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Excalibur Radial Blind Needs A Slight Nerf


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OP makes a point and majority of responses are equivalent to YOU ARE DUMB POOPY HEAD AND DUMB BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE WITH ME, and when you go get down to it all these people calling the OP dumb sound 100x more stupid than him. I agree that it is broken but that's pretty much every older frame. This game really isn't challenging at all once you get modded up, DE really needs to redo abilities, the enemies, mods and/or the energy system for this game's end game to be taken seriously at all.... I know for a fact, I actually enjoyed the game more as a low level or playing a weaker frame like zephyr.

Right now sadly an ability that shuts down everything in a 58m radius is quite balanced compared to the majority of the frames. Really when it comes down to it, it should not neccessarily be nerf excalibur, but DE has to rethink making I win buttons that can be spammed continously not the norm. Especially when a warframe like excalibur is considered balanced or weak by the majority of the community. But thats just how warframe is designed currently, you become a demi-god once you get all your mods and challenge goes out the window.

Edited by Oishii
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OP makes a point and majority of responses are equivalent to YOU ARE DUMB POOPY HEAD AND DUMB BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE WITH ME, and when you go get down to it all these people calling the OP dumb sound 100x more stupid than him.

I agree that it is broken but that's pretty much every older frame. This game really isn't challenging at all once you get modded up, DE really needs to redo abilities, the enemies, mods and/or the energy system for this game's end game to be taken seriously at all.... I know for a fact, I actually enjoyed the game more as a low level or playing a weaker frame like zephyr.


All the "You're dumb" posts are neither constructive nor meaningful. The least you people can do is provide an elaboration of why you think OP is unreasonable etc.

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Why can't there be a downvote option... *EDIT* I can see why he'd consider it OP but with that and Super jump being his only two usable powers (well, Slash Dash is good for dashing past rows of enemies for an escape or revive)at 'End Game' Blind really helps Excalibur remain viable at later levels. If you want his abilities adjusted, all abilities need adjusted, because the way DE is making this game, I feel powers like Radial Blind need to stay.

Edited by Hastur609
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On the list of priorities looking at Excalibur is not very high. This isn't to say "He is fine," but more inline with how he is a bigger one trick pony than frost ever was. He would need to be redesigned if radical build was to be changed (really what else does he have that works?).

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seriously.. isnt it time to lock this troll thread ?


OP obviously just made it to stir everybody up and its obviously not serious or even related to the truth based on the general consensus from the vast multitude of players saying otherwise


this is just wasting time and detracting input from other real and important issues in the game that need addressing 


so many warframes need overhauls/buffs we dont have time for this nonsense 


on behalf of the community i apologize to any of the developers who have had their precious time sunk in this thread but hopefully that was avoided and logic/reason prevailed 

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Badd argument. This is metagame. Excal only usable higher levels with this ability.

And if you want to nerf excal, then almost half the frames should be too ...

Did you try a max range radial disarm loki on everything but infested ... yes ... see?


I see your point, but excal really has to keep this possibility, for it's late game viability.

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during the "protect the mobile shield event" we just had, I pushed 1, the mobile core took 0 damage, event won.


I can SOLO anything... literally...  wave 1000000000  is meaningless to me, since combat is off.

I fail to see how people think turning combat off is not, game breaking?


I could set a macro to push 2 every 19 seconds, go afk in t3 void for 2 months and come back to see how many waves my sentinel has killed

Edited by HawktheHeavy
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I play Excal exclusively for several reason like aesthetics but mostly due to the fact his ultimate really cant be cheesed like so many other frames like Nova or Vauban.  His Radial Javelins require line of sight and can't really be spammed ad nauseam.  Most people would consider this the reason Excal sucks but I think its an example of what Ultimates should be - Used intermittently, smartly, and skillfully.


I only recently encountered the potential abuse of Blind while playing the newest Mission type.  One Excal was blinding enemies on the other side of the map.  Handy, no doubt, but like so many other abilities, it trivialized the mission and detracted from the challenge.


The biggest joke is there were so many "broken" abilities in this game BEFORE the introduction of Corrupted Mods.  After their release all I could do was shake my head as they made already a bad situation, worse.  And good luck expecting DE to rectify the issue now that the playerbase EXPECTS to be overpowered.


Oh and exposing these abuses on the forums is largely worthless.  Most of the posters it seems are scared of challenge and want Warframe to be more of a "press 4 to win" game judging by the responses you get.

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I've been waiting for this topic ever since the call to nerf Trinity's Blessing.  Radial Blind is a little OP. But most of the community has no idea. I think perhaps the enemy behavior while blinded should be changed so that they take more shots while blinded. But the rest of Excal's kit is really lackluster without his potent Blind. So I wouldn't want to see Excal's defining ability nerfed into reduced utility by adding an enemy cap, or by making it so you can't recast while enemies are affected by the blind.

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I play Excal exclusively for several reason like aesthetics but mostly due to the fact his ultimate really cant be cheesed like so many other frames like Nova or Vauban.  His Radial Javelins require line of sight and can't really be spammed ad nauseam.  Most people would consider this the reason Excal sucks but I think its an example of what Ultimates should be - Used intermittently, smartly, and skillfully.


I only recently encountered the potential abuse of Blind while playing the newest Mission type.  One Excal was blinding enemies on the other side of the map.  Handy, no doubt, but like so many other abilities, it trivialized the mission and detracted from the challenge.


The biggest joke is there were so many "broken" abilities in this game BEFORE the introduction of Corrupted Mods.  After their release all I could do was shake my head as they made already a bad situation, worse.  And good luck expecting DE to rectify the issue now that the playerbase EXPECTS to be overpowered.


Oh and exposing these abuses on the forums is largely worthless.  Most of the posters it seems are scared of challenge and want Warframe to be more of a "press 4 to win" game judging by the responses you get.

Funny thing is that large majority of the players genuinely thinks that Excalibur sucks and don't know how good Radial Blind is, because its far from the most broken and abusable ability in the game. Seeing how many think its a 'troll thread'  only shows how little people really know this game.

 And Radial Blind  should only be touched after other gamebreaking abusable abilities are addressed.

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I hate threads like this. 

This comes across as:
"I just found out Excalibur is actually really good..."
(like all the starter frames are... doh)
"...Excalibur can't keep up with my Rhino stomp or Nova, qq"

All frames excel in something, it's like people want everything to be boring and useless.

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I hate threads like this. 

This comes across as:

"I just found out Excalibur is actually really good..."

(like all the starter frames are... doh)

"...Excalibur can't keep up with my Rhino stomp or Nova, qq"

All frames excel in something, it's like people want everything to be boring and useless.




In the last devstream, Scott said something that everyone is ignoring. He and the others didn't WANT the warframes to be balanced to each other. They wanted each to be unique. Unique styles, unique powers, unique advantages/disadvantages. Nobody seems to understand that. Or care.


'I have an idea! Let's make a bunch of carbon copies! All with the EXACT same powers. (oh, we will make them LOOK  a little different, but no more) Give them all the EXACT same animations, EXACT same EVERYTHING! PERFECT BALANCE! That is what we want!'


THIS is what I am reading a lot on this forum.




I play Warframe because it is DIFFERENT. Because playing Frost is different from playing Banshee or Ash. Because I can have fun playing Excalibur, or Mag, or Loki, or ANY of the other warframes.


I play to have fun. Not impart MY ideas of fun on everyone else.

Edited by Kalenath
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In the last devstream, Scott said something that everyone is ignoring. He and the others didn't WANT the warframes to be balanced to each other. They wanted each to be unique. Unique styles, unique powers, unique advantages/disadvantages. Nobody seems to understand that. Or care.


'I have an idea! Let's make a bunch of carbon copies! All with the EXACT same powers. (oh, we will make them LOOK  a little different, but no more) Give them all the EXACT same animations, EXACT same EVERYTHING! PERFECT BALANCE! That is what we want!'


THIS is what I am reading a lot on this forum.




I play Warframe because it is DIFFERENT. Because playing Frost is different from playing Banshee or Ash. Because I can have fun playing Excalibur, or Mag, or Loki, or ANY of the other warframes.


I play to have fun. Not impart MY ideas of fun on everyone else.

If you are reading this from the intelligent posters, you lack critical thinking.

Balance doesn't mean statistically the same, it isn't even in that category.

Sorry, but this was dumb enough that I HAD to necro this from 2nd page.


If you honestly believe this, you need to educate yourself about the subject you are speaking on.

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As far as I know, blinded enemies still react toward sound from gunfire and explosion. It's Excalibur's only ability that scale well in lategame. His actual ultimate ability.

Nerf it would be a mistake.


+1 to this.


  I've never been able to make javelins useful. that damage for that cost? i would rather do 4 slash and dash and look cooler while i do

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Seven rare mods, three of which are Corrupted and one of which is Nightmare, a Reactor and a Forma.

It's not like that's easy to do. It deserves to be powerful.


"Colossal" nerf? Set the power cost to 65 or 75. Done.


Otherwise, Excalibur needs buffs/changes.

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+1 to this.


  I've never been able to make javelins useful. that damage for that cost? i would rather do 4 slash and dash and look cooler while i do

The problem lies in their lack of punch-through or damaging ragdoll to reward smart "aiming" of the skill to make it effective vs crowds of later-game enemies.  Also heavy Grineer, but that's a problem everyone shares.  That said, it is possible to get nice damage and coverage out of the skill for only 25 energy through the Infested and Corpus level 30s. 

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also its worth reading the other thread in this forum subsection





nowhere in that is excalibur shown as being godlike/kickass.

Only shows how little people know the game, Radial Blind is one of the best CCs in the game (second only to Chaos, and even that is debatable)

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seriously.. isnt it time to lock this troll thread ?


OP obviously just made it to stir everybody up and its obviously not serious or even related to the truth based on the general consensus from the vast multitude of players saying otherwise



this would be true if other players where actually testing in game reading my feedback and not as somebody said, Blindly screaming no no no,

half of the people who replied to this post with QQ don't even know how the ability works, and have no idea what they are talking about.

case and point:


22 sec seriously? its only 5 sec blind



some players have actually seen this in game and know how powerful it is, Thankyou for your replys:


I only recently encountered the potential abuse of Blind while playing the newest Mission type.  One Excal was blinding enemies on the other side of the map.  Handy, no doubt, but like so many other abilities, it trivialized the mission and detracted from the challenge.





Thankyou to the people WHO ACTUALLY TRIED THIS and gave feedback either for or against.  The feedback from players who know how this works seemed to be, Yes its Overpowered but Who cares, so is Rhino stomp, Trinity blessing and other skills with Max corrupted mods.



I just wish the community listened read all of the post and tried things in game before making judgments based Wikia and Theory-craft.

Edited by Tatersail
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Guest Shibboleet

RB is one of the weaker aoe CC's, but all aoe ccs should be one of the things toned down if a balance pass ever comes through.

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