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So. Pve Stuff Available Only Through Pvp?


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Is that real? I'm PvP player (max rank already, if it ever means something) and I feel there is something wrong. I want most of those mods already, but I don't rly want to grind PvP matches for PvE stuff. I just hope they'll drop somewhere. If not from enemies - from some missions. I hope.

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Eh? I thought PvP stuff doesn't work in PvE at all.


  • The following Conclave Mods can now be used in PvE:
    • Reflex Draw / Twitch / Soft Hands (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased Holster/Draw speed.
    • Spry Sights / Agile Aim / Snap Shot (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased movement speed when aiming down sights.
    • Air Recon / Overview / Broad Eye (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - increased FoV when Aim Gliding
    • Eject Magazine / Tactical Reload / Lock and Load (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - weapons reload while holstered.
    • Gun Glide / Double-Barrel Drift / Strafing Slide (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased accuracy and reduced recoil while sliding.
    • Spring Loaded Broadhead (Daikyu) - Increased damage after the projectile has traveled 20m.
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  • The following Conclave Mods can now be used in PvE:
    • Reflex Draw / Twitch / Soft Hands (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased Holster/Draw speed.
    • Spry Sights / Agile Aim / Snap Shot (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased movement speed when aiming down sights.
    • Air Recon / Overview / Broad Eye (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - increased FoV when Aim Gliding
    • Eject Magazine / Tactical Reload / Lock and Load (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - weapons reload while holstered.
    • Gun Glide / Double-Barrel Drift / Strafing Slide (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased accuracy and reduced recoil while sliding.
    • Spring Loaded Broadhead (Daikyu) - Increased damage after the projectile has traveled 20m.



The way I see it, none of these are actual gameplay-affecting beyond the player using them. They only serve to augment their experience, not make the game easier. It's not like Serration is buffed when you used the PvP variant.

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Not big deal. Also, the title of the Thread is misleading, those aren PvE mods obtainable trough PvP, those are PvP mods that you can use (if you CHOOSE) in PvE.

Don't want to do Conclave? There's trade chat. Everyone wins.

Edited by Nazrethim
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No, the title's quite accurate. There's now PvE stuff which is only available through PvP. That's not a good thing.

PvP stuff that you can [optionally] use in PvE. And it's not a big deal, if you don't like certain game mode, you can always trade for the parts (I hate defense missions but I love Ash, so I had to either soldier on and do defense or go to trade chat and get my bp from there)

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Somehow it's not surprising that DE pulled an Overkill on us. I saw it coming although I expected Teshin guns before mods usable in PvE.

Soooo... Anyone up for some win trading? Those "reload while holstered" mods could see some use in some of my guns *cough*Supra*cough*Buzlock*cough*

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What's wrong with wanting people to stick to their word? DE has said that PvP will not affect PvE content, and we want an explanation.



PvP stuff that you can [optionally] use in PvE. And it's not a big deal, if you don't like certain game mode, you can always trade for the parts (I hate defense missions but I love Ash, so I had to either soldier on and do defense or go to trade chat and get my bp from there)

Anything that is usable in PvE is PvE content, just like how anything usable in PvP is PvP content.


The difference between PvP and PvE is a much larger gap than the difference between Defense and Exterminate.



The way I see it, none of these are actual gameplay-affecting beyond the player using them. They only serve to augment their experience, not make the game easier. It's not like Serration is buffed when you used the PvP variant.

Holster speed, movement speed while aiming, and reload while holstered affect actual gameplay.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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i'm sure they'll be available outside of PvP in some means.

Daily Missions for Teshin or something like that to get some pointamajiggers to buy things from him without playing PvP sounds like a nice way to handle it.



  • Gun Glide / Double-Barrel Drift / Strafing Slide (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased accuracy and reduced recoil while sliding.

that one'll be strange, since there's no Accuracy decrease while Sliding as of currently.

wouldn't make a whole lot of sense if Sliding was more accurate than standing still.

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It rubs me a very bad way that i am being told i NEED to PvP in order to get some PvE mods, some that i would need too...that mod for the extra damage on the Daikyu is meaningful to me because i love bows. 


Im flat out not interested in PvP, please dont force me :/ veeery uncool DE, strongly suggest you do not go down this fork.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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It rubs me a very bad way that i am being told i NEED to PvP in order to get some PvE mods, some that i would need too...that mod for the extra damage on the Daikyu is meaningful to me because i love bows. 


Im flat out not interested in PvP, please dont force me :/ veeery uncool DE, strongly suggest you do not go down this fork.


That makes 2 of us. I am trying to get that damn Daikyu mod off of trade chat but not one single whisper for the last 30 minutes of asking to buy it. -_______- I don't want to play PvP, I've tried it, I will admit I am not good at it and didn't find it particularly fun. 

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No, the title's quite accurate. There's now PvE stuff which is only available through PvP. That's not a good thing.


Another reason for me to move on and find other games to play. Just what I needed at this point. 


Seriously, I mean the above. I have NO desire to EVER participate in PVP. However, knowing there are PVE mods available that I can never access, despite all the hours I like to put into Warframe, is a good way to just drive me away from the game. 

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Seriously, I mean the above. I have NO desire to EVER participate in PVP. However, knowing there are PVE mods available that I can never access, despite all the hours I like to put into Warframe, is a good way to just drive me away from the game. 


Even if you had those mods I doubt you will use them. Will you drop your damage mods from your builds?

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Nope, DE said PvP stuff won't affect PvE. Apparently people only care about their promises when it's about Excalibur Prime

There is consistency. Releasing Excalibur Prime is good for the game and would piss off elitist trolls. Making PvP affect PvE is bad for the game and greatly pleases PvP elitists/trolls.* So there is consistency here. Making the game worse overall, nice trend.

*I see people playing PvP for fun in this game getting upset and worried. Playing with people who hate the game mode and forcing themselves to do so is not a nice experience. Afk and cheapest tactics only.

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This just goes to show how little forethought and faith people have, even when blessed with an actually decent company. This could quite literally be the first phase in a larger change that will bring about the ability to use any mods anywhere. You have no idea where they'll place the new mods or what new ways they'll make them obtainable. You all aren't even sure if this is part of the scaling/mandatory mods overhaul and you're already on the forums whining about something that barely affects you. If you can't get it because you don't wish to pvp or no one will sell it to you then simmer down and be patient. The game and the mods aren't going to disappear tomorrow if you don't have them the exact instant that they come out. They could implement a completely different method of obtaining the mods at a later date. Honestly though, this change hardly affects your ability to kill things or play the game, you can still go into a mission with whatever weapon you have and one shot things up to 40~50 mins in T3~4 survival and defense, so stop complaining. As far as promises DE made, I'd break a promise in a heartbeat if the overall outcome would be beneficial to someone, especially the person I made the promise to in the first place, even if they were whining the entire time I was doing it. See what more there is to come before you start demanding explanations 2 days before a devstream. Calm down and be patient.

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