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Coming Soon: Devstream #57!


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First time asking so here goes

1) It has been a while since you guys mentioned better log in rewards, as most people are aware of the log in rewards are far from great. Especially when you're higher rank and have everything maxed and so forth, when will you think about changing this?

2) Quite a while ago you mentioned reaching a mastery rank would give you rewards, be it slots, catalyst/reactor or other forms of reward, when will this come into play?

3) I'm unsure if i'm speaking for others here, but i was one of the people that was happy to hear about raids, you guys made them sound nice and rewarding. But when i did both the normal and NM i felt far from rewarded, so my big question stands will you ever think about making them actually reward you something worthwhile?

4) The trading system is something that really grinds my gears, i understand it is a placeholder and was rushed. But the whole thing where you end up sitting around on trade channel and hoping to sell/buy something is dull and annoying. Not only that, but when you first post something it vanishes within seconds. Then you have something i don't see why you guys never implemented in the first place, stacking items like cores, keys and so forth, how is the trading rework coming along?

5) Seeing you guys have been taking prime items out of the void rather then doing something about the drop chance on certain items what plans do you guys have for the long run exactly. Because it seems like you're just slightly setting the drop tables aside and adding new primes which still get drowned underneath old primes. Will there ever be a change and improvement on this part, especially once the void destruction or overhaul comes gets released?

6) And last but not least, will you ever take a look on the ''lobster'' mutations Trinity was mixed with?

Edited by Fluttershy93
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Ok can't wait. Would love to know why it was changed from Tomb of Sentients to Echos of Sentients. As well will you give any updates on the Grineer Queens. that was hinted at, at the end of Vor's Prize. As well as will you finally release the missing lore for the frames that don't have any at all, prior to the Hydroid update?

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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 " colorable prime gold on/off"" option on prime warfames and weapons, make it happen please! I haven't been able to use Ash's inmortal skin on ash prime because of the weird coloring issues

Edited by osheroth
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Transparent lIset Interior coming soon?


Can you show changing direction in midair while going fast?


What is the liklihood of something similia to these being implemented?

As you can see in that video, it would be nice to have the ability to hold down E while latched to a wall to perform a drop down attack and drop down finisher...


There is a jump attack from the wall, but there is nothing like that seen in video in Warframe.

So basically you jump down or forward and at an accelerated speed and slash the target. Same with finisher and stealth attack

Also you can aim at ground and cause a bigger aoe.

Basically the next step in off the wall attacks...

And another thing:

In all that fancy footwork seen in the new system, the flow breaks upon climbing onto surfaces ruining the momentum.

This is how it can be done...

Skip to 1:05

Look how he keeps up the momentum, how fast he get's over ledges. That is how ninjas keep moving quick and continue to evade enemies...

It can look different or the same, as long Tenno move as quickly onto surfaces as that...Nice n fluid.


Ever considered Ninja Run with auto parrying and quick movement and perhaps some auto parkour much like Metal Gear Rising.




Ever considered a transparent ship much like the invisible jet with togglable transparency?



















Ever gonna consider buffing Spectral Scream and allowing Effigy to actually buff allies like the descrip says?  Search Spectral Scram to see how horrible it is according to every Chroma user. For somthing that disables the more powerful arsenal of the Tenno, it sure does trade in powerful damage for weak damage.


One beautiful comparision would be Flamethrower vs Spectral Scream(Flamethrower vs Dragon Breath). The Ignis outperforms it, has punchthrough and has long range. All this scream has is status proc which the Ignis does not have. The least you can do is buff the range and the dmg the procs do. Perhaps maximize the range and make it unaffected by range mods.


Even press 1 to go into Dragon mode and press shoot to use Dragon Breath and with Afterburn, press aim to shoot balls. Press jump twice to float like the pelt with Effigy. You even crawl on all fours, even climb up surfaces and stay there. Maybe even fly though it can drain more energy for balance if needed. press melee to attack with claws that have good range taking into consideration mods equipped on melee. Whether you need the pelt or not to do all this but dragon breath is up for debate.


It's quite disappointing to see Dragons Breath outdone by any weapon especially a flamethrower and Dragon frame is suppose to be the most powerful, the one exception to having 1 ability no one likes. Great concept, poor execution. Could have easily been one of those stellar overused 1 abilities much like Hall of Mirrors, it even looks awesome.


On a side note, the augment is garbage, well, many say it is. You should search for Afterburn to see public opinion. No one uses it never seen it in any build. Don't see why you have to be precise to hit a target and the payoff is low damage. No one like precise targeting abilities. balls should explode and have the radius and explosion damage of the Ogris. This is a Dragon frame, would expect no less.


So the least you guys can do is give the Afterburn augment radial/area damage and high proc damage and explosion damage if fire with little fireballs coming out doing smaller explosions like a cluster fireball. this would make Spectral Scream awesome and fun to use. Even lave visual effects in the area.


Such as freezing the area, engulfing it in fire, poisson wherever you aim, lighting cloaked enemies shaking in their boots so much, they can hardly aim and get shocked randomly even chaining to each other randomly. Afterburn can leave a puddle of lava, a frozen puddle of water, a puddle of poison(Infested moa) and electrical appliances going haywire and enemies emitting lightning.


These are some things to take into consideration. Not all these have to done but doing all these would be a massive improvement though. Would love to see an awesome looking ability like Spectral Scream get a nice interesting buff and a wicked visual overhaul or upgrade.


I have used Spectral Scream myself with power mods, it's disappointing, even with fire, even on infested. Seems ok with CC, but my weapons can CC better or CC for me while I have freedom to do other things while CCing with weapons. Gotta make getting locked out of using weapons and abilities worth it and not make Chroma a sitting duck and even depend on his 3rd to make this skill decent.


Don't think I have ever killed anything with this ability and it's CC only does so much before you die or go back to weapons. Simply does not do enough.


Also might do a search on his 2nd ability to make sure people are satisfied with all elements. I read the fire aura isn't doing enough damage.





So when is that Flamethrower getting a makeover and speed buff


Notice in the gifs below how it lights up the darkness and look at it's travel speed of the flames. It's so fast. Ignis gas/flame travel speed can either be a buff or visual upgrade while not consuming more ammo. Even fire rate mods should make it faster...


Also think it should leave things burning for 1-3 seconds, maybe 5.


At the very least it could cause a faster burn proc or more damaging burn proc.






Are you going to implement a Ninja Run feature(As seen in metal Gear Rising) to make parkour easier even if it means not implementing it fully, only making parkour somewhat easier and bearable?


Ever going to to more with that chainsaw gun?


Ever going to make unique weapons more fun?




Are ye ever going to address the issues many people have with timed attacks?


it does not fit the game well and can be hard to do in a heated battle, not to mention that people are admitting to not bothering with combs due to the difficulty of doing them and the fact that it's hardly rewarding, not to mention the fact that it also slows you down making it worse than quick melee.


The current system has a nice promise, but it executes poorly and make quick melee for convenient for not dying.


Melee Combos Take Too Much Concentration And Aren't Even Worth Doing.


Not Sure If I'm The Only One Who Feels This Way Regarding Melee Combos


Combo String System(Using The Reload Button) - A Better Combo System


How about holding down "use" "Switch" and "Reload" keys to execute different combos maybe even for quick shot ala Devil May Cry("Switch" key)? Holding down melee for either charge attack or another combos. You already got holding down "block" and "back" down, even holding down "Sprint" Speeds up the flow, but ultimately fails at making you as fast as quick melee.


Or you can tap those buttons to switch to another combo(can even include a sorta sub-stance where they stand differently based on what you switched to)


What would make the current system more bearable would be showing a cobo string branching off into different combos strings and as you push a button, the buttons on the string would highlight basically telling you where you are in the combo.


And when are you going to improve quickening?


It makes no sense that you take away Fury's speed and give it to a mod that ruins your energy pool. 80% loss in efficiency just to get back the speed you lost with Fury's nerf. Fury should have NEVER been nerf and Quickening should NEVER make you lose 80% efficiency. You have Corrupt Charge" that you can use instead for better results with way less efficiency loss. If fury is going to be 30%, then quickening should not have efficiency loss at all, having to channel is god enough. I can reach more speed with using Volt/Valkyr, why even use Quickening. it's so useless. Energy drained in a few hits of a mob. Energy Restore can barely keep up and even using that is too much. 


In the end, timed attacks don't have to go, but hold attacks should be implemented as an alternative. it would be similar to hotkey, but would have that Devil May Cry 5 feel.


Even magically switch between each melee weapon with each button press by materializing them using nanotechnites(Or Nano tech)...


You have Sword, Scythe, galive equipped, hold or press each button i mentioned earlier to materialize them r simply have different combos for the same weapon.


And you should speed up the animation of each combos, there is no reason for them to be so slow and get you killed.


Melee Quick Shot




Melee Stance Mod Stat Rework (Multi-Hit/multi-Shot In Place Of Additional Mod...


Dagger Stance Attackspeed Bug?


Alt Fire And Zoom In Are Separate Keys. Why Don't They Work As Such?


Impact, Puncture And Slash Are Meaningless - What are ye guys going to do about this?



You even going to fix this?


Even the Glaive slide attack is strong than it's thow damage. Are you going to reverse this?


Also Mirage Hall of Mirror clones cannot toss the Glaive with it equipped. I do however see them toss it when it's not equipped, but only when hosting, much lke the dread issue especially with thunderbolt. You going to fix this?







You guys ever going to start adding new tiles to old tiles again with each update or at least major update? The old tiles are getting boring and repetitive especially the age old ones.


You ever going to add custom player created tilesets like you said you guys would do?


You ever going to give kubrows an auto loot system like a trained pet and even sniff out enemies?


Would you be able to transfer to each planetary lobby w/o going back to Liset and have Ordis fly the Liset to your location. It would make the Liset similar to a "My Room" feature.


Would you be able to access the star chart and begin missions from the lobby without going into liset?


Would there ever be an HQ lobby?







Ever thought of disabling energy drain trap doors until U15 for the sake of sword alone?


Every going to make alerts adapt any infested tilesets and other missions?


Infested missions ever going to go dark?


Invasions ever going to get new music, tilesets, planets, missions(Ext is boring, tired and broken), and more meaningful rewards?


Ever going to allow credits to add up based on time spent in endless missions and alerts?

(In the time spent moving up to wave 10, i could have done upto wave 5 twice over and earn double the credits of going to 10 and triple going to 15 and quadruple for 20 and so forth. Something is seriously wrong here)


Ever going to simplify Void keys and make T1-T4 keys rather than T2(Insert Mission here)?

It's a convoluted mess and there is no definitive way to even get precisely the right key which means you must deal with awful trading and pray you can use the wrong key to get the right one.which hardly happens.


Ever going to put Void key rewards back in normal missions? See no reason why they aren't there in the first place?


Every going to make T1 keys appear after 5 waves/5 minutes, etc. happen more often and T2 for 10 and T3/T4 for 15?


You guys ever going to streamline the escape menu more?

Rather than click on "Equipment" then click Arsenal, you hover over "Equipment" then hover over "Arsenal" and click it.

Edited by Jinryusai
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With the new movement systems that have been teased in Parkour 2.0, such as the bullet jump and aimglide mechanics shown on Steve's twitter, what will become of the various movement abilities that warframes currently have?


Zephyr's tailwind ability, for example, will probably become pointless after the update in its current state, as it has always been an ability used solely for movement (it has damage, but that damage is negligible). Are there any ideas to rework this ability, and others like it?


Also, are all warframes going to handle similarly with the new movement mechanics? It would feel strange if a heavy frame like Rhino had the ability to aimglide just as long as a lighter frame, such as Loki. Are there any ideas for weight-class based movement mechanics?


Lastly, after the rework to Frost, do you have any plans to rework other Warframes? Frames such as Mag, Saryn, and Ember feel lacking, and are only used for one or two abilities.

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Are we ever going to get a large-scale rebalance of the way drops and XP work? As it is now, solo play is severely handicapped due to the spawn mechanics and affinity split. There is also a massive discrepancy between the most and least effective methods of resource acquisition, with certain game modes giving disproportionately high rewards for effort invested and other game modes not giving enough, leading to issues like the "Greedy Mag and Mesa" scenario that a previous patch attempted to address, but was unable to fully resolve.


On the subject of drops, are there any plans to consider making loot pickups shared? This would help players with laggy connections, as well as potentially alleviating processing load due to faster cycling-out of loot (without having to resort to the current solution of making drops disappear more quickly).


Are we getting an update on the melee range bug and the ongoing efforts to fix it?


EDIT: Is there any chance we'll finally get the ability to scale max-ranked mods down for individual builds, to remove the need for duplicate copies of various mods?

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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Question 1:With the whole removal of the stamina bar coming in U17, how will blocking be balanced? it would be a little OP to be able to just sit there and parry bullets all day.


Question 2: Will Parkour 2.0 affect when you jump then slash to propel yourself at all?

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Sorry, Jin, your post is just really, really long.

Uh, first, I sincerely hope they never implement anything from that trainwreck of a game, DMC. If I wanted a "Devil May Cry feel", I would go play that game.

Second, auto parry is already a thing in Warframe. And auto parkour? You have got to be kidding me. Parkour in this game is already very easy.

And please no invisible jet. Just, wtf.

I don't know what you're on about in regards to Quickening. Fury was nerfed because attack speeds were outrageous (still are, really), and Quickening is blatantly overpowered, but impacts efficiency so that's fair. If you're running out of energy using Quickening, well... the tenno is at fault, not the mod.


I pretty much agree with everything else though. I miss my flamethrowers, and glaives, and daggers. They need help!


Loot retrieval kubrows would be amazing. The wild ones on earth do it, I would love a "Carrier" specialized style dog that hunts out loot and/or marks enemies on the minimap or something.

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1. Most warframes seem to have more organic shapes/designs (more rounded edges, curves, etc), Do you think we'll see more designs that resemble more geometric armor plating? (Ex. Ash prime, specifically the arms are more geometric in a lot of areas). 


2. Will there ever be an opportunity for players (like myself) who may have been out of the loop or taking a break during a prime access to obtain those cosmetic pieces? (I really want that targis prime set D:)

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I'm hoping for a little overhaul on ArchWing mission when the new trial will come. Given that it showed all the J3 golem inside flying part and such. But  meanwhile, could you add some regular Archwing missions to fill the gap between the Saturn (Pandora) Exterminate lv 19-20 to the Uranus (Caelus) Interception 27-29?


Also, could you add other type of Missions (even following the same ground missions types)

 -Excavation: You could defend several consecutive drilling Titan Extractors from random meteorites

 -Capture: You could capture a escaping target

 -Highjack: You could protect a captured OGMA

 -Defence: Defence an engine, or a Satellite or antenna from hordes of enemies

 -Spy: recover data from different ships, or parts of one ship...  


Or you can invent new ones:

-Escape: Speed up run from point A to point B being followed by a space-ship engine explosion. You have to leave the ship before the explosion wave crushes you.

-Escape2: Same us before, but in open space, and you need to hit some targets before the wave blows you up.


So many options, and I'm not talking about making a real six degrees of freedom space simulator, where you can face your enemies upside down (though in space there is no up or down). That would probably meant to rewrite all the code for Archwing. But at least give it some variation. Right now leveling on Archwing is slow and a bit boring (it is hard to convince people to play an Archwing game). And I really like Archwing.


Thanks for the game, and the hours of joy (and some times foaming frustration) it has given to me :p


love you all


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Will update 17 bring any expansion to PvP, including things like weapons, warframes, and possibly balances?


Are the damage mods like  Serration, Hornet Strike, Pressure Point, and Point Blank going to be changed in the future? If so, what changes can we expect for them?

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Just been wondering, will you ever be releasing different faction inspired hulls for the Liset rather than just a new skin? perhaps one that looks like it was made with Grineer, Corpus, or Orokin parts. Of course one with an Infested Liset. Perhaps each one could also have a unique interior? It sounds greedy but I was just curious if you'd ever do anything more with the Liset.

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Is there anything new to show of the new Yin Yang warframe? (like its powers)


Will the new full body lotus be making an appearance in update 17? Also, How is her dress coming along?(and may we see it?)


Are there any in-game models of the catbrows to show yet?


Is there anything to show us of the Earth's moon?


Which warframe will get a major rework next?(like how frost's powers got reworked)


Any news on Trinty's skirt/lobster tail getting a stunning new cloth  rework?


Can we see some more of the new star chart?


Any news on the arc drone?

Edited by Evdokiya
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My Questions are...

1) Are you working on New assassins like the Stalker, G3 and Zanuka Hunter or are you perhaps updating the current assassins?

2) With the introduction of Unlimited Stamina how will Blocking be changed? Will we be able to block infinitely or will you limit how long we are able to block for?

Edited by (PS4)TheRainbowTurt1e
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