a stack is added. No stack limit, but effects cap out at 10 ?

  • Each stack has an independant duration (like Bleed).
  • Like 1) it should add the accuracy reduction status to self and enemies hit by the explosion.
  • Damage would be based on the source which added the status. Damage increases for each stack. This would be lowest of the 3.
  • Radius starts at 2.5m and rises to 5m at 10 stacks.


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

Our goal with Cold is to emphasize the effectiveness of the fantasy of slowing and freezing your enemies.

Cold now has a new effect where you freeze your enemies upon reaching the new Cold stack maximum.

  • Cold has a new stack cap!
    • Freezes enemies for a few seconds after inflicting full Cold stacks.
  • While Frozen, Critical Damage is greatly increased.
    • How do Frozen enemies deal with additional damage?
      • Do not regenerate Shields.
      • Weapons and Warframes that deal Cold will be updated to reflect this new behaviour.
      • Freeze may synergize with other Status Effects, such as Bleed.
  • VIP enemies (Acolytes, Bosses, etc.) cannot be completely frozen; they’ll also be immune to the frozen-inflicted Critical Damage increase, naturally.

F'in finally ! A whole decade of waiting !

I do hope that freezed enemies are stunned for the whole duration, otherwise it's pointless. Also, is there an internal cooldown to freeze ? Or as long you inflict cold status it stays frozen ?

As a bonus to make it even better:

  • Freeze could do a % damage based on current/max enemy health when proc'd (so only once per freeze).
  • Freeze could also weaken shields. Since Cold is a part of Magnetic, it's only natural. It is also more accessible than Magnetic and less Corpus-focused.
    1. Shields take 33% of their current value as raw damage.
    2. Applies a Magnetic-like shield damage amplification effect but only +50% (whereas Magnetic starts at +100%).


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

Gas often lacks effective readability, making it difficult to distinguish its presence from the Enemy or yourself. It’s important to introduce enhanced visuals for the Gas Status so its presence is noticeably present. 

Some ideas we had were to, which are very prone to change:

  • Extends the range of the Gas Cloud FX based on the range of the Status (caps at 6m at 10 stacks).
  • Additional FX added to affected enemies to communicate Status activity.
  • Gas FX having billowy volume to better present presence.
  • Gas FX having additional floating particles around the smoke.
  • Enemy Gas FX having additional red coloring to communicate threat to player.

I'm not that much of a Gas user, but everytime I see a Gas build it's used for the meme effect ?

Idk much about it, but it was fun when it did Toxin damage instead of Gas damage.


On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

While Magnetic won’t be getting dramatic changes, our goal is to make the Status a stronger pick against Corpus and Shielded enemies. 

As mentioned, Magnetic aims to have an updated Status Effect behaviour that’ll affect the Regeneration Delay, the Regeneration Rate and Reset Delay of Enemy Shields!

Additionally, we’re interested in the idea that the Magnetic Damage Type will have improved effectiveness against Nullifier Bubbles! Currently, this would look like:

Increased minimum damage against Nullifier Bubbles.
Increased maximum damage against Nullifier Bubbles.

The problem with Magnetic is not the status itself, it's its uses. It kills shields and nothing else. Ofc, it was changed to cripple shields and it does its job, kinda poorly at that. But that's not the worst part ! Why bothers damaging shields when you can ignore them !? Just use Toxin. Much like Slash ignores armor, Toxin ignores shields.

Like I said with Cold, Toxin is a much easier element to use on build, you don't need 2 mods and it's flexible 'cause it goes into either Gas, Corrosive or Viral, which 2 of them are the best against Grineer.

The main difference tho' between Viral and Magnetic is that, Magnetic only works on Corpus, Viral works on everything. Everything that has "Health" is subject to Viral. Magnetic only affects "Shield". Who uses "Shield" ?

  • Bosses, but you won't even think about using Magnetic against them.
  • Some Sentients, but same as Bosses.
  • All Corpus-related enemies, which includes : Corpus (wow), some Corrupted and Amalgams.

Would I bother using Magnetic against them when I have Toxin ? No. Will I bother after the update, absolutely not. And that's mostly due to the fact that I don't like fightning Corpus.

So, what can be done to revive Magnetic ? Not much I'm afraid. But again, here are some suggestions:

1) Good on everyone and everything, not just Corpus !

  • Magnetic should work like Viral AND Corrosive, both at the same time, but for shields.
    • Viral : It already does that, amplify damage done to shield.
    • Corrosive : It should reduce shield for each stack, at 10 stacks, 80% of shields are removed and at 14 (not yet possible), 100%.
  • On non-shielded enemies (includes Corpus who lost all their shields), it should jam their weapons for the duration (think Mesa's Shooting Gallery). At 10 stacks, maybe disarm them altogether.
    • Don't think about logic here, Slash makes robots bleed oil, I get the idea but wtf ?
  • Robots and machines should be first slowed up to 9 stacks and then stunned at 10.

2) Void's Bullet Attractor (might be too much of a hassle on the large scale of things).

  • Remove Bullet Attractor from Void and use it on Magnetic instead.
    • What about Void then ? Idk, make a new 'Void burn' status effect which reduces defences (armor and shield) by a % for each stack ?
  • It should still destroy shields, obviously.
Edited by OrionTCB
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il y a 49 minutes, OrionTCB a dit :

I have a lot to say on this topic. It's gonna be a long read for the willing. There might be a lot of typos, sorry about that.


Alright... It's great and all, but it creates weird cases ? I'll get more into it below.


Besides the nice visual QoL to showcase weaknesses and resistances, this "streamlining" feels like it doesn't really change anything ?

It's like renaming what already exists more than anything. Like, for Health types, Grineers have "Cloned Flesh", Corpus have "Flesh", Infested have, well, "Infested," etc. and basically, all will be renamed (streamlined) to "Health", but still will be per-Faction, so it actually will be "Grineer Health", "Corpus Health" and "Infested Health".

One problem rises, Grineer also have "Machinery", Corpus have "Robotic", etc. They are used by machine-type enemies of their respective faction, but if they are streamlined to "Health", wouldn't it be weird ? With the current system, akin to a RPG, a Grineer Soldier is greatly affected by Viral (+75%), but a Roller is resistant to it (-25%), which is logic. So what about the new "Grineer Health" ? I don't get it, maybe it's a little more deep than that, but if it's gonna be a combination of both, wouldn't Viral be nerfed against Grineers altogether ? It'll become +75% + -25% = +50%.


That's nice, BUT, isn't this just gonna worsen what already is on live ? Right now, we have builds for "Grineers & Corrupted" (A), "Corpus" (B) and the minority (like "Murmur", "Deimos", etc.) (C) which I feel like is already enough (and the max number of build slot per weapon/frame).

Honestly, I don't want another "Deimos build", which is what you're diving into, eg: "Kuva Grineer", "Amalgam Corpus", "Venus Corpus", "Earth Grineer", "Outter Deimos Infested", "Derelict Infested", and so on. I like the idea, really, I like when things are (too) complex, but since you're supposedly making these changes for new players, it's weird ?

Then again, I might be looking way too far, maybe a basic Grineer will have +75% viral and a Kuva Grineer will have +50% and that's about it, nothing more/less.


At certain levels, it's not that "Armor Strip is that much more important", it's MANDATORY. You said it yourselves, Corrosive becomes useless so you have to bring a percentage-based max armor strip ability (Pillage, Tharros Strike, etc.) or a weapon (Latron Incarnon, Shattering Impact melee mod, etc.) to do its job. To make Corrosive effective, you have to bring 2 emerald shards which do not fit well on all builds/frames, like I'm not gonna have 2 emerald on Ember.

Viral/Slash is king 'cause they ignore armor, simple. Why should I bother with a grineer at 97% DR (88% with Corrosive) when I can simply bleed it through its armor ? This also applies to Corpus, why bring Magnetic when Toxin exists, but whatever.


The problem is that the current curve is non-linear, that's why Corrosive just dies at some point. At 100 armor we have 25%, at 200 = 40%, 300 = 50% and so on until it reaches the "threshold". At 1000 we have ~77%, 2000 = ~87%, 3000 = ~91% and at 10000 = ~97%. An Exo Gokstad Officier (only RJ) has +1M armor at level cap which is 99.97% DR, that's a ×3339 damage loss. Yikes.

The current curve makes it so that too much armor isn't necessary on frames. Why bother going above 300 (50% DR) ? It's too hard to reach the next "good threshold".

Enemies on the other hand can stack up armor to +10k and it'll never be bad. Here rises the Corrosive problem, it does wonders on non-SP missions, but at some point, like on SP Zariman, a Kuva Elite Lancer (from normal path) goes from 836 armor (~74% DR) to 8640 armor (~97% DR) (maths may be a little off) and with 10 stacks of Cor, it goes down to 167 (~36%) and 1728 (~85%)... Yeah, not that great for SP. The gap between ~97% DR and ~85% DR is still huge, but it's a ~×10 damage loss after Cor. Yeah, Viral/Slash is god.

Then, what about a linear curve ? Like every 10 points of armor is 1% DR ? At 100 = 10%, 300 = 30%, etc. until reaching the newly added cap of 90% (?) at 900. Could be even 100 points = 1% DR for more precision ; 1 point would be 0.01% which is good enough. This curve should also apply to Warframes.

Obviously, a linear curve would require to change every single armor value of every single mob in the game to mimic the past DR value. If a mob had 300 armor (50% DR), it would go up to 500 (50% DR), if one had 10k armor (too much% DR), it would be capped to 900 (90% DR), etc. Scaling will also be affected, but with a max cap, it doesn't matter much anyway.

Now, Corrosive will always be good ! A Grineer had 500 armor ? goes down to 100 (from 50% to 10%), it had 900 armor ? goes down to 180 (from 90% to 18%). Viral/Slash will obviously still be king, but not as much a now, you won't have to build for viral/slash.

Note : a simplier way would be to make Corrosive affect the base armor instead of total armor, much like Shattering Impact.


Alright. Following what I already wrote, with a linear curve, you could implement a per-Faction/Planet minimum armor. I'll be ignoring Corpus and normal Infested of course.

On earth, a Grineer might have a min. cap of 200 armor (20% DR), but on the Kuva Forteress, it could go up to 300 or 400 (30% and 40%).




Are you seriously comparing Grineer EHP which scales off of a multiplier and Corpus EHP which is basically 2 health bars ?

Also, high level Corpus have the exact same problem as high level Grineer, at some point, you won't do s to shields unless you play a specific build or, you guessed it, use a shield stripping ability !


Cool, but pointless. None likes to fight against Corpus, y'know, 'cause of their shield and nullifier, all that (I'd say I am a caster more than a shooter, so it bothers me the most). Also Toxin exists, it ignores shields, so who gives a f about Magnetic ? But more on that later.


As a damage type, it's really bad, so give it some love.

As for the status effect, stop running away from the inevitable, just make Blast go Boom, do AOE damage, that's all we want, anything else will be utter s, and you know it. Look at its state right now, it does literally nothing, even Impact has a greater impact (heh) ; opening to finisher was a great idea.

I have some suggestions. I am by no mean a game designer, but I did play the game for thousands of hours and my personal knowledge of RPG mechanics should back me up (I'm not saying I know it all or know the game better than the devs, I am but a mere mortal).

1) Fuse / Ticking bomb : Blast does AOE damage at max stacks or when duration ends.

  • The max number of stack would be either 5 or 10.
  • Stacks are removed upon explosion and apply a hidden secondary status which applies the same effect as before : accuracy reduction. Counts for CO.
    • This status is applied to the main target and all enemies around.
  • Base damage would be based off the weapon/ability damage (like any other damage dealing status). Each stack adds damage to the AOE damage. Could be either:
    • A raw gain, like +100 per stack (objectively bad),
    • A % of damage dealt (the instance which added the stack),
    • Another % of the total weapon/ability damage.
  • Has a base radius of 3m. Each stack adds either .6m (if 5 max stacks) or .3m (if 10) up to a cap of 6m. Pretty much like Gas.
    • Since it's a one-time boom, base radius could be increased to 5m and increases up to 10m at max stacks. 10m is the same radius as the Concealed Explosives mod.
  • Explosion should knock down light enemies and stun heavier ones.
    • Or knockdown everyone, no matter the "weight".
      • Ragdoll is one the bane of the game, it's fun but it's also kinda bad. Look at poor Atlas, unable to punch ragdolled enemies for who knows why.

2) *Click* : Blast starts as inactive, then get primed on hit and does AOE damage. Has no stack.

  • When an enemy gets a new Blast status, it starts as inactive and does nothing (counts for CO).
    • The next time the enemy is hit (by anything), the status gets primed and explodes.
    • On explosion, enemies around (not the main one) get a new inactive Blast status.
      • There should be an internal cooldown (0.2s) to avoid recursive explosion. A primes B, B primes C but not A, C primes A but not B, etc.
    • The cycle repeats itself.
  • Like 1) it should add the accuracy reduction status to self and enemies hit by the explosion.
  • Damage would be either based on the source which added the status or the one that primed it.
  • Radius would be either always at 5m or scale with damage. From 100 to 1000. ≤100 = 3m, from 101 to 999 scales up to ~6m and ≥1000 = 6m.

3) Qorvex : Blast does AOE damage everytime a stack is added. No stack limit, but effects cap out at 10 ?

  • Each stack has an independant duration (like Bleed).
  • Like 1) it should add the accuracy reduction status to self and enemies hit by the explosion.
  • Damage would be based on the source which added the status. Damage increases for each stack. This would be lowest of the 3.
  • Radius starts at 2.5m and rises to 5m at 10 stacks.


F'in finally ! A whole decade of waiting !

I do hope that freezed enemies are stunned for the whole duration, otherwise it's pointless. Also, is there an internal cooldown to freeze ? Or as long you inflict cold status it stays frozen ?

As a bonus to make it even better:

  • Freeze could do a % damage based on current/max enemy health when proc'd (so only once per freeze).
  • Freeze could also weaken shields. Since Cold is a part of Magnetic, it's only natural. It is also more accessible than Magnetic and less Corpus-focused.
    1. Shields take 33% of their current value as raw damage.
    2. Applies a Magnetic-like shield damage amplification effect but only +50% (whereas Magnetic starts at +100%).


I'm not that much of a Gas user, but everytime I see a Gas build it's used for the meme effect ?

Idk much about it, but it was fun when it did Toxin damage instead of Gas damage.


The problem with Magnetic is not the status itself, it's its uses. It kills shields and nothing else. Ofc, it was changed to cripple shields and it does its job, kinda poorly at that. But that's not the worst part ! Why bothers damaging shields when you can ignore them !? Just use Toxin. Much like Slash ignores armor, Toxin ignores shields.

Like I said with Cold, Toxin is a much easier element to use on build, you don't need 2 mods and it's flexible 'cause it goes into either Gas, Corrosive or Viral, which 2 of them are the best against Grineer.

The main difference tho' between Viral and Magnetic is that, Magnetic only works on Corpus, Viral works on everything. Everything that has "Health" is subject to Viral. Magnetic only affects "Shield". Who uses "Shield" ?

  • Bosses, but you won't even think about using Magnetic against them.
  • Some Sentients, but same as Bosses.
  • All Corpus-related enemies, which includes : Corpus (wow), some Corrupted and Amalgams.

Would I bother using Magnetic against them when I have Toxin ? No. Will I bother after the update, absolutely not. And that's mostly due to the fact that I don't like fightning Corpus.

So, what can be done to revive Magnetic ? Not much I'm afraid. But again, here are some suggestions:

1) Good on everyone and everything, not just Corpus !

  • Magnetic should work like Viral AND Corrosive, both at the same time, but for shields.
    • Viral : It already does that, amplify damage done to shield.
    • Corrosive : It should reduce shield for each stack, at 10 stacks, 80% of shields are removed and at 14 (not yet possible), 100%.
  • On non-shielded enemies (includes Corpus who lost all their shields), it should jam their weapons for the duration (think Mesa's Shooting Gallery). At 10 stacks, maybe disarm them altogether.
    • Don't think about logic here, Slash makes robots bleed oil, I get the idea but wtf ?
  • Robots and machines should be first slowed up to 9 stacks and then stunned at 10.

2) Void's Bullet Attractor (might be too much of a hassle on the large scale of things).

  • Remove Bullet Attractor from Void and use it on Magnetic instead.
    • What about Void then ? Idk, make a new 'Void burn' status effect which reduces defences (armor and shield) by a % for each stack ?
  • It should still destroy shields, obviously.


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On 2024-04-26 at 12:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

VIP enemies (Acolytes, Bosses, etc.) cannot be completely frozen; they’ll also be immune to the frozen-inflicted Critical Damage increase, naturally.

Does this include Overguarded enemies?

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15 minutes ago, sestofish said:


Does this include Overguarded enemies?

Overguarded enemies have a cold stack limit of four, which they didn't say anything about changing.  Which I suppose isn't exactly proof, but IMO freezing these enemies completely would be a pretty shocking change in their direction.

Edited by Tiltskillet
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1 hour ago, OrionTCB said:

Besides the nice visual QoL to showcase weaknesses and resistances, this "streamlining" feels like it doesn't really change anything ?

It's like renaming what already exists more than anything. Like, for Health types, Grineers have "Cloned Flesh", Corpus have "Flesh", Infested have, well, "Infested," etc. and basically, all will be renamed (streamlined) to "Health", but still will be per-Faction, so it actually will be "Grineer Health", "Corpus Health" and "Infested Health".

One problem rises, Grineer also have "Machinery", Corpus have "Robotic", etc. They are used by machine-type enemies of their respective faction, but if they are streamlined to "Health", wouldn't it be weird ? With the current system, akin to a RPG, a Grineer Soldier is greatly affected by Viral (+75%), but a Roller is resistant to it (-25%), which is logic. So what about the new "Grineer Health" ? I don't get it, maybe it's a little more deep than that, but if it's gonna be a combination of both, wouldn't Viral be nerfed against Grineers altogether ? It'll become +75% + -25% = +50%.


Wait, you're right. They should probably separate robots from fleshlings. With the exception of Sentients, all factions have people and robots as enemies together, so it'd make sense to separate them in some way, so there's variety among them. Of course, it will still be streamlined, as all Corpus, humans or not, have shields that are weak to impact and magnetic, and all Grineer clones, cats, dogs and machinery have armor, that are weak to puncture and corrosive, so that would probably be a better system if it was separated like that.

1 hour ago, OrionTCB said:

Then, what about a linear curve ? Like every 10 points of armor is 1% DR ? At 100 = 10%, 300 = 30%, etc. until reaching the newly added cap of 90% (?) at 900. Could be even 100 points = 1% DR for more precision ; 1 point would be 0.01% which is good enough. This curve should also apply to Warframes.

Obviously, a linear curve would require to change every single armor value of every single mob in the game to mimic the past DR value. If a mob had 300 armor (50% DR), it would go up to 500 (50% DR), if one had 10k armor (too much% DR), it would be capped to 900 (90% DR), etc. Scaling will also be affected, but with a max cap, it doesn't matter much anyway.

Now, Corrosive will always be good ! A Grineer had 500 armor ? goes down to 100 (from 50% to 10%), it had 900 armor ? goes down to 180 (from 90% to 18%). Viral/Slash will obviously still be king, but not as much a now, you won't have to build for viral/slash.

Note : a simplier way would be to make Corrosive affect the base armor instead of total armor, much like Shattering Impact.

This is how Skyrim does it, and let me tell you, it's dogcrap. It sucks so bad even there, as it screws up a lot of things, since having a permanent 100% reduction to damage is not really a good idea, so you'll need to cap it, which feels cheap and invalidates the whole point of investing into armor after a certain threshold. Asymptotic scaling is a lot more elegant because it solves all of those issues in a single equation. It's exactly how Warframe calculates its armor and it works really well, given the other options. You can argue that it could be a different value for reaching 50% DR, but linear scaling is a minefield you do not want to cross.

Edited by BalaDeSilver
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I'm curious on how "Blasty" Blast will get. But if it ends up being really good there's a bunch of abilities that could be positively effected. Just curious just how blasty it can get and what that will look like damage-wise 

Vauban: Photon Strike

Styanax: Final Stand & Axios Javelin 

Rhino: Rhino Stomp

Nova: Molecular Prime

Mag: Magnetize

Banshee: Soundquake

Caliban: Photon Strike

Gauss: Thermal Sunder (if you go Cold + Heat)


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On 2024-04-28 at 11:09 AM, DstroyR said:

Well, without armor strip Corrupted Jackal in his current state still can be a problem, especialy solo after 16-18 round of SP Circuit. It is nearly gridlock, when only option to deal with him it is melee combat, if out of ammo. Yeah, his attacks are less deadly now, but he still not eazy to kill and he still to dangerous guy, espacialy at lvl cap reached. Also, he can`t be completely frozen, but cold can so slow him. So, decrees like "Lucinia suffering", "Critical frost" and "Shattering cold" are very helpful, even more than weapon with cold mods. Corrupted Jackal, completely immuned to cold status, it is kinda nigtmare for solo SP Circuit players like me.

You aren't alone. I typically do SP Circuit solo and yes I do know how spongey it gets at the cap.

But tbf if the player has been grabbing decree fragments then by the time it's armor is a serious issue usually the decrees have scaled the player to the point where it isn't an issue.

I typically use my Operator to burn down the legs tbh. Even when I'm not running Unairu, usually I'm Madurai or Zenutrik and they also make short work of Jackal especially with Lucinia's Suffering.

If anything it's the defense mission that's a "Run ender" as sometimes the objective just gets royally screwed. (Literally had a Thrax spawn, fall off the map, then respawn directly on top of the objective and one shot it.) Just kind of made me go: 🙃 

My point is more to the idea of challenge. Like, unless DE can actually stick to its guns then it needs to stop pursuing that delusion. 

All things aside....

Maybe after they do these armor changes they'll buff Jackal to where it's less of a prison trapped in its own body to where it can maybe flail about wildly and smack something with one of its broken restrainment buckles. 

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4 minutes ago, Aerikx said:

If anything it's the defense mission that's a "Run ender" as sometimes the objective just gets royally screwed. (Literally had a Thrax spawn, fall off the map, then respawn directly on top of the objective and one shot it.) Just kind of made me go: 🙃 

On pubs, it's excavation. Even 2 people can decently keep Thraxes away from the cryopod, but good luck getting any cryotic when a single Thrax can spawn inside the excavator, breathe on it and it only got like 15 cryotic by then... Even spending a power cell to refresh its shields won't help, it doesn't have shield gating (neither do the Cryopod, mind you), so it just gets one shot then and there, no fault of any player, no way to recover, just accept fate and move on. I guess 70 excavators is still a completion, after all, even if it takes 40 minutes straight.

Not really an issue that is too relevant in this topic, but I kinda wish it was. Giving allies shield gating is an overdue necessity, and since they're messing with armor, health and shields anyways, it's the perfect time to do that. Cap armor, uncap gas, give everything in the game shield gating (yes, even enemies, Corpus don't get it if you head shot them), go all out in this update, shake the meta, we need this kind of shake up right now.

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On 2024-04-26 at 7:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:
  • Extends the range of the Gas Cloud FX based on the range of the Status (caps at 6m at 10 stacks).
  • Additional FX added to affected enemies to communicate Status activity.
  • Gas FX having billowy volume to better present presence.
  • Gas FX having additional floating particles around the smoke.
  • Enemy Gas FX having additional red coloring to communicate threat to player.

Yeah, don't forget that players can customize these colors, to make their friendly Gas RED and EVIL.

Add a toggle to disable color customization on friendly status vfx.  

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Il y a 10 heures, chaotea a dit :

Get what your saying, but when I go in a corpus map, i use viral/fire, when I go in a grineer map, i use viral/fire and when I go in an infested map, i use viral/fire. Because the potential damage bonus from using favourable damage types is all over the place, and so its not worth swapping out. Yes the status is a big part of it, as viral/fire give damage buff and some armour strip. But if armour was less of a necessity, i might but something else in there instead.


As for damage vulnerabilities and resistances,

Corpus: toxin only does 50% more to crewmen, but does normal or less to robots.

Grineer: Slash does 25% more to flesh, but -15% less to armour and -50% to heavys.

Infested: Viral either has no change, or to basic health types, does -50%.


So unless your running a status build, its next to impossible to properly manage damage types to gain an advantage in combat.

Toxin bypass shield

Bleed is true damage, which ignore armor

Infested got 0 hp anyways.



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IF i see that correctly there is encouragment to use difrent builds for difrent factions
There was encourgment like that before
It was Bane mods
Wich is strongest damage buff
Peoples hated swiching them
If i read that correctly now wana have build for each faction( or lodaut)
i see nothink can go wrong

Honest personal opinion- rework to status effects and armour was needed
But i dont like this one 
Will test how it goes and see but i dont have high hopes
I dont like base idea behind it 

Edited by sober667
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My first thought is that this was done so you can keep making higher and higher enemy levels for content.  Like the 200-300+ Lv Deep enemies.  You had to try to tackle scaling like you said.  I hate SP/Deep content so this seems aimed right at people like me but Im not sure it will make me start wanting to play those things.... 

Second thought is that your goal is just to push people to buy loadout slots for all their weapons and sell plat.   Seems like there might be a need for more than 3 set ups... 

It sounds like enemies will be easier and I will see bigger damage numbers which is exciting..  I'll definitely be excited to try out these new changes...

Cold already got buffed by improving max slow and adding crit damage.  New New cold status sounds very good lol.   I've already been using cold on some of my melee's but its hard for me to compare data on a ps4.   

Magnetic I started using with corpus liches.   It already hampered shields so the new magnet status doesn't seem like much of a change at all.....  magnet sucks alot overall...   Everyone thinks it should create bullet attracting fields like what amps have.   Then it would be extremely useful.

Blast I don't feel anything about.  I don't even know what it does as a status.   I just hope new blast DOES NOT rag doll enemies.

Gas is getting all these VFX upgrades.... is no one concerned about what this will do to performance?   There can be to much visual pollution in game you know?  Incarnum Dual Ichor for example??  Ohma's..   Nekros Shadows...Ogris+napalm   Tons of other things.    Maybe make gas clouds when they are first created but do not make them linger....


During the stream when I first saw changes to status I got excited and thought maybe you were going to lift the Crowd Control ban.   Kill crowd control immunity so that alot of frames can make a come back.   But no everything keeps being skewed towards Nuking and DPS.  (Most crowd control does suck in easier areas of the game and do more harm than help,  but at the higher end when they would actually be helpful everything is immune.)

I hope to see a crowd control revamp happen eventually...  

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13 minutes ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Magnetic I started using with corpus liches.   It already hampered shields so the new magnet status doesn't seem like much of a change at all.....  magnet sucks alot overall...   Everyone thinks it should create bullet attracting fields like what amps have.   Then it would be extremely useful.


They could do a lot of things with Magnetic, I've people mention a magnetic field that pulls enemies together or having a small emp/silence effect that stops abilities from being used. 

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11 hours ago, (PSN)NinjaBlade626 said:

I think it should be able to bypass shields and armour like it use to be, not only it makes sense but it`s practical, maybe not as strong but a descent amount of damage.

Gas never bypassed armor. Gas procs did bypass shields, but only because a Gas proc was converted to a Toxin proc after the range was calculated

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The more I read this, the more I like the changes suggested actually. Especially with the idea of Grineer getting more health because, barring dumbS#&$ like completely separate DR calculations from Demolishers and other special units, that actually turns Slash+Viral into a choice, instead of like mandatory. 

Especially if the purpose is to bypass Armor. 

Sure if you Armor Strip, Viral + Slash gets the most bang, but like of course it does. You've reduced their DR to zero and then slapped them with both the elements that they are specifically weak against. 

Meanwhile, right now if you were to use Corrosive, well I've said before that even at max stacks, you're still slapped with a massive 70-80% DR despite using the 'best' choice.

With a higher health threshold you need to apply more Slash and maintain the Viral to keep reducing health, especially when going through the Armor as well. Sure this does mean that Corrosive+Viral+Slash is also super powerful, but that's to be expected to have multiple Elements that are mutually exclusive to get an even bigger bonus. Compared to right now where we get like, what, an extra 20% damage from max Corrosive Process to add onto the Viral + Slash. 

If this works, when facing an enemy you can now

1. Brute Force the 90% with all the damage buffs you can slap onto them. 

2. Status Proc them down with Viral and whatever you want. 

3. Reduce their DR an actual sizable amount with Corrosive Procs, and deal with the rest of it. 


4. Armor Strip to bypass the DR entirely. 


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Had an idea for Blast that's pretty simple, but quite strong.

What if it just spat out your full elemental Blast damage on hit to targets within 10m, with something like a 60% falloff, and a stagger for enemies in 5m? You'd have a great new element for the Infested, and a competitor for Gas as a room clearing weapon that requires some set-up.

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thank goodness, i was worried we weren't going to change things for the sake of changing things. 


the current system, while admittedly complicated, does make sense. viral damage does more to naturally grown flesh than it does to machinery, etc. 

the proposed system does simplify things, but not as drastically as it is being made out to be. 


with how things are now, you have a few choices for element modding, forming somewhat of a tree. do you want a direct damage build, or a status build? 
if direct, then do you want to mod for elements that will cover a majority of enemies you're facing, or cover the majority of tanky (not fodder) enemies you're facing, encourage interaction with codex scanning (or looking up the enemies on the wiki)

if status, then do you want a element to directly/counter a respective health mechanic (slash, toxin, etc), or an element to work with your build (elec w/ melee influence, for example)


this rework would just kill any theory that goes into direct damage modding, while not affecting any of the players who have learned how strong viral is. i may not have weapon modding statistics, but i'd be willing to bet that the majority of "built" weapons in the game are built for viral.



as for element reworks, i don't have much to say.

cold is fine, probably doesn't need the buffs (and would be better buffed by changing cold polarities to naramon)

gas is just shot in the foot by its own nature. heat is incredible, tox/cor/vir are incredible, sacrificing both of those just for gas simply isn't worth it for the majority of players. people who know how gas works, and how to utilize it to its highest potential are an exception, but the lack of thorough in-game explanation and clear visuals don't help the majority. better buffs would be to educate players better, not number changes.

magnetic is, as stated, underwhelming, and these buffs won't do anything to change that. fights between individual units aren't long and drawn out, so unless the shield regen buffs for enemies are INSANE, it just won't make a difference due to how fast stuff dies.

yall can cook literally anything for blast, legitimately worst status effect in the game.



tldr; stop with the whole type changing stuff, just focus on element reworks lol


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While I love the fact that you're adressing these issues, I can't say I agree with the method when it comes to the armor changes specifically.
I believe that rather than changing the armor formula in its entierty, I believe it's better to change how armor stripping affects the DR formula.

Currently, if you strip some of an enemy's armor value, the game recalculates the whole formula with the new armor value, and I believe it's more appropriate to multiply the final DR value, rather than updating the armor value.

Say for instance we have an enemy with full armor and a total of 90% DR, if you were to strip half of its armor (by say getting a Heat proc), the effectiveness of said armor should be halved (the 90% DR would be multiplied by 0.5x since the enemy has half armor, getting 45% DR as a result).

So basically, always keep the armor value intact and have the final DR multiplied by the percentatge of armor you've stripped off of the enemy.

Essentially, all enemies would get 2 armor values, the base value which would always be intact, and another one which is affected by all armor strip sources only for the sake of keeping track with how much armor have the players stripped off of that enemy (for instance, if an enemy has 3000 armor by default and the modified value dictates it currently has 1500 armor, the final damage reduction should be multiplied by 0.5x)

I'm aware this would heavily impact the damage calculation and therefore wouldn't be the easiest thing to implement, but I believe it'd be the healthiest way to solve the issues you're trying to adress in this update (at least those related to armor stripping).

Edited by ZenTanE55
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