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How does everyone else feel about the fact Guides of the Lotus now have an "exclusive" armor set?


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41 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Personally, I can't possibly care any less. 

After 3 years of playing this game, I've seen only one of those lazily chatting at Larunda. I would even forgot of their existence if not the forums.

which means they dotn even deserved the "reward" they are getting for playing the game

we should all get nice rewards ( getting paid? ) for spendign our free time here..lol 

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9 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

As seen in this reddit thread and tonight's Prime time: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4z86k0/mantle_of_the_lotus_new_guides_of_the_lotus_armor/

I don't see this being discussed anywhere on the forums, so here we are.

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My personal opinion (I'm not looking to argue);

Firstly, I really don't see why a second cosmetic item, especially one that happens to be a lot more detailed and noticeable, was needed for the program. The Sigil itself was (in my opinion) enough. If it was added as a way to make new players identify Guides easier, this isn't really the way to do it (new players don't know even know how to identify Guides with everything they have currently, but that's neither here nor there).

Secondly, and this is my main issue, there are hardly any Lotus themed cosmetics in game. A few Sigils with the insignia, sure. The Nelumbo Syandana, definitely. However, this is the first Lotus themed Armor set and to be completely honest, I find it quite disappointing that it's exclusive to the Guides. I would love to be able to don this armor and I know many others would too.

I am not trying to be hostile or inflammatory, sincerest apologies if I appear so. This is just what I personally think of a new addition. So how do the rest of you feel about Guides of the Lotus receiving a second "exclusive" cosmetic?


My personal opinion?

It looks neat, but I'd never wear it.  I agree that it definately is a helpful way to tell if they are at a glance without looking at their chest.  I find no disappointment that it isn't available to me, because honestly what would replace the Misa Prime Syandana, or the New Prime Syandana?  Or the Vanquished Banner?  Or for Shoulder Sigils, the Baro Sigil looks far better in my opinion.


Though that is a objective look at it, If you want the "Badges" then you could always try to join them, there are few qualifications for it but most of them are common sense. (like not breaking the rules, aka, getting strikes on your account)

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7 minutes ago, Vyra said:

which means they dotn even deserved the "reward" they are getting for playing the game

we should all get nice rewards ( getting paid? ) for spendign our free time here..lol 

Once in three years... And they only introduced them May of 2015

That is just over a year ago they started the program and began the first wave of guides.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Because the people that have it tend to use it to gloat over the people that don't, which leads to a toxic community. See: Excalibur Prime

I don't spend much time around the in-game chat, so maybe it happens a lot there, but I've been lurking around these forums for years, and I see WAY more people antagonizing those with the exclusive items, rather than the other way around. 

Edited by Roachester
Negative space.
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2 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

No, because mastery rank doesn't prove you know anything.  My post doesn't imply I am smarter or dumber than you either. It just shows that I am on here more often, so I see more of what is going on.

What, you've never heard of lurking? Post count does not indicate presence. It just means you type a lot.


On topic, the thing that bugs me is that from what I can see, the armour has cloth physics. This makes it the first and only non-syandana cosmetic to have such.

If there was a non-guides armour piece with fabric, I'd be fine with it.

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Personally I think there SHOULD be something that sets them apart from others (visually).  That way I don't have to stare at their names and just look at the armor and tell who's a GOTL.  I played another game where I was a Mentor and we had a special armor pattern/color and a in-game chat icon that made us stand out.  Even then there were people that were mad because they said it showed "favoritism", but we volunteered our time and were not paid by the company.  And besides, this is really not that much.  I was expecting to see a WHOLE LOT MORE that would make them stand out haha.

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Why should it matter? It is only a single cosmetic piece that holds no stat advantage over any other. If they want to give something to people who were accepted for that then let them. 

Hell, I think they should get an actual armor set instead of just that. Why, for no other reason than if DE wants it in their game. They can have it in their game.

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1) there's no need of being a GotL to help new players, I personally prefer doing it only while I'm the mood, reason why I have never applied (maybe once, but when I had tons of free time to play)

2) The only reason why I might be annoyed for it, is that many of us have been waiting for about a month for the last tennogen skins to be released, but suddenly a totally unexpected "pseudo exclusive" (since any player meeting certain requirements can get) jumps in game without even being mentioned in the patch notes (not sure about it, at least I don't remember seeing it anywhere)

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Tbh, GoTL also moderate the chat and answer every question asked, they go out of their way to help the community with almost no benefit. Giving them an arm plate seems pretty fair, it doesn't exactly bear any benefit than a uniform.

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As much as I respect all GotLs, I really wish they didn't add another cosmetic just for them. That armour set looks sick! I'm not saying that Guides shouldn't get any cool stuff, but most of the Guides are already at the endgame phase and have nearly everything that you could get (stipulation). 

If it was meant to aid in helping others recognize Guides, it doesn't really help! Say I met a Guide in a relay wearing this set. I'd go into a lengthy discussion with him after which I'd finally come to know that he is a Gotl and that they can do such and such. I'd say that different colours and symbols next to their names in relays would've been better. A different immortal skin perhaps as well?

I love armour sets and this one just seems to be a huge step. I understand as to why Excalibur Prime and the others aren't really accessible to others, but this was in a way, unnecessary.





I meant no disrespect. Guides are awesome.

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Hello there,

The armor and sigil is for players to identify Guides. Just because we can use these items doesn't make anyone inferior to us, A good Guide treats everyone with equal respect. If you find anyone ill-treating you, I suggest capturing a screenshot/video. Send it to a Community Moderator/ Senior Guide or even feel free to contact @[DE]Danielle.

Thank you!

~ Josh

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)C0gnitive 0n3 said:

Isn't this in line with the conversations people were having about the TennoCon Syandana even though they didn't attend?

Personally, I could care less. If a cosmetic is what you get for helping newer players - good on them. If that entitles them to an exclusive, so be it.

Eh, the tennocon scarf is a bit more of a gray area because some might have gone if they had the time, but were simply unable. It is equally reasonable to commemorate their first official con by giving out an item to everyone rather than just the people who were able to attend.

Volunteering time to help new players doesn't require compensation, but a slick badge with a glowing banner is a nice touch. If they end up in missions with newbies, they might better know who to watch and follow with a little help. If someone wants the merit badge, they need to join the scouts.

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ON the subject of guide, the lotus guide in our region , only chats all day long with purple text, commenting on silly stuff, where millions of newbie questions fly by. Infact i asked a question today whether all mods irrespective of rarity when dissolved gave the same number of endo? whether it was right they were and if i should proceed with a bug report, guess what he said "Don't know" . I am not undermining their dedication but after that i kept watching chat i found all he did was gossip, chat , laughed while newbies kept on asking the questions.When asked, answer was chat flies so quickly . Then why are you responding to silly conversation when newbies still need your help. What kind of criteria was used to select these "guides". Hate the purple text coming from a guy who can't answer warframe questions even.

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