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Console & PC Controller / Gamepad Suggestions


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19 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

Archwing might be getting its own in the near future - hold that thought. 

Bindings are tricky because they tend to be personal preference (with the exception of bugs). So, there are two QoL requests that I'm hearing might help:

  1. More customizable bindings
  2. More variety in the default bindings (ie, not just Classic & New)

I mentioned to @Crackle2012 earlier that the D pad ability bindings seem to be common enough among players that it might make a good third default binding. 

Hey Drew, what if you guys remove the L3 ''press to sprint'' to free up a button on console? we just need a ''more you push more you sprint'' feature on console, sticks are perfect for that, plus keep pushing L3 everytime you reload\interact to sprint again is so annoying

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As a PC player who uses his Dualshock 3 to play, I'm down for more options.However, I think that what we really need is a better Customization UI and being able to re-bind as we wish per mode.

Let me explain:

  • Bindings for the default scheme -- Primary/Secondary Weapons
  • Bindings for melee scheme -- I'd like, and I'm pretty sure it'd be easier for combos and stuff, to reorganize the melee only scheme so the layout could be closer to Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, you name it
  • Archwing should have its own subset too -- One for Primary and one for Melee

I just feel that's the best way we could do stuff like this, then again I'm not sure of possible limitations present on the coding aspect.

2 hours ago, (PS4)KrakenUnchained said:

Hey Drew, what if you guys remove the L3 ''press to sprint'' to free up a button on console? we just need a ''more you push more you sprint'' feature on console, sticks are perfect for that, plus keep pushing L3 everytime you reload\interact to sprint again is so annoying

Also this. If we could accomplish this, we'd be able to finally put the "Roll" button on that stick and it would feel completely natural. That would also free circle to be its own context button separate of reloading (I know we can choose this last thing in Options, but it just would make much more sense I think).

Edited by NightmareT12
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i think "power menu" needs to be tweaked into a "key menu" not just for abilities. Bind aim w/ "key menu" to have the option to reload, set waypoints, set certain abilities, hotkeys, context action, consumables only when aiming down sights. this will basically open up all the keys for more customization. If we solve best xbox/pc controller load out then we've solved ps4 as well and i think "key menu" will help do that.

let us change the consumable select option from square & x to L1/R1 or L2/R2 plz

Edited by (PS4)Boy_Joker
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Woah, some real work you put in you config.

I just tweaked it a bit

I'm on PC with an 360 Controller:

LB - Slide while running, crouch while standing

LT - Aim (Block in melee)

RB - Abilitie Cross menu while holding (using current selected ability on push)

RT - Shoot (Attack with melee while in melee mode)

Left Stick - Moving

Left Stick Button (L3) - sprint while moving(switch, not hold)/ switch to crouch mode while standing

Back (select) - change Map style

Start - Pause Menu

Digipad Left/ Right - change current active ability

Digipad Up - Set mark

Digipad Down - Open Gear/ Emote menu

Righ Stick - Look around

Right Stick Button (R3) - alt fire

X - Context Button

A - Jump

B - Quickmelee (Channeling while in melee mode)

Y - Change weapon (hold for change to melee weapon)

The guide button sadly cannot be customized.

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I'm more of a conceptual ideas guy, I saw this post and kind of just fell over in relief other people had similar desires, but it seems to be a suggestion thread for the best control layouts? But I just want to share my concepts:(

Can we get some more feedom with melee? I personally detest every melee action being in R1. At the very least, It would make combos easier to perform if you could at least have a heavy attack button for charge attacks, which would be performed at any time, only needing full wind up for maximum damage, and normal attacks.

----> Even better, what would really be awesome, is switching block and charge attacks. So that, at any time while performing a combo, you would be blocking (because getting up close and personal with enemies always gets you hurt), but it would hopefully not actually interfere with the combos. You would hold down the melee button for the full block. In essence, you would just hold down for block, I think blocking while attacking may be going to far, there's a mod for that.

The convenient thing about that is

1) while having melee equipeed, and blocking, you can't melee attack anyway, so why should they be seperate buttons?

2) this means you can finally block with melee while having a primary or secondary equipped just hold down the quick melee button, and voi la.

Charge attacks no longer mess up combos, because they are there own separate attack, like suggested before.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Boy_Joker said:

I have my Secondary fire set to R3/L3 buttons. Look at very first post

yea, I may have just threw that one in there, cause I wasn't sure... but the other two are the important items. Original post edited for future use.


Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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I'm still fine with default ps4 classic controller, which is the original default. 

My main issue is that secondary fire and aim should have never been separated. And as they are now all weapons with alt fire, which is R3, should have alt fire switch between firing modes, like stradavar. That's not something I can change. Devs should switch panthera, harpak, convectrix alt fire to function like stradavar. 

Better yet of course just reverse the change and make R3 last used power again and aim and secondary fire same action again. Literally felt zero benefit, game just gotten worse, more clunky. 

Also, I guess it's a controller thing - in foundry ingredients list it's impossible to select ingredient or view it's description. 

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13 hours ago, M-Hero303 said:


X - Jump

I have a question for you and all others who still uses a face button for jumping: How do you bullet jump with it? How do you control which direction to bullet jump? How do you do the super bullet jump (by looking straight down or up)? 

With parkour 2.0, I find it "mandatory" to have jump on a shoulder/thumbstick button in order to have full control over your movement. 

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On 6/13/2016 at 11:27 AM, (PS4)A_SimpleName said:

I have a question for you and all others who still uses a face button for jumping: How do you bullet jump with it? How do you control which direction to bullet jump? How do you do the super bullet jump (by looking straight down or up)? 

With parkour 2.0, I find it "mandatory" to have jump on a shoulder/thumbstick button in order to have full control over your movement. 


I play with jump on X.  As M-Hero stated, it's just a matter of pre-aiming yourself in the direction you want to go first.  Sure, you lose maybe 10 milliseconds of input time, but all things considered, it's really not that big of a deal.  Personally, I wish bullet jumping was determined on which direction your character model was facing, rather than the camera. Too many times, have I been backpedaling to group up mobs, and gone to jump, only to realize that I had been instinctively sliding (L2 is my slide button in WF, and is my Quick Boost button in Armored Core.  Same basic movement principal.  Muscle memory be damned...), and as such, I suddenly fling myself forward, into the gathered group of nasties I was shooting at, rather than jumping up, on top of the platform that I would have otherwise run into.  Not a game-breaker, by any means, but rather a mild inconvenience.  But, I guess most people aren't comfortable enough to navigate through things they can't actively see, so I doubt that would be a change implemented.  Besides, would probably be hard to determine the vertical angle of the bullet jump without the use of the camera, anyway...

As to the 'super bullet jump':  If I'm navigating to move, I'll look upward.  If I'm doing it so I can rain bullets on things, I'll look downward.  (By the way, I play inverted, so looking upward is generally easier to do.  I know, I know, I should probably stop playing video games the wrong way.  I've heard the criticisms a million times.  But, old habits die hard.)

On 6/13/2016 at 0:34 PM, (PS4)Boy_Joker said:

Have you tried conclave?

You need to constantly aim while jumping around to even stand a chance. 

Simple answer: I don't do Conclave.  I've done a few matches, here and there, and it's really not my thing.  Though, admittedly, I haven't played Conclave at all since they added in the more recent maps and such.  (Dunno if it's changed at all, but waiting 10-15 minutes to play against/with the same 3 or 4 people you've already played 10 matches with was even less fun than getting rofl-stomped by Kogake Volt, when that was still a rampant thing.)  As much as the movement mechanics, in a PvP setting, intrigue me, and to a great extent (See: Armored Core), literally every other part of Conclave turns me away from it.  It's cramped arenas with a high damage model (hitscan weapons with aim assist doesn't help that any).  I'm all for fast paced action and close quarters combat (I do love my shotguns in shooter titles.) but Conclave isn't just fast paced.  It's frantic.  Much in line with CoD, in my opinion, though an improved version, due to a lack of skill equalizer mechanics.  To put things into perspective, the only competitive shooters that I've ever been able to get into are MAG, Battlefield, and Ghost Recon.  Everything else I've tried to play has turned me away, due to mechanics meant to keep the action fast paced (lanes/chokepoints, small arenas, super high damage models that makes 'he who shoots first, shoots last' a thing, 'always-on' radars, etc.).  But, I personally find such mechanics to lend themselves easily to a 'button-mashing' mentality, where the game becomes more about twitch reactions than being able to think on the fly.  And, I'm sorry, but I'm a thinker.

Also, just throwing this out there:  I really, really wish that the gaming industry would let Peer-to-Peer connections die.  I understand that servers cost money and everything, but P2P is just never fun, unless you heavily restrict your regional matchmaking, which then leads to empty lobbies, and an empty game...  (Glad to see that U19 will allow generous players to host their own Conclave servers.  Here's to hoping it makes its way to console as well.)

However, as to the implied inability to aim, I can't really say that I find X-jumping to be a detriment in that area.  I can't speak for anyone else, but my method of playing (and it's going to annoy the ever-loving piss out of me, now that I've taken the time to analyze it, rather than letting muscle memory be muscle memory...) generally makes use of a high aiming sensitivity, to swing the camera in the general zone of where I want to fire, then fine tuning that aim with the use of the left stick.  In addition, I usually play with burst damage weapons, versus DPS weapons.  Your one-hitter-quitters, if you will, such as shotguns, semi-automatics/burst-fire weapons, launchers, etc.  (And that's not just for Warframe, it goes for most gun-based games I play.)  Basically, my ability to track is horrible, it always has been, and it always will be.  But, I've got some pretty good 'snap-aiming', which usually works well with burst damage weapons.  Doesn't mean I never use DPS.  Love my Braton, and my AkStilletos, having a lot of fun going through Forma on a 'Stormtrooper Supra'.  But, even with those, I almost never simply hold down the triggers and mag-dump, unless I'm point blank, or if I'm playing brain-dead level missions, and don't care about blatantly wasting ammo.

So, basically, is it optimal? Not really, but it's not as huge a detriment as people tend to think it is. Besides, as I hope I alluded to in my previous post in this thread, a player can make any control scheme they want work, if they put in the effort to learn it.  In ACV/D, many of my teammates use the default controls, which are horrid, (basically, imagine having slide bound to square).  Yet, this same team was (and probably still is, if we ever went back) the absolute top team on the western server, and even made a pretty big impact on the JP servers (boy, you think a crushingly dominant meta is a problem in Warframe...).  But, I'll stop myself before I go off on another tangent.

Point is:  If you take the time to master a sub-optimal control scheme, and learn how to make it work for you, then is it really sub-optimal?  Is it impossible that someone using their own, comfortable scheme will ever be able to stand up to someone using 'the absolute best' scheme?  Is a few milliseconds' delay between jumping and being able to fully aim again really that big of a deal?  I don't particularly think so.  (Then again, I've gone decades, playing video games the wrong way, so what do I know?)

Edited by (PS4)Rakiokon
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This is the layout is have for my DS3 on the pc but I would like to have more options like toggle options, holding button + another button for action, situation mapping based on preference. On PC also more menu's that supports gamepad

L1                 hold to Crouch, when running slide
R2                 hold to Aim, channeling when melee weapon is active
R1                 activate warframe ability
R2                 hold to primary fire, blocking when melee weapon is active
Start              menu
Select            toggle map display
Up                 waypoint
Down             item menu / emote
Left                toggle secundairy fire
Right              click move left trough wareframe abilities, hold to show menu and press X /\  O [ ] to activate

L3                  move, hold to dash
R3                 camera, click to reset

X                    jump
/\                    toggle between main and secundary weapon, hold to switch to melee weapon
O                   melee / quick melee
[ ]                   reload, when the option is there it acts as action button ignoring reloading (I would prefer this to be able to be custimized)



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Nice to see a discussion for matters around controllers and ease of use. Personally I use a Logitech F710 controller on PC, and play via Steam Big Picture (largely due to the fact that there all menus can be accessed and navigated with a controller in that mode, which just helps in general) with the following Schema:

Left stick: Movement
Left stick press: Toggle sprint
Left Bumper: Roll/Crouch
Left Trigger: Aim/Block

Right Stick: Aim
Right Stick press: Alt-fire
Right Bumper: Use Power/Power Menu
Right Trigger: Fire/Attack

D-Pad Up: Switch shoulder
D-Pad Right: Toggle Map
D-Pad Down: Gear/Emote wheels
D-Pad Left: Reload

A: Jump/Confirm selection
X: Context action (I find binding it with Reload triggers off lasers too often)
Y: Swap weapon/Melee Mode
B: Quick Melee/Toggle Channelling

Back: Waypoint
Start: In game/Pause Menu

For the most part, this translates over to Archwing pretty much identically (Admittedly I modified it when I found that I couldn't realistically set up for Foot and Archwing as I desired) though I will note that it does get...interesting...Piloting narrow corridors at speed with only the left stick (Though my days Clawing MHFU certainly help). As for any specific matters...For the most part, the Schema works for me well enough, though Melee Mode is certainly where far less of my buttons have any real input value (Reload & Alt Fire are useless) and ripe ground for improvements in the Melee system at large (Two buttons for attack types will open a plethora of combo potential and ease of use).

Not too sure what more I could say on things, but hopefully this is at least useful. Hmm...Here's something I made ages back, not sure if anything in it is still relevant though. All I've got left for the general effort at the moment I'm afraid.

Good luck either way with working towards improvements and Quality of Life stuff.

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As a PS4 player that also plays on PC, I don't get why the PS4 controller is not natively supported by PC Warframe without using third party software like Input mapper. It would be great to be able to use the touchpad and all features of the PS4 controller on PC.

I also can't stand the fact that most of the menus cannot be navigated properly with a controller unless you use your mouse to click on stuff. You have a perfectly functional control scheme for PS4 and XBOX One. I'll try big picture mode like the guy above suggested, maybe that will solve these issues, but even then, it should be possible by default and not by using a not well know feature of steam....

My final gripe is about the PS4 version and how the controls are lacking some binding solutions that would tremendously help... Like for example, some keys like the Items Menu, Reload and ALT Fire have restrictions to where you bind them, meaning you have to make wierd setups to actually get a playable and efficient controls setup. I want to bind the items menu to the touch pad... Yet I can't, meaning I have to bind reload on the touch pad and the item menu on R3... The whole system is kinda borked due to this.

Ever since Ivara and Vauban, it's become pretty much mandatory to rebind the powers key to the Directional arrows, as the touchpad is ill suited to powers that require holding the key to shoot... This means most people try to move the keys that used to be on the D pad to the touch pad, but it's not 100% possible because you don't allow the Item Wheel to be bound to touchpad. This forces me to make a wierd setup where pressing the touchpad is reload, pressing square is alt fire and opening the item menu is R3. I just want to be able to put the Item Wheel on the touch pad where it belong, put reload back on square and put alt fire back on R3.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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I have a single suggestion for this:

I shouldn't have to use my Keyboard or Mouse after I log into the PC game, if I play with a gamepad. Which I do. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being able to map gear to specific F(number) keys to hot activate them, but if I want to navigate a large portion of the menus, I have to use the mouse because the gamepad isn't supported.

WHY?!? Why not support the gamepad? It's just an Xbox 1 Controller. How hard is it to make it do all the stuff on PC that it does on the XB1?!?

Anyways, this has been a problem since... uh, oh, when I first started playing, way back at Update 7. At least nowadays they don't reset my controller button layout on major updates... Small victory that is.

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I am absolutely FLOORED at the feedback you guys are giving!  -- this is amazing!  Thank you all "very" much!  

Awesome!  I have not had the chance to go through all of it with a fine tooth comb yet, but I will!  

Can't thank you guys enough for weighing in on this! :-)

EDIT: As I was just skimming the feedback quickly I saw this and wanted to add my thoughts on it!  

@(PS4)Stealth_Cobra said above:


My final gripe is about the PS4 version and how the controls are lacking some binding solutions that would tremendously help... Like for example, some keys like the Items Menu, Reload and ALT Fire have restrictions to where you bind them, meaning you have to make wierd setups to actually get a playable and efficient controls setup. I want to bind the items menu to the touch pad... Yet I can't, meaning I have to bind reload on the touch pad and the item menu on R3... The whole system is kinda borked due to this.

Ever since Ivara and Vauban, it's become pretty much mandatory to rebind the powers key to the Directional arrows, as the touchpad is ill suited to powers that require holding the key to shoot... This means most people try to move the keys that used to be on the D pad to the touch pad, but it's not 100% possible because you don't allow the Item Wheel to be bound to touchpad. This forces me to make a wierd setup where pressing the touchpad is reload, pressing square is alt fire and opening the item menu is R3. I just want to be able to put the Item Wheel on the touch pad where it belong, put reload back on square and put alt fire back on R3.

I have to say I agree with this.  Unlocking what we can bind with what would help very much in my honest opinion.  - I can understand why certain things aren't bind-able to the "Swipe" on the touch pad, but I'm not really sure why so, so many of the binds are unavailable to pressing in on the touch pad itself, or why certain buttons are dead-locked to be bound with other buttons.  

As I've stated in the OP, there is always the "Reset to Defaults" button just in case some one would manage to completely mess up their controller config. to the point where it's either unfixable for some reason, or missing a button that you "MUST" have -- such as "Fire weapon".


Again, thank you ALL for your feedback!

Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
Added some feedback
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On 6/16/2016 at 11:50 AM, Salenstormwing said:

I have a single suggestion for this:

I shouldn't have to use my Keyboard or Mouse after I log into the PC game, if I play with a gamepad. Which I do. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being able to map gear to specific F(number) keys to hot activate them, but if I want to navigate a large portion of the menus, I have to use the mouse because the gamepad isn't supported.

WHY?!? Why not support the gamepad? It's just an Xbox 1 Controller. How hard is it to make it do all the stuff on PC that it does on the XB1?!?

I definitely agree with this as well, as yes we can use a Keyboard as Viggorrah stated above, however, everytime we want to type something on PS4, we have to hit the Button on our dual shock to "Initiate the typing", and then send the message with the controller as well, as opposed to hitting enter.

It is definitely strange to me that the controls are like this for certain things on PC vs PS4 - but essentially the same issue.

I would absolutely love to see full keyboard and mouse support for the PS4 / XB1.  I am pretty sure there are some games that do support keyboard and mouse use on the PS4, no?

TBH:  That would entirely solve "my" issues, as I would just use a KB & Mouse to play on PC & PS4 all the time.

It does not solve the problem for the majority of people, however.  But I don't really see a problem if DE were to allow full keyboard & Mouse compatibility with the PS4 / XB1 Version of Warframe.  Do you guys?   I meen... PC can use Controller, or KB & Mouse. (with somewhat more limitations in the liset, etc... than controller users have on PS4) & PS4 can use keyboards, but no mouse, and we can't use them for in-game.  Only typing, but even that requires both.  

I'd absolutely love to see this streamlined on all platforms to work the "same" -- especially since they are about to do new key bindings for Lunaro and Archwing "Drools"  THANK YOU FOR THAT DE!!!! :-)  I've been waiting for custom Archwing controls and 6 degrees of freedom since archwing was released, just like Drew apparently! :-)


"Offers kidney"

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8 hours ago, (PS4)Crackle2012 said:

I definitely agree with this as well, as yes we can use a Keyboard as Viggorrah stated above, however, everytime we want to type something on PS4, we have to hit the Button on our dual shock to "Initiate the typing", and then send the message with the controller as well, as opposed to hitting enter.

It is definitely strange to me that the controls are like this for certain things on PC vs PS4 - but essentially the same issue.

I would absolutely love to see full keyboard and mouse support for the PS4 / XB1.  I am pretty sure there are some games that do support keyboard and mouse use on the PS4, no?

TBH:  That would entirely solve "my" issues, as I would just use a KB & Mouse to play on PC & PS4 all the time.

It does not solve the problem for the majority of people, however.  But I don't really see a problem if DE were to allow full keyboard & Mouse compatibility with the PS4 / XB1 Version of Warframe.  Do you guys?   I meen... PC can use Controller, or KB & Mouse. (with somewhat more limitations in the liset, etc... than controller users have on PS4) & PS4 can use keyboards, but no mouse, and we can't use them for in-game.  Only typing, but even that requires both.  

I'd absolutely love to see this streamlined on all platforms to work the "same" -- especially since they are about to do new key bindings for Lunaro and Archwing "Drools"  THANK YOU FOR THAT DE!!!! :-)  I've been waiting for custom Archwing controls and 6 degrees of freedom since archwing was released, just like Drew apparently! :-)


"Offers kidney"

I agree too.  Why shouldn't keyboard and mouse be fully supported on PS4 warframe?  Is there some technical barrier we don't know about?  If not, give us the keyboard and mouse as options.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)lupowolfen said:

I agree too.  Why shouldn't keyboard and mouse be fully supported on PS4 warframe?  Is there some technical barrier we don't know about?  If not, give us the keyboard and mouse as options.


FFXIV on PS4 has full keyboard and mouse support, so from a technical standpoint I would think it's possible. 

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A: non-xbox controllers weren't working for me months ago, tried again last week and it was fixed. Many thanks!

B: some screens like upgrade/mods don't seen to be usable with a controller, maybe use right stick as mouse, or bring the usage that consoles have?

C: this doesn't pertain only controllers, but the suggested addition of an 'always running' would be a great addition. You see, I use 3 buttons for pakour, I just can't fit that confortably in a controller. Best I got was by removing aim, playable if I go melee only/shotguns.

D: Oh yeah, give controller icons to all menus. Maybe make it detect a controller or as an option, but this would help until one gets used to the scheme trougj the windows.

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