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Frost: 2/5/2014


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Its funny, snowglobe was really overpowered, now that it is on a normal balance level where every skill should be people start raging, because the game actually gets a bit more challenging.

I quit playing my frost because I was a bubble boy. This will make it more appealing as teams will get more creative. I think this will also make things more appealing for what DE has in mind.

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So we went from having a frame with 3 skills that don't scale well to all 4?

Frost needed a buff, not a nerf.


Freeze's change isn't a plus: Good players used it to their defensive advantage in it's current form. This change appears to kill that.

Snowglobe is supposed to be a stationary bulwark: the proposed changes make it a speedbump at best

No proposed changes to Icewave at all? That is literally his most useless skill and it gets to remain unchanged?


This is truly one of those instances where Grineeer needs to come in and explain his vision for this frame...  The suggestions here assert that Frost is going from a High defense/ low mobility/ poor scaling offense to Poorly scaling defense/ Low mobility/ Poorly scaling offense.


If there is a plus here maybe he can point it out to us.

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What can we do? Frost mains will be mad no matter what is said or done.

I wasn't there but this is probably how the Rhinos felt when Iron Skin was nerfed.


Good for you! You should've moved on a while ago. ;)


not the same, rhino iron skin granted god mode (like blessing now), then was nerfed / reworked , several times, until what we have today.


the globe, is not by any mean like rhino skin before the nerf, you are open to moas and napalm damage, even if you ever did some nice t3 defense (i wont go as far as a t3 50 minutes survival), there is tmes when you are surrounded, and the globe cant protect you.


i dont know what change i would propose for globe (i cant even understand how was OP, when blessing and molecular prime are still around) , but for certain not HP.

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Wrong. He is being nerfed. Frost is a very balanced frame. His globe isn't as allmighty as many think, as as soon as any enemy gets in at a high level, you're screwed.

They are making Frost weaker. He is a necessary team member for Defence.... and they're making him worse... just like they did with Vauban.
When I go online, I barely see any Vaubans now, and the same will happen for Frost...

I've lost the very high respect I had for the Devs now, now that they are nerfing good frames, and leaving the weak ones.

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It matters when something outside the AoE of Avalanche is filling you full of holes like swiss cheese while you're casting and unable to move or do anything.


That applies to all AOEs, you need to pay attention and cast smartly.

If this is the reason then all 4th skills should be sped up.

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ok if you are nerfing it to have limited health at least give it deflecting ability

give frosts more movement speed to compensate for lowered survivability

give his 1 aoe freeze

give his 4 more range and more dmg

and I think more dmg to his 2 - but its utter garbage anyway so might as well remove it

obviously you want to change him into offensive warframe so buff his offense and mobility


I think it would be fair if Scott would come out and explained on forums his vision to all the frames he is working on and the weapons that community is complaining about

Edited by syle
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Anyone that says Deal with it : Get off the forums.


Forums are here for us to voice our feedback, as long as something I love is going to be nerfed, then I will not deal with it. Frost is the defence frame, people use him for his defence ability. With this, he is requested and loved for it. However, now, it will greatly reduce that. IT'S HIS SPECIALTY in end game. All of his abilities are USELESS in anything above level 40. Snow Globe is the only thing. DO NOT CHANGE IT. 

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I understand and agree with the change to snowglobe. (mostly there is still a part that doesn't like it but ill get over it), however I would like to know if the new HUD will show health remaining of the snowglobe (and other affects like Ironskin) If so I have no problems with the idea.  The numbers may need tweaking, but that is easy and impossible to tell until its tried out.


The other two power changes seem like strict upgrades so I have zero complaints there.

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Hello there, as an avid fan of Frost I would like to say my feedback.


Do NOT change Snow Globe to health based.  First of all, it makes no sense. Second of all, it is an already balanced ability. It blocks all attacks from out which include your own weapons or your team's weapons which means it cannot be just spammed. Enemies don't take damage, they still come in the globe and can still attack you with the same amount of damage. It is his ONLY balanced ability please DO NOT CHANGE IT. Please.


The key word to note in this topic is : UTILITY. Because Utility > Damage. Always. Damage is not scaled good AT ALL in high level missions and so people have to rely on Utility. Every frame needs Utility. Snow Globe is Frost's utility and making it damage based will remove that. In high level missions enemies do so much damage and there is always a lot of them, so needless to say, it will become useless. 

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