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What's the point of the new way of getting Auras?


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6 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

u can kinda cheat this by doing void sabotage with the grineer mini bosses at the end and hope u end up in earth cuz it spawns in opposite time of day that what it actually is on earth

so yeah :/

Did not know this, cool.

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no matter how 'grindy', you can actively play to get it, which strictly means the Chance is much, much higher to get it.

and who's to say these Auras can't appear in Alerts?

Edited by taiiat
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6 minutes ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

The more you agreed with adition farm that De threw at you the more you gonna get. Their statement was "We want to reduce grind", but gring is getting worse with every update and players like you are happy about it, which give De a buffer for more grind inplementation. I's not i care anymore, but still.

And making these things alert based isn't going to change anything.

They don't give players incentive to actually play the game for extended periods of time.

If you consider spending days waiting for an alert, possibly not even playing the game, a viable way to acquire a certain item you may as well just do something else with your time.

You shouldn't get something from nothing. If it means grinding for something to get it, then so be it.

Edited by Tricky5hift
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38 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

well the auras partly to , but thats just my opinion.. i mean the most desired aura for me would be the 60% more charge atack damage..... but the -90% shield modifier gives me thinking.... why?!

It'll be a must have for certain Eternal War Valkyr builds I run :)

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6 minutes ago, taiiat said:

no matter how 'grindy', you can actively play to get it, which strictly means the Chance is much, much higher to get it.

and who's to say these Auras can't appear in Alerts?

It wouldn't be a bad idea to make them also Alert based.

The more options there are to get an item makes it less grindy to get it.

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23 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

The drop rates are pretty generous as well, and they are effected by Pilfdroid and Desecrate. 

Got all 6 in ~~8 Night, 4 sunrise, 3 twilight.

Considering that half the time you can get 2-3 Apothics worth of plants from a single mission (except earth plants and Moss).  It's not that hard to 'grind' them.  If you get in a group of 4 with 2 of the same apothic as you, then that's 8, or 16-24 chances to get 2 aura's you're after.

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Is there a single person that finds the process of scanning the same plants over and over fun? I'm serious, who thought this would be an entertaining way to obtain Mods? I don't mind the grind, just don't make it so mindnumbingly dull.

Edited by Vardog
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1 minute ago, Vardog said:

Is there a single person that finds the process of scanning the same plants over and over fun? I'm serious, who thought this would be an entertaining way to obtain Mods?

I don't find they way the void rewards work to be fun.  Regular missions with golden mobs!!!  (The three exclamation points indicate sarcasm).

Whereas you need to do void tear missions for ducats continuously, you only need to do apothics 'once'.  And it's probably ~~30mins to get several of one kind.

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3 minutes ago, Vardog said:

Is there a single person that finds the process of scanning the same plants over and over fun? I'm serious, who thought this would be an entertaining way to obtain Mods?

Its as fun as I'm walking throught my house, and end up seeing one of my cat's kitties running around.

I just change directions from where I was going to grab the little ball of fluff.

Edited by Venom-Snake
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2 minutes ago, Vardog said:

Is there a single person that finds the process of scanning the same plants over and over fun? I'm serious, who thought this would be an entertaining way to obtain Mods? I don't mind the grind, just don't make it so mindnumbingly dull.

Recalling Cicero, it felt somewhat fun searching for where plants would spawn in the tile, though I suppose this carries over from finding Sabotage caches, Syndicate Medallions, Kuria and Cephalon Fragments. 

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1 hour ago, Ketec said:

The day night cycle and finding tons of plants just for a SINGLE run for a microscopic chance to get 1 aura from 1 enemy...This is just plain idiotic.

1+ i also dont have any plan to farm that auras... no way lol

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1 hour ago, Ketec said:

SINGLE run for a microscopic chance

Let me just correct this.  There is about a 50/50 that it is an aura or a stance (some rarer stances too).  You can get 2-3 drops PER specter.  You can use AS MANY apoths as you got in ONE MISSION.  You can 'share' apoths with 3 other like-minded people. 

Essentially, you get 3 pals with 2 apoths.  You walk out of said mission with anywhere from 8-12 Aura's on Average.  That's not microscopic odds.  Anyways enough with this, if/when they are tradeable, there will be a ton on the market instantly b/c of the people who now have a million copies of most the auras.



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1 hour ago, pauli133 said:

The point is to give bored endgame players something new to do. If you don't like it, don't do it.

Yeah man, I've been growing bored of warframe, but the chance to run around tilesets looking for plants to scan is just too exciting to pass up. My Warframe experience feels invigorated.

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33 minutes ago, Vardog said:

Is there a single person that finds the process of scanning the same plants over and over fun? I'm serious, who thought this would be an entertaining way to obtain Mods? I don't mind the grind, just don't make it so mindnumbingly dull.

I enjoy it!

Just compare that to farming any specific mod from a rare enemy.

I spend about 10 hours hugging the sentients on the moon with Ivara, just to finally get the Vengeful Revenant stance (and all that with a full squad of 3 Ivaras and an Atlas!).

Gathering some easy to find flowers was something new, that nothing else in the game really required you to do before that.

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44 minutes ago, Vardog said:

Is there a single person that finds the process of scanning the same plants over and over fun? I'm serious, who thought this would be an entertaining way to obtain Mods? I don't mind the grind, just don't make it so mindnumbingly dull.

Do you find waiting days on end for an alert mod to pop up any more fun than actually playing the game?

If you don't want to do it, then don't do it.

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2 hours ago, BPNPC said:

Before Silver Grove, every single Aura was acquirable through alerts. Even when new auras were added, like EMP aura, they were added to alerts.

Now suddenly we have these 6 new auras that are acquirable only through an incredibly grindy, incredibly tedious process (some aura drop rates are single-digit). If I want to take pictures of plants I'd go play Garden Simulator. What is the point of this?

It is punitive, boring, dull, unimaginative...one can only assume that they will be selling potions or the auras themselves in the market soon.  Otherwise it is a pointless excercise in frustrating the player base with pointless plant farming.

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1 minute ago, Kyronz said:


It is punitive, boring, dull, unimaginative...

To get all 6 auras it took only (at the most) a few hours.  Compared to other things in game that is very little effort at all.  And while I was at it I finished codex entries for things I would never have done otherwise.

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1 minute ago, Kyronz said:


It is punitive, boring, dull, unimaginative...one can only assume that they will be selling potions or the auras themselves in the market soon.  Otherwise it is a pointless excercise in frustrating the player base with pointless plant farming.

You don't enjoy collecting 26 mutherf^cking moss thingys; that are a complete pain in the @ss to find without constantly using the scanner.  The scanner that replaces your primary and secondary weapons, so you're constantly toggling weapons.. All for a "chance" for an aura that some have found to be bugged and not working..  ???


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4 minutes ago, -Fe-McHamm3rShot said:

You don't enjoy collecting 26 mutherf^cking moss thingys; that are a complete pain in the @ss to find without constantly using the scanner.  The scanner that replaces your primary and secondary weapons, so you're constantly toggling weapons.. All for a "chance" for an aura that some have found to be bugged and not working..  ???


Well, you can melee while in the scanner.... so its no trouble at all. Or just run an exterminate on a low level asteroid with an Ember or any other frame with wide-range nuke abilities and, you don't have to do a thing except collect energy. So you can easily look for all the moss.

It literally took me... 10m? Max? to find all the moss. Probably a lot less.

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