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Toxic Players


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Unlike Monster Hunter Mastery Rank is only based on how many Items you've maxed out or how many Nodes on the star map you've cleared and not skill.
So you can make it to high MR doing little effort.

The Player is the asshat or not, I'm Rank 21 and I often I help Noobs with stuff. One of my Friends I met on Jupiter during a Neural Sensor run, He was at MR 3 or 5 at that point , now he's at 17 or 18 and has Helped me in return. I'm all for team effort even if I don't type much ... cause I'm slow at it. I like to encourage new players to find what works for them rather than shove my personal mod tastes up there butts. Helping people make them more likely to be willing to help in return and help others as well. 
Sadly there are Buttholes within Every community, I've notice most of the ones that Treat MR as a sign of Skill or supremacy are players that either still are or used to be Call of Duty junkies... But then again some are just A****** people being A******s on the game because they have no hope of being anything but A******s.

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I'm a MR21, and I play as a Vazarin-Arcane-Pulse-Rejuv Aura-Duration Trinity, and pub almost everything I do, to help as many Tenno as I can when I can! Come seek me out when I'm in game, and the all encompassing, wanted team play will be yours for the low, low price of a happy kitty face~ :3 (it's okay if you don't want to, I'll understand)

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To reinforce everyone's response, no. If my experience is anything to be judged by, the people you described seem to be rare. I've come across many MR18-21 players in PUG sorties, and basically all of them are silent but polite when they actually speak.

To throw another thought out there for you, I'm a MR21 Nyx main and I highly disapprove of his way of thinking. If the problem persists, feel free to add me in game and hit me up when you want a teammate.

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News Flash!  Some people on the internet are Jerks!!

The most jerky high MRs think that they can tell other players what weapons to use or not to use, and what nodes to play or not to play.  That sort of behavior irritates me, and you find that quite often in these forums.  Those players seem to think that because they've leveled up a bunch of junk once, they're qualified to tell other players how to play their game. 

other than that, I just mute them and move on. 

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1 minute ago, DeadlyPeanutt said:

News Flash!  Some people on the internet are Jerks!!

The most jerky high MRs think that they can tell other players what weapons to use or not to use, and what nodes to play or not to play.  That sort of behavior irritates me, and you find that quite often in these forums.  Those players seem to think that because they've leveled up a bunch of junk once, they're qualified to tell other players how to play their game. 

other than that, I just mute them and move on. 


In a game with so many options, variations and combinations, telling people 'you must use X' is silly.

Especially being 85% of the game is building / adapting / specialising to the task at hand.

(Just because the answer to the question of 'how do I achieve this' 90%+ of the time is 'Sancti Tigris' is irrelevant. ;) )

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MR may or may not be *very* loosely connected to people behaving in a toxic manner. While I'm not an MR18, and don't intend to speak for them, quite a few of those high-rankers have spent 9/10 of their time in Draco. Over this time, I assume that they adopt a very regularized method of capturing and holding interception points in the most efficient way possible, and bag on everyone and ANYONE who doesn't follow their little schematic precisely. So don't take it to heart too badly, some Tenno just barely have any people skills besides saying people are idiots for not following this "best" method.

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Just now, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

MR may or may not be *very* loosely connected to people behaving in a toxic manner. While I'm not an MR18, and don't intend to speak for them, quite a few of those high-rankers have spent 9/10 of their time in Draco. Over this time, I assume that they adopt a very regularized method of capturing and holding interception points in the most efficient way possible, and bag on everyone and ANYONE who doesn't follow their little schematic precisely. So don't take it to heart too badly, some Tenno just barely have any people skills besides saying people are idiots for not following this "best" method.

I don't think Nyx was "the most efficient way" to do interception though.

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Honestly you can be a jerk at any mr. But in all honesty have an explanation for as to why your upset...ie. if crappy frost globe then explain they stack instead of just rage quitting. Nothing more annoying than someone raging/trolling with no reason.

Edited by rawr1254
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Whenever i do sorties public i choose my frames so that no one of my team will die in the mission and the we can do it fast so i pretty much never have a reason to get angry except when waiting at extraction for 2 mins xD

Aside from that i help newer players in assassination sorties and jordas golem regularly (sometimes raids but this is just too enraging)

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Speaking as a MR 21 (who has played Draco exactly twice), I don't play Public. Ever. Full. Stop.

High MR players are not entitled and terrible. People are entitled and terrible. And when you play Public, you run into a higher number of people, thus increasing your chances of running into entitled, terrible people.

There is a reason the term "Pubbie" exists, and there is a reason it is a derogatory term.

Do yourself a favor and stop playing with pubbies. You'll do much better.

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2 hours ago, Magneu said:

Are all new players clueless and obnoxious?

Obviously no. Please don't make generalizations based on circumstantial anecdotes.

Also, how did you kill something that was Mind Controlled? MC'ed enemies are immune to Tenno damage AFAIK.

Aren't they get all the damage they took from tenno's right after MC is over? (Maybe I'm totally wrong thats based on my personal experience)

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The more you play, the more you interact with salty d*****bags (not only players, mind you) - the more likely you are become an a**hole yourself.
How did them fancy batman movies say? “You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain”

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MR 21 here, generally i find that those who are toxic in this community are those that have no respect for anybody regardless of their MR, and in all honesty all i see MR as i who spent the most time on this game (i myself have spent nearly 1000+ hours on this game... yea...) and in all honesty toxic behaivor depends on the person... not their MR...


my most common meathod for dealing with them? blocking... works 99% of the time...

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The other day I actually had a aliance member argue with me about how Draco comes down to staying 4 runs, overkill the whole map and screw who can't keep up to his damage %, and everybody who doesn't understand that should stop going to Draco, and that I was a noob for having 3 times warframe hours he has and not seeing that. While my whole argument was that I simply like balance and didn't want to ruin the game for everybody else.

Consider that the toxic people only care about that, MR, being the top carry, outrunning everyone, all they see is score, and absolutely nothing else. So they are likely to reach the highest MRs fast. It's not that MR 20/21 are toxic, it's more like... toxic people are likely to reach MR 20 fast, and we don't check the MR of the people who aren't, otherwise you would notice a lot MR 21 behind the cool ones.

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Haha thanks for the feedback and replies guys! I just ran with a group of higher MRs in a keyshare for some Loki pieces, and one of them ended up sharing about 6 or 7 keys after we all shared ours, and I was honestly pretty surprised. There does seem to be a lot of kind people in this community, a lot more so than the handful of toxic players I've met, and that's fantastic. Maybe, I was a little too quick to jump the gun in saying that all high MR players were as I described.

I'm far from expert at this game, but I do my best. I kill, I Bless, I do the objective the best I know how, and I guess I need to try NYX out because I'm not familiar with her playstyle, or her abilities. I've been getting into Raids lately and I've done pretty good in them, even a couple of nightmare raids, I'm trying to become more experienced so these types of things won't happen. But in this case, I think it was less of me being a noob, and more of conflicting play styles. He wanted to CC everything, I wanted to keep the team invincible, and nobody could come to an agreement. But to be fair on my part, I did apologize to him, and he just got angrier.


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33 minutes ago, _Rue_ said:

I don't think Nyx was "the most efficient way" to do interception though.

Nyx is alright for it, but once enemies get close to a terminal or single out a Tenno, things can get bad. If you bring Nyx, it's best to bring another form of lockdown, or a very attentive tank player who can do circles around the map to make sure everyone is protected. I recommend Nova for the former, and Atlas w/ Tectonics aug for the latter.

*cough* Banshee is top tier, tho. Who needs CP when you can ragdoll the world for 70% armor reduction.

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8 minutes ago, DuskLegendary said:

Haha thanks for the feedback and replies guys! I just ran with a group of higher MRs in a keyshare for some Loki pieces, and one of them ended up sharing about 6 or 7 keys after we all shared ours, and I was honestly pretty surprised. There does seem to be a lot of kind people in this community, a lot more so than the handful of toxic players I've met, and that's fantastic. Maybe, I was a little too quick to jump the gun in saying that all high MR players were as I described.

I'm far from expert at this game, but I do my best. I kill, I Bless, I do the objective the best I know how, and I guess I need to try NYX out because I'm not familiar with her playstyle, or her abilities. I've been getting into Raids lately and I've done pretty good in them, even a couple of nightmare raids, I'm trying to become more experienced so these types of things won't happen. But in this case, I think it was less of me being a noob, and more of conflicting play styles. He wanted to CC everything, I wanted to keep the team invincible, and nobody could come to an agreement. But to be fair on my part, I did apologize to him, and he just got angrier.


Most ppl arent expert at this game although they claim being one

Edited by -dicht.Amducias-
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