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Anndddd it's already October.


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15 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

 This week on PC we bring you 'The Vacuum Within'. To be fair you've been waiting longer for this than the War Within, so maybe this is the real best of the year deploy. No, we're not having 3 Mods make up Vacuum. We changed it. Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required.

Will this Innate Vacuum apply only to sentinels, or also kubrows/kavats?
Will Carrier receive some other, new perk to make up for losing the monopoly on Vacuum, or will Vacuum still stay as a carrier mod (having improved range of 12 meters)?

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2 minutes ago, S.C. said:

It actually isn't. Because it implies how much DE actually listens to the community.

And if they're just gonna do whatever anyway then why bother sticking with it?

I see no problem with the changes, sure it has a smaller radius, to fix that just....move closer. It's not that hard.

Edited by -CM-RIKENZ
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Firstly, I'm one of those tenno who doesn't use carrier, so the vacuum change is neither here nor there with me.

Secondly, as a console player, the delay of TWW almost guarantees that we won't see it until next year.  Again, no biggie, I'm busy with other games.

Lastly, I feel that DE should just go dark at this point.  Stop presenting potential release windows to the player base.  I've always loved how DE communicates with the community, but it feels as though the angst has reached a fever pitch with the announcement of yet another delay (combined with the vacuum nerf) (yes, it is a nerf).  Just...tighten up and lock down the WIP transparency a little bit, DE.  "Things are escalating quickly around here."



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57 minutes ago, (XB1)BULLS 0N PAR4DE said:

 I ran a few missions last night with a rank 0 vacuum after reading this and have to say it was in no way a big deal. I think people just need to try it to see how silly they look crying the have to run an extra 5 meters to get the loot. SMH. Really? 7 meters is something worth crying over.... LMFAO @ all of you

If there is so little difference why did DE find the need to nerf it?

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2 hours ago, -CM-RIKENZ said:

I see no problem with the changes, sure it has a smaller radius, to fix that just....move closer. It's not that hard.

Point is, what people wanted is it to be a passive on Warframes. Add some customizability and you have the perfect solution to a long standing issue. This way, people could actually use cats or whatever again. And don't tell me "but you don't have to use it at all". There is a reason Carrier is the most used companion in the game, currently. And this is simply not a real solution. People are still going to be forced to keep using sentinels. And not just that, it's even worse than it was before.

And if people want to ragequit because DE keeps making stupid decisions, then well... I'd say it's quit reasonable.

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It's not the update schedule itself that needs looking at; it's expectations management and communication with the playerbase. And, evidently, better resource/time requirements analysis...


As someone who started end of feb/start of march, I've noticed the definite slowdown of things added to the game. When I started there were events or Tactical Alerts every other weekend. There were regular cheap colour palettes popping up on the market along with other fun temporary stuff. Weekly injections of new stuff - a weapon here, a frame there etc. But over the course of spring and sumemr it all seemed to slow down massively. Weekly updates were just bugfixes with maybe the occasional new thing. events, TAs, colour palettes etc dried up. All the while the hype was being built for TWW as the big summer centrepoint. But that goalpost keeps moving and most of my friends have stopped playing.

Stuff has been released: we've had things like Lunaro (there's some people out there that like it, I think), Prime accesses, new frames, an unvaulting, rework of the starchart, rework of fusion, kavats etc but all the while it's been presented as 'throwing us a bone' while we wait for the supposed upcoming 'meat' of the update. It's all about perception. It's promising a complete gift-wrapped moon on a stick, and yeah we're getting chunks of lunar rock as time goes on but it's absolutely not the same. We have no idea when we'll finally have the things we were promised either.

I've not even touched upon the divisive changes which appear to have riven the playerbase, such as the removal of the rewards system tied to the old endless void with the new fissure system. I know for many that represents the removal of content. There doesn't appear to be anything to fill that gap. Vague allusions have been made to new systems with TWW and perhaps those are aimed at replacing the void that's been left, if you'll pardon the pun. But we don't know. We can't know! Starchart and void changes were placed too early in the release schedule.


So I hope the takeaway from all of this isn't about splitting content out into smaller more regular updates - personally I much prefer that kind of schedule - it's about being realistic with your own expectations about what can and cannot be achieved, and being extremely bloody careful about how you communicate these things to your playerbase.


(As to the Vacuum changes... *sigh* What is wrong with leaving the vacuum mod as is but switching the Carrier limitation to be open to all Companions? And obviously giving Carrier a new precept.)

Edited by Zendadaist
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Well, I'm glad at least DE listened to the (overwhelming) demand to NOT split vacuum into 3 useless mods (last time DE tried that in the form of bane mods and elemental coat mods, look at how well it worked out huh?)

Although I'm still not amused by the fact that they had to nerf the range and disguise it as "rework"

Have you people NOT learned anything from the past nerfs disguised as rework at all? (by that I mean progression nerf under the guise of starmap 3.0, fusion nerf under the guise of endo's simplicity, prime part farming nerf under the guise of void rework, and many more)

The point of vacuum feedback thread outroar wasn't to make it universal, and wasn't to stop the mod being split up, but it's to eliminate fundamental cause of ALL problem that is looting in the first place. Sadly that point was completely missed and now everyone's stuck with "solution" that is actually making things worse.

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1 hour ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Also, while the Vacuum idea now seems better then the 3 mods thing, you're still saddling us up with a -rank 0- vacuum, you're taking the chance to globalize vacuum, to also nerf it hard.

Lol, they aren't even making it global. Just sentinels. The whole thing just seems like they are trying to haggle the community.

Edited by Top_Kekkonen
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16 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.  



"We don't know if we're going to make this month (September) but it's going to be close." 

Uh-huh. Sure.

At this point, it feels like DE is giving one month after the other to try and keep the playerbase hyped. If it isn't ready, just tell us it isn't ready and get on with it.

Edited by Aazlah
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47 minutes ago, -CM-RIKENZ said:

I see no problem with the changes, sure it has a smaller radius, to fix that just....move closer. It's not that hard.

Warframe is fast paced game, anything that distracts you(looking for loot) from having fun(killing enemies) is bad for game.

loot can already go in weird places(few meters behind wall or roof), including because of because of simulor and vauban vortex so if they nerf vacuum lets hope they also remove simulor and vortex from game...

Edited by Culaio
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Speaking of deadline and updates, I really really don't mind if you don't release new content every bi-weekly (or some time along that line), If you say you want to polish the content more, I would wait. I had waited far longer than this.

What I do mind is that, if you said you will do it, you need to do absolutely that. Be responsible for your own word.

If you know you can't do that from the beginning, don't announce anything, k?

Because THAT is what made everyone angry, tired, bored, fed-up etc and everything.

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16 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.

take the time you need,DE, i prefer a good work than an unfinished one.

keep hope and we will wait too beat Teshin!

Edited by YakaFaucon
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okie dokie. since i personally never have any hype nor expectation in any games as i don't want to end up in disappointment. Even during the release of second dream, i didn't rush myself to unlock the quest due to fear of possible numerous bugs. As long as the content is at least 98% bug-free, i don't mind the wait.

good to hear about the changes regarding the vacuum not going to split into 3 mods.

Corpus rathuum... hmmm... i hope it is not just all about hacking the panel like razorback did lol... *stepped away from hype train*

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Vacuum passive on all sentinels- love it. 5m range makes people actually have to move to pick up life support from their safe room farm locations, Or run across the room to get that ammo/mod/resource drop. Of course you're going to see a bunch of forum spam complaining about it...but then, that's almost common these days, anything that actually involves player interaction is frowned upon by some people. Stick with it DE.

Rathuum/index- Sounds like fun. An endless option for both grineer/Corpus would be very enjoyable in my opinion. 

Personally I am hoping that the delays to War Within are a result of Damage changes, Mod reworks, AI improvements. However I don't mind it being delayed regardless because I don't feel the need to worry about what I can't control  I find it amusing personally how dramatic people are being, as though the company is sinking into the sands because of some delays. Add to that the attitudes people are getting trying to harass the devs and I'm quite seriously beside myself. 

Thanks for the information, I know some of the forum minority swears there's never enough, but some of us actually do appreciate the effort.


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So for anyone who has not hear the news: The war within is being delayed for another month and some other changes are happening as well.

Of course because I am a stupid &#%$& I have to give a opinion on this subject. Let me just say that I am not saying that DE made a bad game, the game is awesome, they as game developers do a lot of work but they are not perfect. So lets get roooight into the news!

Subject #1- Vacuum

There is a lot of people who think that vacuum should be a warframe/all companion passive. And that would be the best solution. But DE has got to put some fireants in our pants. Vacuum is going to be a passive for all sentinels with a 5 meter range (WIP). That is bad because sentinels are trash and because the range is a direct nerf. They did say that the range is WIP but I doubt it that they will make a smart decision on this one.

Subject #2- "The Index"

This is going to be a rathuum like corpus arena gamemode in the month of Spooptober. There will also be a new weapon coming with the even so get your forma ready boys. Events are always fun and this will probably be too. But because somebody actually needs to work on the event, some work on TWW is going to be redirected (get the joke, nevermind...).

Subject #3- The War Without 

You already know what it is. Some people are salty, some straight up triggered and most of us knew that TWW won't be here for a while. We will be happy if we get it even this year. The main reason why we don't have TWW now is because of the community. Yes I said it now put me on a stick and throw salt and ice at me. Now let me tell you a little backstory. After SotR was launched a lot and I mean A LOT of people were complaining about bugs and many other imperfections (you should have been used to them you silly people) so DE had to make one billion hotfixes and various updates to make the game more enjoyable for those people. There were also lunaro and conclave changes, lunaro should have not been in the game but whatever. 4 months in the future we have have those same people leaving comments like "Great job DE keep up the good work" and that is really nice and helpful but there is also the magical sentence "Take your time". Are you kidding me mate. What are you trying to do? Delay the update some more? Get out of town mate. 

I am not talking about software and how to make a game on this post. I am talking about how people made DE scared of putting out content and how much we complain for things that could just be bypasses so that DE can focus on things that are important.

Also share you opinions  

Edited by SpeedOfLightPuncher
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The main reason why we don't have TWW now is because of the community.

After SotR was launched a lot and I mean A LOT of people were complaining about bugs and many other imperfections (you should have been used to them you silly people) so DE had to make one billion hotfixes and various updates to make the game more enjoyable for those people.

You really, really don't understand how software development works.

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56 minutes ago, Culaio said:

Warframe is fast paced game, anything that distracts you(looking for loot) from having fun(killing enemies) is bad for game.

loot can already go in weird places(few meters behind wall or roof), including because of because of simulor and vauban vortex so if they nerf vacuum lets hope they also remove simulor and vortex from game...

Or just, like they did with Stars, make it so that Simulor and Vortex don't mess with loot.

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I... I don't see the basis for discussion here... you.. uhm... could have...uhm... nevermind.

1) Vacuum? I said it before and I'll say it again: Warframe was doing fine before Carrier happened. And  would do fine without Vacuum. Oh, what's that? Vacuum isn't even getting removed completely? And people still whine? No.. personally I absolutely can't relate to the mahority of players there (and by what I read, I am quite sure that those who complain about vacuum changes are-unfortunately - the majority). QoL? Nope, people are just lazy... lazyness inside a video game... one has to imagine that... it's insane.

2) Corpus Rathuum. I am definitely looking forward to this. Is this it? Will the corpus finally get some love? We'll see.

3) TWW?.. I... I got nothing to add here. This is insane. How many months now? People already hoped for a release in July... now it says that we MIGHT get it in November.

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Jesus Christ nothing till mid-late november? I mean, at least I hope it's a really good quest.

And also, why a passive for sentinels and don't for Warframes themselves? And why reducing the radius?

I mean, I love your game and appreciate the effort you are doing. But you're making it really difficult for us with all the delays, the unfair and excesive farm and rng etc...

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