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Scorches have broken range [DE reply in thread]


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3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Are you trying to tell us this is working as intended?

Because unless the Scorch is holding the Ignis backwards and deepthroating it so hard that it's peeking out the other end, there's no way it can hit someone standing behind them.

its technically intended.

the range theyd normally start attacking is much shorter then there weapons max range so in most grineer missions you wont get hit super far away from them.

In ODE there attacking infested so you just happen to experiance there full range

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Just now, Grimlock84 said:

its technically intended.

the range theyd normally start attacking is much shorter then there weapons max range so in most grineer missions you wont get hit super far away from them.

In ODE there attacking infested so you just happen to experiance there full range


Not really what the thread is about tbh.

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11 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

Works exactly the same as our Ignis. 40m range and 5m punch through.

Sorry, what? I can't remember I was able to kill even one enemy with my Ignis by shooting in a completely different direction.

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10 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:


Works exactly the same as our Ignis. 40m range and 5m punch through.

No, they don't.

Currently, they can kill you instantly no matter where they are facing. When I say AoE, I mean radial, not cone area which is how it was before, but now it's bugged.

Go to any derelict and  you'll see a Scorcher penetrating the walls and not facing you, effectively killing you instantly.

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1 minute ago, Grimlock84 said:

it kinda is.

all the pictures in the op are in the derelict because thats the only place where scorches have this kinda range

To hell with range, they are making damage not in a cone-like shape (like we do), but rather they damage everything around themselves in some area (15m for sure, maybe more).

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Just now, Grimlock84 said:

it kinda is.

all the pictures in the op are in the derelict because thats the only place where scorches have this kinda range

No. Really isn't. The thread is about Scorches firing in an AOE around their entire body, through walls.

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Yeah, this is ridiculous. Going as vauban you can't even bastille to stop them in time before you get instantly killed before entering into the next room. Their range is at least 40+ meters from what I've gathered and you can still get hit regardless of where they're aiming, even if its away from you. Its like they're an arson eximus without a cooldown.

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When the Ignis was buffed a while back it was given innate punch-through. Scorches were given the same punch-through

I do agree that the angles they can hit you from, especially if they're not even attacking you and were instead going after a kavat or something, is ridiculous and needs to be looked at. I'm constantly getting hit through the floor, among other weirdness

Edited by TARINunit9
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Yeah this is really bad. Took some of my friends on a cat safari in the derelict last night and kept getting randomly wiped when we entered a new room. Was only able to peg it as the scorches after I noticed some of us getting set on fire by the damage occasionally.

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21 minutes ago, Grimlock84 said:

through walls is intended 

An ignis has innate punch through

Yes and as pretty much everyone said (also the person you quoted) its not about the punch through. Its about the AoE which results in scorches hitting you even if they don't face you (aka have their back turned to you and if you say that is intended then id like to see you taking an Ignis, turning your back to an Enemy and try to kill him with your Ignis while looking in the opposite direction.)

Punch Through = yes intended

AoE = not intended (atleast we all hope so)

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They are one-shotting my squad through halfway of the map! Through the doors!! Through the walls!!! THROUGH THE SKY, THROUGH SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM, FOR HEK'S SAKE!!!!

Are you even play at the game you're making?!

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