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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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Guest GorgonTheHeroine

I've hit a bug in the Fissure missions, where the reactant stops dropping between 30% - 50%. 

Words fail me, when describing how frustrating this is. How I've blown through a number of relics, just to make sure it's a repeatable bug. How it's a mission within a mission, which forces you to lose everything, despite completing the original mission.

1. Fissures should be a separate, bonus mission.

2. Please, fix the reactant DR asap. Or, I'll be stuck on Mars forever.


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1. The new void system is pretty good although you currently leave the old void as an empty tileset. You should make it useful somehow soon enough.

2. Bugs are everywhere after the SotR. I haven't spend much time on WF after this update but I still found plenty.

 >Some requirement of the junctions doesn't work at all

 >Credit reward of sorties go missing

 >Default holster style of polearms is messed up

 >No way to start a normal quest on invasion/syndicate/sortie node, back in SC 2.0 you could select which mode to play

 >Can't find the way to start a NM quest or I just missed it?

There's even more but maybe I will finish them later.

3. In point of lore, what's the significance of "specters of the rail"? I know we have to defeat them but what's the point to do so? I can't find any explanation about this in-game or maybe I just missed it again? Ironic.

4. Archwing mode is messed up after this update. The plat slot further worsen it. Before you try to make money from a game-mode, at least make it playable. As a 6-DoF space shooter IMO Dead Space series did a very good job at space battle section, and please give us an option of adjust the FoV and a button for resetting the camera angle.

5. Kavats acquisition is just horrible. Full of RNG. I spent a day to get only 1 genetic code, which is VERY RIDICULOUS, do you really want to give us a free-way to get the Kavats or you just want to force us to buy the starter kit? 

6. Some of the junction requirement is RNG-based which is bad. Finding Eximus in Earth. WTF the new players won't even know what's an Eximus and where to find them. At least remove the RNG element in player's SC progression FFS.

7. The SC 3.0 is okay but some designs are not user-friendly. The text size and the icon are too small. I hope there can be a list of planets in the LHS or RHS to change between planets directly and avoid the zoom in-zoom out-select process, it's just inconvenient.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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I decided I wanted to take a look at the new Okina, then I went to Pluto to grind Oxium.

Nope, you fixed the Oxium farm but left the Oxium requirements on new things at absurd levels. I ended up quitting early because I was legitimately falling asleep (no joke) at my keyboard I was /so bored/.

What's engaging combat? Not killing the same cannon fodder enemies in the same mission over and over for 8 hours straight, collecting a smidge at a time of a resource you need vast quantities of ultimately.

Imagine 5 waves of interception, and only barely breaking 300 Oxium. Now imagine how many waves you'd need to complete to get the 7k for Vauban; it's 120 waves of cannon fodder grind. Thankfully I completed him when he came out, unfortunately that grind drove me away from the game until this update. And yet again, Oxium grind is back and grindier than ever.


Either take away both the Oxium farm and the absurd Oxium requirements, or don't take anything away at all; don't do it halfway and leave us grinding Oxium for hours on end! I thought one of the goals this update was to do away with mind-numbing grind.

Edited by Sennera
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Mars is ridiculous. I started a new account to see how a new player would progress, and you're blocked from progressing at Mars. The Ceres junction requires a mission on Phobos which requires the completion of the Phobos junction.


1) Invasion missions required for the Phobos junction are rarely available on any the four planets unlocked at this point (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars)

2) It requires sealing Lith fissures, but sealing void fissures as a new player is outright impossible. I can't kill opponents fast enough with a bloody Braton and Skana (or similar items) to meet the 2 minute time limit on closing the fissure. I need to unlock further planets to get better gear to be able to close fissures, but I can't unlock further planets until I close fissures... See the dilemma?


DE you have lost the privilege of releasing updates without playtesting them.

Edited by Scylax
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Archwing feedback-the passive roll needs to be removed and active roll keybinds need to be introduced. Drift needs to removed outright, there was no call for this amount of inertia.
Finally, maps need to be made less visually busy and less 2D oriented.
I'm someone who is actively playing space sims and new Archwing was giving me motion sickness in under 20 minutes :(

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From personal experience with void keys, I never felt bad getting a t2 key from a t1 mission, or a t3 from a t2 key ;)

Everything aside, though, I'm warning up to the new system. A few things here and there, but I know they'll eventually get fixed

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3 hours ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

Rail conflicts to defend your Rail or attack a Rail in the second iteration meant tennos versus tennos till pc butthurt killed it on consoles 

Dude I a talking about the topic this is spectres of the rail so I mean spectres, not players. I have never been to dark sectors before....



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I hoped the new Archwing fly system would be closer to other space-games, like the x series (anybody played the games?) or space engineers, where you could roll, had inertia, which allowed you to perform a lot of maneuvers, with the old system you always flew in the direction you faced, even if you didnt accelerate anymore, which was also annoying

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Well I knew there was going to be some adjusting to the new layouts and mechanics (both on my parts as well as some hotfixes) but even before 1 full week is up I have to say: I'm enjoying most of the changes.  Yes there was some confusion in the beginning, and having so much changed and added at one time was a bit overwhelming; but adjusting to everything was far quicker then previous major changes.

My list of problems:

  1. Dragon keys requiring void traces instead of void relics. (very minor)
  2. The camera is too close in archwing. (major issue)
  3. The new holster system has effected the holstering of several weapons that have no holster options (the Hydroid/polearm one was funny as hell though XD ).
  4. Kavat genetic code percent is still too low. (major issue)
  5. Alert/Syndicate/Invasion missions blocking default missions. (the absolute biggest problem)
  6. 13,641 is not equal to or greater than 14,796.

Now for my list of likes:

  1. Relic/Fissure system, ohmygod is it SO much better.  Now I don't have to do mission types I find annoying to farm for prime parts.
  2. New starchart spells out exactly what you need to do to unlock new planets.  Although I'd like to see the junction tasks for Jupiter and lower reflect more of a tutorial, it's still better then memorizing the old chart paths.
  3. Elytron moved to Tenno lab.  I'd farmed for my Elytron and it was painful, it's nice to see new players won't have to suffer through that.
  4. Archwing weapon parts as syndicate offering.  Another great move to remove the evil RNG.
  5. Enemy levels matching the relative position of the planets.  I know it's a very minor thing, but it has always bugged me.
  6. Phobos looks like it should.  Now if we can just get Mercury and Europa to stop borrowing Mars' bump map. 
Edited by MithrilDragon
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The nullifier changes are pure aids.  It completely destroys so many defensive abilities, as well as some offensive ones that were borderline terrible to begin with.  It's really an across-the-board nerf to frames that rely on summoned effects.  Mag's magnetize now gets annihilated CONSTANTLY.  Whereas before the magnetized enemy had to get nullified, now just the bubble itself needs to be touched.  Combine that with the beam weapon "fix" and she's now doing pathetic damage against high lvl corpus.

With all the decent rewards moved off of actual high-level endless missions (T3/T4), what's the incentive to play endless mission types at all?  Draco is a mid level survival and it's giving garbage uncommon mods as rotation C rewards.  Other endless missions are giving the same common mods in rotation A and then, understandably, void relics in B and C.  Really though, considering that actual void tear missions are the definition of finite, even the survival ones, there needs to be some sort of good incentives for longer endless mission runs.


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Archwing camera is too close to give you a good view of your surroundings. Spotting resources and mods in between the debris is difficult.

10 void traces per Dragon Key seems a lot more expensive than 1 void key, but... If you specifically wanted to make corrupted mods more rare, then this is a good change.

The cap of 100 on Void traces is way too low. I understand that it's probably there because you don't want people to hoard huge amounts of void traces so that they could refine relics as soon as new prime items are placed into the table, but - Could it be a bit higher to prevent losing excess Void traces? If you're at 90-99, you can't yet refine a relic to the highest level, yet you'll loose roughly half of the traces you would gain from closing a fissure.
SUGGESTION: Do like you did with the syndicates; Max amount of syndicate standing is 132k, but the most expensive syndicate items are 125k. Could you maybe make max void traces to 115 or 120 instead of a flat 100?.


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1. Still no change in affi gain system - this is now a choir, not a fun experience to level up and forma weapon/frame.

2. Star Chart needs to be multi-select, ASAP.

3, Still no fix for random bugs blocking party invites/mission start, encountered during leaving dojo/relay, switching hosts, etc.

4. Kavats genes are scarcely rare, this is not "less grind" as you all stated in DevStreams. It's even worse than farming for Kubrow eggs.

5. Archwing missions confined to smaller places need to be rebalanced, or given more thought about interaction with current movement profile.

6. Fissures and rewards - either remove the fragments completely, or make them boost specific part of the Relic instead of current deal. This way, you actually reduce the grind time required to get something usefull. With the current price on the Relic upgrade, up to 100 fragments, this is ridiculous - very Korean type of game right now.

7. In addition, consider reworking Fissures that they will gather users of same key, and also, force the key to be used. In exchange, increase drop rate for fragments. Also, better notification as where the Relics can drop now would be much appreciated.

That's what bugs me most these days, and had kept me from playing more.

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Often time when I'm recruiting people I want to see their profiles, yet since I'm recruiting I will probably be waiting for somebody to join while looking at others... while doing so, up until the point the first invited player joins, I don't want to leave navigation because that destroyes the session... but since I'm in navigation, I can't open player profiles

Same thing goes with the menu, I may want to see my friends list while on navigation... nope, no can't do.


On the subject of relics... again... as - I think it is clear by now - relics are used way faster than void keys used to. I have suggested before that increasing the chances to get relics may balance this. I have an idea of how DE can accomplish that:

1 - have mission give relics of a particular tier, and that tier only. Not of two tiers as they do currently. With less relics in the pools, each relic should have more chances, also it makes it easier to decide where to farm relics.

2 - allow relics to drop in bulk (ej: 1 relic / 3 relics / 5 relics)


Also, since I want to be farming relics to later on play them with my girlfriend I would want to be able to trade them in bulk (multiple of the same relics in a single slot in trade session).

This also has the side effect of:

- make selling relics for pl viable for more people

- making the price of relics go down (by there being more offert in market)


Edit: and make the fissures change location faster! they stay too much time in the same place, if you want to get something from a particular tier - regardless of what - you will be doing the same mission over and over - change it soon, so it goes to something else (I'm suggesting to change the fissure location each 30m). This is made worse by the lack of alternatives in the lower tiers.


Yes, farming relics / keys, to later share them with somebody who didn't farm them is deal breaking for me, in fact we already started playing something else. We stoped playing sortie because of the lack of credits (which for what I read is fixed - too late) and we are not getting prime stuff because of the problems above... the void trader comes soon, and we probably won't have much to sell for ducats. We pretty much blasted thru the junctions... and there is no new quests... lunaro and archwings are just no that much interesting to us....

I'm just logging in for the login rewards and to see what to write about here.

Edited by theraot
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bugs and bugs cant trade sindi weapons it say that it has to be rank 0 and no potato instaled but it has no potato and it is rank 0 also fix the jordas verdict raid the golen dugs out in walls and u cant shoot the pads to open not even with explosion dmg we had to abord coz of that and when u hit a wall in archwing u get stuck in the wall try to fix pls


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hey, PS4 player here waiting for this update while following the news about it - i have a question: what will i be doing in WF all day when it is live on my system? 


because - asides from some alerts and Dark Sectors every now and then, i've spent most of my in-mission time in the Void lately. and not just and only for the good rewards (Ducats, trade material, Credits and Cores - all at the same time) - but also because it was decent enough fun to run those missions like all day long. sure - non of them alone entertained me as much as the sole ME3 4-player lobby based PvE horde mode - but the variety of different modes offered in the Void to jump between made decent enough up for that to me. 


but those Void Fissure seal Alert or whatever they are called missions i see on YT? they certainly look lame/ pale/ with much lower long-term entertainment potential in comparison to the old Void to me. which then again immediately lets a new question arise in me: why farming stuff in there if i might not be able to put these farmed benefits to use in missions that i actually wanna play - but that don't exist as much anymore? because the old Void was both to me at the same time: missions that i actually wanted to play, where i put these farmed benefits to use - but where i farmed so many of those benefits as well. 


or are those new Void Fissure seal Alerts actually a lot more fun to run like all day long than they look like at first from the outside/ did i accidentally just saw way too few of the variety they actually offer? i mean - i'd get to see the also beautiful common nodes more often, this new shared reward variety system looks like i might like it - i'm sure it has benefits too. but if the new Void missions are compared to the old ones really as much worse from the entertainment aspect out as it looks like to me at first - wouldn't it be better then if it would be changed to something like: 


that (while the new shared reward variety would be kept, the alerts would continue to take place on the regular nodes and are still for the regular missions there) the enemy level also would scale to the selected Void Tower quality and extraction would be replaced with a portal/ rift that warps us into the actual Void missions as we know them from before SotR maybe? because i imagine that it probably feels a lot like an anti-addition to the game when the whole Void is replaced with what looks from what i have seen so far in comparison more like a mini-game? 

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So after playing for almost a week now and appreciating some of the hotfixes that have come through. I find the Void fissure system to be well and truely under developed, I spent roughly 6 hours farming fissures today, just testing out a few different things. During this time i was able to get a few "rare" drops, unfortunately all of these came from unrefined relics. I've been dropping all my void traces into radiant relics as that's the only thing that makes sense to me and of the ~5 radiant relics I've managed to create and run, 4 of the rewards have been common drops and one was an uncommon. 

In total i think i ran about 45-50 relics with most relics giving 10-15 traces. So on average I was running 9 un-refined relics for every radiant. 

I love that you get to choose between several rewards on the end of mission screen. But as has been mentioned earlier, some indication of the item value would be GREATLY appreciated, memorising the ducat value of 30ish rewards is fairly difficult.

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Dear DE, can we please have an official statement to the syndicate missions standing reward issue?

As of now, it seems the reward tables are inversed, ending up in low ranked players getting the highest rewards.

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I really love the new Void system! I've been seeing a fair amount of hate so I wanted to offer my 2 cents. It could use some tweaking but it's far, far better than the old key system. The new starchart is also very well done.

I've been hesitent to recommend Warframe to new players, as there's so much to take in that isn't really explained, but I feel the new progression system spaces everything out much more clearly, so a newbie has adequate time to digest everything.

Thanks DE.

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