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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Zephyr doesn't fly and ember doesn't breathe fire.


well, zeph does do air-based maneuvers while also gravity has less effect on her and ember summons fire in various manners.  regardless, only common culture type dragons fly and breathe fire anyways.  still, this speculated dragon frame may not have any elemental association, or each of the 4 abilities be of four different elements somehow.


but i doubt any frame in the game will be flying/hovering all the time as that would kind of mess up movements and attacks with  various weapons given that boost in height. 


it may still be the frame of Light, as most  feel dragons are a mystic being and the eastern dragons are more spiritual-based than the western types.  and with yin-yang of tao  based on the universal dichotomies in existence....light/dark comparisons could be weaved into a doable frame with related abilities.  i just hope it looks good, not like what i said earlier about oberon with that helmet that looks draconic, while he overall is kinda not visually appealing.

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On DevStream they said Chromatic Dragon frame.   That is, different elemental powers based on the color of the frame.


They were non-committal on whether or not you could get all of the required colors using the default color palette.

So DnDish dragon ideas, White is ice, Red fire, Black acid, Green Gas, Blue lightning.  If they specifically said Chromatic these are them. 

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Please note, Dragon is the theme of the Warframe, it was not specified as the specific concept.



If it's anything like Zephyr


They;re only taking perhps the concept and a basic look from the fanart, the abilities already sound much different to the original. Which is the love child of rhino and ember

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I can't wait for people to start complaining about how "it doesn't fit what a warframe is/supposed to be" and that "it doesn't look like a ninja/we're supposed to be ninjas" even though the devs decide what is/isn't the "Theme of Warframe" and that we've never been ninjas to begin with.

Well your wait is over. Its allready happened. Im cool with it if it is that frame what were in fan art section here.

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If it's anything like Zephyr


They;re only taking perhps the concept and a basic look from the fanart, the abilities already sound much different to the original. Which is the love child of rhino and ember

I think that assuming that is assuming too much.


We should wait to see what the frame looks like and how it functions before we say that it is a community concept. It may be such a departure from the popularized dragon concept that it's not possible to call them related.

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i hope this frame has a tail that wags like a flag in the wind about as you move.  if there is no tail, i will be sorely insulted by the designer.


and on related note, i hope there is a dolphin frame for the water maps  :}

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My one hope for this dragon frame is that he has bulky build. That's one thing that always stood out to be in the Dragon fanconcept, and I'd love to see it recognized.


Currently, Rhino is the only frame that's kinda beefy, and tonnes of medium to skinny sized ones.  I don't even like beefy guys, but I recognize that we need more to have a more diversified roster.

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I called this Congrats to ENDRIAN and his DRAGON concepts we have been waiting for about 2 years already for this ITS ABOUT TIME this HAPPENS! HYPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Um, no. Scott said it will be dragon THEMED. He never said that it would be anything like or even have any relation to the concept. 

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I'll be happy if Dragon is at least similar to the fan concept...I feel it was VERY well done and looks right to me.

Especially the helms,damn those were sweet.

It should also be a high armor or shield tank,since dragons are pretty durable.


I wouldn't mind it if for the 4th skill they used Rhino's Roar animation and had dragon headed fireballs...or whatever element you're using ATM (Think Liu Kang) erupt from his body...

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