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Can I consider this as a griefing?

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As others have already pointed out several times already, and based on your description of what happened, no. 

Thats not to say your situation can't be sympathised with, or that people won't understand your situation and agree the other player might have been frustration inducing. 

Also, you may not actually want what the ther player did to be considered griefing or subject to penalty. 

Just try to remember and consider this. Usually and generally by definition, griefing involves intent. Its a deliberate act, bad faith, etc. Thats how you distinguish between a well meaning player who may not know, understand, communicate well, or follow traditional or established etiquette, and someone who is actually and actively trying to disrupt and annoy. Lets say hypothetically that player who frustrated you, was paired with two other players who were more like them... and your efforts to get the group to stick together was seen as "trying to control other players", and so all 3 of them considered you the troll or griefer? 

Hence why intent is usually important. 

As for the situation, yeah generally. Its a bit complicated though. Like there are a few different variables. Is it good etiquette to stay in a general close proximity? Yes, but different tile sets, whether player is PC or Console host, certain maps and spots can be better than others, whether its Steel Path or not can be a variable. Room sizes. I have played with people who wanted to stay in a tiny small room, and camp, but for many, thats way too restrictive. Especially on smaller maps with smaller rooms. Being in three different rooms, can still be pretty close. Some larger maps, like new Entrati labs, you can have a long corridor, between two good spots. It can be around 100 meters away but a good group can make it work, going back and forth between that distance. That being said, of course if one player tries to avoid everyone else and goes to the literal ends of the map... thats obviously not the best.

If you try to communicate with them, and they don't communicate back, probably better to just reset the mission with the players that were communicative. Such players can sometimes just be a thing.

All the best. 

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Staying together has it's bonuses. Probably person was just ignorant to the fact, that he was hindering the mission and losing the additional loot. My philosophy is "do everything to maximize grofit" and I don't understand people, who run out of affinity and enemy spawn range. The loss is primarely on their part.

Edited by Hayrack
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6 часов назад, Hexerin сказал:

If you're not getting enough reactant, that's entirely on you. The mode drops several times more reactant than you need if you're actually playing the mode correctly. Sounds like your little "agreed to stay put" squad doesn't know how the mode works and thus you got clapped for it. I suggest you own your failure and go educate yourself on how the mode works, rather than shift blame onto others.

I know I've said that I'm not going to argue with anyone, but I'm sorry, are you blaming us?=) If you think we are to blame for this guy actions, probably YOU don't know how the fissure survival mission works, and how fissure cracks appearing on a mission, again, I'm not a new player, I can educate you on how fissure survival works, if you want me to.=) I will be glad to help.

A little update to my post: This is actually a bigger issue than I thought.

I checked the official warframe reddit, and I spotted a post with exactly the same issue "people running around survival", post was made 3 mo ago, and there is some interesting takes on how to fix this issue:


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11 hours ago, Grigerbest said:

I'm reading the comments and thinking like you guys are completely ok with this, which is a little bit weird.

Your question was whether it was griefing, not whether it was wrong. 

You can sit on a street corner and flip people off, nothing illegal about it, but its not* a good thing to do. Not grouping up in a survival mission to increase spawn rate and mob density isn't optimal, but its not griefing. If the people in your group aren't playing the way you want to play, then don't be in a group with them.

Edited by Agall
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How the enemies spawns should be changed, tbh. And not just in survival (looking at you, Netracells). More than that, you cannot tell if the player was griefing or just ignorant, so... no, you cannot report him. But yeah, it seems like each day less people know how to play anymore.

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14 hours ago, Grigerbest said:

Hello, I'll try to describe in short.

I load into a survival mission (Void Fissure) with other 3 randoms. We agreed to stay in 1 room and just simply killing mobs that are going on us.

There is 1 player, who's always running off from everyone for 200-300m away running around the whole map back and forth.

You probably know that when 1 guy separate himself from the group, he's literally reducing the amount of farm for other 3 people in a group. 1 of us couldn't been even able to collect 10 reactants.

This player didn't react to anything we were writing and telling him "Please come to us and stay with us, we don't have mobs because of you". Because of this 1 guy, we were forced to restart the mission.

So the question: Can we report this guy for griefing? Because I personally think we should've.

Per your title, sure, you can consider anything you like, it's your brain.

Per your actual query, sure, I imagine you are capable of reporting this behavior if it offends you.

Now, what you seem to be looking for is 'validation' of your outlook - that players must conform to what you and your teammates think is proper play - and that is just silly, narcissistic BS.

The only problem in these scenarios are the people that think they get to dictate the actions of others, period.

Other players do not exist for your entertainment. There is no onus on other players to conform to your expectations.

No one, including DE, has any onus on them to provide you with teammates that will adhere to your playstyle.

What I wonder is how, if this kind of thing impacts you enough to make a post, how will you deal with real adversity in life?

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Is it frustrating? Yeah.

Is it griefing? No.

They never were antagonistic so their reason for doing this can range from ignorance to just being drunk/high while playing. It'd be best to just let it go and move on. You'll be happier for it trust me.

I do wish DE would do a lookover on the enemy spawn system for this game. It's frustrating how much it disrupts a mission if one person deviates from the group.

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vor 16 Stunden schrieb Grigerbest:

Hello, I'll try to describe in short.

I load into a survival mission (Void Fissure) with other 3 randoms. We agreed to stay in 1 room and just simply killing mobs that are going on us.

There is 1 player, who's always running off from everyone for 200-300m away running around the whole map back and forth.

You probably know that when 1 guy separate himself from the group, he's literally reducing the amount of farm for other 3 people in a group. 1 of us couldn't been even able to collect 10 reactants.

This player didn't react to anything we were writing and telling him "Please come to us and stay with us, we don't have mobs because of you". Because of this 1 guy, we were forced to restart the mission.

So the question: Can we report this guy for griefing? Because I personally think we should've.

probably not, because the rules have to be defined beforehand.
it's unclear whether he's doing it on purpose or if it's an animal with a chip from Elon Musk. because I'm serious and experiments have been successfully completed and a monkey was able to play a ping-pong game without a gamepad/keyboard.

because it's public, I left the game immediately. and don't write anything in the chat, otherwise this thing will report you and then you'll be to blame in the end...

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Only time i'd consider "being 100 meters away from everyone else doing their own thing" griefing is in stuff like Netracells when people intentionally remain outside of the circle drawing all the enemies spawns at them and making the mission take 10-30 minutes longer than it really needs to be, and even then I get the feeling a lot of those people probably just don't know how to do the mission?

In my experience, that has happened far too often and it's hard to tell if people are either that clueless or are actually trolling, especially when they do not respond to all of the messages telling them to get into the circle, which is why I always do Netracells solo or with friends. Other missions perhaps not so much?

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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Not much you can do, randoms gonna random. still baffles me how some people want to exert control over others.. In a PvE game of all places.

There's other possibilities too, like maybe the guy doesnt speak english and can't understand what you're saying. 

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6 hours ago, Grigerbest said:

probably YOU don't know how the fissure survival mission works

You're the one having issues collecting reactant my guy, mode works perfectly fine for people like me who know how it works (because it's extremely simple).

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Thank you everyone for your answers! At least now I know that I just have to "gulp" it up and move on to the next.

Maybe in the future things will change, but until then, I wish you all good luck and all the goodies!

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23 hours ago, Grigerbest said:

But don't you think guys it's quite unfair for 1 guy ruining a mission for 3 other people? Why they have to spend more time restarting the mission?


Yeah, I mean in an ideal world this would be griefing... but really DE has just created a situation that's impossible. It's completely unintuitive that in a survival mission you're best off sitting in one room and the punishment for not knowing is *insane* drop in efficiency, like easily 10x. New players don't understand this because it's unintuitive, and even if they hear that it's less efficient I don't think they realize how massive the difference is.

What DE needs to do is just fix their S#&$. Reactant is a terrible mechanic that just pits players against each other. Massive maps just cause loot to spread. Low spawn rate means that players are competing to have fun.

For certain loot, if one player picks it up everyone should get it, just like Voidgel Orbs. This should apply to Vitus essence and other important drops that, if they're not near you, force you to run hundreds of meters to chase it down, wasting time and putting the mission at risk.

This is ultimately DEs fault.

2 hours ago, Psianide73 said:

The guy who didn't get enough reactant should have gone and got it.

How come he didn't have enough but the rest of you did? 

This is silly. The answer is because the spawns don't spread out evenly and when one person runs around the spawns break completely. It's incredibly easy to end up not getting 10 reactant when you have loot spreaders on your team.

Edited by insanitybit
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36 minutes ago, Grigerbest said:

Thank you everyone for your answers! At least now I know that I just have to "gulp" it up and move on to the next.

Maybe in the future things will change, but until then, I wish you all good luck and all the goodies!

You should tell your friends about public and suggest that they keep it on

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1 hour ago, insanitybit said:

Yeah, I mean in an ideal world this would be griefing... but really DE has just created a situation that's impossible. It's completely unintuitive that in a survival mission you're best off sitting in one room and the punishment for not knowing is *insane* drop in efficiency, like easily 10x. New players don't understand this because it's unintuitive, and even if they hear that it's less efficient I don't think they realize how massive the difference is.

What DE needs to do is just fix their S#&$. Reactant is a terrible mechanic that just pits players against each other. Massive maps just cause loot to spread. Low spawn rate means that players are competing to have fun.

For certain loot, if one player picks it up everyone should get it, just like Voidgel Orbs. This should apply to Vitus essence and other important drops that, if they're not near you, force you to run hundreds of meters to chase it down, wasting time and putting the mission at risk.

This is ultimately DEs fault.

This is silly. The answer is because the spawns don't spread out evenly and when one person runs around the spawns break completely. It's incredibly easy to end up not getting 10 reactant when you have loot spreaders on your team.

3 of the players were camped, but it seems 2 of them got 10 reactant and one didn't. Was he not moving from one spot? At all? 

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On 2024-06-13 at 7:53 AM, Grigerbest said:

You probably know that when 1 guy separate himself from the group, he's literally reducing the amount of farm for other 3 people in a group. 1 of us couldn't been even able to collect 10 reactants.

Because they were too lazy to go and pick it up? Unless you had a console host there really shouldn't be any issues with getting 10 reactants in 5 minutes. If your camping idea is not working then you adapt, a lot of players do not want to afk the game and get rewards they want to play the game.

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14 hours ago, Grigerbest said:

A little update to my post: This is actually a bigger issue than I thought.

I checked the official warframe reddit, and I spotted a post with exactly the same issue "people running around survival", post was made 3 mo ago, and there is some interesting takes on how to fix this issue:

A 3 month old reddit post that supports you is hardly evidence of an systemic or wide spread issue.

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29 minutes ago, L3512 said:

A 3 month old reddit post that supports you is hardly evidence of an systemic or wide spread issue.

Surely we all know that this behavior is widespread? I mean, I can't see how anyone would have played the game and not run into this. Enter almost any public arbitration mission. It's one thing to say that this isn't a problem, but it's another thing entirely to deny that it happens.

45 minutes ago, Psianide73 said:

3 of the players were camped, but it seems 2 of them got 10 reactant and one didn't. Was he not moving from one spot? At all? 

If 2 of them got reactant early while finding a place to camp, say they each got 1, then the other person only made it to 9, that would explain it.

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12 hours ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

Only time i'd consider "being being 100 meters away from everyone else doing their own thing" griefing is in stuff like Netracells when people intentionally remain outside of the circle drawing all the enemies spawns at them and making the mission take 10-30 minutes longer than it really needs to be, and even then I get the feeling a lot of those people probably just don't know how to do the mission?

In my experience, that has happened far too often and it's hard to tell if people are either that clueless or are actually trolling, especially when they do not respond to all of the messages telling them to get into the circle, which is why I always do Netracells solo or with friends. Other missions perhaps not so much?

oh my god this. 10000% this. people do this ALL. THE. TIME.

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1 hour ago, insanitybit said:

Surely we all know that this behavior is widespread? I mean, I can't see how anyone would have played the game and not run into this. Enter almost any public arbitration mission. It's one thing to say that this isn't a problem, but it's another thing entirely to deny that it happens.

I think it’s less that the problem is being denied, and more that players toss out the idea of “Random matchmaking equals random people doing random things” so much that it could very well become so second nature that no problem is visible because it’s simply business as usual.

Very useful for me, personally, because of a secret: it me. I the problem. I’m often separated from the group. 🤫

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Griefing describes intent to troll or actively screw over other players within a game setting.

Y'all can play sit in a corner twiddling thumbs, that's not a crime. As many here have pointed out, it is a strat. But at the same time:

1) You're in public matchmaking.

2) No hard rule states that your fellow players must play the same way you do.

3) Reactant collecting is an individual responsibility. 

Actual griefing looks more like this: taking rad procs from death orbs/lasers and deliberately using them to teamkill OR wasting life support capsules either fail or prematurely shorten the mission.

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2 hours ago, insanitybit said:

Surely we all know that this behavior is widespread? I mean, I can't see how anyone would have played the game and not run into this. Enter almost any public arbitration mission. It's one thing to say that this isn't a problem, but it's another thing entirely to deny that it happens.

If 2 of them got reactant early while finding a place to camp, say they each got 1, then the other person only made it to 9, that would explain it.

its even a worse issue then people think, because its mainly discussed if there is only 1 guy that is doing the "stay away from group grief". if u happen to get 2 of them in the random group then its literally impossible to play because both of them run away from the group when anyone goes near them. 🤦‍♂️

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