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The U16 Anticipation Megathread


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Now I know we don't have any set date for when U16 is gonna hit, but I thought it would be fun to see what other people are hoping to see in the Update and also share what I hope to see, especially things that haven't been said to actually be coming with that update.


1) Reward system rework - This one I know DE has mentioned as wanting to have a look at, and I do sincerely hope that they have this as something they've put into the update.  Lots of rewards that aren't needed (Banshee blueprint, Grakata blueprint, Weapon/Sentinel XP [iMO anyway]) are still in there, so I hope that gets sorted.


2) More Archwing missions - I think most people will agree that, while Archwing certainly has potential, it currently lacks any real variety in mission types and the amount of missions is sparse.  I'd also like for an option to turn on true 3D movement ala Descent, but I've got a feeling that won't be happening.


3) Raids - I'm not sure if this one was specifically mentioned as going to be a U16 thing or not, but I am hopeful that the 8-person Raids bring some fun and interesting challenges to the table, if and when they happen.


4) Volt Prime - I'll be perfectly honest, even though I don't use him too terribly much anymore, I still love Volt.  He was the first frame I farmed for (Back when he was a boss drop and not research or a starter) and I find him to be awesome.  A shiny Prime version of him would make my day.


5) More Syndicate stuff - Again, something that I have a feeling that will eventually be implemented, but I'd like for the Syndicates to have more to offer me than 3 weapon mods, a bunch of augment mods, a single special weapon, and a syndana.  I want more, maybe some Warframe skins or another weapon or two.  I'd also like the Spectres and hit squads to get an overhaul where they're more unique instead of being apparently Pokeball'd enemies.


So, that's all I can think of right now.  What about you guys/gals?  What do you want to see?

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wasn't my point..... Instead of increasing their definition of "AFK" and bashing on energy mechanics they could have fixed the spawn logic in the one glitched tile-set(it's still the same) and considered reworking mags greedy pull mechanics.


Also "legit player base", it means everyday players like you and me who don't afk in game. nor exploit silly broken mechanics but still suffer from the changes.......

Here's the deal, though. The energy mechanic change is a clear and obvious indicator that DE does not want players sitting in one location for long periods of time doing nothing but spamming abilities. It's a rock with a punch-through mod on it; they've killed two birds with one stone, possibly more.


Additionally, reworking Mag's Greedy Pull would have likely resulted in a nerf, which many Mag players would then protest against. Funnily enough, it accomplishes the one thing you seem hell-bent on preventing: legit players suffering for something they did/do not do.


And when I was referring to "legit player base" in my previous reply, I meant it literally. The exploit was already hurting said group. Why bother running anything other than the mission with stupidly high rewards? Thus, everyone flocked to E-Gate. So DE stepped in and stopped the exploit.

Edited by Nitresco
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I want them to revise the drop system for loot, credits and mission rewards. Loot caves wouldn't be such a prevalent issue if it wasn't a complete pain to get what you need by playing the normal way.


With how expensive Kubrow upkeep and mod fusion can get, we should Have more good ways to farm credits and Fusion Cores outside of the void. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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Like every major update

I hope that the threads about the major updates stop

and I typically get my wish

which is then replaced by alot of complaints


Well, I wasn't exactly trying to make a "OMG U16 HYPE THREAD", more of a civil, "What would you like to see" kinda thread.

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As an avid role-player, I just want to see some Sentients and relevant lore.


I kinda avoided mentioning the Sentients because I know that they're coming.  I wasn't sure about the Raids, which is why I included them.

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Lets see how about some more customization as was at one time promised to the Liset/Orbitor. Via quest not plat or credits. A large installment of lore from past Warframe update to fill in the gaps. More Quest that are changed together leading from one quest chain into the other Which would tie in each section of Lore to make a more fleshed out story for the game. and Be allowed to repeat quest if for no other reason than to relive the moments that we have already done. and if its a repeat have it reflect scanning and leaderboards not so much rewards as we got them on the first run of the quest. The implication of past events as mini quest. So that new players can experience the story not nesseccarily the same rewards as was only for that said event. More achwing missions on the rest of the system. As well as some earnable (not paid) costmedics for Archwing and Kubrow.


And speaking of Kubrow please do away with the demenishing dna system to health during down time or not game play. and Please some Kubrow Collar add on's.


And a new Kubrow type as there are 7 Sentinels and yet there are still only 4 Kubrow's.


As well as for DE to finally return to in their own words. The main focus of Warframe. PVE.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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