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Your 5 wishes


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There are things we all want to see in the game ... so in order to let those feelings flow you can write here 5 things you want to see in the game. Maybe for update 19, maybe for further updates or right now.

5 things i want are:

  1. The ember deluxe skin (i just love to burn things and i would love to burn them with a new skin :DD).
  2. A deeper storyline in other elements of the game, for example we know the queens are two of the principal enemies we have, but we have not seen them ever, also the corpus feels to me like something is missing, also would love to see them go deeper (PAUSE) on G3.
  3. More dual dagger weapons could be something nice (just having 3 of them feels kinda odd considering the amount of polearms, dual swords and swords we have).
  4. More caracteristics towards the stances, (and i know its a lot of work) but how about 2 different finishers for an individual stance not a weapon type. (meaning that the animation i trigger using Blind Justice is not the same for Tranquil Cleave or Decisive Judgement) OR that the finisher animations are different between warframes (for example Rhino with dual swords would not be jumping in a victims shoulders, maybe stabs the two swords in the body and rips him off (?... or something like that).
  5. (Probably this is the most probable to happen) Nekros Prime :DD (it is early, i know ... but nekros is one of my favorite warframes ... so, excuse me).

What are the things that YOU want?

Have a nice day or night or afternoon or whatever.


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1. Cross play between xbox one and ps4, apparently they have similar bugs, so they most likely should be compatible with one another. (Even though I don't have a xbox one) and then add cross play to PC too.

2. a Buff to the current (Rewards, exterminate) systems, especially invasions.

3. One handed hacking animation.

4. More Live-skill mods, Argon scope.

5. Smoother gameplay in archwing's movement.


1) less nerf threads

2) less nerf threads

3) less nerf threads

4) less ash nerf threads

5) more buffs

You do know he was talking about IN THE GAME.....

Edited by Magnulast
Quotes are broken since they auto direct to the bottom post....Added extra note.
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1. Unvault all prime frames and put their parts in the Void or the Orokin Derelict. To fulfill that, remove all the stupid rewards from the Void and the Orokin Derelict. With stupid rewards I mean Orokin Cells and Cores.

2. Buff Nekros' base stats. All of them are below average. 

3. Give Mag Prime 150 base power, since the only thing she gets compared to Mag is 25 useless higher base health. Compared to Saryn or Ash, Mag Prime is almost identical stat wise to Mag.

4. Give some weapons and Warframes some desperate love (Hydroid, Zephir, Grinlok...)

5. Buff Equinox base range on her third and fourh skills, they are underwhelming unless you go full range on her.

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1: people should stop being salty about Saryns 'nerf'

2: people should stop being salty about Saryns 'nerf'

3: people should stop being salty about Saryns 'nerf'

4: I want a Portal cake as decoration for my Orbiter

5: people should stop being salty about Saryns 'nerf'


I will not argue about the Saryn part.  It was not a nerf

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Just now, Helch0rn said:

1: people should stop being salty about Saryns 'nerf'

2: people should stop being salty about Saryns 'nerf'

3: people should stop being salty about Saryns 'nerf'

4: I want a Portal cake as decoration for my Orbiter

5: people should stop being salty about Saryns 'nerf'


I will not argue about the Saryn part.  It was not a nerf

Agreed. Too many salty kids who love oress 4 to win

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1) Playable Grustrag clones with a squad of customizable Tubemen grown in my ship that I can command.

2) Playable Zanuka knock-offs with a pack of customizable Robotics assembled in my ship that I can command.

3) Playable Infested Grustrags/Zanukas with a swarm of customizable Infested created in my ship that I can command.

4) More Forma.

5) All the Forma.

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1) Make unvaulted prime accessories available everytime not for a short period(misa prime syandana and the next prime vault accessories should stay forever for purchase)
2) Rework excavation missions 
3) Different events in survival missions to make it less boring
4) Chroma and Frost deluxe skin
5) Let the Tennogen artists to create armor skins(leg,shoulder and chestpieces not deluxe skins), also let them create some sigils that would be nice too..

Don't think any of this stuff will happen but I just wanted get these out of my chest ^_^

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1) Ember's deluxe skin and PBR. "The lord of light demands it."

2) A way to distill the Arcane stats of the old helmet because Fashionframe.

3) Rework Moblie Defence missions, as one reward for defending 3 points is just bs.

4) The "Coming Storm" soundtrack to return for Starchart 3.0.

5) Moar Lore!



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Top five personal wishes? 

1. Either release founders pack on ps4 or remove excalibur prime from all art and derelict vault. Which is it I don't care.

2. Make corpus nullifiers function like grineer disruptor drone. No more idiotic damage capped bubble. Much better counter to actual power spam.

3. Remove complete invulnerability from all mobs and bosses and replace it with very high damage reduction. Like juggernaut. 

4. Individual extraction in survival and excavation. To encourage playing them in public on starchart. 

5. Rework trials to allow 2 player version. Coop is the name of the game, all content should be playable with 2 people. 

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1. Enough of the rework Obsession! Learn too build for different situations!  Any one Warframe is not meant too be built so every power it has is great, it's meant too be built with the focus of one power to be at its best then used amongst a team of other frames using one power at its best!


Stop the re works now pls before this game dies 

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1. Buzzaxe melee weapon.

2. Predator frame.

3. Lore that isn't derp.

4. Furis Prime (and able to use the New Loka mod).

5. Vengeful Revanant to actually drop.

56 minutes ago, Man_In_Suitcase said:

1) Ember's deluxe skin and PBR. "The lord of light demands it."

Now revives make sense xP

55 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

1. Either release founders pack on ps4 or remove excalibur prime from all art and derelict vault. Which is it I don't care.

PS4 gets Obsidian packs. Multiple of them. Nobody else does. That's your version of Founders.

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1. Stealth to be made more viable and less buggy.

2. Dakra Prime buffed to be a side-grade of Broken War.

3. Limbo changed to be able to pick up objects while in the Rift.

4. Baro to bring Prisma Skana next time.

5. Vaulted items to be placed in the Derelict/Void/Sorties.

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1. An Excalibur Proto skin and Prisma Avalon that I could use on all my frames.


2. Dojo rooms based on a battleship, Command Bridge,  Gun Batteries,  Ship Hangers, stuff like that.


3. Placeable Windows for Dojos.


4. Bigger dojo decorations.  The cap should be at least 4X bigger than the current max.


5. A hip sheathed Grineer Chainsaw Sword.


Crap I ran out of room to wish for a Grineer pump-action shotgun.

Edited by Xeo_Nespydonum
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1 - more ninja, less space farm sim

2 - Multiple Stage missions on dynamic tilesets (do a 5 min survival, do 300 cryotic excavation, assinate area boss, exit/continue.) 

3 - Item/frame specific mastery rewards

4 - zenuka frame

5 - male/female alternate frame skins (I prefer playing female characters in-game)

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1.  Multiple different voiceover/dialogue sets for the Operators, with quite different tones and themes.

2. To be able to set the Operator as the default body for walking around the Orbiter and Dojo.

3. For the starchart to make crossing the Solar System more demanding than just clicking on the desired planet. I'd like it to feel like we're actually navigating the system, negotiating Solar Rail jumps and whatnot.

4. Orbiter expansion, into the lower decks, allowing us to customise the Orbiter's lower rooms.

5. More Void weirdness, more Orokin relics to explore, revealing more data.


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1. Ability to use "vanilla" skins on Primed, Vandaled, Wraithed. etc etc version of weapons and frames. (eg, regular Tigris skin on Sancti Tigris)

2. To be rid of the pure damage mods (coming soon?)

3. More story quests and a more cohesive campaign mode.

4. More Liset customizations.

5. Make the mission types more interesting and engaging. Mission types like defense are too straightforward and boring.

Edited by EetNotErn
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1.) Mute button for Natah!

2.) Mute button for Natah!

3.) Mute button for Natah!

4.) Mute button for Natah!

5.) Did I mention a mute button for Natah!?

We got one for Ordis, one for our operators, why can't we get one for Natah? You can only listen to her idiotic ramblings so many times before you start to have dreams of DE making a rescue mission for her only to fail it on purpose to hear her die. Yes, there are grineer on the ship because it is a grineer map. Of course fire is bad, so we shouldn't touch it. There is going to be ice on a map that is based on a planet or moon covered in it! Oh I got spotted? Gee I couldn't tell because I was distracted by the blaring alert noises in the background and lights rotating in certain rooms.

For void sakes, there wouldn't be a need for the button if she would shut up about trivial things. It is fine when you run the lower tier mission (newbies may need to hear this stuff), but when I am out on a high level grineer extermination mission and there is only ONE unit left, that does not equal an assault squad!

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1. Platinum BP. Requirements 100 nano spores, 100 credits, 100 salvage, and 100 circuits. 20 minutes for crafting 500p.

2. A Chroma Prime with four extra slots that can use every Syndicate card it wants. While stacking multiple mods in each remaining slot. 

3. A open solar system like Elite Dangerous for our lisets to fly around in. Surrounded by a universe where De rips off Hello Games of its computer generated universe code for Warframe's art and lore.

4. interactive NPCs. 

5. Giant Grineer Roller Balls that chase you. While the Indiana Jones theme plays. 

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