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The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.5


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The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.5


Vor’s Prize Quest Changes:
We’ve made the following changes to the Spy missions in the Vor’s Prize Quest to help alleviate some of the progress pain points that new players hit. 

  • Added objective markers to the Vault consoles that unlock the doors, once opened, the objective marker will properly update to the next console needing to be hacked to access the Vault. 

    • Previously, the marker would appear behind the locked doors which would lead new players (who are not yet familiar with consoles) to believe that they are unable to progress. Now, the objective markers will guide players to each of the subsequent consoles that need to be interacted with to access the Vault.

    • Reduced the number of consoles needing to be hacked to access the Vault from 3 to 1. The only console needed to be hacked is the one that completes the Vault.  

      • Note on the correction above: Simply a patch-notes error! The objective marker change came before the console reduction, meaning the waypoint updating does not actually occur since there is no need for it when there is only 1 console to hack now (the main Vault). For the same reason as the waypoint change, we wanted to further reduce any potential confusion around interacting with the consoles and streamline the mission some more. 

    • The Lotus transmission warning not to avoid triggering alarms will now play after hacking entering the door. to the first Vault instead of while hacking.  Edit note: Corrected to what occurs now that there is no longer a console to open the door. 

      • This transmission playing while hacking was not only distracting, but also not relevant to the player experience and may have them thinking they need to be concerned about alarms while hacking.

  • Moved the tutorial message about the Grineer force fields tripping alarms and draining energy if touched higher up the platform and increased its size slightly. 

    • Where it was positioned before could lead new players to being hit by the fields since they couldn’t see the warning before entering the danger zone. 


  • Increased the Reactant drop rate in Void Fissure missions by approximately 20%. 

    • Being at the end of a Void Fissure mission without enough Reactant to crack your Relic is not an enjoyable experience. We've heard reports of this issue across all mission types, so we're buffing Reactant drop rates across the board to help avoid this happening in the future. 

  • Added input callout next to the “Use Cipher” button while hacking. 

    • Especially useful for our controller players, who may have not been aware that there is a binding to auto-complete hacks and would instead drag the virtual cursor to the button. 

  • Ivara's Prowl, Loki's Invisibility, Ash's Smoke Screen and Banshee's Silence will now muffle Melee weapon impact and dismemberment sounds (for player audio). 

  • Optimized some UI animations to appear smoother.  


  • Fixed Defense Wave counter remaining at “1” in the UI throughout the mission. 

  • Fixed being unable to enter the Railjack after installing Cephalon Cy during the Rising Tides Quest. 

  • Fixed Clients being able to clip through walls/terrain (and getting stuck) by spamming Transference while playing as Excalibur Umbra. 

  • Fixed the button callout to throw Enigma Disc in Duviri showing as “UNBOUND” while holding Melee weapon. 

  • Fixed being able to damage and knock down Shadow Stalker before activating the Somatic Link in The Second Dream Quest. 

  • Fixed two “Quest Complete” screens appearing back to back after finishing the A Man of Few Words Quest. 

  • Fixed a “The Duviri Paradox” Quest Key appearing in the End of Mission screen after completing the Quest itself for those who haven’t reached the Uranus Junction. 

  • Fixed visual issues with the fade to white transition into the customization moment in The Second Dream Quest. 

  • Fixed consoles not working after getting pulled away from it while completing hacking (ie. by going into Bleed Out or getting pulled by Ancient/Scorpion). 

  • Fixed the new in-world VFX identifying the “lower security” area in Netracell missions not appearing for Clients. 

  • Fixed account login issues for players with a rare issue with their Alliance. 

  • Fixed capturing a target while riding Merulina causing Yareli to get stuck in an odd animation (at times A posing). 


For list of known issues for The Lotus Eaters that require future code changes and or did not make it into this Hotfix, visit our dedicated thread:


Edited by [DE]Danielle
Correction on the Vault Waypoint change
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1 minute ago, [DE]Megan said:

Also reduced the number of consoles needing to be hacked to access the Vault from 3 to 1. 

This I believe is bad, because new players might not know how the normal vault works, where it has 3. Marking and needing 3 consoles is a good teaching moment, where some vaults need more or less consoles to be hacked to open the door.

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9 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Increased the Reactant drop rate in Void Fissure missions by approximately 20%. 

    • Being at the end of a Void Fissure mission without enough Reactant to crack your Relic is not an enjoyable experience. We've heard reports of this issue across all mission types, so we're buffing Reactant drop rates across the board to help avoid this happening in the future.


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Oh, yes. Joining too late in a mission can be a a pain to collect the reactant. Some Tenno are kind enough to give you time to get it instead of forcing the extraction, but even then some times it seems impossible to find that one last needed to crack the relic,

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@[DE]MeganMight you report this to the right department so it can be taken a proper look???, Railjack is already very unpopulated, the missing enemies inside the bases are very noticeable. Maybe the Devs might find the source of the issue and even fix the weird spawn logic going rampart in some Lua nodes too (specially in the Extermination node).

Edited by Absolute_Kriatura
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still no fixes for these old detrimental bugs:

  • unable to see each other in dojo thus not being able to trade
  • mag, mirage, mesa (and in very rare cases ash) locking their abilities (and sometimes weapons)
    I recently found out the cause of mag's issues: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1410661-issues-with-mags-crush-ability/
  • ash's 4 showing wrong numbers(damage and kills in statistics are wrong too)
  • slams from operator launching you in the wrong direction or failing(probably may be fixed with the new low frame latency option)
  • waypoints(multiple different bugs in different areas), codex/simulacrum scans,
  • kahl getting stuck in a rampart on a "Junk run mission" (but who cares, we don't need to do it anymore)
  • Moonwalk after transference (still happens as of 2024/08/30)
  • Sanctuary Onslaught breaking if host migraton happens right before the portal spawns(I think it's in the game since its release)
  • Xata's whisper on clients creates bubbles not where you shot the enemy(usually on legs, which makes headshots impossible)
  • Duviri(all modes) is still full of different bugs
    for example: getting a duviri drifter when using transference in the circuit(yes, it still happens)
  • Revived vulpaphyla and sentinels don't have invisibility if you have it on until you recast invisibility.
  • If you use quick melee then swap the weapon and shoot fast enough, the weapon swap will be cancelled(but it'll show a different weapon in the bottom right corner right before you shoot). Usually weapon swap cannot be cancelled.
  • If you use quick melee then quickly do a heavy slam attack, it can sometimes do a regular slam instead or do no damage at all(but you'll lose combo in any case)
  • Exalted melee interactions with regular melee combo, initial combo and gladiator set bonuses are a buggy mess.
  • Getting softlocked in navigation after opening it (opening foundry by clicking on "X items ready to claim" notification always helps tho, and opening then closing chat usually helps too)
  • If you join a random squad from the orbiter, you might be sent to the host's dojo after the mission if they started from there.
  • Automatically using parazon on fallen liches even when not pressing any buttons at all.
  • Bulllet jump may malfunction when done right after landing or after slams(even from stance "slam" attacks). Seems to be a collision issue.
  • Zenistar disc lasting 100s when you throw it at x12(it returns at 20s left out of 120) #makezenistargreatagain
  • Zenistar's disc aura looks much bigger than the actual damaging area if you have any +range mods in it.
  • Zenistar's disc interactions with magus aggress are just wtf. Attack nothing and lose stacks faster? Lose stacks after disc has returned when you hit nothing?
  • Screen shake setting resetting if you alt-tab after turning it off. (fullscreen mode seems to be required)
  • Different enemy spawn issues:(I prob forgot something in this list)
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    • Not enough enemies spawning on railjack skirmish missions, resulting in inability to finish it. Last time happened: 2024/08/31
    • Vomvalysts not spawning well if you run around the map too much
    • Dargyns spawning in wrong places on Koro (Kuva fortress assault)
    • Enemies not spawning well enough on most exterminate missions(railjack, zariman and new deimos tileset are an exception). This often results in inability to get 10 reactant if you reached the objective. Often you have to run back and forth near extraction so more enemies spawn so you can finish the mission.
      This has happened as recently as 2024/06/24, where 2 of my squad members weren't able to get the 10th reactant because there were no enemies left on the map, and none were spawning.
    • Enemies can spawn right in front of you on Lua exterminate mission(might be a feature). Same with thraxes on void cascade.
    • Enemies don't spawn after wave 562 of arbitration defense(it reaches lvlcap at that wave, it might've been fixed, but it's hard to test it)
    • On very rare occasions a LOT(like 100) of enemies can spawn in one of the vaults of Archon spy mission on Jupiter.
    • On netracell missions: if your map has a U-shape generation(room where you kill enemies is at one end of this U), enemies can spawn on the other side of this "U", which can be up to a kilometer away.
    • Enemies not spawning soon enough in Liberation stage during cetus bounties, which often results in the control level dipping below 50% before you even get the chance to kill enemies.


  • also pls fix those cascade/thrax bugs:

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    • in cascade clients often can't see some of the void tears they cleared (this is very rare for hosts)
    • for clients, some thraxes(probably self-revived) can look like ghosts, but act like in a regular form and they seem to be immune to status effects and some abilities(they can be damaged in warframe)
    • if you kill thraxes' physical form when they start recapturing an exoliser, they may still keep recapturing it while transforming into the ghost form(and finish recapturing it while in ghost form)
    • thraxes are shown as invincible(grey healthbar) when they are actually not
    • sometimes killed(in physical form) thraxes can become invisible and invincible in a ghost form. they can only be noticed by sound and a minimap marker. this is quite rare, but it has ruined some people's void flood missions.
    • in very rare cases(seems to only happen if you strip them with mag's 4 while they successfully recapture an exo) thraxes can become immune to any form armor strip
    • in very rare cases thraxes can become invisible and invincible in a physical form, which lets them recapture exolisers
    • in rare cases there can be an invincible(but visible) ghost thrax that is doing nothing near an exoliser
    • in very rare cases exoliser can stop spawning at all(same condition as exoliser delays below: 3-3-3 or 3-3-4 tile and doing it fast)
    • sometimes in fissure cascade exolisers can become impossoble to clear after they are recaptured by a thrax(this is extremely rare outside of fissure missions)
    • sometimes you become unable to use operator at all, not just with transference but via non-cleared exolisers or trokars as well
    • during fissure misson, if you clear the final tear of an exo just as the relic timer hits 0 it'll become permanently unclearable, with no way to fix it.
    • there are also more fissure specific bugs that I'm too lazy to list here

    exoliser wrong order(skips, jumps and delays):

    • exoliser skip: instead of going in order 1-2-3-4 in a certain room, they go in the order of 1-2-4(3rd skipped) or2-3-4 (1st skipped). this bug is quite common in solo play but not in squads.
    • exoliser jump: usually happens to a skipped exoliser: instead of order 1-2-3-4, it goes 3-1-2-4(3rd spawns before other three). this bug is quite rare.
    • exoliser delay: when the 30s exoliser spawn timer reaches 0, it says that new exoliser has spawned when it actually hasn't. usually next exoliser spawn after the next 30s, but you can get 2-4 delays in a row.
      this happens very often if you do the mission fast enough in a squad and the total amount of exoliser spawn points is low(for example if you have rooms with 3, 3 and 4 spawn points).
  • Also during netracells if you have a U-form tile enemies can spawn up to 1km away, which makes the mission obnoxiously long


Some new bugs introduced in the Jade update:

  • With Total Eclipse augment, going far enough from warframe as operator often disables Eclipse. Edit: still happens as of update 36.1.4
  • With "Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously” some(scourge and ferrox do but afentis doesnt) spearguns may temporarily block shooting and melee https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1401946-unable-to-shoot-or-throw-scourge-prime-after-switching-from-secondary/ Edit: still happens as of update 36.1.4
  • New knockdown+electric proc (from magnetic status on OG/shield break) seems to proc on you(in both warframe and operator) for seemingly no reason, even if there are no enemies nearby
    You can randomly get knocked down with an electric proc on zariman missions. Seems to be an issue with corpus derivator units, but the reason could be different.
Edited by Megazawr
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Can we get lighting fixes for old quests? I often see lighting in places like the caves in The War Within being broken or straight up missing. and the reflections on the big glass pane where the Grineer Spoiler becomes your reflection and you make the final dialogue choice also seems very broken.

I'll probably make a post about it later.

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12 minutes ago, Absolute_Kriatura said:

@[DE]MeganMight you report this to the right department so it can be taken a proper look???, Railjack is already very unpopulated, the missing enemies inside the bases are very noticeable. Maybe the Devs might find the source of the issue and even fix the weird spawn logic going rampart in some Lua nodes too (specially in the Extermination node).

There is also the fact that not enough enemies can spawn in the space to complete the enemy ship requirements. Requiring you to travel extremely far to a spawning plane to get enemies to spawn again. Probably still hasn't been fixed.

And the issue with your linked bug is that reactant drops can only occur from enemies within those bases so if they are left unpopulated you don't crack the relic due to not having enough reactant.

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No fixes for targeting reticle when client on Alchemy being off target (its well left of point of impact) (Client)
No fix for incarnon mode going through the full animation of getting into incarnon form, but not actually going into incarnon mode (Host/Solo/Client)
No fix for secondary incarnon weapons losing their incarnon reticle when dual wielding (Host/Solo/Client)


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Thanks for the update.

Still no fix for Bleed statuses from Bladestorm ignoring "Increased Finisher Damage" buffs as per:

Still no fix for Excalibur Umbra not retaining non-mod related health buffs during Transference such as Arcane Blessing. Heat Elemental Ward, etc., causing Excalibur Umbra to LOSE health upon transferring back to him.

Still no fix for "moonwalk" bug caused by Transference as a client, resulting in complete loss of functionality other than basic movement. This bug is especially problematic as the only way to fix it is to use a revive during Bleedout, or successfully kill enough enemies during Last Gasp to revive yourself during Bleedout.

Still no fix for Ember Pyraxis Chest Plate and Shoulder Pads, as well as Sevagoth Glaukus Shoulder Armor, using Warframe colors rather than Attachment colors when customizing.

Please change abilities like Khora's Whipclaw not benefitting from Archon Stretch and the like. They are abilities, and the logic for exempting them from "On ability damage" Archon mods does not make sense. On the topic of Khora, please give Venari and Venari Prime base shields. There is no reason for Venari to completely lack any shields baseline.

Please give the Veilbreaker store some evergreen items to spend Kahl's Stock on to keep weekly Veilbreaker stuff at least somewhat relevant after nabbing all of the Styanax parts, Archon mods, etc. 

The Maginav Prime Signa still sits too high, but it is better than release date. Please continue adjusting it. The Ember Heirloom Signa is also too high still.

Please give Sevagoth Prime's Shadow a "Toggle Prime Details" option for skins. The Primed Shadow not having increased stats at all is also quite disappointing. Being able to equip Signas on the Shadow would be nice too.

Can we get an update on Stalker mode, now that we've had Jade Shadows and a Stalker themed Nightwave? Last time we heard about it the game mode was finished and working, but wasn't implemented due to "lore concerns." Has it been abandoned?

Edited by DawnoftheWhiteFury
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