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What companion are you using now?


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Im staying with my Carrier. Hes still the Sentinel with the most Health and Armor, as such he will stay alive longer. His weapon is also somewhat superior because it has close range and thus is perfect as some sort of bodyguard. On top of that Ammo Mutation and + 25% more max ammo is much better than what other Sentinels can offer.

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Carrier Prime and Carrier Prime.

No plans on changing, either.

After spending all of tonight playing, I've come to REALLY like ammo block or whatever it's called (should be called Basic Load, in my opinion, since that's what it buffs). The vacuum radius...eh, it seems a touch short--it could stand being 8m, I think. Regardless, I noticed the reduction, but it didn't really change how I played.

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Used mostly Diriga when I actually wanted to use a sentinel (despite that original carrier is still my most used, actually, most of the stuff I used in my early days still are since I switch a lot now), but been sporting Djinn after the update because of that sweet skin and because all other non carrier sentinels got buffed with costless and slotless vacuum! :D

I might go back to mostly Diriga again, love the permazap and range to spread high % blast shotgun pellets (I have a second one being made so I can have 2 sets of Diriga precepts since those still doesn't drop anywhere). Carrier I will use when I want to main weapons with low ammo efficiency, but might use Wyrm and Djinn more with certain frames or against certain factions. However I will also go back to my other pets, I was already using them a lot more than sentinels, only grip is that Kavats AI still has issues and tends to stop working which makes it so they die really often at high levels, so I used Kavats mostly in non sortie/endless missions (I change Kavat depending on what I need or which weapon I'm using). Also need to defrost my Kubrows, I just love my Megnog disarming enemies. There's too many companions that I like and I can't use all of them enough. D;

Edited by God_is_a_Cat_Girl
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I was cycling my sentinels before and I will cycle through them after. Mostly Helios though.


I never liked how lazy I got after running with carrier for extended times so I tried to avoid it, its rediculous how many drops you missed after you had gotten used to carrier and then changed to another sentinel.

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