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February 13Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Some interesting topics here.


Rank 5 Cores


I like that you can get these in good quantities in places other than the void. I do have one concern about them though: It's acquisition is based on RNG, when it has a very large influence on player progression. This makes it so "player A" might get lucky and get lots of them quickly, maxing his mods really fast, "player B" gets them at a reasonable pace, maxing his mods not as soon as "player A" but still in reasonable time, while "player C" has no luck and thus gets none. He then proceeds to rage on the forums about it. 


As you can see, it's hard to monitor exactly how soon players will get the needed amounts because it's random. While them being available in more places is nice, it'd be nicer if there was more stable rate as to how many you get for x time farming.


Friendly Fire


There's only two reasonable places I could see this being added to: Either as a Nightmare mode or A Raid Boss feature. Outside of that I foresee much trolling (admittedly I would be one of the trolls....).


Nekros Changes


Overall I think the changes were good. I think he really needs one more change though: The ability to control or command his shadows form shadows of the dead. This, in my opinion, would complete him.




Daggers, with the right mods, can compete with other melees. I do think, however, that the problem of daggers being "inferior" is the result of other problems.


We all know stance mods have multipliers. What's allowing daggers to compete with other melee is the crazy multipliers of Pointed Wind. Without it, they all would be left in the dust, to collect dust. Honestly, stance mods should not be used to make something viable, they should be used to alter a weapons style of combat. There's nothing inherently wrong with multipliers, they can be used to reward successful combos. Crushing Ruin is a good example of this, having all of the slams and damage multipliers at the end of the combos, unlike Crimson Dervish where all of the damage is in the first few hits.  


Another thing is how all melee weapons work the same way: you press e, they swing in some sizable or minuscule area in front or around you. They all have the same channeling multipliers. A very large portion of them deal slash damage, to the point where a melee weapon is considered simply for dealing something other than slash damage as it's primary damage. The only thing that differs is how much damage is done, so of course people go for the highest damage, because why not. There is nothing to redeem a weapon of less damage; No characteristics to redeem the fact that they have less damage.


Another issue I was eventually going to make a thread about is the Berserker mod. With this mod, any weapon can become faster than lightning, no matter how slow it is, and it only works on weapons with high critical rates. Melee weapons with high critical rates tend to be top tier ones, and if they were slow before, well, not anymore, which widens the gap between the powerful and the weak. Heavy weapons are the worst culprits of this; They are supposed to be powerful but slow, but with Berserker suddenly they are almost as fast as a Dual Zoren. At that rate, why do small, fast weapons with low to non-existent critical rates even exist in the first place aside from mastery fodder?


Fix these issues, and you may see daggers, in addition to other unseen weapons, in missions being used more.

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Remember when you said PvP wouldn't have a place in Warframe? Yeah, I even thought you were telling the truth, too.

They never said that.  Steve had been talking about including some kind of PvP since back in early cbt.  All DE ever said about PvP is that it would not be the main focus of warframe.  And putting a three man team on to balancing hardly makes it that. 


The lies and hyperbolic nonsense thrown at PvP need to stop already.  It's here to stay, get over it.

Edited by Aggh
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On the topic of R5 cores:
With the addition of so many legendary mods R5 cores are in greater demand than ever. It takes over 500 R5 cores to max a single legendary mod, which take a long time to farm even under the best conditions. R5 cores need to see an increase in attainability.


On the topic of Daggers:
I really never saw much of a damage problem with daggers. For me, they always hit almost as hard as normal swords, with enough speed to more than make up for the difference. I haven't tried them in high-level T4 stuff however, where damage is all that matters.

On the topic of Conclaves:
I've never been one to get much of a kick out of public PvP matches, or anything where my progression is tied to the performance of players other than myself or the reliability of my internet connection. Games that try to force me into public PvP games in order to progress (League of Legends and Destiny, off the top of my head) quickly earn my resentment, and I certainly hope that this game is not going to add any PvP specific gear. PvP matches with some of my buddies however, almost always prove to be enjoyable. Something those buddies and I have been hoping for for a while is the addition of custom conclave matches; the ability to set the map, conclave rating range, starting energy, use of auras, etc. would likely end in countless Friday nights spent messing around in the Conclaves.

On the topic of Friendly Fire:

Edited by MrPie5
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Fusion Cores:
Changes are good, people have to adapt.

Friendly Fire:
Would just have bad consequences. At least it would be something as an PVP modality.

Nekros Changes:


Soul Punch is still ... extremely situational and subpar. Ragdoll mechanic and AOE have to be replaced.
Terrify now is really nice.
Desecrate is a problem. A big and hard problem to solve.
Shadows of the Dead needs an AI interaction or to be more aggressive/reckless/kamikaze.
Why can't we summon Eximuses too?

ATM they suck bad. Bad damage, stances with not many and not so much reliable combos...

Upcoming Conclave changes :
Restrict the gear, do whatever, but please give us a balanced PVP.
I'll anyway would keep an option to choose freely weapons and Warframes for friend-related games (not public games).

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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The Core Issue


No real opinion. New core distribution seems good I guess. Only suggestion right now for giving star chart missions more play-ability would be to make credit-bought-weapons farm-able from these missions. You know, in a similar fashion to many other weapons - get all the parts and bp, then craft it.


Friendly Fire


While I generally like the idea of Friendly Fire, for some reason I don't think it would be very good in PvE for this game... at all. But having a "hardcore" mode for PvP - I would be all over that. So I voted "for some missions" above, but that's strictly just PvP (the new upcoming balanced PvP).


Nekros Changes Aftermath


Seems good.




No real opinion since I don't use them much - but, this is probably because they feel underpowered.


Rakta Ballistica


No real opinion since I don't really use it.


Upcoming Conclave Changes


I'm just glad to see PvP is being re-balanced from the ground up, and I'm excited to see how the upcoming changes perform.

How would you improve the Conclave?

Restrict the use of Power 4 - maybe just disable it altogether, and basically what you're already doing with mods.

Do you think you’ll PvP more with the balance changes that are coming?


Do you like the idea of restricting conclave gear?

If it needs to be done, sure. But, just to make things fair I guess whatever can be used in Conclave should probably be readily available to all players of all levels, or weapons that can be obtained by playing PvP.

Do you like the idea to have separate balance for PvP and PvE?


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Friendly fire: NO. Just no.





Good, but needs more. 

Desecrate needs a buff.


Make it a toggle that eats X energy per corpse, with a 100% chance to success on a corpse in range (currently some corpses are being ignored)


Nekros right now is pretty much an afk macro spammer. That needs to change.




Daggers: Could use a bit of a buff





I hate current PvP in Warframe due to how imbalanced and ridiculous it is.

Having a properly balanced, controlled environment will be great for PvP and I'm definitely gonna look into it, especially that there's interesting rewards.

Edited by Shifted
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R5 cores: I think the cores are fine in that their placement is ok, but the drop rate needs to be increased in order to lessen the grind. Most people are fine with the location, but it's the drop rate that kills it for them.


Increase the drop rate to like 50%, and people will be happy and whole "issue" will be over with.

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The cores issue are only because of the primed mods, we need some primed fusion cores or something. Each core should cost about 10-20 ducats, and they should only take around 64 primed cores to cap. That means about 640 Ducats, prime cost equivalent, or 1280 ducats respectively.

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A mission with more difficulty to get to, and difficulty in challenge, should reward more cores. Spreading them out just means the grind is all around, which is fine for new players, instead of having a place to go or a challenge to overcome for the highest benefit possible, which is what you SHOULD be doing for long term players.

Edited by Extraxi
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What is your opinion on the R5 Fusion Core changes?

Quoting myself from another thread -

I think weekly alerts of 25 R5 cores for different Mastery Ranks is a good way to make Mastery Rank useful as well as reduce a bit of grind.


I don't see how acquiring 150 R5 cores(75 from 3 alerts and 75 from playing missions) each week hurts the gameplay. We get 2 Primed Mods every 15 days. So, 4 Primed mods in a month. Maxing even one of them takes 500+ R5 cores. Thats about 4 weeks before you can max out just one Primed mod....which seems good enough even by Warframe's grind standards.


Also,as someone suggested already -

1). First alert will be for everyone.

2). Second for MR5+

3) Third got MR10+


And if DE feels like it,they may as well include another alert for MR15+ players.


These alerts essentially give the players an incentive to increase their Mastery Ranks instead of just sticking to their Boltor Prime and Synoid Gammacor.


P.S.- And I am talking about myself who has all other important R10 mods already maxed out. This will be a greater help to newer players as well,since they won't need to grind like maniacs just to level up the most important mods in the game,like Serration,Hornet Strike etc.


P.S. 2 - Btw,adding R5 cores to normal hard missions were a good thing. It successfully made many of us play nodes like Draco and Stephano in the intended way,instead of capping just 2 points and all which we did for reputation farming.

This is precisely what I think should be done to R5 Cores. Just my opinion. Lets see if Devs think its good.


Do you think friendly fire would add a fun challenge to certain mission types?

While I like this mechanism, DO NOT make it a compulsory feature. It will destroy Warframe.

Also,this may have many problems in Warframe.

1). If you decide to implement it as a different game mode,then there is a good chance it will divide the playerbase.

2). If it is added to only specific missions like raids,then that means we can't have a normal mode for that. That's kind of bad,IMHO.


Infact, instead of changing what Warframe is about,I would suggest to increase enemy difficulty or rather decrease Warframe powercreep.


Do you think the recent Nekros changes have made his abilities more useful?

Nekros is in a good position.

Only Shadows of the Dead need a revision. The clones need to be smarter. Why can't they have the same AI as the enemies?

Enemies seem smarter than them.

Also,I never understood why the clones have Health...They are dead soldiers who have been resurrected by Bone-Daddy(aka Nekros).

IMO,they should be alive for the whole duration of the ability.

I mean seriously...In every anime and comics where the concept of resurrection is there,I haven't seen the ones being ressurected have a health and die before they should. Be it in Naruto(Re-animation Technique) or DC Comics' "Blackest Night" arc.


In your opinion, how do daggers compare to other melee weapon types, overall?

Ok,so many have said that Daggers are bad. Yet,when I play with one,I feel like they are on the middle ground. They are not suited for T4 missions but neither do they suck.

But,a stealth kill bonus on them would be nice,as described in the OP.

Not everything need to be Scindo Prime,Jat-Kittag,Dragon Nikana or Dual Ichors. =P


In your opinion, are the recent Rakta Ballistica changes sufficient to balance it with other syndicate weapons and/or secondary weapons?

Rakta Ballistica needs a huge buff. I mean seriously,just buff it already. This weapon doesn't have damage,critical chance or status. Also,its the ony Syndicate weapon where colors can't be changed(if ikr,since I havent touched it in weeks). I already feel bad for the Red Veil supporters.


Will you be more inclined to play Conclave with the upcoming changes?

I really have no idea. Just roll the changes,I will try those out and see if I like it or not.

Edited by NN13
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Core:  Not a real issue.  The excessively high drop rate in T4S seems to have created unreasonable expectations.  Spreading it out - and thinning it down - was a good idea, if for no reason other then to strip players of the idea that maxxing multiple primed mods was something they should reasonably expect to do.  I do expect that once T'keer's first rotation ends and the second begins, much of the furor will die down as players realize it's not going to be two more legendary mods every two weeks forever.  That said, spreading it out only to other survival missions is a poor idea, and making cores available in equivalent time/quantity in other mission types  would be sound.  Why isn't excavation getting some love?


Nekros:  It's improved, but Shadows of the Dead really just needs to be replaced entirely.  Zombies just aren't an ultimate level ability.  If they must be kept for thematic reasons, swap them with terrify or soul punch and then replace that with a real ultimate, but it would be best to just ditch the idea entirely.  This isn't Diablo, and there's more to necromancy then zombies.


Melee isn't really my thing.  Daggers feel kind of weak to me, but pretty much every melee feels kind of weak to me, so that doesn't mean much.


PVP I kind of suck at, so no worthwhile opinions there. 


Friendly fire should never see the light of day, not in a game like this where PUGs rule the roost for most of the player base, and half our attacks are tactical nuke level AOEs. 

Edited by Phatose
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You dont hate it enough to not do it.


Its going to be interesting to see if anybody is OK with the rakta changes....Rakta Ballistica needs an overall buff in damage, or some actual viable crit percentage added to it. I mean Vaykor Marelok has 20% crit chance AND 35% Status, come on now. Why are you so afraid to buff this gun?


Edit: Oh my...People ARE actually ok with it... This is heartbreaking.

Modded right and it becomes a syndicate tier weapon that is insanely powerful, and well over the 2000 damage range which is within the category of superior secondary weapon firearms. Its a beastly weapon with a TON of damage. WELL BEFORE whatever it is DE did to it, and whatever they did do to it doesn't change the fact it already has some of the highest damage in the game compared to most weapons as a whole. Rakta Ballistica doesn't need a buff. I can imagine other weapons that need reworks, but not that one. It works fine, and dishes out plenty of damage.

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Rare 5's:

Drop rate is still too low to make up for the loss in the void runs.  Since the void was the most reliable way to get the fusion cores we needed and that has been taken from us in all practical effect, there is currently no good way to farm for these with a reasonable drop rate.  Honestly, I don't see a good reason why it was changed within the void in the first place, should have been left as is and resources like O-cells taken out of the table.



Please do not specify them to being a niche for stealth.  Perhaps making them have a better stealth kill dmg boost compared to other weapons, but that's the only thing that comes to mind that isn't OP.  HOWEVER...helping their stats so that they have more realistic praxis on the field would be helpful, the most obvious thing that comes to mind is that they are small and light in comparison to other melee weapons, so boost all the attack speed on daggers, many of them feel ridiculously slow even with the stances...or perhaps because of them?  I don't see daggers in need of more crit like some people suggest, but definitely more attack speed and possibly more status effect for bleeds.

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R5 cores

Void doptables are pretty cluttered as is. I feel all resources (cells, cores, credits, etc. Maybe not forma) should be obtainable in regular starchart missions like excavation, interception, etc. Spread out the drops, get people to play more various things

Friendly fire





perhaps in conclave as an option, but otherwise

No. I can already smell the trolls


Feels good now. Much better


Don't know why they have a generally slower attack speed than other melees. But needs a buff, either to crit, stealth or finishers


Still very meh


Will definitely try once its out. Looks very fun and a big improvement over what we have now. I'm hoping some weapons will be perma banned, like the acrid, unless we get some good defensive mods. Also hoping some maps will incorporate random environmental effects that can mix up gameplay

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Rakta ballistica....

Not worth the grind in my honest opinion.


it's considered mastery fodder to some people and it's a syndicate weapon, that shouldn't be the case.

Even after the small "buff", it's still not worth using(except under very... VERY specific conditions).

And apart from the energy color,  you can't even customize it!!

That's the last nail in coffin, so to speak.


What erks me and others the most, is that it really doesn't need much to be on par with the other syndicate weapons.


It NEEDS is a flat damage increase (I would recommend increasing it's damage for both charge and burst fire by 50% to 100%.)


silent projectiles (considering that it's advertised as an assassins weapon yet all shots from it will cause targets to be alerted, mean while the teslo akbolto shots are silent... although even if you made the shots silent the syndicate proc will cause targets to be alerted.)


maybe increase projectile speed a bit.

that's it.


no increase to crit chance.

no status increase.


just flat damage increase and silent projectiles/AoE proc.



if DE did that it would be a great weapon, worthy of both the grind and being a signature syndicate weapon.


they are in need of both a buff and a niche to fill. making them stealth weapons would be a great Idea.

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Why can't daggers be crit based weapons, like everywhere else? the point of a dagger is that it is fast and can easily strike vital points , hence the crits. I would love for the daggers to be the go to weapon when in need of a crit loadout.


As for Nekros, his core issue was not touched, which is Desecrate. It turns what could be a fun frame into an Economic Machine. Why not replace it by something that can further improve his theme, Necromancy, by giving boosts to his ressurected corpses (for example)? Also take out intelligence from the ressurected corpses, and what i mean is - they are corpses, they have no thoughts of their own, they are slaves to Nekros, and they are dead which means they need not be safety conscious just mindless trigger pullers.


Friendly fire in a co-op based game? sure give torches to players who love to start arguments. that will make people real friendly. If people want to shoot at each other they have PVP.


I don't mind having cores just in Void, but i like that they are available in other high level missions. Now just remove Orokin Cells from the reward pools (why is a resource there anyway?) and to me it'll be fine.


I don't like the Ballistica as a weapon itself, so no opinion on its stats.

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Love of cheesecake not Friendly fire it's got to be the silliest request that comes up in Warframes every few months

Why does this keep coming up we talking about a game where you hit one button and you can melt, burn, freeze, turn into ball bearing whole rooms of enemies.
Even if you take warframes out of the equation it  gets  just as silly with weapons, take my ignis it has shred on it so I could burn friendlies one floor above or below me or on the other side of rooms. Hell one person brings a Amprex and tap of the trigger could down a whole team.
The only reason I could see someone really wanting this is to troll player base.
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They said that.  Steve had been talking about including some kind of PvP since back in early cbt.  All DE ever said about PvP is that it would not be the main focus of warframe.  And putting a three man team on to balancing hardly makes it that. 


The lies and hyperbolic nonsense thrown at PvP need to stop already.  It's here to stay, get over it.

Thank you.

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IMHO rare5 fusion cores should not exist, i have no idea why DE went with them instead of staying with rare10s


there should be common3s, uncommon5s, and rare10s


old players who had their previous mods converted into cores like myself might still have some old rare10 cores lying around for keepsakes (they arent any more useful than any other fusion core so they're more collectible than anything else at this point)


additionally i think this would work well with adding packs of 3common, 2uncommon, or 1rare fusion core to most all 'A' drop tables


as well as changing the drop tables from AABC, to ABCDEF with the single rare10fc being added to all tables (keep the common/uncommon in A only)


another good idea that someone else in here said, is to add fusion cores in some form to syndicate rewards (priced at 3k/5k/10k each for example, or maybe in a pack of 5-10 for 15-20k, whatev works)


Friendly Fire would be great as an OPTIONAL mission mutator, ala Nightmare mode, with appropriate additional benefits if you could make it thru as a team (solo FF missions make no sense obviously)


Nekros still needs work, his ULT should not be duration limited, but Soul Punch should create 1 short lived shadow from the enemy tgt, additionally Desecrate needs to be changed to a ground effect AoE like Oberon's Hallowed Ground, then if enemies die within the AoE fx, the Desecrate effect occurs, this was Nekros is not pigeonholed into spamming #3 2000+ times over the course of an hour, lastly I would make Terrify a toggle/channel ability


WE NEED DUAL DARK DAGGERS and the Dark Sword/Dagger combo

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It's nice to see R5 cores in different places, but I don't really like filling T4S with trash (orokin cells). What's wrong with having one place offer more cells but at the cost of keys, and the other still offering keys, but at a lower frequency and not cost you any keys (in fact you can get keys from the B rotation).

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