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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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I cant stand perfect world entertainment


They're the scum of F2P with their p2w and bad service


Get em out of here.

Could be Nexon no support buy 1 get 1 sales as events and no mods on forums RNG everywhere!

Edited by SarahApple
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At this point I think that even EA would be better. At least EA is a western publisher that can be reasoned with. Although, they have impressive record of running franchises into the ground. Whatever.

DE stuff may be even more concerned with this situation, I imagine. Since PwE know for their incomprehensible greed for short term profits, they will do anything to reduce the costs and increase profits. Not only making game unplayable P2W garbage but also firing a lot of valuable personnel to increase their profit margins or shift focus from Warframe to another S#&$ty IP that PwE will come up with. So, instead of new content and steady update pace we will get some poorly made cosmetics and p2w changes in marketplace. And this is best-case scenario if PwE will acquire major stake in DE.

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TL;DR: do not log in to Warframe for the time being, thank you.




DE probably cannot stop PWE from buying it. But you can.


I think this is the crucial first point to start with. This isn't necessarily DE's fault and even if DE doesn't want it, they probably can't stop it. The shareholders decide DE's fate, and if PWE is paying them a lot of money, they are going to sell. They don't care about Warframe or its community, they only care about the capital gains they make on their shares in the case of a buy-out.


This means that we cannot focus our rage and anger at DE, we have to focus it at PWE.


PWE shops around for games based on a number of faceless metrics, such as logins per day, average session length, peak concurrent users, average revenue per user, etc. They are not buying DE because they think players will like it, and will not be dissuaded from their purchase if players complain. Words are worthless to PWE: metrics are all that matter.


Forum posts do not matter to PWE. Complaints do not matter to PWE. Petitions do not matter to PWE.


There is only one channel through which we can voice our displeasure about the PWE takeover, and that is metrics.


The only way Warframe players can send any kind of meaningful message to PWE to have them call off the deal is by causing a sufficiently significant change in operating metrics that would have to be reported to the potential buyer during the process of lawful disclosure during the MNA (mergers and acquisitions) process.


PWE will absolutely drop the deal for DE if Warframe activity metrics falter significantly.


This is a challenge between the power of the community to stand up for their game (by refusing to play it at all) and the apathy that PWE is banking on.


PWE probably expects a few people to protest or to quit, and if a few of us do then they go ahead and destroy this game.


This is the community's chance to prove that it can't be ignored. And I'm not talking about some symbolic 1-hour walkout or a 24-hour boycott. I'm talking about not playing at all, even if they release a massive content patch, until we are certain that PWE is out of the picture.


Everyone who logs in to Warframe, for whatever purpose, is currently supporting the PWE buy-out of DE. Period. If you want to keep the game PWE-free, do not log in. Clan leaders should log in, set their MOTD to a notification about not logging in, and log out again.


Stay on the forums, stay active and make yourselves heard here, but absolutely do not log in to the game. Show DE the empty desert they'll have if PWE buys them out and then you can all return to the lush oasis of Warframe once this 11th plague has blown over.

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The thread started about 7h ago.


Now we are at 150+ pages on.


If DE doesn't get the message i don't know what will.



Don't worry, once it reaches 1033 stink they will call it a bug and go back to page 405 making it the new cap.

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I feel heartily disappointed... The main reason I was drawn to Warframe was the game itself, but Digital Extremes and the people who make it up, the Developers we get to see and hear from (which no other company that I know does), and the Community have been what have actually kept me here the longest. DE is the absolute ANTITHESIS of most all gaming companies, and the worst of those companies is generally wrapped up as and embodied in Perfect World Entertainment.


If this actually happens I'm sorry to say that I'll be gone. I just can't watch this game and company be turned into a pay-to-win shell of what it is now. I'd rather leave before it happens and have good memories of the people and game that Warframe is now than watch it die a slow death as PWE sucks it dry for every sent they can squeeze out of it without care for what it is and the people who love it.


I'm in total agreement with this post. I'm too busy in real life to put my full thoughts on the subject, but this post..yeah, this is what I'm thinking of right now.


One of the biggest things about DE that I loved was that they seemed to take pride in Warframe. It's their baby, their brainchild. And I believe it still is to the developers. But if PWI truly does take over, then...*sigh*


just...so depressed right now.




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What a load. I'll believe it when I see it.

Regardless, even if it did happen, which I doubt, it wouldn't be as bad as you lot think it would be.


Give it a damn chance. It hasn't even happened. We don't even know for sure if it will happen.


When DE confirms that this is/isn't happening, THEN you can start complaining/rejoicing.

 you really don't know bad pwe is do you ? ALL and I mean ALL games they touch die.

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I'm gonna level with you. We're talking about PWE here. PWE, F2P MMO behemoth. Lots of money rolling around here.


Do you really think that they'd bother with buying 5% of DE's stocks? Do you think that they're some sort of philanthropic business enterprise that supports promising titles?




There's a difference between jumping to conclusions randomly and arriving at a logically deduced conclusion. Sure, there's no hard evidence of the deal being finalized yet, but that doesn't mean people who are assuming the worst are likely to be far off-point.


I personally believe they'd bother with anything that would make them money. I don't think they're some evil empire out to destroy games for lulz, I just think they're a completely soulless company out to make as much money as they can.


PR must be pulling their hair out trying to put a positive spin on this.


I could easily see how to do it, but it depends on the specific agreement. PWE getting a controlling stake is going to be extremely difficult to spin favorably.

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****** Remember; this is about the GOOD THINGS that can come out of this. Keep the hate in the other threads******


Now the chance of getting a Catbrow jumped up like a 1,000%

Maybe there's going to be a cat skin for the Kubrow that you can purchase.



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^This. Like PWE would settle for 5% when they can buy a lot more and gain a foothold in Next-gen platforms? They're devious bastards, remember? Not morons. Unfortunately...

I'd say they're the epitome of idiocy; they pissed off the wrong community.


"Look before you leap"

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