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Heliocor = syndicate Mellee wepons are near?


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Ok, when the Gammacor was released, it was at the same time as Syndicate secondaries, which included the Synoid Gammacor as the Cephalon Suda weapon


A few weeks after we got the Simulor, we got syndicate primaries, which included the Synoid Simulor as the Cephalon Suda.


So, with the release of the Heliocor, a cephalon themed melee weapon, it looks like we're getting close to syndicate mellees, though to be fair with the amount of work War Within may require, its fair to assume their on the back burner.

Edited by WindBlade
fixed a goof
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3 minutes ago, Ibro156 said:

Hoping Arbiter of Hexis will get something decent this time.

Please not Boltace >.<

Its definitly going to be the Boltace ;) Or do you know of any other Bolto themed Melee Weapon? ;)

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yeah, we're pretty close. we know that Heliocor is going to be Suda's melee, but here are my top predictions, which I based on how underrated, underpowered and thematically appropriate each weapon is.:

Steel Meridian - Vaykor Ack & Brunt. not many people truly know the full Crit potential of this weapon with Final Harbinger, and Steel Med are "protectors", so a shield makes a lot of sense. it's a Grineer weapon also so it matches the rest of their kit.

Arbiters of Hexis - Telos Boltace. now I've wound up a few Arbiter Loyalists by constantly reminding them that this WILL happen, and it will. it matches the Boltor family, and it's a Tenno weapon. we also need a set of Tonfas that we can take to high levels and get results with. this really isn't as bad as you think, Arbiter fans, you might find you like this weapon!

Cephalon Suda - Synoid Heliocor. obviously, that's the point of this thread and my response, we all know it's as inevitable as the aforementioned Telos Boltace. I also reckon it'll be powerful as hell like Suda's other weapons (Synoid Simulor is a go-to for endgame, and Gammacor is still potent against Corpus even after multiple nerfs). Heliocor is supposedly not too bad in terms of performance, so I'm expecting Suda's version to rival even the Jat Kittag and Fragor Prime.

Perrin Sequence - Secura Prova. I don't particularly want it, but since the Serro is an industrial tool, and not something merchants would typically use, and they don't seem like guys who would use the Lecta, that pretty much just leaves the Prova. it's sleek, it's Corpus and a bit classier than a Serro or Lecta. I'm hoping if this is the case, it will be given a ridiculous buff over the Prova Vandal, so that this thing is usable. Machetes have been neglected for too long, let's start fixing them by giving us one that we can actually take to missions above level 10.

Red Veil - Rakta Heat Dagger. a lot of people say Karyst, but remember that Red Veil like fire as much as stealth, and a Heat dagger would reflect their love of both. we could also use and enhanced single dagger, as we don't have any currently, and their Operatives already use Heat Daggers for interrogation and Torture, so it seems like the most logical choice. once you slap Covert lethality on it though, it won't matter what Dagger family it belongs too, you'll be happy as long as it gets Stealth kills, right?

New Loka - Sancti Tonbo. New Loka just seem to me like the kind of people who would use a Polearm, and they clearly prefer Tenno weapons, perhaps because they look simple and Pure, reflecting the Syndicate's motives. the aesthetic options here could be great: a Tonbo with vines and leaves twisted around the Shaft, with a petal shaped Blade.. it could be given a total nature theme, and it would look great in their Camo. Tonbo also needs love since it's one of the more neglected Polearms, and the Tipedo got an upgrade with the Lesion.

6 minutes ago, Ibro156 said:

Hoping Arbiter of Hexis will get something decent this time.

Please not Boltace >.<

it's happening. you're getting a Boltace, and you're going to like it. deal with it.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:


you have easily the most passive aggressive attitude ive met on the forums thus far honestly, with all due respect.

please also note that just because you yourself are sure of something does not mean you have a right to go around to people telling them to "deal with it"


EDIT: also note that there has been zero confirmations by DE on this so its stil all open to discussion so saying things like that is really rather destructive to a discussion


Edited by drewfishking
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2 minutes ago, drewfishking said:

you have easily the most passive aggressive attitude ive met on the forums thus far honestly, with all due respect.

please also note that just because you yourself are sure of something does not mean you have a right to go around to people telling them to "deal with it"


EDIT: also note that there has been zero confirmations by DE on this so its stil all open to discussion so saying things like that is really rather destructive to a discussion


relax, I'm only joking around. but you have to admit, Telos Boltace is rather likely.

the only thing that Irks me is that people don't want it when they have never tried it. half of the people saying they don't want Telos Boltace likely never gave the original version a chance. they act like it's the worst thing ever, but they don't see that this might finally make Tonfas a more enjoyed weapon category.

any passive aggression is aimed only at the people who reckon it's going to be bad when the weapon isn't even out yet. when it gets released, if it's bead then sure, *@##&#036; and whine about it, but don't knock it until you've tried it, that's what I'm saying.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

only thing that Irks me is that people don't want it when they have never tried it. half of the people saying they don't want Telos Boltace likely never gave the original version a chance. they act like it's the worst thing ever, but they don't see that this might finally make Tonfas a more enjoyed weapon category.

I have used the Kronen and Boltace. I didn't like using them mechanically or asthetically. I am not a fan of the weapon class in Warframe, real life, or anywhere else. More damage and a proc will never redeem it for me. Neither will a new stance. I'll rank and sell it if it happens, and I keep all my other Syndicate weapons, and as of recently, all the trash weapons I rebuild after trashing them long ago. 

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I swear to god if we get Boltace for Hexis I'm going to buy a fuckton of them and stick them up everyone's a-

Okay, let's skip that bit.

See, people, this here, is the most basic of Hexis sigils, it's what people receive when they join them in their weird edgy mysterious circle of ominousness


You see that? That's a sword. Or a helmet, I guess? No, that's clearly a sword. You get to plaster your frame's chest or back with a sword. That's cool.

This here, is what you'll receive when you get to the top


That there? That's three swords. Because one is not enough and two is too few. 

And you're telling me you're going to give me this, what, super short ranged dinosaur ribcage that hits quite hard but has sh*t range even with Primed Reach? Really?

EDIT : Oh no I'm not done yet, let's talk about syandanas. It's that thing that sticks on your back and you can get that when you reach the absolute tippy top of the syndicate.

It's also a god damn sword.


Edited by TotallyLagging
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