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Fairy Frame Discussion [Megathread]


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6 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

t seems your problem is literally that it is being referred to as a "fairy" frame, and I again refer you back to mythology, where fairies are about as cuddly and sparkly as Vay Hek in his Red onsie. 

Let's not forget about public perception - despite people who are delving into folklore and fairy tales to find a darker fairy and become comfortable with "Fairy frame" - the public perception IS Tinkerbell. And Faerie is not the same as "Fairy", btw. And your right, all I'm talking about is the reference to a Warframe as a "Fairy", which invokes sparkles and a little barely heard voice begging for help all the time. There are a lot of magical creatures who are well known, without a history lesson, to invoke fear - fairies are not one of them.

Your description of the Fairy Frame having razor butterflies and all that is not my issue - that is not a "Fairy" that is Warframe character design. Take away the pansie fairy frame reference and suddenly the character is kind of cool.

5 hours ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:



someone understands real world lore and how they influence the frames we have (ex:Wukong-based on chinese Monkey King lore, Exal-loosely based on King Arthur lore, Vauban-based off of Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban, a french engineer)

That's nice but Oberon only shares that name. Warframe's Oberon is NOT a fairy anymore than Vauban is not the actual engineer.

5 hours ago, (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan said:

Have you looked up the very thing Oberon is based off of? Why he has goat legs and why his deluxe skin looks the way it looks? How about you wiki Oberon. And no I don't mean the Warframe. I mean the very thing he's based off of. Also I've been playin his game for years, sonny, Oberon was the first frame I ever built. I do not owe you an apology. Oberon is based off of the King of the Fairies which goes by the same exact name, also known as Auberon. The frames theme is revolved around both a paladin or more specifically holy therefore representing Kingship. The other half is Druid which represents his ties to nature. Because fairy.

You owe me an apology because you called me a derogatory name. That was your first communication with me and there is NO REASON you should think that is okay. It doesn't matter if I am right or wrong, there is no excuse for that, and no justification. Because you disagree with someone is not a valid reason to call someone a name, period. You also owe me that apology because Oberon is described, officially, as a Paladin. The reference material doesn't matter if it is nowhere in the game - and REACHING to try and prove an argument, to a wikipedia page that refers to Oberon - but not Warframe's Oberon, to prove that point is wrong and in error. The only thing Oberon shares with the folklore Oberon is the name. You should not expect people to associate Oberon with fairies IN WARFRAME, and come off so hostile about it - all Warframe references to Oberon identify him as a Paladin, so don't get hostile with people who think of him IN WARFRAME that way. And even then, that doesn't excuse you from calling people derogatory names - that is ALWAYS unacceptable. You want to argue with me about that and tell me you shouldn't apologize - you should be happy I haven't just reported you... yet.

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9 hours ago, magusat999 said:


Have you EVER been to the WIki??? BTW. And dont call people derogatory names. Thiis a discussion, not a school yard name calling session.


" Oberon is a paladin among Warframes. Zealous offensive powers and sacred protective skills make him a balanced warrior with both assault and supportive capabilities. Oberon came to light inUpdate 11.5."

Did you miss the word PALADIN? Read it again. Oberon is a PALADIN, not a fairy, king of fairies or wearer of pink under-tighties. I already knew this because I observed the whole design process - you probably didn't even know Warframe existed at the time.

I think you owe me an apology, because clearly I am not the "dolt" if I am correct.

Sorry but your statement makes little sense, you imply the specificity of 'paladin' (that would mean he is a warrior of Charlemanges court...) The insert states a 'paladin among Warframes' the implication of this type of wording is not to say Oberon is a paladin, but that he possesses paladin like qualities. In essence a Warrior of Valour that fights against the hordes of the enemy...


He is a fairy, look at the Feyarch skin, it's obviously a spriggan, which is a class of Fairy.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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1 hour ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Sorry but your statement makes little sense, you imply the specificity of 'paladin' (that would mean he is a warrior of Charlemanges court...) The insert states a 'paladin among Warframes' the implication of this type of wording is not to say Oberon is a paladin, but that he possesses paladin like qualities. In essence a Warrior of Valour that fights against the hordes of the enemy...


He is a fairy, look at the Feyarch skin, it's obviously a spriggan, which is a class of Fairy.

First: Your logic is faulty. It is the WIKI statement, fiirst - not MINE (I didn't make that up).

Secondly, you didn't consider that Fairy is NOT MENTIONED AT ALL (except later in trivia, as a liturgical reference to a NON WARFRAME Oberon - the NOME origin - you didn't even bother to scroll down that far to try and argue THAT - which would be fruitless anyways). Your statement makes even less sense, because you inserted, relied upon information that is NOT THERE. The wiki does not go on to describe him as a Fairy, so by using your initial logic he could be anything - a monkey, a troll, a baby, a cat. You cannot logically insert fairy there to justify your faulty conclusions - it isn't there. But paladin is.

ALSO - more context supporting the obviousness that he is a Palaldin, besides the fact he is never called a fairy IN WARFRAME.:

His powers, in the same wiki statement are called "ZEALOUS. Who were the Zealots? They certainly were not fairies. There's a historical reference for Zealots too - and the wording is there, unlike "Fairy King".

Lets address the trivia section of the wiki:

First entry:

"Oberon (also spelled Auberon) is portrayed as a king of the fairies in medieval and Renaissance literature. He is best known as a character in William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream, in which he is Consort to Titania, Queen of the Fairies.
Oberon also shares his name with a mission node on Uranus, which in astronomy corresponds toone of Uranus' moons."

READING COMPREHENSION will inform you that it is talking about the Oberon (Auberon) from literature. Nowhere does it say Oberon in literature IS the Oberon in Warframe. It also is a node on Uranus - but people aren't saying "Oberon is a node on Uranus, but rather picking and choosing what they want in order to validate their argument. Nevertheless, this is historical data - and does not imply nor outright state Oberon in Warframe is THIS Oberon. neither is there ever a connection made to "Fairy King" in the Warframe game.

Second Entry:

"Digital Extremes has stated that Oberon's abilities were based around the idea of a Paladin or Druid.
Oberon was first constructed under the name Paladin. (datamined, Lotus/StoreItems/Powersuits/Paladin)"

How do you ignore that??? This entry fully supports my argument. IN WARFRAME, according to DE - Oberon is a Paladin. When Oberon was designed it was in response to a call for a PALADIN - so if someone is saying they designed him, that person should have the honor about themselves to include that (I've been here for 3 years - long enough to have been around when Oberon ideas were being considered / created). Note is says "Oberon was FIRST CREATED under the name Paladin..." . That means, OBVIOUSLY, that Oberon was initially conceived as a Paladin (DE wanted a Paladin in the first place - not a "Fairy King") - NOT A FAIRY, and thus all of this "Fairy King" non-sense should cease. There it is in black and white - DE's OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION. Can we stop arguing about it now?

And finally, even IF Warframe's Oberon was a "Fairy King" - the idea of a Fairy Frame, is still off and doesn't fit in Warframe. Little flitting, flapping, sparkly pixie dust flitterer floating around. it is even described as going into Tinkerbell mode, so I don't see how people try to say "It's not based on Tinkerbell type fairies..." The frame goes into full tiny fairy mode? How is that not a Tinkerbell, little "LITHEN!!!" Link - type fairy???

Lotus Threatens with Fatal Flitters with the  the "Fairy Frame"... with sparkles and My Little Ponies...:

Lotus: "OK, that's it Alad V - we are sending the most dangerous WARFRAME to take you out once and for all!"
Alad V: "Oh, Im so scared... who will it be this time? that mummy? The Rhino? Or your going to try and be sneaky with the trickster??? Who do you have that I should FEAR???"
Lotus: "Fairy Frame!"
Alad V: "Did you just say... Fairy...?"
Lotus: "That's right - the fearsome, devastating Fairy Frame - with Razor Butterflies..."
Alad V: "Razor... Butterflies??? Oooo - I'm scared now... it might cut my sammich from corner to corner - and I HATE THAT...hahaha! Hold on... let me call up Nef Anyo... no let me call everyone..Oh Gawd...I cant...stop ha!.. Ha-ha...HAHAHAHA!!"
Nef: "She's sending what? ...mwahahah!"
Alad V: "Yes, Vor...omg... I have to party line this one...lemme see, Ruk... Thaym, Hek...Krill... Regor - You all there? Yes - Lotus is sending Tinkerbell to get us now... Hey - let me call Stalker..."
Stalker: "A Fairy... what kind of flowers has Lotus been snorting???"
Alad V "I know, right? OMG - I cant stop... laughing... My electronics hurt..."
Ordis: "Ordis is... angry... - Ordis quits..."
Lotus: "STOP LAUGHING... its a really mean fairy... with sparkles...and lots of fluttering!"
Alad V; "Better hurry up and send it... HERE COMES CAPTAIN HOOK! MWAW HAW HAWWW!!!"
Everybody - except for Lotus, who's hat was far to low to see the humor in it, erupted in great laughter. And the Operator and Ordis got the heck off the ship, was last seen at a Sonic sucking down shakes...

No matter how you slice it... fairies aint scary. And war machines, like the Warframe, have NEVER taken on pansy names like "Fairy" because it invokes no sense of dread whatsoever... "Here comes the 'USS Fairy Boat'... oooo - I'm scared...".

Edited by magusat999
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1 hour ago, magusat999 said:


Mate, you're reading way too much into this. As I said earlier in your thread, 'fairy' is just a working title that the devs are drawing inspiration from. She's not literally a fairy any more than Limbo is literally a magician in a tuxedo. Once she's released, she'll just be the cool looking flying Warframe that shoots razor minions out of her body. You're getting way too hung up on one word.

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1 hour ago, magusat999 said:

No matter how you slice it... fairies aint scary. 

You need to read some fairy lore if you believe this. Things don't have to be grimdark and edgy to be frightening or dangerous. There are a lot of 'cute' or seemingly harmless things that can ruin your day, like a male platypus(has venom) for example.

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2 hours ago, magusat999 said:

First: Your logic is faulty. It is the WIKI statement, fiirst - not MINE (I didn't make that up).

*Rest of pointless rant*


I'm aware it's the wiki post thanks. I'm commenting on your interpretation of the English used and the implicitly of it, not denying that it's there... It's not 'faulty logic', you need to stop making insinuations of such a type, you seem to be super defensive to the point of verging on hyperbole, red herrings and ad hominem all of which are fallacies... All of which is somewhat ironic and hypocritical after your post about others doing such things...

Your point about being zealous is also the same as your use of 'paladin' both are uses to confer a meaning, an 'archetype' of the term, not suggesting that Oberon is an 8th century French Christian under the rule of the King Charlemagne... I mean what are you even talking about? This is what your literal interpretation seems to imply, because that's what a 'zealot paladin' would be... He's not "a zealot', he 'is zealous'... He's not 'a paladin' he is 'the paladin (in reference)'... Those are some distinctions of English usage you seem to be ignoring, your interpretation and the implication of the sentences are 2 different things.

I don't see why you're so anti-fairy, you make references and insinuations of tinkerbell, pink Disney stuff and my little pony... I fail to see why you have been brainwashed into thinking that's what a fairy is, because it's really not, I would have hoped your subscription to club penguin would have expired by now... 

I'm also not saying that Paladins and Zealots are not part of the creation, at no point did I suggest that, I even agreed that the character type they suggest has gone into it, so when you ask "how do you ignore that"... What the hell are you even talking about??? At no point was it ignored, you appear to be on such an anti-fairy rant equating a Disney produced ideology of fairies to what everyone else is saying, that you actually ignore what is being said and creating your own fantasy argument to argue with yourself...  Strange behaviour...

Given the name and obvious skin reference to Spriggans (I like how you completely ignore that the fayarch skin exists BTW) I would say that there has been at least some fairly influence, as well as the paladin and zealot you so virulently defend for no good reason... It's DEs creation they can add any mix of mythical and history ideology they want, and given all the bits that are they, it seems likely that have mixed many ingredients to make the frame theme.

What's sad is you yelling 'NO!' As loud as you can because of some perception you have, that is ignorant and/or delusional of the wealth of mythology that is actually being applied in the game...


Edited by Carnage2K4
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38 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

Mate, you're reading way too much into this. As I said earlier in your thread, 'fairy' is just a working title that the devs are drawing inspiration from. She's not literally a fairy any more than Limbo is literally a magician in a tuxedo. Once she's released, she'll just be the cool looking flying Warframe that shoots razor minions out of her body. You're getting way too hung up on one word.

Im not hung up over it - just finishing discussions with other people that were not finished. I'm not posting new, fresh posts - I'm REPLYING to other people who keep arguing with me. that isn't "hung up" that is having an discussion. I'm not going to just suddenly stop talking when people say things to me - that's just rude.

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3 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

I'm aware it's the wiki post thanks. I'm commenting on your interpretation of the English used and the implicitly of it, not denying that it's there... It's not 'faulty logic', you need to stop making insinuations of such type, you seem to be super defensive to the point of verging hyperbole, red herrings and ad hominem all of which are fallacies... And ironic after your post about others doing such things...

Your point about being zealous is also the same as your use of 'paladin' both are uses to confer a meaning, an 'archetype' of the term, not suggesting that Oberon is an 8th century French Christian under the rule of the King Charlemagne... I mean what are you even talking about? This is what your literal interpretation seems to imply, because that's what a 'zealot paladin' would be... He's not "a zealot', he 'is zealous'... He's not 'a paladin' he is 'the paladin (in reference)'... Those are some distinctions of English usage you seem to be ignoring, your interpretation and the implication of the sentences are 2 different things.

I don't see why you're so anti-fairy, you make references and insinuations of tinkerbell, pink Disney stuff and my little pony... I fail to see why you have been brainwashed into thinking that's what a fairy is, because it's really not, I would have hoped your subscription to club penguin would of expired by now... 

I'm also not saying that Paladins and Zealots are not part of the creation, at no point did I suggest that, I even agreed that the character type they suggest has gone into it, so when you ask "how do you ignore that"... What the hell are you even talking about??? At no point was it ignored, you appear to be on such an anti-fairy rant equating a Disney produced ideology of fairies to what everyone else is saying, that you actually ignore what is being said and creating your own fantasy argument to argue with yourself...  Strange behaviour...

Given the name and obvious skin reference to Spriggans (I like how you completely ignore that the fayarch skin exists BTW) I would say that there has been at least some fairly influence, as well as the paladin and zealot you so virulently defend for no good reason... It's DEs creation that can add any mix of mythical and history ideology they want.

What's sad is you yelling 'NO!' As loud as you can because of some perception you have, that is ignorant of the wealth of mythology that is actually being applied in the game...


Funny - coming from a person who started his response to me out of the blue with "Your statement makes no sense". And the things I posted were not "interpreted" or "made up" by me. I specifically posted the OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION so people like you can stop trying to tell me otherwise. i know you WISH it were otherwise, but that's just not the reality. And don't start whining about me saying "NO" when people like you keep on making argumentative posts. it takes TWO to make an argument. You can talk about me getting upset or whatever you like, but that does not change a thing about the facts. And I provided you the facts, so stop pretending you cant understand it.

I can say you are yelling your perspective as loud as I am. Why else do you keep responding? And I didn't give you "obvious references" - I gave you factual information. You cannot dehy that, unless there is insanity involved. 

"How do you ignore that?" Well here it is - again, since in your fervor to be right at all costs you missed it:

"Digital Extremes has stated that Oberon's abilities were based around the idea of a Paladin or Druid.
Oberon was first constructed under the name Paladin. (datamined, Lotus/StoreItems/Powersuits/Paladin)"

THAT is what DE said, not I. Did you miss it again? Do I need to send it to a PM or something?

If your bothered by my position on the matter, or by the fact that i am posting - stop arguing with me. Stop making counter-responses (which aren't proving your point anyways). That's how you stop. All this trying at all cost to look right when you are not is not going to do jack.

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1 hour ago, magusat999 said:

Funny - stuff...

Yeah, actually it is your interpretation, everything is an interpretation, some are just more relevant than others. You must have reading issues, Because I acknowledged they were not 'made up' by you and that they were 'official'... You need to try and pay a little more attention when you read things, try taking one word at a time, because currently you're arguing against your own apparent illiteracy... and it looks a little silly I must say, especially coupled with you're very inept understanding of the English language in the inferences of the language that can be derived.

So just for the record, and read this slowly now; yes DE have said that it is based on the concept of a paladin, not disagreeing, okay; not disagreeing I know you seem to think I am, but I'm not, and have not this entire time... So would you like to stop trying to make out like that argument exists, I mentioned you arguing against yourself and you're still doing it...

I keep responding because you're interpretation is not the only one... just that yours seems to be based on a fictional representation of a Disney character... not they mythology, we're attempting to get that past your wall of ignorance, but you seem to be to illiterate to even understand the concept to any degree...

I don't care about your 'position' I'm just saying that it's devoid of an open minded representation (like that many concepts can go into a new idea), ignorant of facts (like the real history of fairies) and delusional to some extent (like out right ignoring the spriggan skin, even after it's mention twice by me alone, you still act like it does not exist, and the fact that Oberon )...

So, if you bother to say anything in retort, 1st answer me this; Does the Fayarch exists for Oberon and is 'Fay' middle English for "Fairy" and 'Arch' Greek for "King"?

Fayarch literally means Fairy King you child, complete with Dryad/Spriggan and bloody butterfly wings... There is clearly a fairy influence, you have to be delusional not to see it.



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4 hours ago, magusat999 said:

- lots of words -

Sir , you should stop thinking fairy frame is tinkerbell or na'vi. Please focus on faeries in mythology. You seem obsessed with " fairy " word and forgot it's just a working title for new frame. This is Warframe, not Disney's Childish Fantasies so there will be no glitters, rainbows and many other cute things.

Also Carnage2K4 is right. Oberon and Feyarch skin are based on fairies (Spriggans) and you ignore this fact.

Peace Out

Edited by Aeon94
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1 hour ago, Aeon94 said:

Sir , you should stop thinking fairy frame is tinkerbell or na'vi. Please focus on faeries in mythology. You seem obsessed with " fairy " word and forgot it's just a working title for new frame. This is Warframe, not Disney's Childish Fantasies so there will be no glitters, rainbows and many other cute things.

Also Carnage2K4 is right. Oberon and Feyarch skin are based on fairies (Spriggans) and you ignore this fact.

Peace Out

Maybe if you go back to my first post you'd know what we are arguing about. Your statement shows that you do not know what the debate is. 

First and most obvious - we aren't debating "skins". DE could make a fairy skin for any frame. In any case - we are not arguing about what skins Oberon has available.

Second: We already established - at least I did, that the debate is SPECIFIC to fairies. Not fae folk, not Spriggan or another "type".

Third: I have already established what DE has officially created Oberon as - not a fairy, a Paladin. The argument has moved on from there.

Fourth: Everybody talking about it - including you, are obsessed with calling him whatever they think. So don't try to isolate me when these other people are responding to MY INITIAL POST. There would be no conversation if people didn't respond, over and over again, trying to win an argument about what I believe. THOSE are the obsessed people. Did you think I was responding to Carnage2K4's initial posts NO I WASN'T. He has been arguing with me ever since he saw my post, just like you are responding to my posts, as if you are obsessed with proving some point, and I bet this isn't the last I hear from you.

Fifth: Our debate is about whether Oberon is a Paladin - WARFRAME OBERON, not the liturgical figure. In literature and folklore, yes - I'm not denying that Oberon - in those instances - was the "Fairy King". I even quoted that, but that wasn't good enough for your friend, because he is just trying to win (which is impossible because he is debating what I believe... you can't "win" against someone's thoughts...). The thing is - we aren't talking about THAT Oberon. We are talking about WARFRAME OBERON, and Warframe Oberon is a PALADIN. SO, in a sense we are both right, but as being on subject - the answer is NO. As far as Warframe is concerned, Oberon is a Paladin. A Paladin in a Holy Knight - and Holy Knights cannot be "Fairies", because that is not holiness.

Sixth: Since you obviously didn't get the source, here it is, for the third time... From the Warframe wiki http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Oberon:

"Digital Extremes has stated that Oberon's abilities were based around the idea of a Paladin or Druid.
Oberon was first constructed under the name Paladin. (datamined, Lotus/StoreItems/Powersuits/Paladin)"

Now, that is the correct answer. We are not talking about historical figures. I said as far as Warframe is concerned, he is a Paladin - and DE's official statement backs that up. 

NOW - that, and everything I wrote to all the people who want to argue about it is ENOUGH. If you don't believe DE, I can't help you. They commissioned, based and created Oberon as a Paladin - and it doesn't make a hill of beans difference what the folklore says about him. Doesn't matter what skins he gets - nothing matters, Now you can believe Carnage2K4 or whomever is posting in these forums, but I'm going with the people who created him - DE. I think they know just a tad more about their own concepts than random people posting in the forums... So you guys have fun - there is nothing you can debate that I haven't already shown decisive proof of. There is nothing else to talk about on this subject... if you want to argue, argue with what I already said because I proved my case.

Now lets see who is truly "obsessed"...

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Just now, magusat999 said:

"Digital Extremes has stated that Oberon's abilities were based around the idea of a Paladin or Druid.

"Based around idea of a paladine" and "He is paladine, 100%" is quite different things.


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On 4/26/2016 at 8:43 PM, magusat999 said:

I was trying to hold this and wait - but I can't. I know it isn't out and we don't know that much about it yet - so I can't and won't comment on what it can and cannot do, or it's abilities or even if it has worth or not. But my issue is the idea of a Fairy in this game in the first place. A Fairy... bothers me.

It bothers me because to me it doesn't fit in with Warframe conventions. If it were a lion, an elephant, a Genie, a Vampire... maybe - but a flitty little flitting Fairy flitting around? I have read a MASSIVE amount of great ideas for frames coming from the community here - I cannot see how a Fairy rose to the top of all those great, and applicable ideas...

I thought Warframe types kind of followed the naming and type protocol of war machines in the real world - until this Fairy thing. Was there ever a tank, a jet fighter, bomber, warship, christened with a name like "Fairy". Imagine a Warship named "Fairy Princess"... boy would that strike fear in the hearts of the enemy... And the idea was not inspired by a fearsome thing. Rhino is fearful. Nova (Supernova) is a fearful thing. Inaros is inspired by a mummy. A Fairy does NOT invoke even a speck of fear. 

"If you continue to oppose us - we will send the Fairy Frame to take you out... and if that's not enough we will follow up with Pixies riding My little Ponies... Ok, stop laughing... we really will send the Fairy... oh forget it..." COME ON - can we do better than that????

And where does Fairies fit into a 17+ Mature game??? This is not Barbie's Playhouse Fantasy Frame... this is Warframe! WAR Frame! Where does a Fairy fit in that???

Who knows... maybe it will work out... but the idea of a fairy - in Warframe... is just... off. I cannot pretend to be excited about this... There I said it.

Idk about tinkerbell and navi, but the Fey Folk of terrifying. You know, kidnapping babies, drowning sailors, making people dance until their feet are bloody stumps, stuff like that. Fairy, not so scary, Faerie quite a bit

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You know for a moment i thought the community of warframe would be a bit more open minded about this idea... i guess we're all really just shallow for assuming things right off the bat. 


So far in terms of outland-ish ideas we have Nehza a "Petite playful" warframe, and wukong who is based off a monkey and limbo who is a magician. 


You guys arguing over a fairy is laughable compared to what has already made it into warframe.

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Just now, Genzaio said:

You know for a moment i thought the community of warframe would be a bit more open minded about this idea... i guess we're all really just shallow for assuming things right off the bat. 


So far in terms of outland-ish ideas we have Nehza a "Petite playful" warframe, and wukong who is based off a monkey and limbo who is a magician. 


You guys arguing over a fairy is laughable compared to what has already made it into warframe.

^this is what i was trying to say.

There is nothing stupid or weird about having a fairy frame while we have clown , magician , monkey frames etc. (ofc i love all of those themes)

and yea ppl should be more open minded for ideas like this.

We were trying to explain there is nothing wrong with a fairy frame cuz whe already have Oberon as Fairy King (almost all of community call him like this) , his name and look (also skin) resemble spriggans which is kind of a fairy (or faerie) 

I dunno why but ppl so obsessed with modern fairies (tinkerbell etc) that poops pixie duxt etc.

I love the concept , thx for hardworking DE :highfive: 



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1 hour ago, Genzaio said:

You know for a moment i thought the community of warframe would be a bit more open minded about this idea... i guess we're all really just shallow for assuming things right off the bat. 


So far in terms of outland-ish ideas we have Nehza a "Petite playful" warframe, and wukong who is based off a monkey and limbo who is a magician. 


You guys arguing over a fairy is laughable compared to what has already made it into warframe.

"You guys"?

It's pretty much one really persistent guy objecting to the concept of fairies.

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