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I'm conflicted. (Heavy Jade Shadows spoilers)

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6 hours ago, trst said:

Why wouldn't the Tenno know about Warframe biology? They were turned into soldiers piloting these to fight for the Orokin. And just as actual soldiers are taught first aid it'd only make sense for the Tenno to have been taught how to tend to frame injuries. As well since we're now flying solo for the most part it'd only make more sense for the Operator to have spent time learning these things. Don't want to be asking Ordis to read you "Warframe biology 101" when dealing with an issue that Helminth can't solve on its own.

The real question would be what is Stalker doing to take care of himself? Clearly he has some knowledge if he's stealing medical gel for Jade but not enough to know about infested remedies. And we've not seen anything to indicate that Stalker has access to his own Helminth.

The real question is, why does the story introduce a new way of healing infested creatures (that's what the warframes are, infested humans)? All the other warframes can revive. Why can't Stalker do the same thing for Jade? And yes, Stalker can take care of himself, clearly, so why does he need to raid the Corpus for supplies? Just more issues with the story that must not have been important to the writer(s).

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb Culaio:

I am assuming that she isnt pregnant but there is some evidence that she may be, the light the chamber is moving like its alive when she touches her belly, another evidence is the fact that she has two aura slots, and from the beginning it was implied that second slot represents her baby...

I dont think that DE expected that community would look that deeply into this, many things in this game exist to represent some visual themes even if they dont make sense, but they are there to look cool.

So I assume that Jade is supposed to visually represent theme of pregnancy(and also angel), but we arent supposed to feel like we are literally a pregnant character who constantly puts itself and its baby at risk for dying from fire, corrosion, toxins, radiation and more.

Her theme is being an angelic mother. A mother is more than just pregnancy. 

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I didn't know how to feel about pregnant frame at first either, but now, after a couple of days, I just don't care. It's even funny in its own way

The only thing that bothers me, Jade doessen't look like a real pregnant woman. My older sister was pregnant twice, and in the first half of 2023 5 of my friends and relatives wives got pregnant (which almost looked like a conspiracy), so I hung out and talked to pregnant women, well, a lot. And even the thinnest of them wasn't able to save their pre-pregnancy figure, and Jade just have that wasp-like waist, which looks really unrealistic. The other thing - breasts. Women's breasts get larger, especially this late into pregnancy, so, you know, they can feed their newborn babies, and Jade just looks like her breasts were completely removed. Which is normal for biomechanical creatures, but most of other female frames have visible semblance of breast, even though, they don't need them in their current state. And the one, who really should have them, have, well, none

My best guess is that DE designed her like this on purpose, so noone would ever have even the slightest thought of pregnancy, so they can save the surprise until quest release, to maintain the shock-factor, so people would discuss it actively on the forums and internet overall, so they can have some interest raise right before Tennocon. And it looks like it's working

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5 hours ago, 0bsi said:

So by that argument, if the blueprints are a clone of the DNA of the person, then the playable frame shouldn't have the pregnant belly because that's not part of the DNA.

The "belly" is a Jade Light particle chamber, far as I can tell

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12 hours ago, EverdarkRaven said:

How have we learned so much about Warframes and their biology? We know what Stalker needs exactly to help Jade and we know how to help deliver an infested/Warframe baby? Are we working on our biology and medical degrees in between missions? 

Gotta earn those degrees, would look great on our resumes ngl
"Experience in possessing in order to give birth"

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What confuses me most about the quest is the naming convention, like all of the other warframes seem to have code names EG I highly doubt that the original name for Rhinos base was Rhino etc..... but Jade is just Jade she was Jade and then they just called the Warframe Jade.... seems uncharacteristically lazy of the Orokin to buck their code name naming convention.

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the body/mental horror thing kinda started as far back as Valkyr, this isnt anything new really, weird? yes, if anything its more out of place in a looter shooter, space ninja with guns game, its adding dumb real life stuff into a game that really doesnt need it, it just spoils it.  Next we will be getting something stupid, like a mini drama where stalker's moustashed twin brother appears and you find out the baby is the brothers kid, etc etc, add whatever lame 1980s drama scenario, its been drifting off the rails for a while now, they need to get back to hard space ninja sci-fi, not the kind of evening drama show your granny would watch.

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On 2024-06-22 at 12:09 PM, Aruquae said:

No, why?
I found it weirder how my OPERATOR contributed to giving birth, and how Stalker left to get the milk, and took the baby with him. Didn't even ask if I wanted to keep little Sirius smh

and how after the quest you get a message from hunhow, he gives you the jade blueprint and states that he gave birth to jade from "his" void-scarred womb, so theres that for extra weird/creepy.  not as bad as the current operation tho, very bad vibes/messaging when you hear Parvos Granum saying stuff like "There is no greater enemy of freedom than a happy slave."

Edited by Methanoid
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4 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

The "belly" is a Jade Light particle chamber, far as I can tell

Yes. It is a chicken/egg situation. Her belly was already there, it houses the jade light which can destroy or give life. The baby just happened to grow there.

Plus it is so silly people get worked up over this. I mean let's get horrified by the pregnant looking belly while heading of to do some Mengele levels of death bringing by freezing people to popcicles, exposing them to acids and viruses and everything else in between, all while controlling the meatpuppet with a child soldier. Oh and lets bring in those chemical weapons, flamethrowers, shotguns and flechette based projectiles that are otherwise banned from use by the geneva convention.

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4 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yes. It is a chicken/egg situation. Her belly was already there, it houses the jade light which can destroy or give life. The baby just happened to grow there.

Lore wise I can't seem to recount before this one instance where the Jade light was ever referenced to bring life. I mean I get it's DEs lore they can do whatever but there are a lot of conveniences going around.

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1 hour ago, Oreades said:

What confuses me most about the quest is the naming convention, like all of the other warframes seem to have code names EG I highly doubt that the original name for Rhinos base was Rhino etc..... but Jade is just Jade she was Jade and then they just called the Warframe Jade.... seems uncharacteristically lazy of the Orokin to buck their code name naming convention.

Technically I think that trend was bucked with Dagath and maybe a few others, but given how much of Jade is based on Ballas having a twisted sense of Irony, I can believe he would have used it for extra cruelty points.

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47 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Lore wise I can't seem to recount before this one instance where the Jade light was ever referenced to bring life. I mean I get it's DEs lore they can do whatever but there are a lot of conveniences going around.

Yeah we havent known much about it except it being used for executions.

15 minutes ago, (XBOX)Omega399 said:

Technically I think that trend was bucked with Dagath and maybe a few others, but given how much of Jade is based on Ballas having a twisted sense of Irony, I can believe he would have used it for extra cruelty points.

Wouldnt be totally out of place incase Ballas knew their secret and went with the large belly just out of spite. But the joke is on him since she did have a baby... even if it took her a thousand years or so to squeeze it out.

Though I think it is more a thing in the mind of the subject when it links to Helminth that decides the result with the exception of the role the frame is to play for the Orokin. No real way for the Orokin to know that Kullervo would turn out to be a stabbing murderer for instance, so the whole thing with his armament being stuck into him all over is an odd intended design choice. However if it was in his mind and subconscious, that he was a traitor deep down it could be explained better why knifes are sticking into him all over.

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5 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yeah we havent known much about it except it being used for executions.

I guess what has me is it wasn't just execution, cause they could kill you and you could still come back with Kuva (which seems to be an abandoned plotline now) but the jade light was portrayed as the nullification of existence, nothing comes back from that and now it's just like "oh and it can bring life too I guess" it just feels so.... ex machina

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On 2024-06-21 at 7:48 PM, Prof-Dante said:

Does anybody else feel kind of eerie from the realization that we are playing as Stalker's dead pregnant wife, and God knows if that's a real cloned baby in there or some sort of infested mumbo jumbo? 

Every Warframe we can play as died and was then cloned by us.  So the question is, in what way does being pregnant (or pregnancy-adjacent) meaningfully change that?  I won't pretend to have an objective answer on the matter since there isn't one, but I have some thoughts.

Sometimes people get pregnant, and I think we should be cautious about seeing them more as a pregnancy than a person.  Pregnancy can certainly make people more vulnerable or in need of assistance (whether that's aid from a person, tools, etc), and that assistance should be provided because that's the decent thing to do, in the same way that folks with disabilities should be provided with the assistance they need.  But at the end of the day, pregnant people are people, and we should do our best to allow them the respect and autonomy that we give to any other person; to treat them otherwise is needlessly patronizing and infantilizing.  Let each pregnant person be the authority on what they need.

Next, let's get diegetic.  According to the lore we've been provided with, every Warframe that we pair with is conscious at some level and consents to our interaction.  We do not control Warframes as much as we cooperate with them.  Thus, the fact that we can pair with Jade's body suggests that working with us is what Jade actively wants to do.  We should respect her choice, and we should probably be curious about why we might think that her being pregnant would make that choice less valid.

I think it absolutely makes sense that some people would feel uncomfortable with a pregnant Warframe, because there's a lot of heated, complicated, and powerful feelings about pregnant bodies in our real lives; those feelings are often difficult to talk about and resolve, and thus the discomfort remains.  But I want to encourage anyone feeling discomfort to try to set aside those feelings for awhile and instead focus on finding rational reasons why a Warframe being pregnant would be a negative thing.  By doing so, there's a chance you'll discover that there isn't a compelling reason.  Or maybe you will!  But at least then you'll be able to talk about tangible reasons, rather than simply feelings (which can often lead us astray).

Personally, I think it's super cool to be able to play as a pregnant ass-kicker; there aren't many pieces of media — let alone games — that provide that experience, so I think that's a nice little piece of representation to add to the game.

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5 minutes ago, Vaml77 said:

What disturbed the players is not just the fact of pregnancy. But a machine or robot getting pregnant really went too far....

Warframes aren't machines/robots; they're people modified via Helminth.

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On 2024-06-21 at 7:48 PM, Prof-Dante said:

great quest, short but really emotional, and this is really what we all want out of story missions

In addition to what I've already written, I'll add that Jade being playable has a meaningful impact on the quest's narrative for me.  I'm exhausted by the Women in Refrigerators trope, where a female character dies to progress a male character's story.  And that's what Jade Shadows is.

Or at least, that's what the story would have been if Hunhow didn't send us Jade's blueprint.  Which allows Jade to continue to live and fight per her desires.

Is it having your cake and eating it too?  Probably.  But I find it satisfactory.  I would not have been happy with the quest without playable Jade.

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17 hours ago, EverdarkRaven said:

I thought we didn't remember anything from before we were awoken?

I'm not sure to what extent any of our memories are still missing, but at this point in the narrative we definitely have memories from before waking up.  During The Sacrifice we're listening to an entry in the Vitruvian where Ballas is narrating aspects of The Old War, and we close it mid-sentence and say something along the lines of, "I don't need to hear it, I lived it" which implies that we remember the events he's talking about.

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I don't know why this topic turned into An argument about a Warframe being pregnant, I don't mind, yes Stalker loving a Warframe and becoming a father is giving me really bad flashbacks of those Spiderman and elsa Youtube recommendations that were infesting youtube. 

but I don't mind the idea, it's just a more mature storytelling, What I do find uneasy is the fact that this Warframe died giving birth, and we just recreated her (with her baby intact) and use her as a suit of mass destruction.

but I mean, I stopped thinking about it the moment I left this thread so, I don't care anymore, it's DE's property 🤷‍♂️

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