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Warframe Ability Mods: Coming Changes


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I have to ask what about people like me who have used its frames abilities hundreds of times and spent all this time, and now my powers are going to get reset and i get some fusion cores to fix it, i feel like i wasted a lot of time.  


Not going to happen. Read the end of Rebecca's post.

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Oh wowowowowow, wait wait wait DE, stop right there! While the removal of abilitiy mods is great and such, looking at most of my warframes makes me really DISLIKE those coming changes. Most of my warframes are one-trick-ponies. My Nekros is completly dedicated to desecrating, Nova is there for her M-Prime and so on. So currently I have 1 aura slot + 10 mod slots. 1 mod slot is reseverd for the ability leaving me with 9 mod slots to modify my warframe and the ability. While this is a pretty tight fit for most of my builds allready you are now going to reduce the mod slots I can use to modify my stuff to 8? Great! This is by FAR the WORST nerf EVER!

Have you guys even thought this through? Why are you punishing us with every change you make?

Thanks, but no thanks I would rather keep the ability mods than having them removed with the current way you want to implement it.

Edited by Scr4mp
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Oh wowowowowow, wait wait wait DE, stop right there! While the removal of abilitiy mods is great and such, looking at most of my warframes makes me really DISLIKE those coming changes. Most of my warframes are one-trick-ponies. My Nekros is completly dedicated to desecrating, Nova is there for her M-Prime and so on. So currently I have 1 aura slot + 10 mod slots. 1 mod slot is reseverd for the ability leaving me with 9 mod slots to modify my warframe and the ability. While this is a pretty tight fit for most of my builds allready you are now going to reduce the mod slots I can use to modify my stuff to 8? Great! This is by FAR the WORST nerf EVER!

Have you guys even thought this through? Why are you punishing us with every change you make?

Thanks, but no thanks I would rather keep the ability mods than having them removed with the current way you want to implement it.

Adapt and survive, man. Your build is unlikely to be broken, it's just going to be narrowed a bit more and you might have to go  extremely glass cannon.

And on the plus side, you'll have some extra abilities to sling around because efficiency is great for everything.

Edited by Sidathe
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which slots get removed from the Warframes?
the down left and right one or the two down right?i rly have to know how i have to swap my polarities cause i formad every frame 5-8 times

Edited by -ExT-Vernoc
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Adapt and survive, man. Your build is unlikely to be broken, it's just going to be narrowed a bit more and you might have to go  extremely glass cannon.

And on the plus side, you'll have some extra abilities to sling around because efficiency is great for everything.

For me this will suck because I will lose an utility mod on most of my builds. My build will still be just as broken but my quality of life will be decreased.

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Oh wowowowowow, wait wait wait DE, stop right there! While the removal of abilitiy mods is great and such, looking at most of my warframes makes me really DISLIKE those coming changes. Most of my warframes are one-trick-ponies. My Nekros is completly dedicated to desecrating, Nova is there for her M-Prime and so on. So currently I have 1 aura slot + 10 mod slots. 1 mod slot is reseverd for the ability leaving me with 9 mod slots to modify my warframe and the ability. While this is a pretty tight fit for most of my builds allready you are now going to reduce the mod slots I can use to modify my stuff to 8? Great! This is by FAR the WORST nerf EVER!

Have you guys even thought this through? Why are you punishing us with every change you make?

Thanks, but no thanks I would rather keep the ability mods than having them removed with the current way you want to implement it.

I understand your frustration in this matter however your stance seems a bit unfair, I use 2 abilities per build for all my frames for different abilites per build and such and to have 2 extra mods slots opens up my gaming potential plus i can have access to all the powers i normal i to take off just to get the points to max out my used powers, now yes you lose 1 mod slot but gain all you powers and abilities, to me and probably many players we gain 2 slots and free up a lot of points  for better Long term frames.

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What about those who use Ults to level up quickly? Is that option denied? Do you have to get the skills one by one?


e.g. : Now that you have Aura mods (+10~18 points) , equip an ult > Kill mobs > level faster

Edited by Neah
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So if I have like 1000 Well Of Life's, what do I do with them? Will they just disappear, or will I get something for keeping them... of rather, if I have gold ability cards, should I transmute them while I have a chance, or... what? Can you please answer?

Read the OP.

What about my existing Ability Mods?

All existing Ability Mods won’t be rendered useless - they will be converted into Fusion Cores. Stay tuned for more information on the specifics of this conversion.

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I kinda called this... except I thought it would be in U16.




Little disapointed that we don't get to keep 10 slots for mods as this barely changes anything for most of my frames that I'm only using 2 skills on. Although I can't wait for my 10-15k+ fusion cores.

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when this change come will our ranked up abilities still be ranked up or will they reset? also what if we don't want all 4 abilities installed? will there ever be an option to turn them off? I don't keep all 4 abilities installed for a reason as it is and its not for more modding spaces its because every frame has one or 2 powers I don't like or don't use and rather than have them wasting space for me to scroll through with my D-pad I just have them left off. SO again I ask can we get away to "unequip" abilities we don't want


also not happy about loosing 2 mod slots, as many of my builds use all but 1 of those slots for non ability mods, the result could have a strong impact on some of my more delicate builds

Edited by Melos-mevim
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I'm a bit half and half about this, its a positive change certainly, reimbursing forma is great too. My concern is I don't think many of my current builds will actually fit in 8 slots, we'll have to see but this could really be an issue. Capacity wise they fit fine but with 8 slots I think there simply wont be enough slots to fit mods in on some of my frames.


As great as it is, this is just going to force people either further down the whole necessary mods and nothing else thing. I realise we can't really be given 4x blank polarity slots, it would give us too much capacity to play with by removing the negative capacity effect on 4 slots but I have genuine concerns about whether 8 slots is enough.


I guess theoretically, were gaining 2 blank slots and then since we're losing ability mods that frees up more slots so if you use 3+ abilities on current build youre better off, presumably what theyre trying to push people towards. If you have a frame set up for only one ability we're going to be losing a slot however, 2 ability frames break even.

Edited by Jag272
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Pls tell me which Frameslots from top left to right for example will give me my Forma's back and which polarisation of Frameskills will stay. As far as i can see my Ash/Saryn(mayby Volt too) builds are now for the garbage cause they depend on those Slot's... :-(

Sry i was waiting for Archwing but not that and note not all changes are good... ask Microsoft ^^


But i still have too say that i am happy about the other changes that i heared of (couldn't watch stream)

Edited by NaturalBornStoned
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So basically my desecrate only nekros is getting a nerf from 9 to 8 augmentation slots... The augmentation mods I use to boost desecrate make his other 3 abilities USELESS, and now I have to choose which of 9 mods to get rid of for this change...


Yikes, I totally forgot about my Nekros. I am currently leveling him after formaing the third ability slot. I only have 9-mod builds on him. That makes me like this change even less.

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so their decreasing the amount of mods we can have on a warframe? well that's not fun


Actually increase:


First we had 4 'Zenurik' polarity mod on each Warframe, plus the Aura one and 6 with either random or none polarity. A total of 10 slots + 1 Aura. From these 10 slots you had to take space for the WF abilities as well.


Now we get 8 mods, the original polarities we had previously and 2 no polarity ones, plus the Aura slot AND all the four Abilities.


Now, we have 8 slots that one can freely use. Before, even with multi-formaing, you were forced to sacrifice some abilities if you wanted to make best use for the frame.


Before, to get such a result you needed an extreme build that sacrificed two Abilities. 


You also have less need for Forma-ing now, since (If I understood it correctly) the Frame Abilities won't drain from the Capacity points pool.


Feel free to believe that's not fun, but to me is almost win-win.


Though by this point, if the Warframe abilities aren't really going to take from Capacity, I'd wish more for a full refound and amen.


It'll help the crazy people that forma'd a frame 4 or 5 times to reconsider and refit their build...

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Actually increase:



I use a lot of builds with 1 ability and 9 normal mods, thus losing one slot.


That won't make my builds worse for what they're meant but I'm losing an utility mod on most of my builds which will suck...

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What if I Forma’d/Polarized the 2 slots being removed?

Any Forma spent on Polarizing these 2 slots will be reimbursed.

And what of the exp gathered to level to 30 when those forma apply? The very first thing I do to new frames is get rid of at least 2 of the ability slots. Handing me 40 Forma is not recompense for THIRTY SIX MILLION lost frame XP.


I strongly encourage you to instead hand out a new item, like with the legendary cores, that allow you to add a polarity without leveling the frame to 30 again. Just don't make them tradeable this time :P.


For me this will suck because I will lose an utility mod on most of my builds. My build will still be just as broken but my quality of life will be decreased.

The forma bs and the changes to specialized builds may yet be the final push that gets me moving on to another game. I have neither the patience nor time to work out 20+ new frame builds focused on a single ability utilizing one less mod slot. It's a slap in the face to specialization builds.


When I read the top half of the post I assumed 9 slots PLUS the aura, which would make sense as it matches what we had before for specialized builds and provides extra slots for people with generic builds, allowing folks to use less mainstream mods.


And I'm still not gonna use crappy abilities, because I won't be modding for them so they'll still be crap. Just because I *can* cast Psychic Bolts now doesn't mean I'm gonna, especially with -60% PS.


A few patches back I wrote a wall of text about how DE seems to be slamming the door on 'creative' play. The 'play the game the way we tell you to' attitude seems to be prevalent these days. I'm rather disappointed in the continual reductions to effective non-mainstream gameplay.


Yikes, I totally forgot about my Nekros. I am currently leveling him after formaing the third ability slot. I only have 9-mod builds on him. That makes me like this change even less.

Wait till you discover you can't even *use* Desecrate till level 25. And they 'refunded' two of your Forma so now you have to level him to 30 twice more. ./facepalm

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I... have mixed feelings about this. I feel like leveling up frames is going to get really slow now if your abilities get sorta nerfed when your frame is low rank. Not to mention that we have 8 slots now for mods.. I have a couple of frames where I use 9 because only one ability is used.


Also.. can we get a confirmation that swapping your Forma's to the 6 middle slots will keep them save? I don't want to go through re-forma'ing my frames. Especially not Nekros...

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