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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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I guess a few questions to think about would be:


[DE] has spoiled an image of an Archer-themed Warframe in their NYCC event and they have also shown the Wukong Warframe from their last Devstream. Are they both going in the Global Warframe or has [DE] decided to add in the Archer first then Wukong in a later date?




Is there any update on the progress of weapon/enemy rebalancing?



How is progress on the Sentient?

DE said that anything the chinese Warframe have will be added at some point to the global version.

BTW, my guess is that Archer-Frame first and Wukong on a later update next. No one knows for sure, lets hear what DE have to say...


My question:

Any news about Trading 2.0?

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Will clan chat Be in Warframe Nexus? As of writing, it's by far my most anticipated feature that was mentioned!! :D

Will we have Relays with differing features? They look all look very similar at the moment. :0

Something new- Kubrow face armour/ body armour please? I love my prime armour by it covers the shiny eyes and lotus fur. :(

And most important, sniper rework, is it still happening? :0

Edited by oceano4
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Any warframe incomming with a power that buffs DoT / Status builds ?


Opinion of the devs on the balance of trinity ?


ETA for u18 ?


ETA for next premuim skin ?


Will the rebalance of weapons mods keep the difference between a fully-modded, potatoed, formaed lvl30 weapon and an unmodded lvl0 weapon at a over 30 times coefficient ? (this is my main concern about it)


Edit : New Dual Swords stance ? We almost have 20 of this type but only 2 stances ...

Edited by vazerd68
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Any word on when Ash Prime and Trinity Prime will get their textures converted to PBR? All of the new bits (helmet, armor, etc.) are PBR'd, but the bodies are not. This is causing significant shading and coloration inconsistencies.



With Ash Prime at least the artist changed the textures, even if it was still the old shader. With Trinity Prime the body textures are completely unchanged.



Are alternate holsters still being considered?


( not my picture )




Thanks for bugging them about that. I'd like to see them answer that again. I was the guy that made that FYI.

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What are the sequence of the releasing of those new skins? im personally excited about the banshee and trinity skins...


What are DEs plans in the coming holloween? any huge updates? new stuff to be released?


About the Golem Boss, Im kinda  worried about the raid version... the current boss is too easy and has no mechanics (Like the VayHek Raid)to weaken it then kill it, we just straight go to its back and then fire at will. As much as i like archwing so much, im hoping for a very interesting rework for this boss and the other boss to be like the Tyl regor boss fight (i hope transition between phases will be faster and slows debuffs wont affect it). Will it get revisited to it to be more interesting?


Speaking of Boss reworks, i like the current boss reworks we had but will we have updates for a better/smooth boss fights with interesting phases and attacks to make them more challenging?

Edited by KuzkinaMat
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Are there any planned weapon remodels that you can show a preview of?


When will the infested receive weapon variants?

Nekros full reworks? This I ask in particular because, as people said with atlas, not many frames can be classified with one word. Nekros is someone who should be able to. Necromancer. He is very lacking and unfitting of this title though. He should be raising the dead and sacrificing or empowering minions. Having an entire skill dedicated to RNG is, I feel at least, inherently bad to the frame. Had you had an augment that does was desecrate does it would be fine since it is not forced upon the frame, but he is forced to have a skill dedicated to RNG


Limbo full reworks?


More clan stuff such as syandanas or sigils?


Will we ever receive syndicate sigils that don't accrue rep? I go both hexis and veil, and would love to display my veil pride but I cannot without losing rep with suda and hexis


Will we ever see full sized scythes? The kaszas is about the size of what a full scythe should be in the game. I have seen a thread or 2 about the kaszas being usable on the ground, and I thought how that is a proper size scythe. There has long been complaints about the size of scythes, so something that is a good size would be nice



Edit: New questions start here


Will we ever see alert weapons rebalanced? I love the look of the dark sword (and would love a dark greatsword but I am sadly not hopeful for that, though I would love it if one was made) but it can be rather weak in comparison to other weapons. Same goes for the pangolin sword. Most alert weapons can be rather lack luster compared to most weapons in game. Will they ever be rebalanced or will we see them given another use?


Will the dark sword and dark dagger get new symbols in the foundry to reflect their new models?


Will limbo receive any love? Cosmetic of sorts, but better abilites or rework? Something like that?


More questions soon



Bonus questions


Sigils displayed on shields?


Tower shield? As in a sword and board with a full body tower shield and perhaps a hand and a half sword?


Naberus cape?


Better question. Dark sword and board? Imagine that. I could see a diamond shape on your arm to match the shape of the dark weapon series that extends to a kite shield. I think that would be a fun weapon and potentially beautiful shield

Edited by Surtur
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Hi DE_Rebecca & Co,


I, recently, started playing along with some of my friends from other games and we've become hooked to Warframe. 


We have started up a clan and even begun working towards primes and clan-exclusive equipment with the intent of hitting Dark Sectors full-force.


Though a few questions we all have are:


1.) Will the selection of Warframes and Weapons for Conclave continue to grow as re-balancing is conducted?

2.) Will the selection of Weapons and Warframes for Dark Sectors remain open as it once was?

3.) Will we see the exclusive in China come to other regions such as NA, Europe, etc?

4.) Will we see more varied weapon types in the future? (i.e. Flails, Kama w/ Chain attachments, etc?)

5.) Will we see maneuvering options like wall-running make a return as opposed to the (bunny) wall-hop?

6.) Will more weapons get an alternate firing mode? (i.e. Automatic to 3-round burst, 3-round burst to single shot, etc).


Your time and answers or even hints are appreciated.


Best regards and looking forward to update 18!


~Tetrad member, CarnivalP

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Q: News about multishot's rework? Saryn's rework?

Q: When will come the other alternative skins?

Q: U18, this year or the next year (January/February)?

Q: When is expected Ember's rework?

Q: Can we hope Claws, Scythes, Sticks, Machetes & Swords/Shields be buffed?

Q: Is Trinity prime & Kavasa prime armor will get a PBR traitment? 

Q: What about sniper reworks? Because we know when but we don't really know what.

Edited by CGs_Knackie
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1. Starchart 3.0 and Void Keys ?

What will happen with all our void keys collected so far with introducing starchart 3.0 ?

2. Energy indicators for other team members ?

Since I started playing warframe and tracking reddit/warframe forums this "Idea" was posted countless times.
Since that time basically we have no responce so far or any other kind of information about it.
Why you keep avoid this topic that much ?

3. Orokin Vault.

Currently we have no access to get following primes :     Mag Prime / Frost Prime / Ember Prime
and weapons : Boar Prime / Dakra Prime / Latron Prime / Reaper Prime / Glaive Prime / Sicarus Prime
I would like to ask what is this Prime Vault ?. I know that it is "an archive outside of Tenno reach,
houses items that have been retired from the game's reward tables". It' been over half year and we have basically no information about this instance.

 From warframe player perspective I would like to ask :
 -When we are going to access it ?
 -How we are going to access it ? (Will it be a time limited access or we will have to meet some special requirements ?)
 -Will "Loot" gained there be completely random or time rotation based ?


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Ohohoho PLEASE talk more about Orokin Moon. Please. I beg of you!


How is it coming along? IS it coming along? (Please tell me you haven't scrapped the idea. It was too beautiful to die!)


Kavat. When shall we be seeing those? I wanna be a crazy cat lady e.e


Mios? Rapier? Trinity/Saryn/Rhino Alt skins?


Liset Seats? I kid, I kid.. maybe.


Orbiter Compartment? Ordis says it was bigger, and I assume Cephalons cannot forget (unless the info was wiped, but then why does he remember?)


When does the Warframe China version go live? Will you be releasing Excal Umbra/Wukong/related gear exactly thirty days hence or will it be longer? ETA (After the China version goes live) would be appreciated ^>^


I see talk of a Loki and Banshee Premium skin.. What is that? Where was this mentioned? What is this madness?!


That's all I got. Will see you all there ^.^

Edited by KaraOgata
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Join us this Friday, October 16 for Devstream #61!


Who: Rebecca is joined by the usual suspects – Scott, Steve, and Geoff!


What: This Devstream will feature a Q&A session with updates on content discussed this year! Find out more about our release plans for the remainder of 2015!


Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes during the Livestream!


Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe


When: Join us Friday, October 16 at 2 p.m. EDT! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/


This thread closes at 10 a.m. on October 16!  Get your questions in!

Thanks DE . I hope you guys will bring something special in my birthday ;-)

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What are the plans for reworking sniper weapons (and hopefully single-shot rifles like the Latron/Opticor) and what will make them an option worth picking over a bow for any reason other than 'it shoots straight'?

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