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Hotfix: Lunaro 1


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Is it possible to stagger the attacking player if he attacks the same player too may times over a short period of time?

Also, is it possible to implement a KICK button for raid missions? I kept having players who dc/afk while running 2nd pahse of Lore of Retribution raid, and we had to restart a few times because of the problem mentioned above. I'm sure may others feel the same way I do when people AFK during raids.

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8 minutes ago, thelostspy007 said:

my operator unexpectedly reset all options a few days ago and i had to recustomize. does anyone else have this issue?

I feel like everyone has this problem when they log in again after log out, the operator customizations all reset.

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4 minutes ago, TheDarkStarChimaera said:

Also. Please reconsider the change to roll-jumping in PvE. I understand that Lunaro needs carefully controlled parkour, but it feels really clunky and restricted in PvE now. 

I agree with the new feeling of restriction. Parkouring large tilesets and ravines are now a lot slower. 

It was working perfectly before and definitely smoother before the change. 

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So is anyone else unable to do a charged-throw while holding the lunaro?

I can make it have a purple trail by checking it, but charged-throw doesn't seem to work. Unless it's only supposed to work when passing, in which case idk if it does or not.

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The Mission Failed music doesn't seem to be any different than the success music.

Also thank you for reducing the numbers in Lunaro, I would goalie, and one of their players would just sit there to abuse me, which seemed like it was against how you were supposed to play.

I think there should be a cooldown on getting checked or knocked down, a small one but it'll help prevent abuse like I mentioned before. Also the streghth of the pull could be a teensy bit stronger. No higher range, but as it is right now you have to pretty much be in the path of the ball for the pull to work, even if you are in range.

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I see that we can see the ping to the host, and I'm kinda of horrified that I'm getting pings about as high in my region that I get to game servers in the US (I'm in Europe), which makes me question if people are set to the right region.

Yeah, so laggy that I or my team mate pick the ball and suddenly it vanishes and appears in the hands of always the same player.

Edited by God_is_a_Cat_Girl
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Please remove the parkour nerf:


Im not sure if this was unintentional but it's probably because of the addition of lunaro,Double jump will actually slow the player down.

Edited by Pratigious
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Tried Lunaro.

10 minutes is too long.

Was getting checked by people that weren't near me (and on one occasion that I never even saw), and literally had the ball teleport out of my hand with no indication as the game decided that the host had the ball, and not me.

Seems like a fun idea, but it needs dedicated servers.

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how about a fix for contents cannot be downloaded from the server?


edit: after the new update i cant play anymore and it will take a day or 2 again before I can play if its not fixed. same as always in every update cant play after the update.

Edited by GrimmReapor
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Could you allow the Lunaro controls to be rebound rather than relying on preset bindings? Those of us who have alternate melee bindings would greatly appreciate it.


Also, reverting the change to movement speed from the jump-slide-roll combination in PVE at least would be grand.

Edited by Terumitsu
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Match making is still bad, tends to have very uneven teams. Also 3x3 is not working, still setting 4 players on the other team. extra team player just dones't show up on the roster. So far it seems to fill one team to 4 before filling up the other team.

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I personally feel checking shouldn't cause a stumble animation especially when check spam is happening or when a person on the opposing team has decided to make your life miserable and forget the object and just focus on checking you the whole game. It makes it feel less like a game to play for "honor" as you just spend the entirety of the game fumbling around, grabbing the ball for half a sec (also feel like there needs to be a better indication when you receive the ball), and then having it checked out of your hands immediately. 

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