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Coming Soon: Devstream #74!


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No gold balls ? 

anyway , Can you put the prime cinematics in the codex with their profiles , like how you can see the second dream cinematic ?

i have no idea how to link the thread >_>

i mean it's not cool to go to youtube  to get lore .

Edited by (PS4)joe03827
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1) Loving the conditional mods that were added. Thoughts on the future of these?

2) Any love coming for secondary mod selection? Stunning Speed buff or additional Reload Speed + Something mod? Punch-Through + Something mod? Ammo pool + something mod?

3) Are there any drastic technical changes in the works? Adjustable camera distance, open areas, totally new weapon setups?

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Will we ever see some sort of way to use other sentinels as "loot buddies"? Obviously not to the extent that Carrier fills that role but maybe a sentinel weapon that isn't a weapon, it just adds a loot vacuum to the sentinel. Kubrows, of course, have the Chesa. While not nearly as effective as Carrier, you're able to run a Kubrow while still having some loot collecting utility to it. I've gotten quite tired of having a floating gourd following me around all the time and not wanting to change because loot. Don't get me wrong, I like how Carrier looks, but I'd like to switch it up (Yes, I am aware that there is a skin for Carrier.) The sentinel abilities, while useful on the lower tier missions, hit a wall eventually with few exceptions. Which is why Carrier, in my opinion, is the only sentinel you should be running due to the fact that it has some sort of utility for higher missions. I think a vacuum replacement for a sentinel weapon would work perfectly. Of course, there are other options, but is there any possibility that a different sentinel will be able to fill that role, to some extent, in the future?


Now this might sound extremely backwards considering what I just asked, but I've been meaning to ask anyway...Primed Vacuum mod?

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12 hours ago, -Xorxe- said:

Progress through Sedna is broken for new players, thanks to Rathuum and judgement points. They need to fight 80lvl mobs or fight in lvl1 rathuum 100 times before they're able to fight the boss. Not to mention that it is easier for them to obtain Saryn Prime then Saryn itself :-) Are you planing to fix this or is it working like intended?

It's true, now that you mention it. I think Sedna should just get a new boss you beat to get to Uranus, and the Rathuum ring to be a permanent optional node.

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14 hours ago, StickyBaseline said:

When will you finally fix snipers real problems? 

There was an entire official feedback thread for the failed sniper rework #2 over 6 MONTHS AGO and it got literally 0 attention, no responses from moderators and it was never mentioned by staff. The last sniper rework made snipers even take a step backwards since now you are forced to use the scope with every single shot because otherwise you'll lose the scope combo multiplier and you'll have excruciating unfitting inaccuracy if you try to shoot unscoped. It's time that you take the nails out of the coffin and fix snipers real problems, which is:

  • Remove the scope sway on zoom. There's no reason for it and it's purely frustrating.
  • Give back the pinpoint accuracy when unscoped. There's no reason to punish players for not using the scope with EVERY SHOT.
  • Almost all snipers have terrible reload speed for the little ammo they have. Give them a fast reload speed so they can work in normal combat.
  • Only 3 snipers have punch-through, (2 which are partially unobtainable) and they all need punch-through.
  • No sniper deals reliable damage thanks to the tiny crit chance and unfitting combo-gimmick.
  • You can't use iron sights like 99% of all other weapons, adding iron sights with 0 zoom as a zoom option with the alt fire button would help a ton with the normal combat of the game. 

If you fix all of these problems, snipers will be officially fixed, and they will be useful everywhere in the game, which is what we all want, and what snipers should have been in the first place. 

All of this. This is the only thing here I want to see looked at and taken into consideration this stream...

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Hello DE Prime, 

Is there any plans for a roll attack?  

Kubrow/Kavat/Sentinel noggles? 

Would love to hear more about the Iron Man style Armory you mentioned before the pax stream cut out..seeing all of our beautiful Warframe and weaponry on display on our ship and or dojo would be amazing!

As always thank you all for the amazing work on the best game in existence.

Edited by (PS4)I420t
Need Moar Cowbell!
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Has any more work done on Sortie rewards?

While the initial change has been good as it has reduced the number of superfluous lenses I have, it has had other effects.

This has been my view for the last 3 weeks, it would be nice to be guaranteed that final piece, rather than hoping for it, and probably eventually having to buy it from someone else.


Tokens for completion were mentioned previously, this would fix the problem I'm currently having. Any more progress with that?

Edited by Jospicy
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Will there be updates for old stances with only one or two combos (instead of three) in the near future?

Will Kubrows (and probably Kavats) see AI improvements? Also, will we get a way to command them ("Open that locker", "Attack that guy", "Come back", "Stay") in missions?

What about showing Passives in the ability screen?

After Alloy Plates have been replaced with Ferrite as Void resource - any chance that the same will happen to Control Modules? I think the 10k I have by now will last for a while. Or could you please allow us to sell or discard surplus items (resources, planet nav segments, ...)?

While the new forum is all nice and shiny, could we please get a proper source editor instead of the WYSIWYG from hell?

Will we see more operator cosmetics in the future, possibly even from the syndicates?

When we got the Tenno Lab, you said that Vauban would move there eventually, too. What happened to that?

With Akstiletto Prime coming, will we see Akimbo versions of other prime pistols (Lex Prime, Vasto Prime) as well? Because I'd love to have an AkLex Prime.

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Will the Corrupted ever get their own weapon models, instead of reusing the Dera and Strun?

If they do, will we ever get a Corrupted lab? And access to their weapons?

We haven't had a new lore entry for warframes in a long time, since Rhino Prime if memory serves, is anything planned?

Will weapons or enemies get lore entries like warframes?

In the codex some enemies have awesome panoramas while some are just an unit staring at a wall, can we get more panoramas please?

What can you share of the damage rework?

Have you considered making weapons that have Chroma's mechanic of energy color determining damage type?

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When will there be more fixes/additions/improvements to the new player experience?

I personally feel that the foundation is there (the tutorial quest Vor's Prize) but for certain things there needs to be some more quidance. Warframe at its core is a game with a simple concept; you shoot and melee enemies to death while using powers and parkour as you complete missions. But it is so much more than that and to be good at this game (and possibly to be able to keep playing and not give up on it) you need knowledge of some of the more complex systems.

I'm sure Starchart 3.0 will help with some of this, but things like Modding, mission types etc need to be explained for new players. Most won't even know to even look at the codex their first time playing. A solution to this I feel is to have a few lines of dialogue from our space momma Lotus explaining these systems. (Actually long ago during the early stages of the games open beta around update 7 or 8 didn't we have lotus explaining the foundry and mods? Maybe I remember incorrectly but I swear there was something)


Example: After completing the tutorial quest, the Lotus could pop up in a transmission and direct you to your mod collection and go over everything


TL;DR New players could use more explaination for some of Warframe's more complicated systems (also they could probably use a little summary on mission types) such as modding. Perhaps our space mom and guide Lotus could use transmissions to explain these things to new players?

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You changed Mesa and now she's almost unusable - not by damage, but by convenience. Are you going to do something with her ultimate besides giving it scaling from mods?

Edited by demminik
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Hello DE
 I first off want to say I really love this game you've made and how you've allowed us to have a hand in shaping it as it grows. I've logged in many hours and fed in more money for plat than I can honestly recall in the last few years. I've had moments where I was pissed at this game but I've never hated it. I have tried to make most of my forum posts be constructive even if I lack some of the elegance to my manner of speech that others have. Anyway enough of my rambling and to some questions and suggestions I have.

#1- Companion Commands - with Kavats coming soon much to my delight, I think it's about time a Companion Command system be put in place. All to often Shade cloaks me when I'm no longer around enemies or carrier will shot an enemy I'm sneaking up on, or kill an enemy I'm attempting to Devour... My kubrow will roar at one enemy rather than a group. I think a simple system of Toggling their auto attacks on and off , and commanding them to use their primary or secondary abilities with a cool down would be a great addition. I mean they are Trained right ?

#2- Unarmed Melee - During Pax someone asked about Rhino Punching and Rebecca talked about the Unarmed stance during the escape from the Zanuka Hunter. I really think that Unarmed Melee should be a permanent ability. Mesa has a Passive that gives her a buff when no melee weapon is equipped ... Well what if you run out of ammo or need to break a lot of crates?

#3- Daggers/Dual Daggers/Gun-blades - I think we could use some more single Daggers, More Dual daggers and more stances and more Gun-blades with more stances.
These are weapons that don't have much variety to them and could use some.

#4- Staff/Pole-arm - Honesty I can't even tell the difference , the weapons look the same the stances all look and feel the same. These weapons I think need a Rework. First off Staves should be given long sweeping and vaulting attacks, Pole-arms given attacks that more use chopping or spinning moves. I think a Spear type should be added with lunging and swiping moves. If it's blunt , it's a staff, if it's bladed on the sides or at both ends it's a pole-arm, and if it's bladed at one side it's a spear.

#5- Glaive - The Holding mechanic ... Well I think it's needed for it's use in quick melee But I think if you Equip the weapon in hand you should just use the alt fire button to throw it... Same for the Whip Swords like Mios

#6- Alt Fire - Like mentioned in the previous point Alt Fire doesn't get lots of use. What with the wide array of weapons each one could have an Alt Fire, even if it's as simple as firing a single shot on a burst weapon or switching it to a different element or shot type. ( Syndicate Blast Effects Should charge and then given a button that Allows us to set it off when we want/need to )

#7- Quick Fire - Can we get something Like quick melee but for your guns when Melee is equipped?
Like changing the Quick melee button to fire your secondary weapon from the hip while your melee weapon is in your hand?

#8- Void & Derelict DropTables - They need to be changed. We don't have an ETA on the 'destruction' of the void yet, so in the mean time we need to have these drops fixed.
Namely the Keys and Cores. T1 and T2 Keys should ONLY come from Planet rewards and NOT void Rewards, T3 and T4 Should be the only Rewarded Keys from void missions and then only in T1,T2,and T3 AND again only in Rotation A or B. Cores Should be a Rotation A ONLY. Resources should be a rotation A drop ONLY.  Forma should be a Roation A or B drop ONLY, PreBuilt Forma Should be a Rotation B and C reward for T3s and T4s.
Derelict Tables need to have Everything but T3,T4Keys, M.Alad V Cords, and Prime parts Removed from the Drops. The Derelict tables would be a great place to give a rare chance at getting Vaulted Prime parts for getting to Rotation C.

#9- Replaying Quests - Yeah this should be as simple as walking over to the codex and turning the quest on again.

#10- UMBRA - I like many as I'm sure you know are ever so curious and a bit upset that Excal Umbra was announced in the last 1/3 of last year and we know just as much now as we knew then. I recall Excal Umbra was supposed to be just the first in a line of Umbra frames. So basically if we could just get some solid answers about when or if it's coming or anything rather than just dodging the question with I dunno or still working on it ... that would be grand.

Edited by Dragonofdarkness13
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Some questions

- With the new specific mods coming out will thunderbolt get a look at?

- with syndicate missions proves that solo play can happen in almost any mission with operatives 

could there be an option to have operatives in any mission? ( maybe level them up customize with aesthetics and weapons )

- will syndicate's be more interactive with Tenno operators?

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  • - Will you add some cosmetic loadout? A - B - C for me aren't enough ç_ç
  • - Umbra Excalibur, welp I hope it was on U19  but it won't be, right? Some news please? 
  • - Melee syndicates, when? I need it for do my variuous sets!!!
  • -Redeemer, maybe it sound a little bit foolish but, can you buff the crits? PEW PEW CRITS AW YEAH
  • There's somenthing for the ships? Or they will be olny appearance on the loading screen and aid from the distance with their effects?
  • Dark Sectors...the times are near? U19 confirmed or...? 
  • Kubrows and Kavats will be friends on the ship? :'D
  • There will be a new enemy, faction to face off? 
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