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Update 15.11


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Ember Changes:

  • Base Stamina increased to 150.
  • Base armour increased to 100 (125 for Ember Prime)
  • Movement Speed increase.
  • Fire Blast has had a mechanic added. In addition to placing a ring of fire on casting location, it will now also generate a growing wall of fire (like the Arson Eximus ability).
  • World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain 5 energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).
  • World on Fire has had its casting time reduced.

In all my respect, guys, you need help with balancing your game (about guns, weapon, frames, enemies, heck... even abilities) :\

You removed Overheat with 95% dmg reduction and then Mesa appeared with 95% dmg reduction and bullet deflection (yeah, it doesn't protect you from melee hits, but who can survive under heavy gun fire to hit you?) and now you don't know what to do with Ember...


Well, okay, i took my Primed & Forma'd Ember and did some Infested runs: tested armour -- got killed in 3 hits by Eris Charger in non-endless mission, then got 1 shoted by Mutalist MOA during sprint and then -- wallrunning *sigh* Okay...


Armour: if 190 Armour + 110% SF doesn't make Rhino tanky (w/o using iron Skin he's squisher than Saryn with Armour+HP)... what's the point to put 100/125 armour in Ember (reminder: Rhino & Ember's base HP is 100HP).

It might works with Oberon, which is more supportive frame than anything else (put Equilibrium+Rage, receive some damage, heal yourself and your teammates = done), but not with Ember, since she's a caster & damage dealer. She got more armour? Oh, cool! Gonna... w-wait a minute.


«World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain 5 energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods)» in additional WoF's still limited by 3 targets

B-but... I thought it was a buff ;(


Now i have to maximize everything just to make Ember's Ult (not Ember herself) viable against high-lvl enemies, but... in this case, i don't have enough space for Armour or low Shield/HP compensation, clearly that's a glass cannon that can't deal enough damage.

Sure, i can use standart loadout w/o combining it with Corrupted mods... and go to play on Mercury/Saturn. Ah, did i mention there're Augment mods requiring your useful mod slot? it's even worse than it was before.


The problem is, If you decided to put duration in Ult, then replace extra armour with extra efficiency -- or remove duration from WoF, because this one doesn't make any sense.


By the way, i think, it's time to remove World on Fire (how you did it with Overheat, Rhino's Radial Blast) and replace with new awesome and really useful ability. Like... i don't know «overheat the area in x-range causing fire- & panic procs and heat DoT for y-sec» or a «heavy heat explosion that melts enemy armour in x-range, overheating the atmosphere and causing panic with fire-procs for y-secs». There're a lot of suggestions in feedback section.


Unfortunately, guys, you're failed at WoF and armour tweaks. I see only sprint, stamina & Fire Blast tweaks that are useful to me.


Include a link to a relevant bug report/screenshot that has details on reproducibility and the nature of the issue.

Without these details it is increasingly difficult to troubleshoot the specifics involved in resolving a bug. 

UI, Scanner, SR scopes with 4:3 ratio:

From 2014:


















To 2015:

Take a look at charge «circle». Same for other SRs and Scanner. Well, using the last one in AW mode is too painful. They works perfectly w/o zooming.



Played in 1024x768 before U12, everything was fine, until U12.


Hack window:

I'm not sure, it's a bug, but looks pretty weird when it's out of the screen.


Edited by Spectre-Agent
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Ember: 50% WoF cost increase stealth nerf on my 20 second build, eh.


Toggle is unneeded. I dont see any reason to toggle it off, ever, and now you could accidentally switch it off again in mid-battle by hammering the button too fast. Take the toggle off again, please, it is pointless.


Also, make it so that Ember picks up energy during WoF. It's nice that she gets what she collected right after it ended, but that is just confusing design there, also cripples and potentially kills an Ember player in a Leech Eximus situation.


I guess many people expected toggle = endless, but you know, i'd rather recast it, if toggle means running out of energy and then sitting around or wasting team energy restores, as in, using a crutch to fix a gameplay issue.


Oh yeah, cast animation speed up? I didn't notice any. Is that actually in the game or is it just so marginal of an increase?



Stat increases. Didn't notice that during gameplay. Thanks tho, on paper, it's better of course.



Accelerant needs a visual cue - something like a fiery aura on Ember.



Fire Blast is a joke. Sure, I run a max narrow-minded, but I mitigate that with a max range mod. How about you tie the blast radius with duration mods, like Nova's m-prime and instead of that joke of a blast damage proc, add a fire damage proc.


Ember is in dire need of a cc, anything to at least temporarily (~8 seconds) stun a hall, not just a room, or else she is useless against anything that doesn't go into melee range.




Noggles: let us colour the frame ones, please, then I might actually consider buying some. Not even asking about little Noggle scarfs and alt helmets, tho in a game that lives off its player character customisation, I don't think anyone runs around with defaults.




Wyrmius: I hope that didnt take one intern longer than a coffee break to whip up. Otherwise, you got so many better things to focus on than a densely hard, underpowered, joyless attempt of a bullet hell shooter without understanding what bullet hell is about.


Here's a thought. How about you stop promising pointless side projects like this and concentrate on getting your game out of beta? As in, fix the tons of bugs and design flaws instead? There's a whole forum full of them.

Edited by Fubukin
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Ember definitely feels nerfed after patch. WoF was pretty much her only skill that made her viable and now thats been nerfed because it forces people to use power efficiency as well as power duration. Although fire blast is a nice addition, I do not believe it makes up for what is suppose to be her best skill. I would honestly prefer having the old ember (in terms of abilities because the armor and speed buffs were nice).

additionally the skill set is actually on par with current designs in Mesa and Mirage, therefore I vote old Ember comes back. Even if they knock old WoF's damage down to current WoF we at least get a USABLE ember back.


Just nerf old Overheat(replacing Fire Blast) to 50% DR and we would make it work. Add old WoF mechanics back=happy player group.

How hard is is?


Seriously though, if you don't want even more criticism than you already get in Feedback, then pay attention to said feedback without adding your own broken elements. Duration+toggle serves no purpose except to pi$$ off players and make them hate DEScott.

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wyrmus doesnt work on 4:3 display and anyway just WHY?


WHY add a sideway scroller from last millenium to wf, I loved the '90's Rtype type games but hey I run them on my tablet if I need nostagia


Truely if the devs have free time sufficent to add this which lets admit is completely unrelated to wf it makes you wonder if they are being managed efficently.


This is on a par with the lander easter egg in XL97 and of equal significance to the application carrying it see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6nY0QkG9nQ for lander easter egg

Edited by LeMoog
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wyrmus doesnt work on 4:3 display and anyway just WHY?


WHY add a sideway scroller from last millenium to wf, I loved the '90's Rtype type games but hey I run them on my tablet if I need nostagia


Truely if the devs have free time sufficent to add this which lets admit is completely unrelated to wf it makes you wonder if they are being managed efficently.


This is on a par with the lander easter egg in XL97 and of equal significance to the application carrying it see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6nY0QkG9nQ for lander easter egg


Are people not allowed to have hobbies now? Perhaps the programmers/designers ENJOY programming/designing, and spend their off time messing with a fun little side-project.

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Nice changes on Ember, but I find that World of Fire change was weird. I don't think turning it on and off makes a difference. Sure it only cost 50 energy + continuous drain until the skill's duration end, but I think if World of Fire is toggle like Banshee's 4 or Nyx's 4, that would be even better change, and I doubt that Ember will be OP.

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wow, after testing i can say its a skills nerf, why u nerfed so underpowered warframe, no one playing  ember before and now its for masochists only, accelerant still the same and useless, i not see any damage improvement and cant see affected mobs, world on fire damage is so low but now im out of energy even faster then before, used all skills and loose jupiter sinai defense mission at wave 13 solo, i just cant kill mobs with all skills and energy restores, its so bad its 2nd squishyest frame after limbo, i not feel speed boost or defense boost.

Lol?! Accerant useless? really? 500% dmg buff on ur skills and around 300-400% on ur weapon - its useless? U cant see damage improvement? Maybe u are blind or disable the numbers of dmg in options? U are out of energy faster? Maybe up and buy some mods u need? Ur example with Sinai defense was just hilarious and make me laugh,pls sit on mercury and not move on before u learn how to play this game. This is so sad,what posts like this are here - so much desinform for big bunch of players =(

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Thanks for more updates! I don't know if it was a stealth upgrade or if I just didn't see it, but the syandanas definitely feel more like an attachment of awesome scarves instead of streamers on the back of Warframes lately.


Which I'm saying I like.

Edited by Tobiah
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go play t4 and stop whining


First they need to fix the bug where people cant connect to other's games for me to go play T4 with a party.

I would do it alone but those things are not tuned to solo play so that means they would need to add some difficulty setting.

And top of all of that, restricting difficult play to defense type missions where you need to stay a long period of time before it actually gets to the hard part is mega boring. Why do i need to go out of my way to actually have a bit of challenge in the game?

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Do Liset Festive (Christmas) decorations supose to be in market? Couse I bouth them and they work, but there is no way to take them off or I just don't find where to click with remove decorations option active. 

PS: I'm dumb. Didn't read what the market description sed about removing the decorations :|

Edited by brashkutis
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First they need to fix the bug where people cant connect to other's games for me to go play T4 with a party.

No idea what you're talking about. No having this issue at all.



This is so sad,what posts like this are here - so much desinform for big bunch of players =(

People are just mad that she's not "stand still, press 4, profit."


Nice changes on Ember, but I find that World of Fire change was weird. I don't think turning it on and off makes a difference. Sure it only cost 50 energy + continuous drain until the skill's duration end, but I think if World of Fire is toggle like Banshee's 4 or Nyx's 4, that would be even better change, and I doubt that Ember will be OP.

Power + Efficiency + some range + mobility = OP. And this is coming from someone who uses Ember as their main go to Frame. Arguably my best frame.

The abilities shinning point is its mobility. And to balance out the mobility it is not as strong as standing abilities. To counter act the fact that it is not as strong as the standing abilities, Eber comes with a buff that doubles as CC.

The change to fire blast make it a good disrupt into her ult, which, now with the new faster start up, combos well into accelerate which guarantees that even after they have gotten back up, they're stuck in place, and will die a lot faster.

My ember's ult is only about 10 seconds long. In that time I can clear a room of 15 to 30 easily  between 30-35. 

Case and point, think with your kit, not with your 4 with her.

Edited by Raptor_ODonnell
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No idea what you're talking about. No having this issue at all.



People are just mad that she's not "stand still, press 4, profit."


Power + Efficiency + some range + mobility = OP. And this is coming from someone who uses Ember as their main go to Frame. Arguably my best frame.

The abilities shinning point is its mobility. And to balance out the mobility it is not as strong as standing abilities. To counter act the fact that it is not as strong as the standing abilities, Eber comes with a buff that doubles as CC.

The change to fire blast make it a good disrupt into her ult, which, now with the new faster start up, combos well into accelerate which guarantees that even after they have gotten back up, they're stuck in place, and will die a lot faster.

My ember's ult is only about 10 seconds long. In that time I can clear a room of 15 to 30 easily  between 30-35. 

Case and point, think with your kit, not with your 4 with her.

The issue that you did not even touch on is her need to utilize Accelerant CONSTANTLY in order to even keep up damage wise with the rest of the glass cannons in our inventory. Nor did you account for the fact that her ult costs more than every glass cannons ult EXCEPT Mirage, who actually has an added benefit at the end of her ult as a last HURRAH for having to pay more. Additionally what you did not account for is the half hazard way that her Fireblast checks for LoS. The fact that a mere tiny piece of ground can interrupt it. Or if an enemy has an elbow and a leg behind a box they will ignore the MASSIVE WALL OF FIRE COMING AT THEM.


Ember is getting better but is nowhere near top tier as a frame. Heck she is not even in the top 10 frames people want to have with them in anything truly difficult. Currently her usefulness is derives SOLELY from use of her Accelerant and badly coded Fireblast. 


Once again we have a frame that is possibly great relegated to MEH status due to several glaring flaws that need to be addressed before she will be acceptable for any kind of end game play.

Edited by geninrising
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This is my feedback as beta tester on the current state of the game:


- Rebalance the tar moa... it's not challenging, it's broken and annoying. (Example ->


While both moas are equally annoying, the tar one is just unbearable.


- Fix the Vectis scope fire. For some reason shots come out randomly from a side of the scope while zooming, and miss many times. They should be somewhat centered IMO.


- I bought the Mirage winter skin, put it on and while in mission, after casting Eclipse skin goes back to default. Please fix.


- Nullifiers... The concept is fine but those bubbles take an awful lot of time to shrink regardless of your firepower... Combine this with a Bombard or any of the two having an ice shield, and you have more broken gameplay. Yeah they can be overcome but it doesn't feel right, specially when either unit can one shot you.


- Also, equipping some stances on frames cause attachments to get misplaced, being too separated from the body and only connected to it by some sort of pin.


Just my opinion, which will be probably ignored, but at least I tried.

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This is not a bug, but more like a forced glitch. 

My favorite Warframe is Excalibur and I use him a lot, so I can tell when something's off or not.

The glitch consists of me doing his first ability, the Slash Dash, while about to go and reach towards Extraction. When on team (not played it Solo yet), I executed the first ability just when the last of the squad reaches Exctraction. The animation gets stuck as the Slash Dash pose right before cutting!

It does not affect the game at all whatsoever, cause I just go back to my ship after the loading screen normally. Just thought it was funny.  XD

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