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Warframe Builder


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On 2020-08-17 at 4:24 PM, (PS4)ru2cool said:

I wanted to report that the Venari Bodyguard augment is missing for Khora.

thanks for the report, added to the list!

On 2020-08-25 at 10:54 PM, Beam_Hat said:

Probably a bug or an oversight, we can't seem to have access to weapons exilus mods for companions weapons, even though we can use them in-game.

I see some exilus mods (albeit nolonger tagged that way due to the way the system is) show up as available, like Overview, but other mods like Twitch, are not available. Part of the reason for this is that these mods are classified as pvp (whereas Overview was demarked as such) and sentinel weapons weren't allowed to equip pvp mods at one point. So definitely an oversight. Will add to the list of things to look at resolving.

18 hours ago, GaussDeath said:

Reporting that the Primed Rubedo Lined Barrel is missing from the Velocitus mod options. 

It is missing due to it being added in U28, which has not gone fully live to the site yet. It was also missing from the to-do list though so it has been added, thanks for bringing it up otherwise it would have truly been missed!

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On 2020-06-30 at 12:23 AM, iamahumanPrime said:

One thing i noticed for Baruuk's Desert wind modding is that there is a wrong polarity given by default. Desert wind has 2 madurai and 1 Vazarin symbol by default but the site shows 2 madurais and 1 naramon. I'd like to see this change as soon as possible 😄

Just a heads-up! This change has been made live as of right now! Please let us know if there are any other issues with Baruuk's Desert Wind!

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Velocitus is missing the multishot checkbox for the Charged, Atomosphere, and Atomosphere charged options. 

If you have the multishot checkbox checked it will retain that setting for each of the above options. 
If you have the multishot checkbox unchecked it will also retain that setting for each of the above options. 
It requires that you switch back to Normal to check/uncheck the box, then go to the option you want. 

Edit: On Warframe-builder the Velocitus is also missing the Magnetic damage line. 

Edit #2: When adding the mod Critical Focus, it does not add the damage component of the mod when the Critical box is turned off. I cannot tell if it is adding it when it is turned on. (Note: Aim is switched on, that is not the problem.)
It should be adding the +60% damage when aiming, even when the critical box is turned off. 

Edited by GaussDeath
Missing Magnetic damage, and Critical Focus comment
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warframe-builder is discontinued, is it not?

I can sort of understand, that Xaku is not implemented yet - but Inaros Prime as well is not; and he is in the game for almost a whole month now...

too bad 😞

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Using v84.0.4147.135 of Chrome on Win10 Pro.  I found a problem with a mod - Directed Convergence, the mod for the Supra and Supra Vandal.  This mod is an Exilus mod, and should be able to me slotted into the Exilus slot for these weapons.  I cannot put this mod into the Exilus slot.  


Thank you for your help!


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2020-08-29 at 7:09 AM, GaussDeath said:

Velocitus is missing the multishot checkbox for the Charged, Atomosphere, and Atomosphere charged options. 

If you have the multishot checkbox checked it will retain that setting for each of the above options. 
If you have the multishot checkbox unchecked it will also retain that setting for each of the above options. 
It requires that you switch back to Normal to check/uncheck the box, then go to the option you want. 

Edit: On Warframe-builder the Velocitus is also missing the Magnetic damage line. 

Edit #2: When adding the mod Critical Focus, it does not add the damage component of the mod when the Critical box is turned off. I cannot tell if it is adding it when it is turned on. (Note: Aim is switched on, that is not the problem.)
It should be adding the +60% damage when aiming, even when the critical box is turned off. 

Thanks for the information, I will take a look at it after finishing U28 batch of updates, so soonest it will be out will be in the U29 updates, or sooner if it turns out to be something simple that can be corrected without causing major problems for the update.

On 2020-08-30 at 12:20 PM, Y0rg0 said:

warframe-builder is discontinued, is it not?

I can sort of understand, that Xaku is not implemented yet - but Inaros Prime as well is not; and he is in the game for almost a whole month now...

too bad 😞

It is not. You can see this post for some more information on why the update has been delayed, as well as this post to see current update progress. Edit: Update completed, should be live. Writing up update post now.

On 2020-09-02 at 11:05 AM, FuzzyPat said:

Using v84.0.4147.135 of Chrome on Win10 Pro.  I found a problem with a mod - Directed Convergence, the mod for the Supra and Supra Vandal.  This mod is an Exilus mod, and should be able to me slotted into the Exilus slot for these weapons.  I cannot put this mod into the Exilus slot.  


Thank you for your help!


Thanks for the report! I am finishing up the current batch of updates, but assuming this is a simple mistake I may be able to make this live sooner than later.

Edited by Kalbintion
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U28.x Changes are now available!

Are you a developer looking for a project to help out with? See bottom of post for more information!


  • Added Protea
  • Added Inaros Prime
  • Updated Trinity's Well of Life


  • Added Xoris
  • Added Velox
  • Added Stahlta
  • Added Stropha
  • Added Helstrum Companion Weapon
  • Added Panthera Prime
  • Added Karyst Prime
  • Updated Kuva Bramma
  • Updated Gardua's Talons
  • Updated Ivara's Artemis Bow
  • Fixed Kuva element + value showing on Archmelee's
  • Fixed Baruuk's Desert Wind Polarities


  • Added Blast shield
  • Added Hard Engage
  • Added Primed Rubedo Lined Barrel
  • Added Primed Cleanse Mods
  • Added Primed Smite Mods
  • Added Venari Bodyguard
  • Updated Vexing Retaliation, Shocking Speed, Tidal Impunity, Neutron Star, Piercing Roar for 'Proc' to 'Status' text changes
  • Updated mod Cutting Edge
  • Updated Dizzying Rounds to be usable on Bronco Prime
  • Verified and Corrected all Riven selection options
    • Was missing the following:
      • Additional Combo Count Chance
      • Initial Combo
      • Combo Efficiency
    • Removed the following:
      • Channeling Damage (Removed in melee 3.0)
      • Channeling Efficiency (Removed in melee 3.0)
      • Slam Impact (Seems to be a leftover from a mistake)
    • Reported by dardo93
  • Updated Acolyte Mods for Exalted Weaponry
    • Following Mods are no longer available on their respective exalted weaponry
      • Weeping Wounds
      • Body Count
      • Hydraulic Crosshairs
      • Sharpened Bullets
      • ARgon Scope
      • Bladed Rounds
      • Spring-Loaded Chamber
      • Catalyzer Link
    • Reported by iamahumanPrime


  • Fixed a site flaw kindly reported via demonstration by tnAnGel


The following update, U29, Heart of Deimos may be broken up into multiple updates for the site. Due to the nature of some things introduced with it and the sites inability at this current stage to handle them (ie: modular weapons, or companions in this case) I will be making it a priority to create a system that will allow us to have such modular things being available. However, when this system is completed I do not know as I am currently solo on the project with Stoi's help from time to time when I need it. This is one of the major reasons why this update was delayed by so long. That and other things I had mentioned in a previous post that came up. With that said...


Thanks to Stoi for writing this up!


For the adventure to continue in the best conditions, Warframe Builder is looking for a web developer to help with the updates and the development of new features.


First of all, this is not a paid job. You'll get nothing but the fun to work on the project in return, the necessary costs are barely covered, there's no money involved. If you expect something else than just be part of the team and/or expand your skills, then you should pass your way. If you are fine with this, you can continue reading.


We are looking for a web developer, primarily front-end (JS++/HTML/CSS) but also with some back-end knowledge (SQL and PHP) to help us with the updates and new features. Knowledge of node.js and Github will help too. There are tools that exists to help get the job done, but a lot of things still require manual input. As we need someone that can be quickly operational, we prefer someone that can justify some experience in web development, able to quickly get used to the current code and to the way we work (though there's nothing special to be afraid of besides the state of the code). We also have very few ways to judge your motivation, so being a long time player and/or active in the community (forums) will count too. We're looking for a long-term partner to ensure the future of the app, not someone coming for 2 weeks. You should be able to speak English good enough to be understood and be able to join our Discord server.


We don't expect you to work 5 hours a day on Warframe Builder. We are looking for someone who wants to dedicate a few hours a week to keep the app online and updated. Something like 3 or 4 hours a week on average should be more than enough as Kalbintion is already working on this, so the work will be split. Might need a few more hours for the first days to get used to everything, but over time, that's what we expect, on average. We also expect you to be communicative enough, be it for problems, suggestions or random talk. Communication will help transform problems into solutions, and distance into friendship.


If you are interested and think your profile is what we need, please contact Kalbintion#8371 on Discord. We'll be glad to talk with you and see if we can work together.

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Hey @Kalbintion, Gamer-Steve again :)


I just wanted to report a few minor things, and let me know if you need more information, or the links to the builds (I can set them to public in that case) if you need to see / test them firsthand.

A little bit ago I noticed that the site has Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel (Very glad to see it finally! Well worth the wait; it's been a fair while since I logged on), and so I updated my Imperator Vandal and Kuva Ayanga builds with that in mind, to replace the regular Rubedo-Lined Barrel. But after saving the edits, I noticed something surprising;

  • The hypothetical stats I put into a riven mod for the Ayanga's General-Purpose build & Atmospheric build were reset to blank states (Basically a 0 capacity mod that has no positive or negative attributes of any kind), after editing & saving each particular build with Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel.
    • I'm not 100% sure of what caused that on my end, but I'd be glad to post the build links if you need them. Thankfully on a discord server with some friends of mine from Job Corps, the stats of that hypothetical riven were saved, so in the future when that is resolved I'll be able to redo the rivens and re-edit the build. So there's no super-rush on it.
  • Other than that, (Not sure if this is currently on the list) one other thing I noticed a good while back (It may be a month or two back at least) that the Deadly Efficiency mod's "reload from empty" event toggle doesn't appear to affect any Archgun damage numbers. Currently the only Archgun builds I have are the Vandal and Ayanga, so I'm not personally 100% sure about Deadly Efficiency not working for all other archguns at the moment.


Thanks for hearing me out on those things briefly! If I come across any other bits like that I'll be sure to let you know when I can.

Edited by (NSW)Gamer-Steve
I wanted to clarify that the Imperator Vandal's build was not affected by that riven website bug! It may be just affecting the Ayanga, and / or other archguns.
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18 hours ago, ki11em said:

Inaros prime was just added but he has the wrong polarities:  2 vazarin and a zenurik instead of 2 vazarin and a madurai.  Not a big deal just fyi

Must've been a typo when I went to add Inaros Prime! My bad, will update in about 5 hours from now to correct the problem as I am currently busy doing another thing.

On 2020-09-14 at 3:52 AM, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

Hey @Kalbintion, Gamer-Steve again :)


I just wanted to report a few minor things, and let me know if you need more information, or the links to the builds (I can set them to public in that case) if you need to see / test them firsthand.

A little bit ago I noticed that the site has Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel (Very glad to see it finally! Well worth the wait; it's been a fair while since I logged on), and so I updated my Imperator Vandal and Kuva Ayanga builds with that in mind, to replace the regular Rubedo-Lined Barrel. But after saving the edits, I noticed something surprising;

  • The hypothetical stats I put into a riven mod for the Ayanga's General-Purpose build & Atmospheric build were reset to blank states (Basically a 0 capacity mod that has no positive or negative attributes of any kind), after editing & saving each particular build with Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel.
    • I'm not 100% sure of what caused that on my end, but I'd be glad to post the build links if you need them. Thankfully on a discord server with some friends of mine from Job Corps, the stats of that hypothetical riven were saved, so in the future when that is resolved I'll be able to redo the rivens and re-edit the build. So there's no super-rush on it.
  • Other than that, (Not sure if this is currently on the list) one other thing I noticed a good while back (It may be a month or two back at least) that the Deadly Efficiency mod's "reload from empty" event toggle doesn't appear to affect any Archgun damage numbers. Currently the only Archgun builds I have are the Vandal and Ayanga, so I'm not personally 100% sure about Deadly Efficiency not working for all other archguns at the moment.


Thanks for hearing me out on those things briefly! If I come across any other bits like that I'll be sure to let you know when I can.

What stats are you using for the Ayanga build riven? As it was working locally with that mod before the update went out. Rivens is something i had to test due to the changes with them and i tested some of the mods at the same time. Providing the build link would be helpful in tracking down what exactly is going on with that.

As for the Deadly Efficiency mod, I am unsure why it wouldnt toggle damage for archguns but I will take a look into that. May ask Stoi for some insight as the toggle states is something he implemented a while back at this point and I never had a reason to touch them yet. Thanks for the reports.

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3 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

What stats are you using for the Ayanga build riven? As it was working locally with that mod before the update went out. Rivens is something i had to test due to the changes with them and i tested some of the mods at the same time. Providing the build link would be helpful in tracking down what exactly is going on with that.

As for the Deadly Efficiency mod, I am unsure why it wouldnt toggle damage for archguns but I will take a look into that. May ask Stoi for some insight as the toggle states is something he implemented a while back at this point and I never had a reason to touch them yet. Thanks for the reports.

Sure thing; I've set both builds for public use now :)

(I had a wee bit of trouble with saving them as public instead of private, but I made it work by accessing the build links from the text channel on Discord while being logged into the site)

  • (The issue that occurred was that the edit button wouldn't save it, so upon reloading the page I noticed I was logged out again, so the edit button itself may be alright! I'm not sure why the site logged me out, but it's not a serious / relevant issue at the moment)


Both builds I made for the Ayanga use the same hypothetical riven, and the builds were made with the same polarities in mind (So you can easily switch between General-purpose & Atmospheric use).

+ 26% crit chance
+ 70% multishot
+ 80% heat 
(Any harmless negative here)

- Kuva Element: Heat 60%

- Number of elements in build: 2-3, depending on the shot vs the explosion

Ayanga build links:


With that riven, the Ayanga is pushed up to 100.1% critical chance (If the riven were able to be saved; I haven't tried to redo the riven and see if it works yet)! With that, enhancing the Ayanga's natural heat element by that much increases it to just below the viral damage (Which theoretically is ideal for status-proc weighting, so viral procs may occur slightly more often, if not before heat status procs).

  • (In case it's relevant, I wanted to include the Kuva element, etc. with all this too)

As for Deadly Efficiency, the Atmospheric build uses that instead of Hollowed bullets due to how Archguns reload in atmospheric conditions. I noticed that when you load the build from the website (Probably doesn't matter where you get the Atmospheric link from), that "reload from empty" was already toggled on, if it helps to know! I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, but checking that toggle on & off didn't seem to affect anything still.

To leave no stone unturned, this is my Empyrean build for the Imperator Vandal:   (Of course it also works great in ground missions too!)

  • http://warframe-builder.com/s/ffa66a617dd71b7f
    • The riven for this is not hypothetical; I was able to roll it after numerous tries, and in turn the weapon's served me very well ever since!
      + 48.8% multishot
      + 68% puncture
      + 104.7% cold
      - 53.9% impact

All things considered, it may be only a coincidence that the rivens became un-savable after putting in Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel, considering that the Imperator Vandal Build wasn't affected by that.

Edited by (NSW)Gamer-Steve
I thought I should also provide my Empyrean build for the Imperator to cover all the bases. It doesn't use Deadly Efficiency though, as far as that goes.
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Kalb, I wanna help you guys but I'm not good with code. I would like to help this little website as I genuinely love it as it helps fuel my builds and load-outs. If theres a means I can do to test or help I would love to give it a shot. Hell if theres a specific program  could learn let me know as I would love to lean to code.

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On 2020-09-15 at 5:12 AM, ki11em said:

Inaros prime was just added but he has the wrong polarities:  2 vazarin and a zenurik instead of 2 vazarin and a madurai.  Not a big deal just fyi

Polarities have been corrected! Let us know if theres any other issues! Thanks again for letting us know. Gotta love a typo.

18 hours ago, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

Sure thing; I've set both builds for public use now :)

-- snip --

The builds don't technically need to be public. A link to the build would be enough info to get it as the link includes all the mod etc data we need to get the build itself. Even using the short url (which respects private builds and wont show someone it if they dont have permission, ie: not you, which is what you experienced) is enough as we have the ability to see what the short url actually is intended to link to :) If u wanna re-mark it as private it is perfectly fine to do so. Thanks for the extended information on this problem, I will be looking into it in more depth to see what's going on.

As for the logging out issue? Could be as simple as your browser having cleared cookies. The site uses a cookie to track your login session. This is cleared by logging out, closing the browser (depending on settings), the cookie expiring (should happen after a few, 5ish, days of not being on the site), or manually clearing cookies.

5 hours ago, (PS4)Michal_576_ said:

Kalb, I wanna help you guys but I'm not good with code. I would like to help this little website as I genuinely love it as it helps fuel my builds and load-outs. If theres a means I can do to test or help I would love to give it a shot. Hell if theres a specific program  could learn let me know as I would love to lean to code.

I will bring this up with Stoi to see what he thinks. We are mostly looking for someone who can help more or less now (ignoring time spent learning the systems in place etc a bit, I wouldn't ever expect anyone to instantly know everything and expect it to take a few weeks) with everything rather than diving in head-first to coding, reading others code, and learning what we have and what needs to be done. I thank you for the offer on this though for sure and will report back (or maybe Stoi will) on any decision etc. If it means anything, you're the first to offer help since the post for it.

Edit: Michal, if you are seriously interested in learning to code... (open spoiler for more info, did it cuz post got long)


Look at applications such as Notepad++, Eclipse, Komodo, NetBeans, among many many other IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). I personally use Notepad++ for everything warframe-builder related but also use Eclipse for other projects of mine.

As for learning to code itself, there are plenty of resources out there to learn how to code. From videos to articles to tutorials written. Oracle themselves (authors behind Java and Javascript) even have an entire tutorial section on their site. PHP even has some info on their tutorial page as well to kinda get the idea about it.

I also recommend reading into how stuff like GitHub works (what we use), or other sites like SourceForge, Jenkins, etc work. There are a ton out there that help manage file edit histories, automated building of applications and testing, etc. Most of these are very much commonplace among developer teams. Even at big corporations.

If you're more interested in web development, I highly recommended you look into web server software such as IIS, Apache or Abyss Web Server. They more or less all act the same with a different server management system back-end UI being different. I personally use IIS and Abyss Web Server, but the builder site itself runs on Apache (something that may have been noticed in past site-wide issues being down and a 500 error code being returned). Another person who was helping but hasn't been able to lately actually runs IIS and Apache.

There are also packages put together such as WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySql, PHP) or LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP) that make the installation and start-up process much faster and smoother than trying to learn and install all these different types of software and making them all work together nicely. MySQL isnt the only database software solution, but it is what we use (and would highly recommend using it over any other if you end helping us) as theres also MsSQL (Microsofts), and other various solutions out there for different purposes.


Edited by Kalbintion
Adding info for michal
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20 hours ago, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:


So this is interesting. The issue is reproducible only on the Kuva Ayanga. Tested it with other archguns and it didnt fail. Tested it with other kuva weapons and it didnt fail. Even tested the ayanga with only the riven mod on and it failed. Even changed the element to something non-heat and it still failed. 

I say fail though, however its not entirely failing. The value is being saved but upon the build being edited (or saved the first time) when it goes to reload the information because it was stored, it is failing then and only then. Going into "My builds" page and clicking back into the build loads up the kuva value + riven values as expected. But this only happens with the Kuva Ayanga.

I will need to speak with Stoi about this to see if he has any ideas on why this may be the case as its odd that its only happening with this particular kuva weapon that also happens to be an archgun and not any other archgun or kuva weapon. In the interim, I do have a couple ways to "bypass" the issue for the time being in the event you need to edit the build.

Option one is to reload the build from your "My builds" page every time you edit the build. Option two, if you're fine with opening up the developer console (CTRL+SHIFT+I on Chrome, I believe FireFox as well) you can actually access the old Riven import/export system that you may remember if you were around back when Rivens were first introduced to the site. If you type in: warframeBuilder.exportRivenMod(); and hit enter, you should get a string response, something like "WyIxIiwiMTgiLFsiY2hhbmNlc19kZV9jcml0aXF1ZSIsIjI2IiwidGlyX211bHRpcGxlIiwiNzAiLCJmZXUiLCI4MCIsInpvb20iLCItMTAiXV0=" If you then copy this data, and upon editing the build then use that string combined with warframeBuilder.importRivenMod("that string you obtained"); then itll load the riven information back into the build. This is a quick painless alternative for me as I'm used to doing weird things like this for random stuff, but I do not know your circumstances and wished to at least mention this second option to "fixing" it in the meantime if you are fine with this, otherwise I'd just recommend option 1. At least a few means to "fix" the issue until the underlying problem is found and resolved.

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3 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

So this is interesting. The issue is reproducible only on the Kuva Ayanga. Tested it with other archguns and it didnt fail. Tested it with other kuva weapons and it didnt fail. Even tested the ayanga with only the riven mod on and it failed. Even changed the element to something non-heat and it still failed. 

I say fail though, however its not entirely failing. The value is being saved but upon the build being edited (or saved the first time) when it goes to reload the information because it was stored, it is failing then and only then. Going into "My builds" page and clicking back into the build loads up the kuva value + riven values as expected. But this only happens with the Kuva Ayanga.

I will need to speak with Stoi about this to see if he has any ideas on why this may be the case as its odd that its only happening with this particular kuva weapon that also happens to be an archgun and not any other archgun or kuva weapon. In the interim, I do have a couple ways to "bypass" the issue for the time being in the event you need to edit the build.

Option one is to reload the build from your "My builds" page every time you edit the build. Option two, if you're fine with opening up the developer console (CTRL+SHIFT+I on Chrome, I believe FireFox as well) you can actually access the old Riven import/export system that you may remember if you were around back when Rivens were first introduced to the site. If you type in: warframeBuilder.exportRivenMod(); and hit enter, you should get a string response, something like "WyIxIiwiMTgiLFsiY2hhbmNlc19kZV9jcml0aXF1ZSIsIjI2IiwidGlyX211bHRpcGxlIiwiNzAiLCJmZXUiLCI4MCIsInpvb20iLCItMTAiXV0=" If you then copy this data, and upon editing the build then use that string combined with warframeBuilder.importRivenMod("that string you obtained"); then itll load the riven information back into the build. This is a quick painless alternative for me as I'm used to doing weird things like this for random stuff, but I do not know your circumstances and wished to at least mention this second option to "fixing" it in the meantime if you are fine with this, otherwise I'd just recommend option 1. At least a few means to "fix" the issue until the underlying problem is found and resolved.

That's pretty surprising! I haven't used the dev console on Chrome much before, but I might see how that works. I imagine the rivens were implemented long before I first began Warframe though :)


It's good to know some possible cases where the riven fails to load up properly too; I can confirm on my end that simply accessing the build using the link from my Discord, brings you to the build but with the riven being reset to that blank state. I appreciate your help with those alternate solutions around the issue @Kalbintion :)


It's not a major rush to be honest; I've been going through the 38 or so builds (So far) I made for various things (Mostly frame builds, then weapons after those were done), since the friend who started that Discord server thought of a new way to organize the builds I made for everybody there. The Ayanga builds are already saved publicly at this point, so there's no worries on that issue time-wise.

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14 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

Look at applications such as Notepad++, Eclipse, Komodo, NetBeans, among many many other IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). I personally use Notepad++ for everything warframe-builder related but also use Eclipse for other projects of mine.

As for learning to code itself, there are plenty of resources out there to learn how to code. From videos to articles to tutorials written. Oracle themselves (authors behind Java and Javascript) even have an entire tutorial section on their site. PHP even has some info on their tutorial page as well to kinda get the idea about it.

I also recommend reading into how stuff like GitHub works (what we use), or other sites like SourceForge, Jenkins, etc work. There are a ton out there that help manage file edit histories, automated building of applications and testing, etc. Most of these are very much commonplace among developer teams. Even at big corporations.

If you're more interested in web development, I highly recommended you look into web server software such as IIS, Apache or Abyss Web Server. They more or less all act the same with a different server management system back-end UI being different. I personally use IIS and Abyss Web Server, but the builder site itself runs on Apache (something that may have been noticed in past site-wide issues being down and a 500 error code being returned). Another person who was helping but hasn't been able to lately actually runs IIS and Apache.

There are also packages put together such as WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySql, PHP) or LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP) that make the installation and start-up process much faster and smoother than trying to learn and install all these different types of software and making them all work together nicely. MySQL isnt the only database software solution, but it is what we use (and would highly recommend using it over any other if you end helping us) as theres also MsSQL (Microsofts), and other various solutions out there for different purposes.


Thank you mate. I will take this info for use. I feel if i can learn to code i can do more for this Than just sit around and just mess with builds till i can find a bug or two.

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Here's the post to look to for anything U29 related in terms of update progress. There's some things marked off already but still plenty to do.

Just like before, this post is literally a copy/paste from our github PR on the matter and thus it isnt the best suited for the forums here. When the update is finished I'll then spend the time making it look pretty here rather than the markdown that Github uses.

As a refresher or for those who don't know, those marked with an [x] are complete. Those marked with an [ ] are incomplete. Just because its completed on the list doesn't make it available on the site just yet.



- [x] Add Xaku
  - [ ] Modified in U29.1
- [ ] Add Necramech
- [ ] Update all frames for Helminth System
   - Requires updated system, may be pushed to future update
- [ ] Update Mag's Magnetize

- [x] Add [Trumna](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Trumna)
- [x] Add [Sepulcrum](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Sepulcrum)
  - [ ] Modified in U29.1
- [x] Add [Zymos](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Zymos)
- [x] Add [Keratinos](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Keratinos)
- [x] Add [Cortege](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Cortege)
- [x] Add [Mausolon](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mausolon)
- [x] Add [Quassus](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Quassus)
- [x] Update [Quellor](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Quellor)

- [ ] Add Prime Exclusive Mods
  - [x] [Bhisaj-Bal (Paris Prime)](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Bhisaj-Bal)
  - [x] [Damzav-Vati (Akbronco Prime)](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damzav-Vati)
  - [x] [Hata-Satya (Soma Prime)](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Hata-Satya)
  - [x] [Zazvat-Kar (Akstiletto Prime)](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Zazvat-Kar)
- [ ] Add K-Drive Mods
  - [x] [Primo Flair](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Primo_Flair)
  - [ ] [Bomb The Landin'](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Bomb_The_Landin%27) --- Verify rank values, were ? at time of creating. Guessed values based on other mods and DE history.
  - [x] [Juice](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Juice)
  - [x] [Vapor Trail](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vapor_Trail)
- [ ] Add Mod Set: Saxum
  - [x] [Saxum Carapace](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Saxum_Carapace)
  - [x] [Saxum Spittle](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Saxum_Spittle)
  - [x] [Saxum Thorax](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Saxum_Thorax)
- [ ] Add Mod Set: Jugulus
  - [x] [Jugulus Carapace](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Jugulus_Carapace)
  - [x] [Jugulus Spines](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Jugulus_Spines)
  - [x] [Jugulus Barbs](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Jugulus_Barbs)
- [ ] Add Mod Set: Carnis
  - [x] [Carnis Carapace](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Carnis_Carapace)
  - [x] [Carnis Stinger](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Carnis_Stinger)
  - [x] [Carnis Mandible](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Carnis_Mandible)
- [ ] Add Necramech Mods
  - Mods added, but not yet available or confirmed
  - [x] [Necramech Vitality](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Vitality)
  - [x] [Necramech Refuel](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Refuel)
  - [x] [Necramech Pressure Point](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Pressure_Point)
  - [x] [Necramech Intensify](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Intensify)
  - [x] [Necramech Stretch](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Stretch)
  - [x] [Necramech Redirection](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Redirection)
  - [x] [Necramech Steel Fiber](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Steel_Fiber)
  - [x] [Necramech Thrusters](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Thrusters)
  - [x] [Necramech Reach](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Reach)
  - [x] [Necramech Blitz](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Blitz)
  - [x] [Necramech Slipstream](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Slipstream)
  - [x] [Necramech Continuity](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Continuity)
  - [x] [Necramech Seismic Wave](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Seismic_Wave)
  - [x] [Necramech Fury](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Fury)
  - [x] [Necramech Hydraulics](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Hydraulics)
  - [x] [Necramech Streamline](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Streamline)

- [ ] Add Predasites
   - Requires modular system, may be pushed to future update
  - [ ] Medjay Predasite
  - [ ] Pharaoh Predasite
  - [ ] Vizier Predasite
- [ ] Add Vulpaphyla
   - Requires modular system, may be pushed to future update
  - [ ] Crescent Vulpaphyla
  - [ ] Sly Vulpaphyla
  - [ ] Panzer Vulpaphyla

**Other Changes/Bug Fixes**
- [x] Add [Athodai](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Athodai)
- [x] Fix Inaros Prime polarities
  - **MADE LIVE**
- [x] Add Helstrum weapon image
- [x] Add Panthera Prime weapon image
- [ ] Velocitus reported missing Multishot on charged, atmosphere, atmosphere charged
  - Reported by [GaussDeath](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11805574)
- [x] Directed Convergence not marked as Exilus
  - **MADE LIVE**
  - Reported by [FuzzyPat](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11820080)
- [ ] Inspect Kuva Ayanga Riven saving failure
  - Reported by [(NSW)Gamer-Steve](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/page/169/?tab=comments#comment-11846760)
    - [Post 2](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/page/169/?tab=comments#comment-11850773)


U29: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1216407-heart-of-deimos-update-29/
H29.0.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1216573-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2901/
H29.0.2: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1217239-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2902/
H29.0.3: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1217375-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2903/
H29.0.4: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1218017-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2904/
H29.0.5: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1218594-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2905/
H29.0.6: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1220813-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2906/
H29.0.7: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1221646-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2907/
H29.0.8 + H29.0.8.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1224002-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2908-29081/
U29.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1225874-heart-of-deimos-update-2910/



Edited by Kalbintion
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On 2020-09-02 at 11:05 AM, FuzzyPat said:

Using v84.0.4147.135 of Chrome on Win10 Pro.  I found a problem with a mod - Directed Convergence, the mod for the Supra and Supra Vandal.  This mod is an Exilus mod, and should be able to me slotted into the Exilus slot for these weapons.  I cannot put this mod into the Exilus slot.  


Thank you for your help!


Wanted to let you know that this issue has been resolved! Let me know if theres any other problems!

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For zaws we should have a function where it has The strike and grip to help build them easier. For an example with the balla it should have a function where you scroll down the melee page you can see Balla Dagger and Balla Staff. Then when you click it it gives the option to chose the grip and weight to add or take away the stats. By doing it like this you can make an easier to handle system of build zaws/kitguns. This system can apply to other stuff like k drives or pets. But it’s a means to have it focus on stance and grips rather than needing to go to the build melee feature and putting in specific stats like crit, status, damage, and range for an example. Not 100% my idea but should be implemented 

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On 2020-09-17 at 2:41 AM, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

That's pretty surprising! I haven't used the dev console on Chrome much before, but I might see how that works. I imagine the rivens were implemented long before I first began Warframe though :)


It's good to know some possible cases where the riven fails to load up properly too; I can confirm on my end that simply accessing the build using the link from my Discord, brings you to the build but with the riven being reset to that blank state. I appreciate your help with those alternate solutions around the issue @Kalbintion :)


It's not a major rush to be honest; I've been going through the 38 or so builds (So far) I made for various things (Mostly frame builds, then weapons after those were done), since the friend who started that Discord server thought of a new way to organize the builds I made for everybody there. The Ayanga builds are already saved publicly at this point, so there's no worries on that issue time-wise.

The issue should hopefully be resolved. Let us know if there are any other problems with it or if there's still a problem. We have gotten it down to something that got removed accidentally during the riven validation of this past site update. It wouldn't of been something I had ever noticed personally but with the help of Stoi we were able to track down the issue and what was happening.

On 2020-09-17 at 10:46 AM, (PS4)Laughing_Beta said:

Thank you mate. I will take this info for use. I feel if i can learn to code i can do more for this Than just sit around and just mess with builds till i can find a bug or two.

Stoi actually made a suggestion on something you could help us with. Mod texts and translations (if you know French and/or Russian) - as there are mods that may have been missed in updating, or texts not being identical, to old systems Stoi used for capitalization etc that we are kinda getting rid of etc. Lemme know if youre interested with that. It would be a lot of manual database stuff. Something I could help set you up with if youre interested.

Edit: As an example, the display text for the mod "Redirection" is actually this: [u]+[1]% shield capacity[/u] in the database. That [u] is uppercase, that [1] is the bonus value. Well, that [u] tagging is old and shouldnt be used anymore. So it would need to be removed (and the rest of the text matched with in-game if it changed) so itd end up looking like: +[1]% Shield Capacity

10 hours ago, (PS4)Laughing_Beta said:

For zaws we should have a function where it has The strike and grip to help build them easier. For an example with the balla it should have a function where you scroll down the melee page you can see Balla Dagger and Balla Staff. Then when you click it it gives the option to chose the grip and weight to add or take away the stats. By doing it like this you can make an easier to handle system of build zaws/kitguns. This system can apply to other stuff like k drives or pets. But it’s a means to have it focus on stance and grips rather than needing to go to the build melee feature and putting in specific stats like crit, status, damage, and range for an example. Not 100% my idea but should be implemented 

Zaws and the other modular weapons are still on hold for implementing as they are a bit of a pain to add at this time since the site isnt really setup for it. May need to get this sooner rather than later though. The build page, for when this is actually implemented, should have drop downs for all of the parts and saved with what selection it was etc. Thats the initial intent with it anyway. Easier said than done type of thing.

9 hours ago, (PS4)Laughing_Beta said:

A issue with archmeele right now is the fact that the mod extend is showing up as 80% range which is probably from the old melee system. It should show up as +100m or +100 range (Meters is more accurate but if we’re going by exact it’s +100). 

The wiki for Extend

Interesting. Wonder if the melee mods Reach etc still have the same issue. Will take a look at it. Thanks.

Edited by Kalbintion
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2 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

Stoi actually made a suggestion on something you could help us with. Mod texts and translations (if you know French and/or Russian) - as there are mods that may have been missed in updating, or texts not being identical, to old systems Stoi used for capitalization etc that we are kinda getting rid of etc. Lemme know if youre interested with that. It would be a lot of manual database stuff. Something I could help set you up with if youre interested.

sadly im monolingual :( 

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Alrighty, as far as I can tell the Ayanga's riven issue is indeed resolved :)

I re-updated both builds with their hypothetical rivens' stats, and the website saved the information. Deadly Efficiency still didn't appear to change the damage on the atmospheric build, but that's alright for now. In theory, one way to figure out how much damage a particular weapon would do when D.E. activates is copy the damage you have currently, and multiply that by 2.2! I hope that helps in the meantime.

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