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Hotfix 15.0.3


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Game's still messing up my computer something fierce. I think I might tinker with the settings a little more, but this is really ridiculous. I didn't have these problems with U14, not sure why U15 would suddenly cause Warframe to need double the amount of physical memory and processing power. It's not like Archwing missions are loaded in when I'm in the Liset, right?

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Game still crashes for me, and I'm playing in a PC that can handle Diablo 3 and LoL pretty well on decent settings (to clarify, this PC is a public computer, in a cybercafe).


After enduring a buttload of hours to update the game on my USB pen, it feels like a slap in the face when I try to play the game and keep getting crashes. The first two times I managed to login, but after a few seconds it would just stop and send me back to the desktop. After verifying the download cache and downloading another update (around 46MBs) the game simply wouldn't open the login screen, and I would get a message saying "Insufficient video memory".


Really off-putting, but I suppose this is what happens when we get something rushed. I will try again later in my laptop to see if I can (finally) play the Archwing quest missions. If not, welp, back to Diablo 3 I go, at least until DE rolls a few more fixes.


Update: I just tried to run the Archwing quest mission in my laptop, and the game crashes right after the Lotus finishes her opening statement. 


"This is the song that never ends..."

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With the new update I am having trouble leveling up, the bar under my name is only half way, but If I click 'Show Profile' then it says "Next Rank in 0" however I cannot claim, is this a bug in the new update? Also seems that Excalibur has been nerfed again, or at least his power stats, was this also meant to happen?

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Sounds like this might have been addressed by other players (as I just read above) - but can you adjust the controller settings soon on the PC?  I use a Xbox 360 Controller and I cant bound and unbound buttons.  I cant really play the game besides using the keyboard.  Please set the controller setting back to the original Update 14 style.  Thank you very much DE!  Like always we appreciate your hard work (I know I do).

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Crashes when loading the first Archwing mission.

Crashes when running in the clan dojo.

Crashes when loading multiple void and normal missions (Ceres. Pluto. Eris)

Crashes when entering extraction zone.


Edit:Crashes when trying to enter any lab in the dojo.

Edited by zombaio
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I'm unsure if this is happening to anyone else but my Archwing is not gaining experience. possibly due to my gear being set to a lower rank. But I thought I might get this issue out there. Also will there be a Archwing specific feedback area? would help collect all the feedback in one nifty little area.

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