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Holiday Wishlist & A Happy New Year!


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Dear DE


Thanks for the recent works, especially the Second Dream Quest.


Also, Happy Holidays, DE.


My Wishlist:


+25 Health, +125 Armor for my favoritest Frame. Which is Saryn.


Moar Badass Bosses.


One unlockable ability augment slot on Frames.


Also, better start that next Prime Access soonish.


Also better start that Prime Access soon.

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Wish list, huh?



inb4: "locked for anticipating posts with negative vibrations"?



1 - Stop calling nerfs 'fixes'. If you feel something you created got out of hand - improve it the right way.


Temporary solutions break this game for months, we have seen it too many times - melee parry fall through map, weapons jamming, disappearing Kestrel, Archwing on land... The list is long.



2 - Remove quick melee. Weapon without stance acts like quick melee with simplified move set. Channeling can stay, activated at will.


* Warframe loses too much gameplay fluidity by switching to separate stance.


* Syndicate energy only charges for melee if it's in equipped in full stance.


* Charge attacks are not available in quick melee and are a mess now because stance differences and unnecessary swing before charge.



3 - Remove  Improve Archwing Create proper swimming system.


So forced Archwing mode is here to stay, huh? How about no? It feels like NES Ninja Turtles water level.


Honestly, there is nothing worth playing in Archwing except mastery points. It's clunky and chaotic, beyond saving.


Underwater mode is even worse. Why do space ninjas deploy their gear in space with epic animations but deciding to take a swim it just bursts out of their arses? 


Watch world's fastest swimmers, how gracefully human being can move underwater is amazing.


Now imagine what space ninjas should be capable of. 


Underwater Archwing is a BAD idea, illogical, unpractical and screaming for a replacement with proper swimming system.


It would also be a great chance to fill the gaps in many maps, create secret areas, traps, puzzles. 




2015 ends "year of quality" jokes with a solid updates and a promise of improvements.


I would welcome 2016 being 'year of nothing' as long as game breaking glitches are fixed.

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A purely fun frame with absolutely no other purpose that pure Christmas joy. #SeriousNotSerious


This, is Santa. 



  Turns your primary into a Present Grenade Launcher. Shooting presents at the ground, or at targets. Left-click launches a projectile present at a target, causing it to explode in a shower of tinsel, that causes periodic damage and confusion. Right-clicking launches presents at the ground. Enemies who walk over them are turned into a random toy until attacked, or effect wears off. Allies receive random buffs. 


Jingle Bells

   Santa throws bells at the target location, causing confusion and distraction amongst his enemies. Used in conjunction with his Presents ability creates a large AOE crowd-control trap.  


Belly Drop

  Santa launches himself into the air, only to drop belly-first amidst his enemies. Causing knock-down. 


Elven Apocalypse

  Using a series of miniature void-portals, Santa's Little Helpers stream into the room charging a nearest target. Upon contact, they explode with the potential to cause Elven Apocolypse, a chain-reaction where a series of Elves explode one after the other, doing massive AOE damage. 


Ho,Ho,Ho Tenno.

Edited by Kenboushou
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I just want Frost/Frost Primes cloth physics. 3 years of penguin tail has been kind of annoying in my book.

And maybe some new stances/mods for dual daggers, why Covert Lethality doesn't work on dual daggers like the Fang Prime is beyond me.

Edited by Rhundis
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Hmmmm... What I would like is...


1) That you all have an amazing Christmas and vacation time to rest and recharge after all dat U18 craziness!


2) A quest to finally repair poor Ordis and find out more about him.


3) A mini-game like Wyrmius where we get to be Clem running around with a group of Tenno trying to teach us how to Tenno. :P


I also hope that I can go to TennoLive next time it's in the US on the East coast, but that's a different matter. >=3

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1. Nezha Rework:

- Change the horrible long cast animations at his third and fourth skill

- also change the way of the fourth skill - maybe something like dmg at the start and then the other damage (when falling down) as a bleed proc or something for the time while speared ^^ and to make the damage stackable (pierce enemies with two spears would be cool) would be nice, but is not possible

- or change the 3 that the invincibility starts with the casting animation


2. Focus:

- as far as I can see in my school (Zenurik) there is only one good thing - the energy regeneration - everything else is not very good compared to 45 seconds more cooldown. so I have to activate 8 things, then this way is done for me (4x energie-regeneration, 4x cooldown). Maybe the regeneration of energie while the 5th skill is active should be increased (something like 10 each second or something like this), the radius of the damage passive should be much larger and so on...

- I don't find any need in the pool - because there are now two ways to make the use of the fifth skill very hard: cooldown AND pool is too much in my opinion


3. New Warframe:

- most people wouldn't like it and everyone would play it :P

- a Frame who "steals" the skills of other frames to use it on his own.

- a Skill on 1 can still only be a skill on 1

- to stop creating op-builds every frame can only give one skill to the new frame

- like Rhino's roar, but not his iron skin

maybe something like:

1: Saryn, Loki, Mag, Oberon, Trinity, Nyx, Excalibur

2: Ash, Limbo, Banshee, Mesa, Hydroid, Volt, Nezha

3: Frost, Vauban, Equinox (day), Nova, Ivara, Wukong, Rhino

4: Atlas, Ember (because of the missing 2 it wouldn't be OP), Chroma, Zephyr, Atlas, Mag, Nekros

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if I only had to pick three


1. replaybitly of quests (I know it was mentioned on countless dev streams...), with more and more quest coming out, I would love to be able to replay the quest even just for the lore/cinemantic value like the 2nd dream.

maybe by a new "reliving (metrix-like) system" that would unlock in a future (Simaris maybe?) quest?


2. more cosmetics... for our tennos! I would love to have more suits, maybe even more hairstyle like Fro prime, and prisma Mohok, also would really love a tenno horse mask


3. more fun mechanics, I love the changes made to the game from when I started,

parkur 2.0, frames reworks (excal, frost, mesa, saryn, rhino), shorties, new enemys( like the manics and the potatoheads), new daily quests and more things I cant remember,

keep the ever evolving engine growing, hopefully, the fun way!

side-note: I didnt mention focus as it is still a beta version of it, and I hope by the end of 2016 would love the way it works, I do love the insta revives and free health + shileds I get every 4 min, its fun helping the team that way!

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1: Saryn Prime (I know, she comes Soon™)

2: more Orbiter stuff (hoprfully Soon™)

3: I want to know where Lotus came from so suddenly at the end of the second dream, also who came up with the idea to bring a severed warframe head to the meeting of Hunhow and Stalker?

Was Hunhow like:" I am a friend, let's meet and discuss how to kill those pesky Tenno.... Oh yeah and bring me one of their heads"

Or was Stalker like: "Someone wants to meet me. I better bring one of the Tenno heads I collect, because severed heads are always a nice gift"

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1) spend more time on story/lore, give Warframe life. The second dream was it's first heartbeat in a long time, now it's time to keep it going!

2)CHAT. REWORK. (in this case trading chat.)

3)hmm last one.... oh i know... REDUCE THE GRIND!! i understand that there must be grind but i should be able to get the item in the latest of 3 weeks


4)Arch-wing this poor malformed...thing, if it was alive I'd shoot it, help it or get rid of it


i understand num. 4 will most likely be ignored  but more likely the whole post will be ignored




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De Already have changed energy channel for Excalibur prime .Are you sure ? "The founder stuff, can stay how they are"

Yeah that came out when the update was out I do believe, DE won't be PRBing or changing anything more.


Unless you want the Community to explode, and begin all hate war, cuz if you want it to be aimed at you guys, be my guest..

Edited by LegionCynex
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Dear DE,


great job on The Second Dream! I really enjoy it. Especially the sorties.

Here is my wishlist:


1)PBR/improved textures/unified lighting on everything (enemies/items).


2)More/better death and gore animations related to all dmg types.


3)Balance, Balance, Balance (which includes the rework of mandatory mods).


Merry Christmas

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My wish list as a person that values function over cosmetics:


1. More balancing, specifically with frames however, weapons need some love too. I won't make a long list of weapons or frames, you can find them all over the 'feedback' threads. Yes, we're getting frame reworks/tweaks but, I feel like it's too slow. It takes about a month to rebalance/tweak a frame? Pretty slow. I've seen countless threads, some with great logic and though behind suggested changes that would make lesser used frames more worthwhile to use.


-Specifically, get that Saryn build out the door!


2. Stealth rework. Again, I've seen a few good threads on how this could be done. I would love to run solo missions with frames that can't go invisible - the ninja way. With more covertness.


3. Enemy scaling. The opposite coin of frame reworks, the horrible scaling of enemy stats. Damage (all around) and Grineer armor on heavier units. Sorties can now go up to level 100, meaning (in my belief) that DE acknowledges in some sort, that we should be able to do that high of level. There's certain setups that players depend on to play that high of level. I would like to see more options, viability, for alternate frames and weapons.

Edited by TGKazein
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Yeah that came out when the update was out I do believe, but enough flattering yourself, DE won't be PRBing or changing anything more.


Unless you want the Community to explode, and begin all hate war on..you guys ,..I mean..your call, if you wanna be treated that way 

Where on earth did you get the idea that DE won't be applying PRB to Excal P? They've specifically stated that EVERYTHING that is prime will be getting it at some point.


As for the idea of him getting buffed, personally I see it to be pointless, but possible regardless. Especially if Umbra ends up being better (though if I'm not mistaken, Umbra in the Chinese version has the same stats as regular Excal, so that's unlikely). The reason Excalibur prime is an exclusive to founder is because they want founders to hold onto that something that's truly special for supporting them in the early days of the game.


If Umbra thrumped it, that'd be null for the most part. So while I feel it's kinda pointless, Excal P buffs are not an impossible scenario.

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ok, i have only 3 wishes (and one of them i might only have hope)


*i wish for [DE]steve to get a GOOD working star map working before july of 2016.


*i wish that,we get more cinimatic quest (or even re works) in warframe.


*i wish that other operating systums could play the game with no hassle.(not downloading extra contant) (and i know this ones far fetch, but i can only hope to play with a friend some day)

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Where on earth did you get the idea that DE won't be applying PRB to Excal P? They've specifically stated that EVERYTHING that is prime will be getting it at some point.



The fact that if the "Founder" package is touched in any way, that alot of people will be upset, period, so its not very smart to PBR the founder package or buff it, it simple will not happen, unless you want a Riot.


Tho...A PBR whuold be nice, as I really hate looking at Excal Primes key face, when someone has their frame painted black, looks REALLY out of place...and I don;t even have it..

Edited by LegionCynex
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Дорогой Дедушка мороз, борода из волос D83DDE05.png 
В этот Новый год 2016й я хотел попросить тебя подарить мне экскалибура прайм blank.gif но знаю что ты этого скорее всего не сделаешь и поэтому прошу сделать что то на подобие первого прайм доступа, что бы при покупки он давал расширение, статус, значок к автатарке и экскалибура умбру blank.gif 
2. Сделай настоящие большие пушки имбовые ближе к 20 рангу что нибудь на подобии минигана, гатлинга, http://SSMaker.ru/5add1111/ гранатометы с огромным радиусом взрыва чтоб взрывались как маленькая ядерная бомба, и добавь уже гранаты, а то у всех противников есть гранаты а у тэно нет D83DDE04.png 
3. накажи всех не настоящих игроков со статусом "основатель" чей аккаунт прошел уже 20 рук и больше, веди понижение ранга статуса "основателя" за оскорбления и маты и не подобающее поведение Великий Мастер ->Мастер ->Охотник ->Ученик ->Обычный игрок , потому что 99% тех кто купил первый прайм доступ или аккаунт, ведут себя крайне отвратительно blank.gif blank.gif 
я в тебя верю

Edited by ice13
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The fact that if the "Founder" package is touched in any way, that alot of people will be upset, period, so its not very smart to PBR the founder package or buff it, it simple will not happen, unless you want a Riot.


Tho...A PBR whuold be nice, as I really hate looking at Excal Primes key face, when someone has their frame painted black, looks REALLY out of place...and I don;t even have it..



It's just a cosmetic upgrade though dude. Think of it this way; there's been exclusive syandanas to certain prime accesses that can't be obtained anymore, outside of prime vault of course. For example, I got the one in Rhino's pack, which looked like a flimsy pool noodle in game.


Later on, they not only gave it better physics, but changed the model it's self. But no one got heads over heels about it.


Besides, Excal P is ugly anyway. The body type is incredibly bland and difficult to color, and while I don't mind Key Face, there's other appealing helmets out there.


I dunno, I seriously doubt there will be a flame war because they made excal p about 5% less ugly :P

Edited by Triburos
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1. The animation for shooting with weapons would change depending on your stance.

(Currently you always revert to the blank animation set then go back to the one you choose after)



2. A Transmission pack that could be bought with plat that would change the Lotus from being your in mission support to unique characters like Maroo, Darvo, Syndicate Leaders, etc. 

(Of course it would not take effect in quests, just normal gameplay)



3. Large boosts That you receive passively for melee if you go "The Sword Alone"

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