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Did the quest, now I'm left asking...

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1 hour ago, DstroyR said:

I just try to observe all possibilityes which may be contains in this agenda, but i have no doubts that it is agenda, and not just someones flash sentimental exprompt at all.

In case with pro-life agenda - yeah, even if not bad, anyways so weird idea to release this during pride month. But in other case - just look at this point again:

So, as i noticed before, we can only create some theoryes about what this agenda is, but still obviously, that


Well, there isn't, unless I've forgotten, any moments in the quest where Jade expressed not wanting to go through with a pregnancy. Also, it's just a story. It's a quest that they probably went edgy with to hit people in the feels and encourage play. I mean, by that argument, Jade having two auras is an "agenda." Don't get me wrong, DE is a capitalist company, but other than wanting to make money, I don't think there was anything untoward here.


Now, releasing it during Pride month is the weird part. I don't know if they just didn't think that through or what. I would have preferred that we found out Stalker was trans masc and Jade and him actively sought out (that they showed us in the story) getting her pregnant. Also more depth to Jade, she wasn't much more than a prop.

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8 минут назад, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

I would have preferred that we found out Stalker was trans masc and Jade and him actively sought out (that they showed us in the story) getting her pregnant.

OMG, even have no idea how to comment this XD Now obviously that weirds with Jade not worse, than they can be with quest-designers like you=) DE already direcly provide LGBTQ+ agenda in their "pride time" streams and not only there. I think even this is already more than enough for show "tolerance". Do you think they should completely turn Warframe into pure pro-LGBTQ+ project with following main-line quests? Don`t get me wrong, but i dont think that i`ll be glad to see Warframe as project "About LGBTQ+ for LGBTQ+". Warframe as project like this just will be project not for me, at all and ever.

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23 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

I would have preferred that we found out Stalker was trans masc and Jade and him actively sought out (that they showed us in the story) getting her pregnant.

Dude what

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En 19/6/2024 a las 18:55, Ghanjali dijo:

Can we breed frames soon ?

Like helminth 2.0, so I can play with what would come out of Revenant and Saryn, and forget about using any other ?

I don't need a story behind it, thank you.

Man, now i want that added into the game to be able to sell Sarynant pure breeds.

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13 minutes ago, DstroyR said:

OMG, even have no idea how to comment this XD Now obviously that weirds with Jade not worse, than they can be with quest-designers like you=) DE already direcly provide LGBTQ+ agenda in their "pride time" streams and not only there. I think even this is already more than enough for show "tolerance". Do you think they should completely turn Warframe into pure pro-LGBTQ+ project with following main-line quests? Don`t get me wrong, but i dont think that i`ll be glad to see Warframe as project "About LGBTQ+ for LGBTQ+". Warframe as project like this just will be project not for me, at all and ever.

LGBTQ+ people exist, and it's Pride month. Some of the people in the game are going to be LGBTQ. Out of how many NPCs there's like what, one trans person? No trans masc people.


It's like if queer people exist at all in a game we are being done a favor, and we should consider ourselves lucky to get a side single character, if there's more than that it's too LGBTQ+ focused for the hets.

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il y a 28 minutes, Gaxxian a dit :

Man, now i want that added into the game to be able to sell Sarynant pure breeds.

I'd display them in my orbiter and allow visits for a small, albeit fair fee.

Something like 3 formas per visitor, which would sound right by DE's standards.

Kids are always welcome to take a nap in the Helminth room. We're always looking for interesting prospects.

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3 минуты назад, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

LGBTQ+ people exist, and it's Pride month. Some of the people in the game are going to be LGBTQ. Out of how many NPCs there's like what, one trans person? No trans masc people.


It's like if queer people exist at all in a game we are being done a favor, and we should consider ourselves lucky to get a side single character, if there's more than that it's too LGBTQ+ focused for the hets.

There is many projects in gaming industry, where LGBTQ+ theme exist. One thing, when it "exist" in game because and how it exist in real life. Other thing, when devs forcingly pushing community in this direction in order of agenda. I ready to let it be in order of confirmation of its existence, because it is true thing. But i strictly disagree that it should be as agenda in projects, which not declared as projects, focused mostly on this. 

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48 minutes ago, DstroyR said:

There is many projects in gaming industry, where LGBTQ+ theme exist. One thing, when it "exist" in game because and how it exist in real life. Other thing, when devs forcingly pushing community in this direction in order of agenda. I ready to let it be in order of confirmation of its existence, because it is true thing. But i strictly disagree that it should be as agenda in projects, which not declared as projects, focused mostly on this. 

Right. So it is an "agenda" if they tell and LGBTQ+story, but "normal" if it's cishet. Okay then, makes perfect sense.

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39 минут назад, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

Right. So it is an "agenda" if they tell and LGBTQ+story, but "normal" if it's cishet. Okay then, makes perfect sense.

21 час назад, DstroyR сказал:

It is always AGENDA. ALWAYS

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It means, even Stalker`s/Jade`s story as is, it is some agenda too. What agenda? Lets see, what feelings and emotions this story triggering in community, then.

Well known, that "jade light" in WF-universe it is devastating tool of higher judgement of The Seven. So, Jade as warframe, based on jade light technology, must be kinda enbodiment of pure desintegration of everything and everyone, who dare to oppose her.
But paradoxal thing - she also only (or first) warframe, known as "fertile" warframe.

Well, aside any parental emotional and other conspirology speculations, it is clearly philosophical story about core unity between life and death. Two characters, suposed by Orokin to be executors (Stalker by his mastery of "Old ways", and Jade by her mastery of managing jade light`s power), shown us in most unexpected hipostasyes - as lovers and parents.
So, it is kinda trick, when unity of two most skilled killers has as outcome not "double death", but "new life"=)

It is beautiful as idea, but many questions about its realization in game story. In other words, many finds that "permanently preghnant warframe" it is grotesque and to much even for this surrealistic WF-universe XD

Edited by DstroyR
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Hey guys did you know that pregnant women exist in real life? Pretty scary I know.

I'm realizing very quickly that I did like this quest and the arguments against it are insane.

Edited by Quest
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Interestingly, no one mentions that Jade was Jade and Stalker was Soren. But:

-Before what?

-How did they end up being a Warframe and a Stalker?

-What is a stalker then?

-Why the warframe got pregnant and also dying? What is this effect she dies from?

-Timeline timeframe when, before or after what, why we see this now (when exactly though)?

If they answer all these not the players throwing their fictions all over, then good. If not then It's just Star Wars and Disney. Expect even more hate.

Edited by 40PE
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#*!%ing hell, this forum will continue to be bloated with weird people until 1999 is out, right ?

Pregnancy is not a "fetish". It's something happening to many people in the real life. If you see Pregnancy as a fetish, I'm not sure I want to see your internet history.

It was a pretty nice and interesting story about something that no one had questioned so far. People are weirded out by giving birth. Okay.

Then I learn that some people are weirded out by Citrine ? Like what ? Who ? Who is weak enough for a crystal warframe showing crystal parts to make them feel bad ? Did you forget to grow some backbone, did you grow up in a safe space isolated from everything ?

But then you're not weirded out by

- Children left in mental torture for years in Zariman Ten Zero, just to be "saved" and used as tools/warriors because of their abilities

- Xaku's 4 leaving him appear as a skeleton

- Nekros ripping the #*!%ing soul out of living people and make them fight for him against their will

- Dagath with a #*!%ing hole in her head

- Ballas going through heavy and ugly body disfiguration

- Natah being disintegrated or not far away in the New War

- Ballas not thinking twice before stabbing a #*!%ing child with a #*!%ing two-handed sword in the BACK

- The entire Infestation stuff

- The entire point of the game being to genocide whatever we're facing against, including animals, and if possible with slash items so that body parts are cut off so Nekros can desecrate human body parts more efficiently :crylaugh:

I really really really think that all people "weirded out" by pregnancy, Citrine or god knows what should just go play Call of Duty, but be careful, there are some dead people out there too

Edited by Chewarette
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5 hours ago, 40PE said:

Interestingly, no one mentions that Jade was Jade and Stalker was Soren. But:

-Before what?

-How did they end up being a Warframe and a Stalker?

-What is a stalker then?

-Why the warframe got pregnant and also dying? What is this effect she dies from?

-Timeline timeframe when, before or after what, why we see this now (when exactly though)?

If they answer all these not the players throwing their fictions all over, then good. If not then It's just Star Wars and Disney. Expect even more hate.

On 2024-06-19 at 1:13 AM, DrLego said:

The way I figure it:
We know the Tenno were responsible for the downfall of the orokin empire.
We know Sorren and Jade were a part of it.
We know that as loyal as they were, they did break some taboo or rule by being together.
We know the orokin have severe punishments for breaking the rules.
Sorren implicates this point by saying something like "If they find out.."

We know from Ballas that Warframe candidates were both willing and unwilling.
We can safely assume Jade wasn't a willing candidate, she probably had plans to spend more time with Sorren as herself. If true, then she was an unwilling candidate.
From there, we can guess that her being a warframe was a punishment from the orokin or from Ballas himself.

Now, if Sorren knew this information, we can safely assume he would be very upset with the orokin and take revenge.
We know this because as Stalker he's absolutely capable of revenge. So why does Stalker focus on the Tenno so much?
If we assume Jade's punishment by the orokin was unknown to Sorren, he would maintain his 99% loyalty to the orokin.
But what would happen if the orokin empire were to fall while Sorren was unaware of Jade's fate?
What would happen if he couldn't find her in the chaos of the downfall of an entire empire?

He would assume the worst, or be led to believe that Jade's disappearance was caused by the Tenno.
But not just Jade, their baby too. The destruction of a family. That was our crime in his mind.

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On 2024-06-18 at 9:00 PM, Binket_ said:

Was it just a fetish thing? Did we learn nothing from Citrine? I already feel uncomfortable playing Citrine, but this is something else.

...I must have missed this at the time. I'm a little afraid to ask, but I'm too stupid not to. What is this referring to?

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15 hours ago, Quest said:

Dude what

My exact thought when I read that too.
"In what way does that make any narrative sense?"

I swear, people would rather a story glued hastily thrown together with the most simple of tropes than actually read a GOOD story.
Just so long as the subject matter can be boiled down to an "Unga" and a "Bunga".
Not that I think this quest makes sense even in THAT regard, but hey.


14 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

LGBTQ+ people exist, and it's Pride month. Some of the people in the game are going to be LGBTQ. Out of how many NPCs there's like what, one trans person? No trans masc people.

I would rather have a character that has narrative reason to exist than a "Token" character that's sole purpose is to say "Look, we sure do care!"

Ticker- regardless of anyone's feelings of the idea- DOES have some narrative role in the story.
It's a minor role, but it's one that makes sense. Especially since they justify it as well, have you found the Mem-Fragments?
I think she's a cool character, since I don't have to be TOLD outright she's trans for it to register. It's not just her entire personality, so to speak.

I'm not saying you can't have those kinds of characters... but rather I'd at least hope they make them more just a label.
Stalker being trans-masc would just be labelling him for the sake of it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Especially since you'd have to write him REALLY carefully as to not come off as pandering.

... but back to topic, that has nothing to do with the quest itself.
Pride Month may as well be coincidental as far as we're concerned.
I'm against LGBTQ+ groups, but just like everything? There is a time and a place.
Besides, you can appreciate them outside of Pride Month too. There's nothing stopping you from doing so.


11 hours ago, Quest said:

Hey guys did you know that pregnant women exist in real life? Pretty scary I know.

Yes and we also don't send them out to battlefields with literal Living Space Mold, Capitalist Merchants (who would probably sell you AND the child) and Attack of the Clones.
... but hey, I guess I'm the weird one for realizing that and saying "No no no, that's weird. What the hell?"

Especially when the quest surrounding such makes equal- if not, less- sense when you really think about it outside of that context.


7 hours ago, 40PE said:

If they answer all these not the players throwing their fictions all over, then good. If not then It's just Star Wars and Disney. Expect even more hate.

It's especially annoying when I come back to this page and it's nothing but "lmao, imagine being upset" and "this guy has to touch grass, why does he care about anything?"
As if to dismiss any concerns for the sake of it, not because they actually feel that way. That's been a problem with Warframe for far too many years though.
Imagine being able to care about anything anymore. That's some real "good ending" scenario there.

Jade is only one aspect of why this quest bugs me and it's a pretty valid reason all things considered.
I expect DE to be stupid as hell when it comes to the narrative at this point, but the community? I expected at least HALF to know somewhat better.
Unfortunately, expecting them to get even the simplest of points is asking for trouble it seems.

The only person I can remember by now in all this controversy I've seen that actually gave anything to counter the concerns?
They said "Maybe there's more to explain in future quests." since there's probably more and this did end with some kind of cliffhanger.
Which doesn't make this one better by any means, but your reply here was kinda my answer to that person. It's a "IF they have answers."


4 hours ago, Chewarette said:

Pregnancy is not a "fetish". It's something happening to many people in the real life. If you see Pregnancy as a fetish, I'm not sure I want to see your internet history.

And you know what? You're right... provided this quest had any reason to incorporate that as they did.

Seriously, I expect "pregnancy minigame" from something like Homestuck-- which Warframe may as well be rapidly approaching in terms of narrative.
If you don't know what Homestuck is, don't worry. You won't, it's just like that even if you DID know what it was. Feel free to look it up though, I can't stop you.

What all this quest does is feel like a DeviantArt Fanfic in the attempts to justify all of this controversy... except many don't exactly fall for it.
If you read through things, you could see exactly my problems with this quest in greater detail. (Unfortunately, people are allergic to reading.)
You'd also see that it's not JUST me with these issues, hell-- I'm not the only one bringing up valid points on the Forums either.

It's a fetish BECAUSE of it's justification. It's because it's written like one. It's because it has no reason to be here otherwise.
Can anyone give me one scenario where this quest ABSOLUTELY HAD TO HAPPEN.
You can't, you physically can't because there's probably 20 more ways beyond that to write it better.
Unfortunately, that's where we're at here.

4 hours ago, Chewarette said:

Then I learn that some people are weirded out by Citrine ?

Clearly, you've never met (and subsequently had to deal with) some "very well-adjusted individuals" who "would act very normal in public".
... or to be more accurate, degens who would probably not hesitate on doxing you if you don't adhere to their ERP.

MMOs of old had me run into this issue. Sometimes while underage! It's a greeeeat experience, it "builds character!"
... that's sarcastic, since I have to point that out bluntly in 2024.
Thankfully, I will give younger-me credit. He wasn't a damn idiot and knew better than to let people take advantage of that.

When you hear nothing but "Citrussy" for literal months on end because of the Warframe, shocker that I feel uncomfortable using it.
That it reminds me that I'm not in some incognito tab-- this is a public game where children (despite the rating) CAN BE and people are just... yeah.
Even if it there wasn't kids, I certainly don't like the idea of having to deal with those kinds of people. It's the whole reason the concept of chat moderation exists AT ALL.

I can't say I enjoy the thought, but I hope you meet those people. Not to put you in danger, but as a learning experience.
Words will not teach you, I don't need to be a genius to figure that out. I can try anyway, but I hope the real-deal at least shows you the problem for me.

5 hours ago, Chewarette said:

But then you're not weirded out by

  • Children left in mental torture for years in Zariman Ten Zero, just to be "saved" and used as tools/warriors because of their abilities
  • Xaku's 4 leaving him appear as a skeleton
  • Nekros ripping the #*!%ing soul out of living people and make them fight for him against their will
  • Dagath with a #*!%ing hole in her head
  • Ballas going through heavy and ugly body disfiguration
  • Natah being disintegrated or not far away in the New War
  • Ballas not thinking twice before stabbing a #*!%ing child with a #*!%ing two-handed sword in the BACK
  • The entire Infestation stuff
  • The entire point of the game being to genocide whatever we're facing against, including animals, and if possible with slash items so that body parts are cut off so Nekros can desecrate human body parts more efficiently :crylaugh:
  • While tragic, it's also shrouded in just as much mystery. Given powers by an eldritch being of anti-matter is certainly useful.
    • It provides narrative as well. Not every story has to be a happy one, but it justifying it's existence matters more in this context.
    • We also know that while the Tenno are scarred from such, they are still strong willed.
    • They have taken the horrors and grown past them, using it as fuel for their motivation.
      • This also provides reason for the Tenno to be as noble as they are, they've seen horrible things and CHOOSE to fight against it.
  • Xaku- as far as I'm concerned- is just a skeleton wearing Warframe parts as clothes. A bit morbid when you word it like that, but hardly the worst thing there.
    • ... but if you think about it? Wearing a wool shirt is just wearing sheep hair. If you tear that off, it's equally as weird as that. Not very.
  • Nekros is a necromancer. Morbid is kinda forte and... yes, is very much ethically questionable.
    • I would probably have more of a problem with it if the game wasn't focused on "Space Ninjas doing slaughter on the regular" which is exactly what we signed up for.
  • Dagath having a hole in her head is odd, yes. As far as I'm aware though, she is also a Warframe so physical features tend to be disfigured anyway.
    • Plus, if you want to ask if she's okay with it? I mean... she SEEMS to be perfectly fine otherwise.
    • It's not like I can physically ask the canon Dagath about specifics on this, so speculation is really the best we can do. Flawed solution, at best.
  • To be fair, I feel no sympathy for Ballas. The Orokin had it coming in more ways than one. It's grotesque, but the Orokin have done far worse.
  • Personal feelings of the Lotus (and similar names) have degraded her to the "Purple Thing", because I find she rarely acts like a proper "mother figure".
    • My personal feelings on that aside however, she has been shown to come back from death... and suffer fates worse than it. (Orokin of an Ex-Husband.)
  • Ballas stabbing a child? The Orokin are bad people who serve as the antagonists we're supposed to defeat, more news at 11.
    • The only "bad" I feel from that is that I couldn't do the same to him sooner, hah!
  • Yeah, Infestation is really freak and kinda a living nightmare. That's kinda why we often get hired on the regular to torch the place down, being immune and all.
    • Again, "bad guys are people doing bad things"-- I swear to god, I am going to need to beat some of you senseless with a book.
  • Genocide? Okay, you know what? I'll humor you and ignore the fact that pretty much every game does this and you pretty much sign up for this anyway.
    • Grineer: Most of them are in blind servitude to the Queens. Even IF you manage to sit some down and FORCE them to see your way, they're likely going to keep serving them.
      • ... and the Queens are not morally good people. Worm Queen will quite literally send her troops to Lua just to screw with us, even knowing it will kill them.
      • Despite that, the troops go anyway. There is no possible way I can feel bad about this.
        • Steel Meridian and Kavor however are different cases and I have no qualms with (lore-wise) helping them out because of such.
    • Corpus: Merchant. Cult. They will kill you, sell your organs and than proceed to sell your DRIVER'S LISCENSE for the hell of it too. They value profit above all else and I don't need to even attempt gesturing over to our current capitalist trillionaires to show why that's a problem.
      • Even for the default employees? Some of them may be innocent, yes.
      • ... they're also GOING to shoot me. That's just how the game works.
        • The proxies are- for the most part- just that. Robotics. If they show emotion or have free-thought? It was programmed into them.
        • Corpus don't normally do that for proxies though. If they do? It's probably with some kind of "governor" to assure they obey.
        • At that point, it's basically a mercy. An ugly and crude mercy, but one nonetheless.
    • Infestation: Do I even need to justify this? No. The entire idea of trying to justify that is stupid. See a prior point for that.
    • Orokin: Again, see prior points. They're not exactly beacons of moral fortitude. They are however a great definition for the sin of pride.
    • Sentients: Clearly hostile, often a fragment of a much larger being and will likely not take "peace" as an option.
      • Granted, I would not be adverse to seeking peaceful options out-- but we come to that when that lore demands it.
      • Won't be any time soon though, from a brief guess.
    • Wildlife: If a wolf attacks you IRL, you're going to fight back. As for the passive animals? The game DOES scold you for doing that since it's unnecessary.
  • Dismemberment is likely less life-altering than it would be in our age. Medical science of Warframe is clearly leagues beyond what we have now, since the Grineer can clone themselves nigh-infinitely and replace entire limbs with mechanical parts if needed. Corpus do a similar thing, also generating entire bodily components.
    • Plus, Infestation and Sentients quite literally posses regeneration. That's... kinda their thing.
    • Orokin are body-snatchers. I'm doing the universe a favor if I can lop off a few of their weirdly elongated arms.

As far as this list goes? The only two listed here worth a damn to address is "Nekros" and "The Zariman" bits.
Both of which I addressed. Nekros' abilities are pretty much the only one I really can't argue against.


But hey, I humored this. You wanna know why Jade feels weird?

  • She's not even subtle about the pregnancy.
    • Not that it needed to stay on the version we use...
  • None of her abilities justify her pregnancy, nor make some thematic use of it.
    • No, a second aura slot does not explain it. You could easily do that with Equinox or Wukong if you want to say that.
  • You're a pregnant being in a BATTLEFIELD.
    • Yeah, sure. Nekros may be morbid and we commit murder on the daily.
    • ... but unless you're fighting Infested? You don't fight pregnant women, now do you?
      • And even in the case of Infested, they're also a hivemind. They don't care for a second about morals. WE DO.
    • I expect combat to be messy and violent when it comes to Warframe. That's kinda the point.
      • It's like if I suddenly stopped this Detective Noire styled film with it's very serious tone and than suddenly went Early-Newgrounds level silly on a dime with no reason or buildup to do so.
      • It would be jarring at best, annoying at worst. It kills the mood and leaves people unsatisfied.
  • Just for bonus points, the pregnancy minigame.
    • Why is this a minigame?
      • Remember that point I JUST SAID about things be jarring?
      • Yeah, that. Same applies here. Exactly that, word for word.

Ethically, it's uncomfortable. Thematically, it's questionable. Overall? A bad time.


5 hours ago, Debatra said:

What is this referring to?

A while back, the update for Citrine came out and people were very quick to point out how her crotch area looks like a vagina.
For me? That was a bit weird, but whatever. I moved on best I could.

... than it got announced by red text. "Citrussy", giving it a name in full brazen update fashion.
"Red Text" always has been a bit playful by nature, but this was a bit much. Whoever wrote that clearly unleashed something awful.

It kept getting repeated... and naturally-- people got even weirder, making more and more comparisons. As they tend to.
"Oh, the crystals in her belly are like an X-Ray of the womb!" and "Does that mean I can impregnate her brain?"
Because these are things "rational people" say. Do you think I'm making this up? I wish I was making this up, because that's the stuff I CAN post here!
... and than we got people getting really weird about it. Actively making erotic commentary involving it.
To the point where it reminds me of those old MMOs where people would openly ERP with children in the vicinity. (Sometimes knowingly.)

I came to play Warframe, not get grossed out by someone's diaper fetish hitting my DMs. (Which is par for the course in Warframe, really.)
Maybe I'm just cursed or something, but good god... am I really that weird for thinking that MAYBE that kinda behavior should taken elsewhere?
Like an incognito tab perhaps?

This isn't the first time it's happened either, nor will it be the last. (See also: Jade)
It's either depressing that it will keep happening... or frustrating that I can't escape it. Even if I leave Warframe, which sounds more like a good idea by the day.
So... y'know, pardon me for the audacity in being "negative hurr durr". Apparently, "consent" is a myth and I'm just some killjoy.

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thought this was of some interest and well revived on reddit (I posted it in the other thread too)



It's just funny how we have a game with slavery, child soldiers, brainwashing, vore, mass murder, cosmic body horror, and so much more

but a Warframe modeled after a pregnant person is somehow too much. Like, I could understand from someone that actually has some pregnancy related trauma, but from what I've seen on here that's not the case for the majority.

Add on to that, the Jade Warframe that we use isn't even actually pregnant. It's nothing more than a flesh puppet recreated in the real Jade's image, which in itself is, in my opinion, more disturbing than the idea of a pregnant warframe.




31 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

.. why do I have the feeling that is the ONLY word that you were able to read?

I can only guess but because you're an butt?

I will give you the mini game was one thing I found out of place,  like other people said it was impossible to fail, if you just left it would eventually complete on its own, it probably had no reason being there.

Edited by _Anise_
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38 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

It's a fetish BECAUSE of it's justification. It's because it's written like one. It's because it has no reason to be here otherwise.
Can anyone give me one scenario where this quest ABSOLUTELY HAD TO HAPPEN.
You can't, you physically can't because there's probably 20 more ways beyond that to write it better.
Unfortunately, that's where we're at here.

Whatever you said, it's not a fetish, I don't understand the reasons you gave. Why should there be a reason why this quest "had to happen" ? It "had to happen" because DE decided to.

If DE had decided that Stalker was in fact your mother, you would have complained, but it had to happen to because DE wrote it. Don't like it ? Well cool I guess, but guess what, they won't re-write an already-released quest because your view of Pregnancy is "omg fetish".

Should DE also avoid showing feet on screen because you also happen to have a foot fetish, so you're weirded out by Ballas' appearance in The New War ?

Or do you have a long-hair-fetish, so Margulis should be bald ? But then, what if I have a bald-fetish ?

Dude, all those "fetishes" you can happen to have are only a you-problem. Either you're an adult and you should have learned to deal with it by now, or you're a manbaby (or womanbaby, I'm not sexist) and in this case, I can only suggest to simply not play Jade and instantly leave all missions where the Matchmaking dares group you with a Jade. But all in all, it'll remain a you-problem, and whatever your weird complaints are, nothing will change. So either you accept, or you deal with it, with whichever tool you're equipped with.

Once again - qualifying "Pregnancy" as "Fetish" makes you the weird person out there, and not the writer(s) who imagined that quest. And this, whatever you try to said in your defense.

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On 2024-06-19 at 6:01 PM, 3mptylord said:

but it was Ballas, and the quest explicitly told us that Jade and Sorren's conception was a crime. It would be completely in-character for Ballas to turn Jade and her baby into a Warframe as a deliberate, perverted punishment for Jade and Sorren's crime.

To add to this, I can imagine Ballas making her an executioner was a part of this.

"You sought to bring life into this world, against the wishes of your masters? Then I consign you, ever more, to be the one whom takes it away."

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I dunno I think I stopped really being interested in the Warframe "lore" somewhere between when Tyl Regor not being revealed as "The Wolf" and DE doing Khora dirty by giving her the best lore in the game, locking it behind an insane grind wall and then instead of doing ANYTHING with it.... just dumping Khora unceremoniously into Sanctuary Onslaught.....

Like SRSLY the Wolf being Tyl checked all the boxes.....

Where has Tyl Been? Banished and imprisoned by the Queens for his failure

How did the Wolf hack through all the Corpus Nets like they where butter? Because Tyl was a mad genius who would now be hopped up on Sentient Juice.

Why does the Wolf protect his pack so fervently? Because his fellow prisoners became essentially his surrogate tubemen.

Who is the Wolf? Some totally rando grineer who ends up as a throw away boss that never really returned to the game

The Wolf could have been the glorious return of one of the more interesting Warframe characters and just... wasn't.



The last nail in the coffin for me expecting anything from the Lore of Warframe was when they added Multiple Divergent realities/timelines with Duviri. It takes phenomenal skill to pull that off like the top of the top best writers struggle with that and they put that in Warframe... the lore in general at this point is cooked.

My only major ask at this point is please always give me the ability to just skip the cut scenes.

Edited by Oreades
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